48 New HSK word(s): 1 你 you (informal; as opposed to polite 您[nin2]) 1 想 to think/ to believe/ to suppose/ to wish/ to want/ to miss 1 做 to do/ to make/ to produce/ to write/ to compose/ to act as/ to engage in/ to hold (a party)/ to be/ to become/ to function (in some capacity)/ to serve as/ to be used for/ to form (a bond or relationship)/ to pretend/ to feign/ to act a part/ to put on a 2 您 you (polite; as opposed to informal 你[ni3]) 3 作用 to act on/ to affect/ action/ function/ activity/ impact/ result/ effect/ purpose/ intent/ to play a role/ corresponds to English -ity; -ism; -ization/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 为了 in order to/ for the purpose of/ so as to 4 目的 purpose/ aim/ goal/ target/ objective/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 故意 deliberately/ on purpose 4 破 broken/ damaged/ worn out/ to break; split or cleave/ to get rid of/ to destroy/ to break with/ to defeat/ to capture (a city etc)/ to expose the truth of 4 假 fake/ false/ artificial/ to borrow/ if/ suppose 4 反对 to fight against/ to oppose/ to be opposed to/ opposition 5 方案 plan/ program (for action etc)/ proposal/ proposed bill/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 建议 to propose/ to suggest/ to recommend/ proposal/ suggestion/ recommendation/ CL:個|个[ge4];點|点[dian3] 5 瞎 blind/ groundlessly/ foolishly/ to no purpose 5 构成 to constitute/ to form/ to compose/ to make up/ to configure (computing) 5 内科 medicine/ "internal" medicine; i.e. treatment by administering drugs; as opposed to surgical intervention 外科[wai4 ke1]/ medical department 5 舌头 tongue/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information 5 露 dew/ syrup/ nectar/ outdoors (not under cover)/ to show/ to reveal/ to betray/ to expose 5 陆地 dry land (as opposed to the sea) 5 相对 relatively/ opposite/ to resist/ to oppose/ relative/ vis-a-vis 5 插 to insert/ stick in/ pierce/ to take part in/ to interfere/ to interpose 5 烂 soft/ mushy/ well-cooked and soft/ to rot/ to decompose/ rotten/ worn out/ chaotic/ messy/ utterly/ thoroughly 5 乙 second of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/ second in order/ letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A; B; C"; or "I; II; III" etc/ second party (in legal contract; usually 乙方|乙方[yi3 fang1]; as opposed to 甲方|甲方[jia3 fang1])/ ethyl/ bent/ winding/ radical in Chinese charac 5 罚款 (impose a) fine/ penalty/ fine (monetary) 6 并列 to stand side by side/ to be juxtaposed 6 齐心协力 to work with a common purpose (idiom)/ to make concerted efforts/ to pull together/ to work as one 6 安宁 peaceful/ tranquil/ calm/ composed 6 重叠 to overlap/ to superimpose/ to telescope/ to run together/ to duplicate/ one over another/ superposition/ an overlap/ redundancy/ reduplication (in Chinese grammar; e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll) 6 简体字 simplified Chinese character; as opposed to traditional Chinese character 繁體字|繁体字[fan2 ti3 zi4] 6 霸道 the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. of 霸王之道/ despotic rule/ rule by might/ evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道/ overbearing/ tyranny/ (of liquor; medicine etc) strong/ potent 6 征收 to levy (a fine)/ to impose (a tariff) 6 部署 to dispose/ to deploy/ deployment 6 分解 to resolve/ to decompose/ to break down 6 予以 to give/ to impose/ to apply 6 词汇 vocabulary/ list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes) 6 揭发 to expose/ to bring to light/ to disclose/ revelation 6 揭露 to expose/ to unmask/ to ferret out/ to disclose/ disclosure 6 曝光 exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material)/ to expose (a scandal to the public) 6 暴露 to expose/ to reveal/ to lay bare 6 打量 to size sb up/ to take measure of/ to suppose/ to reckon 6 对立 to oppose/ to set sth against/ to be antagonistic to/ antithetical/ relative opposite/ opposing/ diametrical 6 倡导 to advocate/ to initiate/ to propose/ to be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought) 6 合成 to compose/ to constitute/ compound/ synthesis/ mixture/ synthetic 6 提议 proposal/ suggestion/ to propose/ to suggest 6 成心 intentional/ deliberate/ on purpose 6 假设 suppose that.../ hypothesis/ conjecture 6 假使 if/ in case/ suppose/ given ... 6 专程 special-purpose trip
49 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *Prep * *Conj * *v;aux * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *N * *VA * *VS * *VA * *v;n * *Conj * *v;n * *v;n * *VA * *N * *Adv * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *VA * *VA * * * *v;Adv * 姿*N * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VS * *VS * *Adv * *N * *n;v * * * *n;v * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *v;n * *VA
49 OLD_HSK German word(s): für, unterstützen, um zu wenn,falls 1.denken 2. glauben, annehmen 3. wollen, möchten 4. sich nach jn/etw sehnen 1. machen,tun 2. schreiben, verfassen 3. literarisches oder künstlerisches Werk 4. als... betrachten, für ... halten 5. vortäuschen 6. sich fühlen, erbrechen 1. sehen, wahrnehmen 2. berühren, mit etw/jm in Kontakt kommen 3. sichtbar werden, erscheinen 4. siehe 5. sich treffen mit, besuchen 6. Meinung, Ansicht schreiben bekämpfen, gegen etwas antreten zusammensetzen, konstituieren Vorschlag, vorschlagen, empfehlen Ziel, Zielsetzung, Zweck 1. umarbeiten, umschreiben 2.reorganisieren, umorganisieren, umbilden ruhig, gelassen, gefaßt, kühl 1. zittern, beben, schaudern 2. schütteln, abschütteln 3. wachrütteln, aufrütteln 4. ein Emporkömmling sein, sich groß tun 1. vermuten, glauben, erwarten, ahnen, mit etwas rechnen 2. Material, Stoff 3. Futter 1. wichtig, Wesentliches 2. etw haben wollen, nach etw verlangen 3. bitten, lassen, fordern 4. mögen, wünschen 5. müssen, sollen 6. werden 7. wenn Disposition, Planung, anordnen annehmen,vermuten, Annahme, Vermutung verfassen, bestehen aus Verwendungszweck, Anwendungsbereich vergebens, für nichts, ohne Zweck Opposition, sich widersetzen zersetzen, zerfallen, zerlegen, auflösen, aufschließen vorschlagen, einen Vorschlag machen, Vorschlag, Antrag 1.entblößen, enthüllen,entlarven 2.Tau 3. Saft, Sirup siehe lou4 Schreiben, Schriftstellerei 1. werfen, schleudern 2. jd hinter sich lassen, jn beiseite lassen einen Toast ausbringen, zuprosten 1. blind 2. blindlings, unbedacht, unbegründet Körperhaltung enthüllen, offenlegen,etwas ans Tageslicht bringen 1. einrichten, errichten, gründen, aufstellen 2. ausarbeiten 3. wenn, falls geduldig, duldsam 1. abnehmen, abheben, abdecken 2.aufdecken, enthüllen, entlarven, bloßlegen 3. hochhalten, hochziehen, hissen an die Öffentlichkeit bringen besonnen, ruhig und sicher 1.friedlich, ruhig 2. unbesorgt, heiterer Stimmung, gelassen ehrlicher Wunsch, von Herzen Absicht, Vorsatz 1.Register, Tabelle, 2. Leitfaden, Handbuch 3.Noten zu einem Musikstück, in Noten setzen, komponieren 4. eine klare Vorstellung haben, von etw überzeugt sein in Noten setzen, komponieren 1.Feind, Gegner,2.feindlich, gegnerisch 3. Widerstand leisten, bekämpfen, widerstehen zweckgebunden, für einen speziellen Zweck Seite an Seite stehen,auf gl. Höhe behandeln,bestrafen Intention, Absicht, beabsichtigen wechseln, tauschen, austauschen vorschlagen, ans Tageslicht bringen, enthüllen
176 synsets(s): transposed + superimposed + pappose + juxtaposed + exposed + composed + discomposed + imposed + supposed + adipose + undecomposed + general-purpose + all-purpose + well-disposed + disposed + indisposed + supposed + purposeful + supposed + opposed + unopposed + scapose + exposed + purposeful + purpose-built + purpose-made + purposeless + supposed + reposeful + malposed + superimposed + predisposed + multipurpose + purposeless + self-imposed + indisposed + disposed + posed + unposed + for all practical purposes + to all intents and purposes + for all intents and purposes + on purpose + purposely + supposedly + composedly + purposefully + purposelessly + indispose + transpose + decompose + decompose + dispose + indispose + transpose + transpose + decompose + transpose + transpose + expose + pose + suppose + suppose + predispose + dispose + indispose + purpose + propose + compose + purpose + propose + presuppose + suppose + presuppose + suppose + impose + oppose + oppose + pose + expose + propose + propose + interpose + suppose + expose + depose + expose + oppose + oppose + repose + postpose + prepose + expose + superimpose + superpose + superpose + pose + dispose + repose + appose + juxtapose + repose + repose + repose + compose + compose + compose + transpose + compose + discompose + transpose + travel purposefully + interpose + interpose + expose + overexpose + underexpose + expose + overexpose + underexpose + expose + expose + pose + dispose + impose + reimpose + dispose + redispose + oppose + propose + depose + dispose of + pose + interpose + impose + compose + repose on + repose + oppose + counterpose + pose + pose + repose + general-purpose bomb + pose + firmness of purpose + purpose + repose + aposematic coloration + adiposeness + pose + purpose + purposefulness + sense of purpose + purposelessness + adipose tissue + malposed tooth + adipose cell + purpose + cross-purpose + poser + expose + repose + transpose + aposelene + Poseidon + opposer + composer + poser + poseur + poser + poseuse + proposer + proposer + deposer + adipose tumor +
49 OLD_HSK English word(s): (indicating the cause or purpose) in case/ if/ suppose think/ suppose/ recall/ want to/ miss do/ make/ compose/ write/ act as meet/ see/ be exposed to write/ compose/ describe oppose/ fight/ be against compose/ constitute propose/ suggest/ proposition/ suggestion aim/ purpose adapt/ transcribe/ revise/ reorganize/ recompose calm-tranquil/ calm/ cool/ composed/ poised/ unruffled tremble/ quiver/ shake/ jerk/ expose/ rouse suppose/ expect/ manage/ material/ (grain) feed if/ suppose/ in case/ or dispose/ deploy/ deployment/ plan suppose/ speculate/ guess/ supposition form-accomplish/ form/ compose/ constitute/ make use-way/ use/ purpose/ application for nothing/ in vain/ to no purpose oppose/ counter/ go against decompose/ resolve/ break down/ recount raise-idea/ propose/ move/ proposal/ motion uncover/ expose/ reveal/ show write-create/ compose/ write throw/ toss/ leave behind/ desert/ expose/ show/ dump propose a toast become blind/ groundlessly/ to no purpose/ aimlessly carriage-posture/ posture/ gesture/ pose/ carriage expose/ lay bare/ divulge/ undress set up/ establish/ work out/ suppose patient/ composed peel off/ tear off/ uncover/ lift/ expose/ disclose/ raise uncover/ disclose/ unmask/ expose/ unveil/ lay bare composed/ cool headed 1.peaceful, calm, tranquil 2. calm, composed, free of worry serene, composed on purpose purpose/ intention compose compose/ set to music enemy/ appose for a special purpose appose/ juxtapose treat/ dispose purpose/ offer exchange/ transpose propose/ sponsor disclose/ expose
49 OLD_HSK French word(s):
49 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
49 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
49 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): เพื่อ , สำหรับ อยากจะ เขียน / การเขียน เสนอ , แนะนำ
49 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** JIE1 enthüllen
* ** BO1 FA1 FA4 schießen/senden

กำหนดปรับหรือริบ / ดี 罚款 impose a fine or forfeit/fine
敬酒 propose a toast; offer a cup of wine
หาก; สมมติว่า 要是 if; suppose
แสดง 揭露 to expose
อเนกประสงค์ เป้าหมาย; จุดมุ่งหมาย 目的 purpose; aim; objective
เมลล์ 平信 ordinary mail (as opposed to air mail, etc.)
การดื่มขนมปัง, ขนมปังเสนอต่อไปนี้เป็นไป 干杯 to drink a toast, propose a toast, here's to
(รูป) การกระทำในลักษณะที่ต่อสู้เพื่อหนึ่งของ 南辕北辙 (fig.) act in a way that defeats one's purpose
เพื่อสอดแทรก, แทรก to interpose, to insert
สำหรับบุคคลใดบุคคล, โอกาส, จุดประสงค์มุ่งเน้นในสิ่งหนึ่งพิเศษ for a particular person, occasion, purpose, focused on one thing, special
คู่, กับ couple, pair, to be opposite, to oppose, to face
养儿防老 (of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age
เพื่อนำเสนอ, ให้คำแนะนำเพื่อเสนอข้อเสนอข้อเสนอแนะคำแนะนำ 建议 to propose, to suggest, to recommend, proposal, suggestion, recommendation
ที่จะแก้ไขเพื่อคอมไพล์ในการเขียน to edit, to compile, to compose
คัดค้าน; สู้; เป็นต่อ 反对 oppose; fight; be against
เพื่อ (indicating the cause or purpose)
ทำ; ให้; ประกอบ; ทำหน้าที่เป็น; เขียน do; make; compose; write; act as
เขียน; ประกอบ 构成 compose; constitute
ข้อเสนอ; เสนอ; ขอแนะนำให้ข้อเสนอแนะ 建议 propose; suggest; proposition; suggestion
เป้าหมาย; จุดประสงค์ 目的 aim; purpose
เปล่า ๆ 白白 for nothing; in vain; to no purpose
การเปิดรับข่าวสาร 暴露 expose; lay bare; divulge; undress
การปรับใช้ 部署 dispose; deploy; deployment; plan
เดา 猜想 suppose; speculate; guess; supposition
สั่นคลอน tremble; quiver; shake; jerk; expose; rouse
ฝ่ายค้าน 对立 oppose; counter; go against
opposite; rebellious; oppose; return; reverse; rebel
การย่อยสลาย 分解 decompose; resolve; break down; recount
การปรับตัว 改编 adapt; transcribe; revise; reorganize; recompose
เปิดเผย peel off; tear off; uncover; lift; expose; disclose; raise
เปิดเผย 揭露 uncover; disclose; unmask; expose; unveil; lay bare
ขนมปังปิ้ง 敬酒 propose a toast
วัสดุ suppose; expect; manage; material; (grain) feed
น้ำค้าง uncover; expose; reveal; show
ผู้ป่วย 耐烦 patient; composed
โยน throw; toss; leave behind; desert; expose; show; dump
ตั้งค่า set up; establish; work out; suppose
ที่เสนอ 提议 raise-idea; propose; move; proposal; motion
โต๋เต๋ become blind; groundlessly; to no purpose; aimlessly
การเขียน 写作 write-create; compose; write
การใช้ 用途 use-way; use; purpose; application
ความใจเย็น 镇静 calm-tranquil; calm; cool; composed; poised; unruffled
ตำแหน่ง 姿势 carriage-posture; posture; gesture; pose; carriage
ส่วนประกอบ 组成 form-accomplish; form; compose; constitute; make
สงบเงียบ 安祥 serene; composed
วางข้างๆ 并列 appose; juxtapose
เสนอ; สปอนเซอร์ 倡议 propose; sponsor
ประกอบด้วย; เย็นหัว 沉着 composed; cool headed
โดยมีเจตนา 成心 on purpose
รักษา; ทิ้ง 处置 treat; dispose
ศัตรู enemy; appose
ตลาดหลักทรัพย์ไขว้ 调换 exchange; transpose
เปิดเผย 揭发 disclose; expose
เรียบเรียง compose
เขียน; ตั้งค่าเพลง 谱曲 compose; set to music
อเนกประสงค์เสนอ 意图 purpose; offer
อเนกประสงค์ความตั้งใจ 用意 purpose; intention
เพื่อวัตถุประสงค์พิเศษ 专用 for a special purpose
celo ความมุ่งหมาย 目的 purpose Zweck but propósito scopo
komponi แต่ง 撰写 compose komponieren composer componer comporre
oponi ต่อต้าน 反对 oppose ablehnen s'opposer oponerse a opporsi
trudi กำหนด 强加 impose verhängen imposer imponer imporre

Grade E word(s):

662 uddēśa उद्देश desire, wish, intention, purpose n.
703 upalakṣya उपलक्ष्य sign, implication, ourpose, occasion n.
961 kāraṇa कारण cause, motive, purpose, reason, occasion, origin n.
1086 kyārē क्यारे I suppose
2079 dharmaśālā धर्मशाला resthouse [for religious puposes] n.
2825 bēcnu बेच्नु to sell, to dispose off v.t.
3248 racayitā रचयिता composer, writer, author, maker n.
3249 racita रचित composed, made, formed, manufactured, compiled, constructed, built, invented, fabricated adj.
3322 rugṇa रुग्ण ill, sick, unwell, indisposed, motbid, diseased adj.
3506 virud'dha विरुद्ध against, opposed, opposite, contrary, adverse, hostile postp.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [opposed] being in opposition
(n.) [composer] music composer
(n.) [purpose] intent, intention, aim, design
(v.) [expose] debunk
(v.) [oppose] be against
(v.) [compose] write music

00622384-v pose +
00837288-v pose +
01494310-v pose +
02142775-v pose +
02519183-v pose +
02722663-v pose +
00755673-n pose +
04788011-n pose +
05081300-n pose +

pose + +




0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

2538 他用 钻石 戒指 求婚
2806 戳穿 谎言
3488 经过 烈日 曝晒 皮肤 变黑
3489 丑闻 曝光
3605 反对 现阶段 废除 死刑

Semantische Felder:

5.11 Verhalten
14.9 Fotografie