B 招待 + + * * zhao2dai4 receive/ entertain bewirten, empfangen, Empfang, Rezeption + + +
B 招待會 + + * * zhao1dai4hui4 reception Empfang, Konferenz + + +
B 招呼 + + * * zhao1hu call/ greet/ say hello to rufen, grüßen, Gruß (winken und rufen) + + +
C 打招呼 + + * * da3zhao1hu notify/ warn/ greet sb./ say hello hallo sagen + + +
C + + * * zhao1 confess/ beckon/ recruit/ provoke/ attract (sth. bad) 1.(mit der Hand) winken 2. anstellen, anwerben 3. sich etw. zuziehen, etw nach sich ziehen, zu sich locken 4. reizen, ärgern 5. gestehen, bekennen 6. Trick, Einfall + + +
C 招手 + + * * zhao1 shou3 wave-hand/ beckon/ wave one's hand as a signal mit der Hand winken + + +
D 招聘 + + * * zhao1pin4 invite applications for a job Personal anwerben + + +
D 招生 + + * * zhao1 sheng1 enroll new student neue Schüler oder Studenten aufnehmen + + +
D 招收 + + * * zhao1shou1 take in/ recruit einstellen, anstellen + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
beckon, summon / recruit, levy
gather together, collect / harvest

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

招' + * * + to recruit/ to provoke to beckon
招人' + 招人* * + to be infectious/ to recruit
招人喜歡' + 招人喜欢* * + charming/ attractive delightful
招來' + 招来* * + to attract/ to incur
招供' + 招供* * + to confess/
招兵' + 招兵* * + to recruit soldiers/
招兵買馬' + 招兵买马* * + to recruit soldiers and buy horses (idiom); to raise a large army/ fig. to expand business to recruit
招募' + 招募* * + to recruit/ to enlist
招呼' + 招呼* * + to call out to/ to greet to say hel
招呼站' + 招呼站* * + request bus stop/
招商' + 招商* * + to seek investment or funding/ investment promotion
招商引資' + 招商引资* * + investment promotion/
招喚' + 招唤* * + to call/ to summon
招安' + 招安* * + to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty/
招展' + 招展* * + to flutter/ to sway
招式' + 招式* * + style/ manner
招引' + 招引* * + to attract/
招待' + 招待* * + to receive (guests)/ to entertain reception
招待員' + 招待员* * + usher/ greeter
招待所' + 招待所* * + guest house/ small hotel
招待會' + 招待会* * + reception/ CL:個|个
招徠' + 招徕* * + to canv to solicit/ to recruit
招怨' + 招怨* * + to arouse animosity/
招惹' + 招惹* * + to provoke/ to tease
招手' + 招手* * + to wave/ to beckon
招投標' + 招投标* * + bid inviting and bid offering/ bidding auction
招接' + 招接* * + to receive (guests, clients)/ to interact socially with
招搖' + 招摇* * + to act ostentatiously/ to brag to show of
招搖過市' + 招摇过市* * + to parade oneself ostentatiously about town (idiom)/
招撫' + 招抚* * + to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty/ to bring to negotiated surrender
招攬' + 招揽* * + to attract (customers)/ to drum up (trade)
招攬生意' + 招揽生意* * + to advertise/ to solicit business
招收' + 招收* * + to hire/ to recruit
招數' + 招数* * + move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts)/ gambit trick
招架' + 招架* * + to resi to ward off/ to hold one's own to receive
招標' + 招标* * + to invite bids/
招法' + 招法* * + move/ method of use trick for
招潮蟹' + 招潮蟹* * + fiddler crab (genus Uca)/
招災惹禍' + 招灾惹祸* * + to invite disaster/
招牌' + 招牌* * + signboard/ shop sign reputation
招牌動作' + 招牌动作* * + signature move/
招牌紙' + 招牌纸* * + label/ sticker
招牌菜' + 招牌菜* * + signature dish/ a restaurant’s most famous dish
招生' + 招生* * + to enroll new students/ to get students
招租' + 招租* * + (of a house or room) to be for rent/
招考' + 招考* * + to advertise an entrance examination for an academic institution (old)/
招聘' + 招聘* * + recruitment/ to invite applications for a job
招聘協調人' + 招聘协调人* * + recruiting coordinator/
招聘會' + 招聘会* * + recruitment meeting/ job fair
招聘機構' + 招聘机构* * + recruiting agency/
招聘者' + 招聘者* * + prospective employer/ person advertising a job recruiter
招股' + 招股* * + share offer/
招股書' + 招股书* * + prospectus (setting out share offer)/ offering circular
招股說明書' + 招股说明书* * + prospectus/
招致' + 招致* * + to recruit (followers)/ to scout for (talent etc) to incur
招親' + 招亲* * + to invite the groom (who will live with the bride's family)/ to take a wife by one's own choice
招認' + 招认* * + to confess/
招誘' + 招诱* * + to invite/ to recruit to attract
招請' + 招请* * + to recruit/ to take on (an employee)
招財' + 招财* * + lit. inviting wealth/ We wish you success and riches (cf idiom 招財進寶|招财进宝
招財貓' + 招财猫* * + maneki- /
招財進寶' + 招财进宝* * + ushering in wealth and prosperity (idiom and traditional greeting, esp. at New Yea/
招貼' + 招贴* * + poster/ placard bill
招貼畫' + 招贴画* * + picture poster (for advertising or propaganda)/
招賢納士' + 招贤纳士* * + invite the talented and call the valorous (idiom); to recruit talent/
招遠' + 招远* * + Zhaoyuan county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/
招遠市' + 招远市* * + Zhaoyuan county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/
招降納叛' + 招降纳叛* * + to recruit surrendered enemy and deserters (idiom); to gather together a gang of v/
招集' + 招集* * + to recruit/ to gather together (volunteers)
招領' + 招领* * + to advertize for the owner of lost property/
招風' + 招风* * + to catch the wind/ fig. conspicuous and inviting trouble
招風惹草' + 招风惹草* * + lit. call the fire to burn the grass (idiom); to cause a quarrel by provocation/ to stir up trouble

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1281 招手 +
1282 招聘 员工 +
2556 不要 招惹 小心 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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