9 New HSK word(s): 3 刷牙 to brush teeth 4 擦 to wipe/ to erase/ rubbing (brush stroke in painting)/ to clean/ to polish 5 抢 fight over/ to rush/ to scramble/ to grab/ to rob/ to snatch 5 闯 to rush/ to charge/ to dash/ to break through/ to temper oneself (through battling hardships) 5 催 to urge/ to press/ to prompt/ to rush sb/ to hasten sth/ to expedite 5 抓紧 to grasp firmly/ to pay special attention to/ to rush in/ to make the most of 6 慌忙 in a great rush/ in a flurry 6 奔波 rush about/ be busy running about 6 扑 to assault/ to pounce/ to rush at sth/ to throw oneself on
11 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *vi, vt * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * 西*
11 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1.bürsten, putzen 2. malen, streichen, tünchen 3. ausscheiden, eliminieren 4. rascheln, rauschen 1.mit kochendem Wasser übergießen, aufbrühen2.spülen,waschen, 3.stürmen, vorstoßen 4. Krach, Zusammenstoß, Kollision 5. Verkehrsader , Hauptverkehrsstraße, wichtiger Platz 6. entwickeln siehe chong4 Zahnbürste 1. gewaltsam oder unerlaubt eindringen o. herausdrängen 2.sich durchkämpfen, durch das Leben schlagen 1. schnell laufen, rennen 2. eilen 3. fliehen siehe: ben4 Bürste zertrümmern, zerschlagen, pulverisieren Schreibpinsel ausgehen, erlöschen, verlöschen 1. dahinströmen, herabströmen, sich ergießen schnell abfließen 2. Durchfall, Durchfall haben geschäftig hin und her rennen
202 synsets(s): brushlike + rushlike + crushing + brushed + rush + rushed + crushed + rush + crushed + brushed + unbrushed + brushed + brushy + rushy + crushingly + crush + rush + rush + brush up + crush out + brush + crush + brush up + brush aside + brush off + brush down + crush + crush + rush + brush + brush + brush + brush on + airbrush + brush + crush + crush + rush + crush + brush + rush out + rush + rush along + rush + rush off + rush away + rush + crush + brush + brush-off + brush + brushing + crush + rush + rushing + rush + rushing + brush + brushing + brushup + brush + onrush + crushing + gold rush + ant thrush + thrush + missel thrush + mistle thrush + mistletoe thrush + song thrush + ring thrush + hermit thrush + Wilson's thrush + wood thrush + thrush nightingale + water thrush + mocking thrush + brown thrush + sagebrush lizard + brush turkey + brush kangaroo + brush-tailed phalanger + brush wolf + brush + brush-footed butterfly + brush-tailed porcupine + brush-tail porcupine + airbrush + bottlebrush + bristle brush + brush + brush + clothesbrush + crusher + electric toothbrush + hairbrush + nailbrush + paintbrush + rigger brush + rushlight + rush candle + sable brush + scrub brush + scrubbing brush + shaving brush + toothbrush + brush cut + toothbrush + brushwork + brush fire + brush + rush + rush + onrush + gold rush + rush + crush + fruit crush + crush + brush + brushwood + underbrush + Sagebrush State + Mount Rushmore State + Rushmore + Mount Rushmore + Mt. Rushmore + rusher + rusher + rusher + thrush + Khrushchev + Nikita Khrushchev + Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev + Rush + Benjamin Rush + Rushdie + Salman Rushdie + Ahmed Salman Rushdie + brush discharge + sagebrush buttercup + rush family + rush + bulrush + bullrush + common rush + soft rush + jointed rush + toad rush + hard rush + salt rush + slender rush + quail brush + sagebrush + sage brush + California sagebrush + bud brush + bud sagebrush + rush aster + coyote brush + rabbit brush + silver sagebrush + big sagebrush + bulrush millet + rush grass + rush-grass + rush nut + Egyptian paper rush + paper rush + cotton rush + hardstem bulrush + hardstemmed bulrush + spike rush + needle spike rush + needle rush + slender spike rush + creeping spike rush + bullrush + bulrush + lesser bullrush + shaving-brush tree + toothbrush tree + rush rose + sagebrush mariposa tulip + bottlebrush buckeye + Indian paintbrush + desert paintbrush + giant red paintbrush + great plains paintbrush + sulfur paintbrush + redbrush + scouring rush + variegated scouring rush + Indian paintbrush + inrush + qurush + thrush + crushed rock + crushed leather + crush + brushwood + rush hour +
11 OLD_HSK English word(s): brush 1. charge, rush 2.pour boiling water on 3. rinse, flush toothbrush rush 1. run quickly, hurry, rush brush break into pieces/ grind/ smash/ shatter/ crush Chinese writing and painting brush crush out/ go out have diarrhea/ rush down run around here and there/ rush around
11 OLD_HSK French word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ล้างจาน / แปรงสีฟัน
11 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** DONG1 Osten
* ** BEN1 BEN4 eilen
西 * ** west(ern) / westward, occident
*** ZOU3 gehen

แปลงเขียนพู่กัน 毛笔 writing brush
ปากกา, ดินสอ, แปรงเขียน pen, pencil, writing brush
การแปรง to brush
เพื่อชน, ผู้ที่สนใจเพื่อให้ได้รับบาดเจ็บโดยถูกบด 压坏 to smash, to crush, to get hurt by being crushed
ถือ นำ to carry (with the arm down), to lift, to put forward, (upwards character stroke), lifting (brush stroke in painting), to mention
เรียกเก็บค่าบริการในการรีบเร่ง, รีบร้อน to charge, to rush, to dash
รีบเร่ง rush
รีบเร่ง rush
แปรงสีฟัน 牙刷 toothbrush
รีบเร่ง run; rush
ชกต่อย 粉碎 break into pieces; grind; smash; shatter; crush
แปรง 刷子 brush
ใช้รอบที่นี่และมี; วิ่งรอบ 东奔西走 run around here and there; rush around
ออกไปข้างนอก 熄灭 crush out; go out
มีอาการท้องเสีย have diarrhea; rush down
วิ่ง 匆忙 rush die Eile la hâte la prisa
แปรง 刷子 brush die Bürste, n la brosse el cepillo
แปรงรองเท้า 鞋刷 shoe brush die Schuhbürste, n la brosse à chaussure el cepillo de zapatos
แปรงโกนหนวด 剃须刷 shaving brush der Rasierpinsel, - le blaireau la brocha de afeitar
แปรงสีฟัน 牙刷 toothbrush die Zahnbürste, n la brosse à dents el cepillo de dientes
แปรง brush der Pinsel, - le pinceau la brocha
broso แปรง brush Bürste brosse cepillo pennello
junko วิ่ง rush Ansturm rush prisa corsa
peniko แปรง brush Bürste brosse cepillo pennello
turdo นักร้องหญิงอาชีพ 鹅口疮 Thrush Soor Muguet Tordo Tordo

Grade E word(s):

1013 kucyā'unu कुच्याउनु to crush v.t.
1940 thicnu थिच्नु to press, to crush, to squeeze v.t.
1993 dātakō burusa दातको बुरुस tooth brush dantmanjan n.
千字文: 恬笔伦纸 钧巧任钓 Tian gave us brush, Lun, paper fine; Jun compass, wheels, Ren, hook and line.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [brush] implement with hairs or bristles
(n.) [rush] haste, hurry, rushing
(v.) [brush] rub with a brush

01271604-a rush +
01988829-a rush +
00459296-v rush +
00459498-v rush +
01119950-v rush +
01644522-v rush +
02058994-v rush +
02059462-v rush +
02059770-v rush +
00555648-n rush +
00560293-n rush +
07436352-n rush +
07440240-n rush +
07528470-n rush +
11274269-n Rush +
11743294-n rush +

rush + +




1 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
846 你需要一个梳子,一把牙刷和牙膏。 คุณ ต้องใช้หวี แปรงสีฟันและยาสีฟัน Tarvitset kamman, hammasharjan ja hammastahnaa.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

386 自己 刷牙
689 毛笔字
1185 核桃 压碎
2283 牙膏 准备 刷牙
2876 他们 球门
2897 毛笔字
3202 山火 村庄 遭殃
3364 头发
3719 畜栏 结实 防止 牲畜 出去
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字

Semantische Felder:

2.11 Jagd
3.37 Unordnung
4.20 Viel
6.35 Unzeit, zu früh, zu spät
8.3 Fortbewegung
8.3 Fortbewegung
8.8 Straßenverkehr
8.19 Schnell
8.21 Antrieb, Stoß
9.43 Unwichtig