5 New HSK word(s): 4 群 group/ crowd/ flock; herd; pack etc 5 拥挤 to crowd 5 顶 apex/ crown of the head/ top/ roof/ to carry on the head/ to push to the top/ to go against/ most/ to replace/ to substitute/ classifier for headwear; hats; veils etc/ to agree or support (internet slang; similar to digg) 6 哄 roar of laughter (onomatopoeia)/ hubbub/ to roar (as a crowd) 6 杠杆 lever/ pry bar/ crowbar/ financial leverage
6 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *N * *n;m * *M * *N * *N
6 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. pressen, auspressen, drücken, herausdrücken 2. sich drängen, sich zwängen 3.vollgestopft, Gedränge 1. Gebüsch, Gesträuch, 2. Gedränge, Menge , Sammlung Stapel 1. Beköstigung, Verpflegung, Kost 2.Gefährte, Partner 3. Gemeinschaft, Partnerschaft 4. Zählwort für Räuberbande (Menschen-)Menge,eine Masse Menschen Rabe, Krähe
149 synsets(s): crowded + uncrowded + crowned + high-crowned + uncrowned + crownless + crowned + uncrowned + scarecrowish + crowned + crowning + crowing + crow-sized + triple-crown + triple-crown + crowning + as the crow flies + microwave + crown + crow + crow + crow + crown + crowd out + crowd + crowd together + overcrowd + overcrowd + crowd + crowd + crown + crowd + crown + microwave spectroscopy + crowd control + white-crowned sparrow + gold-crowned kinglet + ruby-crowned kinglet + ruby-crowned wren + crow blackbird + crow + American crow + piping crow + piping crow-shrike + carrion crow + crow pheasant + black-crowned night heron + yellow-crowned night heron + crowbait + crow-bait + crown monkey + pinion and crown wheel + crow step + crowbar + crown + crown + crown + crown + crown + crownwork + jacket crown + crown jewel + crown jewels + crown lens + crown of thorns + crown saw + crow's nest + jim crow + microwave + microwave oven + microwave bomb + microwave diathermy machine + microwave linear accelerator + microwave radar + scarecrow + crown + crown + Jim Crow + crown + Crown + British Crown + Crow + crow + crowing + crown fire + crow + crown roast + crowd + crowd + Crown Colony + crown + Crow + Crow + crown prince + crown princess + crown princess + Counsel to the Crown + crowned head + Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin + cosmic microwave background radiation + cosmic microwave background + microwave + microwave spectrum + crowfoot family + crowfoot + tall crowfoot + water crowfoot + creeping crowfoot + cursed crowfoot + Nero's crown + crown-of-the-field + crown daisy + crownbeard + crown-beard + crown beard + golden crownbeard + golden crown beard + Virginia crownbeard + crowfoot grass + crow's foot + crow corn + crow garlic + crown imperial + crown vetch + crowberry family + crowberry + crown of thorns + crown + Crown land + crown jewel + crown + half crown + escrow + escrow funds + crow's foot + crow's feet + crowding + over-crowding + triple crown + triple crown + crown gall + crown wart + crown of thorns + optical crown + crown glass + optical crown glass + crown glass + cockcrow + triple-crown season +
6 OLD_HSK English word(s): crowded/ cram/ jostle/ squeeze clump/ tussock/ thicket/ grove/ crowd/ collection pile/ stack/ heap/ crowd group/ gang/ crowd/ band human throng/ crowd crow
6 OLD_HSK French word(s):
6 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
6 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
6 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
6 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** WU1 Rabe/schwarz
* ** YA1 Rabe/Krähe


เตาอบไมโครเวฟ 微波炉 Microwave oven
บีบ; ผลัก; ฝูงชน to squeeze; to jostle; to crowd
มูน heap; pile; crowd
แออัดเพื่อบีบ crowded, to squeeze
อัด; แออัดดัน; บีบ crowded; cram; jostle; squeeze
กระจุก clump; tussock; thicket; grove; crowd; collection
มูน pile; stack; heap; crowd
หุ้นส่วน group; gang; crowd; band
ฝูงชน 人群 human throng; crowd
อีกา 乌鸦 crow
การแต่งตัว crown die Krone, n la couronne la corona
ไมโครเวฟ 微波炉 microwave die Mikrowelle, n le four micro-ondes el horno microondas
korniko อีกา 乌鸦 crow Krähe corneille cuervo corvo
korvo อีกา 乌鸦 Crow Krähe Corneille Cuervo Corvo
krono มงกุฎ crown Krone couronne corona corona
verto มงกุฎ crown Krone couronne corona corona

Grade E word(s):

932 kāga काग crow, raven n.
1464 cūḍā चूडा crown, crest n.
1946 thuprō थुप्रो heap, mound, pile, crowd n.
1971 dala दल party, group, crowd n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [crowd] large number of things or people
(n.) [crown] diadem, jewelled headdress

00857517-v crow +
00857653-v crow +
00883635-v crow +
01579028-n crow +
06909391-n Crow +
07229747-n crow +
07382286-n crow +
09257429-n Crow +
09654259-n Crow +

crow + +




0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

887 大众 集聚 街上
888 看台 挤满 观众
1175 明星 人群 显眼
2282 市场
2343 草地 乌鸦
2669 他用 微波炉 热菜
2824 国家 乌鸦 不详 象征
3205 人群 湧入 车站

Semantische Felder:

7.37 Tierlaute
10.21 Vergnügen, Lachen