A + + * * bao4 hug/ embrace 1. in die Arme nehmen, in den Armen halten 2. sich an etw festhalten, zusammenhalten 3. ein Kind oder Enkelkind bekommen 4. hegen, umarmen 5. Zählwort + + +
B 擁抱 + + * * yong1bao4 embrace/ hug umarmen, umklammern + + +
B 抱歉 + + * * bao4qian4 be sorry/ apologize/ regret 1. Gefühl des Bedauerns 2. Mißernte (vgl andere Übersetzungen !) + + +
D 抱負 + + * * bao4fu4 ambition Ehrgeiz + + +
D 抱怨 + + * * bao4yuan4 complain sich beschweren, Beschwerde + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
embrace, hold in arms, enfold
hatred, enmity, resentment

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

抱' + * * + to hold/ to carry (in one's arms) to hug
抱不平' + 抱不平* * + to be outraged by an injustice/
抱佛腳' + 抱佛脚* * + lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fig./ panic measures in place of timely preparation
抱大腿' + 抱大腿* * + (coll.) to cling to sb influential or famous/
抱定' + 抱定* * + to hold on firmly/ to cling (to a belief) stubbornly
抱屈' + 抱屈* * + feel wronged/
抱怨' + 抱怨* * + to complain/ to grumble to harbor
抱恨' + 抱恨* * + to have a gnawing regret/
抱愧' + 抱愧* * + feel ashamed/
抱成一團' + 抱成一团* * + to band together/ to gang up to stick t
抱打不平' + 抱打不平* * + see 打抱不平/
抱抱' + 抱抱* * + to hug to embrace/
抱抱團' + 抱抱团* * + Free Hugs Campaign/
抱抱裝' + 抱抱装* * + hug shirt worn by members of the Free Hugs Campaign (see 包包團|包包团/
抱拳' + 抱拳* * + to cup /
抱持' + 抱持* * + to hold (expectations, hopes etc)/ to maintain (an attitude etc) to harbor
抱摔' + 抱摔* * + body slam (wrestling move)/
抱有' + 抱有* * + have/ possess
抱枕' + 抱枕* * + bolster/ a long pillow or cushion
抱樸子' + 抱朴子* * + Baopuzi, collection of essays by Ge Hong 葛洪/
抱歉' + 抱歉* * + to be s to feel apologetic/ sorry!
抱殘守缺' + 抱残守缺* * + to cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn (idiom); conservative/ stickler for tradition
抱犢崮' + 抱犊崮* * + Mt Baodu in Cangshan county 蒼山縣|苍山县/
抱病' + 抱病* * + to be i to be in bad health/
抱窩' + 抱窝* * + (coll.) to incubate/ to brood
抱粗腿' + 抱粗腿* * + to latch on to the rich and powerful/
抱薪救火' + 抱薪救火* * + lit. to carry firewood to put out a fire (idiom); fig. to make a problem worse by /
抱負' + 抱负* * + aspiration/ ambition
抱頭' + 抱头* * + to put one's hands behind one's head, fingers interlaced/ to hold one's head in one's hands (in dismay, fright etc) to cover o
抱頭痛哭' + 抱头痛哭* * + to weep disconsolately/ to cry on each other's shoulder
抱頭鼠竄' + 抱头鼠窜* * + to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously/
抱頭鼠躥' + 抱头鼠蹿* * + to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously/ also written 抱頭鼠竄|抱头鼠窜
抱養' + 抱养* * + adopt (a child)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


404 他们 相互 拥抱 +
1469 他们 紧紧 在一起 +
2005 他们 亲密 拥抱 在一起 +
2471 抱怨 工作 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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