21 New HSK word(s): 2 准备 preparation/ prepare 2 别 to leave/ to depart/ to separate/ to distinguish/ to classify/ other/ another/ do not/ must not/ to pin 3 伞 umbrella/ parasol/ CL:把[ba3] 3 分 to divide/ to separate/ to allocate/ to distinguish (good and bad)/ part or subdivision/ fraction/ one tenth (of certain units)/ unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/ minute/ a point (in sports or games)/ 0.01 yuan (unit of money) 3 段 paragraph/ section/ segment/ stage (of a process)/ classifier for stories; periods of time; lengths of thread etc 3 比较 compare/ contrast/ fairly/ comparatively/ relatively/ quite/ rather 4 另外 additional/ in addition/ besides/ separate/ other/ moreover/ furthermore 5 分别 to part or leave each other/ to distinguish/ difference/ in different ways/ differently/ separately or individually 6 筹备 preparations/ to get ready for sth 6 器官 organ (part of body tissue)/ apparatus 6 脱离 to separate oneself from/ to break away from/ diastasis (medicine)/ abscission/ abjunction (botany) 6 麻痹 paralysis/ palsy/ numbness/ to benumb 6 紧密 inseparably close 6 对照 to contrast/ to compare/ to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts)/ to check 6 瘫痪 paralysis 6 仪器 instrument/ apparatus/ CL:臺|台[tai2] 6 贬低 to belittle/ to disparage/ to play down/ to demean/ to degrade/ to devalue 6 平行 parallel/ of equal rank/ simultaneous 6 隔离 to separate/ to isolate 6 夹杂 to mix together (disparate substances)/ to mingle/ a mix/ to be tangled up with 6 天堂 paradise/ heaven
21 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *M * *N * *v;Adv * *VA * *N * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *v;n * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * * * *VS
21 OLD_HSK German word(s): Zählwort Teil, Stück, Strecke, Abschitt, Sektion, Paragraph Maschine unterscheiden, trennen 1. trennen, aufteilen, dazwischenliegen 2. entfernt, im Abstand von, Instrument, Gerät,Apparat parallel eng, fest,unzertrennlich,heftig und dicht aufein.f unvergleichlich abtrennen, abspalten Demonstration, demonstrieren trennen, loslösen, ausscheiden, spalten 1.spalten, zerspalten, zersplittern, zerfallen 2. Spaltung, Teilung Organ, Apparat einbauen, anbringen, Anlage, Einrichtung Fabel, Allegorie, Parabel in tan1huan4 1. Lähmung, Paralyse 2. gelähmt, zusammengebrochen, zum Stillstand gekommen, ins Stocken geraten 1. geringschätzen, verachten 2. verleumden, verunglimpfen isolieren, absondern Unsinn, absurde Behauptung Schadensersatz zahlen,Reperationen leisten Lähmung, Paralyse,betäuben, lähmen
505 synsets(s): comparative + preparatory + preparative + separate + paraphrastic + separative + comparable + comparable with + comparable to + incomparable + uncomparable + unparalleled + separated + separative + separative + separated + separate + parasitic + parasitical + separatist + nonparasitic + separable + inseparable + paramount + disparaging + unparallel + paradoxical + parasiticidal + paradisiacal + paradisiac + paradisaical + paradisaic + paradisal + disparate + separated + separate + paranormal + parapsychological + parallel + antiparallel + nonparallel + reparable + irreparable + parabolic + parabolical + paraboloidal + comparable + disparate + paranoid + paranormal + separate + separated + parallel + nonparallel + paralytic + paralyzed + paraplegic + parasitic + paramilitary + paradigmatic + paramedical + paranasal + semiparasitic + parasitic + parasitical + hemiparasitic + parametric + nonparametric + endoparasitic + paradigmatic + paradigmatic + Paraguayan + comparative + parabolic + parabolical + paramagnetic + parasympathetic + parasympathomimetic + paralytic + paralytical + paradoxically + parasitically + comparatively + separately + disparagingly + incomparably + uncomparably + comparably + separably + inseparably + irreparably + paralyze + paralyse + paralyze + paralyse + separate + separate off + separate + parallel + separate + separate + disparage + paraphrase + separate out + separate + parallelize + separate + separate + paragraph + paragraph + parade + parade + parallel-park + parachute + separate + separate + separate + separate + paragraph + separate + separate + parallel + parallel + parapraxis + reparation + golden parachute + preparation + reparation + parachuting + parasailing + paragliding + separation + parade + electron paramagnetic resonance + preparation + paraphilia + comparative negligence + childbirth-preparation class + preparation + paracentesis + counterpreparation fire + preparation fire + preparation + separation + legal separation + separation + separationism + separatism + disparagement + separation + parainfluenza virus + paramyxovirus + parasite + endoparasite + entoparasite + ectoparasite + genus Paramecium + paramecium + paramecia + malaria parasite + Paradisaeidae + family Paradisaeidae + bird of paradise + Ptloris paradisea + Chronoperates paradoxus + Syrrhaptes paradoxus + parakeet + paraquet + Carolina parakeet + grass parakeet + shell parakeet + ring-necked parakeet + Parascalops + genus Parascalops + Parascalops breweri + Parazoa + subkingdom Parazoa + parazoan + parasitic worm + Paralithodes + genus Paralithodes + Paralithodes camtschatica + parasitic jaeger + Stercorarius parasiticus + Paradoxurus + genus Paradoxurus + parapodium + Paranthropus + genus Paranthropus + Paranthias + genus Paranthias + Paranthias furcifer + Paracheirodon + genus Paracheirodon + Paracheirodon axelrodi + Paralichthys + genus Paralichthys + Paralichthys lethostigmus + Paralichthys dentatus + apparatus + asparaginase + asparagus bed + breathing apparatus + separator + drogue parachute + drogue parachute + paraphernalia + grade separation + gymnastic apparatus + Kipp's apparatus + parabolic mirror + parabolic reflector + paraboloid reflector + parachute + parallel bars + parallel circuit + parallel interface + parallel port + paramagnet + parang + parapet + parapet + parasail + parasol + separate + uneven parallel bars + separateness + parallelism + parallel + comparability + disparateness + separatism + separation + apparatus + paranasal sinus + sinus paranasales + paraduodenal smear + auditory apparatus + vestibular apparatus + parathyroid gland + parathyroid + paraumbilical vein + vena paraumbilicalis + lacrimal apparatus + parathyroid hormone + parathormone + Golgi apparatus + parafovea + parasympathetic nervous system + parasympathetic + urogenital apparatus + urinary apparatus + genitourinary apparatus + apparatus urogenitalis + Paradise + paracosm + paramnesia + preparation + paramount issue + parameter + parametric quantity + parameter + paralogism + paragon + paradigm + parabolic geometry + parallel axiom + nonparametric statistic + parametric statistic + nonparametric statistics + comparative anatomy + comparative psychology + comparative literature + paradigm + separate + paradigm + comparative + comparative degree + parameter + parable + parable + paragraph + paraphrase + paraphrasis + Paralipomenon + hit parade + legal separation + judicial separation + disparagement + paradox + Parallel Lives + separatrix + paraph + preparation + paralanguage + paralinguistic communication + paralepsis + paraleipsis + paralipsis + parapsychology + separation + parameter + separation + paradiddle + asparagus + hit parade + paramilitary + paramilitary force + paramilitary unit + paramilitary organization + paramilitary organisation + separatism + white separatism + paratroops + preparatory school + sick parade + parade + callithump parade + parade + paradise + parallel of latitude + parallel + parade ground + separation + Valparaiso + Para + Paraguay + Republic of Paraguay + capital of Paraguay + Paramaribo + Para + Para River + Parana + Parana River + Parashurama + Paraclete + Paraguayan + apparatchik + apparatchik + comparative anatomist + paramour + disparager + paramour + parasite + parader + paragon + nullipara + paparazzo + parachutist + parachuter + parachute jumper + paragrapher + paralegal + paralytic + paramedic + paramedical + paranoid + paranoiac + paraplegic + paraprofessional + parapsychologist + paratrooper + para + primipara + para I + quadripara + quintipara + separatist + separationist + white separatist + Paracelsus + Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus + separation energy + paramagnetism + parallax + heliocentric parallax + annual parallax + stellar parallax + geocentric parallax + diurnal parallax + horizontal parallax + solar parallax + Parasitaxus + genus Parasitaxus + parasite yew + Parasitaxus ustus + Lactuca sativa asparagina + Chinese parasol tree + Chinese parasol + Grevillela parallela + Musa paradisiaca + Musa paradisiaca sapientum + bird of paradise + grains of paradise + Sparaxis + genus Sparaxis + Sparaxis tricolor + Allium paradoxum + Asparagaceae + family Asparagaceae + genus Asparagus + asparagus + edible asparagus + Asparagus officinales + asparagus fern + Asparagus setaceous + Asparagus plumosus + Asparagus asparagoides + bath asparagus + Prussian asparagus + bird of paradise + paradise flower + asparagus pea + asparagus bean + Paradisea liliastrum + Citrus paradisi + paradise tree + Paraguay tea + Ilex paraguariensis + Para rubber tree + pond-scum parasite + parasol mushroom + poisonous parasol + American parasol + Wynnea sparassoides + paraphysis + parasitic plant + hemiparasite + semiparasite + parallel-veined leaf + Parathelypteris + genus Parathelypteris + Parathelypteris novae-boracensis + Parathelypteris simulata + reparation + reparation + parallel processing + parallel operation + Hubble's parameter + Hubble parameter + para + Paraguayan monetary unit + paradigm + parasitism + parallel + parallelogram + parallelepiped + parallelopiped + parallelepipedon + parallelopipedon + parabola + paraboloid + separateness + paradoxical sleep + paracervical block + preparation + para + hyperparathyroidism + hypoparathyroidism + cystoparalysis + Erb-Duchenne paralysis + paralysis agitans + spastic paralysis + flaccid paralysis + paratyphoid + paratyphoid fever + infantile paralysis + parasitemia + parasitaemia + paraesthesia + parametritis + Landry's paralysis + paranoia + paranoid schizophrenia + paranoic type schizophrenia + paraphrenic schizophrenia + paraphrenia + separation + separateness + separability + paramountcy + fool's paradise + paraquat poisoning + parathion poisoning + paralytic abasia + paracentral scotoma + paralysis + paraparesis + paraplegia + unilateral paralysis + asparagine + paragonite + paraldehyde + preparation + paraffin + paraffin oil + paraffin series + paraffin + para aminobenzoic acid + paraquat + Para rubber + parathion + paraffin scale + paraffin + paraffin wax +
21 OLD_HSK English word(s): segment/ period/ paragraph machine/ machinery/ apparatus separate/ distinguish/ respectively separate instrument/ apparatus parallel/ simultaneous/ concurrent/ at the same level close and dense/ close/ inseparable nothing-compare/ incomparable/ unsurpassed separate/ cut apart/ carve up/ divide up move-go/ parade/ march/ procession/ rove about dissociate/ separate/ sever/ part/ leave split/ break up/ divide/ separate organ/ apparatus install-establish/ install/ fit/ installation/ unit/ apparatus implying-word/ fable/ allegory/ parable paralysis disparage/ scorn insulate/ separate fallacy/ paralogism reparations lull/ blunt/ paralysis
21 OLD_HSK French word(s):
21 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
21 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
21 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
21 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** MA2 Hanf

เตรียม / จัดทำ 准备 preparation/prepare; get ready
สวรรค์ 天堂 heaven; paradise
เปรียบเทียบ; ค่อนข้าง / เปรียบเทียบ 比较 comparatively; quite/compare
อวัยวะ 器官 organ; apparatus
เพื่อแยก 分开 to separate
เป็นอัมพาต 瘫痪 to be paralyzed
แยก to separate
เปรียบเทียบเพื่อเปรียบเทียบ 比较 comparatively, to compare
เพื่อเป็นส่วนหนึ่งในการแยก 分别 to part, to separate
เปรียบเทียบ, ค่อนข้าง, เพื่อเปรียบเทียบ 比较 comparatively, quite, to compare
สวรรค์, ชั้นฟ้า 天堂 paradise, heaven
เพื่อแยกไปยืนหรืออยู่ระหว่าง to separate, to stand or lie between
อื่น ๆ , อื่น, แยก, แยกจากกัน other, another, separate, separately
ส่วน; ระยะเวลา; วรรค segment; period; paragraph
เครื่องการเครื่องจักรเครื่องที่ 机器 machine; machinery; apparatus
แยกกัน แยกความแตกต่าง; ตามลำดับ 分别 separate; distinguish; respectively
แยก separate
ที่ใช้ในเครื่องที่ 仪器 instrument; apparatus
การแบ่งกลุ่ม 分割 separate; cut apart; carve up; divide up
การแยก 分离 dissociate; separate; sever; part; leave
แยก 分裂 split; break up; divide; separate
ปิด 紧密 close and dense; close; inseparable
ขนาน 平行 parallel; simultaneous; concurrent; at the same level
หาที่เปรียบมิได้ 无比 nothing-compare; incomparable; unsurpassed
ขบวนแห่ 游行 move-go; parade; march; procession; rove about
ปั้นน้ำเป็นตัว 寓言 implying-word; fable; allegory; parable
อุปกรณ์ 装置 install-establish; install; fit; installation; unit; apparatus
ป้องกัน; แยก 隔离 insulate; separate
กล่อม; อัมพาต; ทื่อ 麻痹 lull; blunt; paralysis
ลบรอย; น่ารังเกียจ 蔑视 disparage; scorn
การเข้าใจผิด 谬论 fallacy; paralogism
赔款 reparations
อัมพาต 瘫痪 paralysis
ร่มชูชีพ 降落伞 parachute der Fallschirm, e le parachute el paracaídas
ร่มร่อน 滑翔伞 paragliding das Paragleiten le parapente el parapente
หน่อไม้ฝรั่ง 芦笋 asparagus der Spargel l'asperge el espárrago
ร่มกันแดด 阳伞 parasol der Sonnenschirm, e le parasol la sombrilla
-aĉ- การดูหมิ่น 蔑视 disparagement Verunglimpfung dénigrement menosprecio denigrazione
asparago หน่อไม้ฝรั่ง 芦笋 asparagus Spargel asperges espárragos asparago
komparativo เปรียบเทียบ 比较 comparative Komparativ comparatif comparativo comparativo
konfekcio การจัดเตรียม 准备 preparation Zubereitung préparation preparación preparazione
parabolo รูปโค้ง 抛物线 parabola Parabel parabole parábola parabola
paradigmo ตัวอย่าง 范例 paradigm Paradigma paradigme paradigma paradigma
paradizo สวรรค์ 天堂 paradise Paradies paradis paraíso paradiso
paradokso บุคคลที่ผิดธรรมดา 悖论 paradox Paradox paradoxe paradoja paradosso
parafo parafo parafo parafo parafo parafo parafo parafo
parafino พาราฟิน 石蜡 paraffin Paraffin paraffine parafina paraffina
parafrazo แปลความหมาย 释义 Paraphrase Umschreibung Paraphraser Paráfrasis Parafrasi
paragrafo ย่อหน้า paragraph Absatz paragraphe párrafo paragrafo
Paragvajo ประเทศแพรากเว 巴拉圭 Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay
paralelo ขนาน 并行 parallel parallel parallèle paralelo parallelo
paralelogramo สี่เหลี่ยมด้านขนาน 平行四边形 parallelogram Parallelogramm parallélogramme paralelogramo parallelogrammo
paralizi ทำให้เป็นอัมพาต 瘫痪 paralyze lähmen paralyser paralizar paralizzare
paraŝuto ร่มชูชีพ 降落伞 parachute Fallschirm parachute paracaídas paracadute
parazito ปรสิต 寄生物 parasite Parasit parasite parásito parassita

Grade E word(s):

178 advittiya अद्वित्तिय unparalleled, second-to- none adj.
686 upakrama उपक्रम plan, programme, preparations, beginning, preamble, preface n.
1543 chuṭnu छुट्नु to be left, to separate v.i.
1827 tayārī तयारी readiness, preparation n.
2317 para पर aside, separate, beyond, further adv.
2322 paramadhāma परमधाम heaven, paradise, the next world, death, demise n.
2328 pararāṣṭra mantrālaya परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालय foreign ministry pararastra n.
2341 paricchēda परिच्छेद part, division, section of a book, chapter, paragraph n.
2368 paryaṭakarūkō svarga पर्यटकरूको स्वर्ग tourist paradise n.
2608 pharaka फरक difference, separation, being apart n.
2824 bēglō बेग्लो separated adj.
2895 bhandā भन्दा compared to [used for construction of comparative] postp.
3465 vikhaṇḍita विखण्डित divided, separated, split up, cut off, broken adj.
3505 viraha विरह separation, parting, estrangement, loss n.
3602 śikārīkō svarga शिकारीको स्वर्ग hunting paradise n.
3806 sarvaśrēṣṭha सर्वश्रेष्ठ best of all, preeminent, highest, supreme, paramount adj.
3901 sāmāna सामान things, materials, apparatus, tools, belongings, appliances n.
4077 svarga स्वर्ग heaven, paradise, sky, heavens, a beautiful place, n.
千字文: 府罗将相 路侠槐卿 Palace generals and ministers parade; on road outside the ones of lesser grade.
Plants: Agave sisalana (Engelm.) J.R. Drumm. & Prain (Asparagaceae; Agavaceae) Sisal-Agave; Bahama Hemp;
Plants: Agave tequilana A. Weber var. azul (Asparagaceae; Agavaceae) Tequila-Agave; Mescal
Plants: Asparagus officinalis L. (Liliaceae; Asparagaceae) Gemüse-Spargel; Garden Asparagus
Plants: Citrus paradisi Macf. (Rutaceae) Grapefruit; Falsche Pampelmuse
Plants: Ilex paraguariensis St.-Hil. (Aquifoliaceae) Matestrauch; Paraguay Tea
Plants: Musa x paradisiaca L. (Musaceae) Banane
Plants: Sansevieria trifasciata Prain (Asparagaceae; Agavaceae) Bogenhanf; Mother-in-Law Tongue;
Plants: Vitellaria paradoxa Gärtn. f. (Sapotaceae) Sheabutterbaum; Schibutterbaum; Karité
Plants: Yucca aloifolia L. (Asparagaceae; Agavaceae) Spanish Bayonet; Spanish Dagger; Yuccapalme; Aloe Yucca; Palmlilie;
Plants: Yucca filamentosa L. (Asparagaceae; Agavaceae) Fädige Palmlilie

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [comparable]
(a.) [parallel] equidistant and not intersecting
(a.) [paralyzed] paralytic, unable to move
(a.) [separate] independent
(n.) [apparatus] setup, equipment
(n.) [parade] ceremonial procession
(n.) [paradox] self-contradiction
(n.) [paragraph] subdivisions of a text
(n.) [parallel] analogue, analog
(n.) [parameter] factor
(n.) [preparation] readiness, preparedness
(n.) [separation] disassociation, division
(v.) [parachute] jump from an airplane
(v.) [separate] split up, split, part company

08854855-n Para +
09384771-n Para +
10399019-n para +
13671310-n para +
14047171-n para +

para + +

para para



2 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1314 我们可以分开付款吗? เราขอแยกจ่ายได้ไหม ครับ or คะ? Saammeko maksaa erikseen?
850 这里能租用太阳伞吗? ขอเช่าร่มกันแดดที่นี่ได้ไหมครับ or คะ? Voiko täältä lainata aurinkovarjoa?

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

933 作文 一段
1087 我们 一家人 永远 分离
1255 不少 寄生虫
1628 狗仔队 喜欢 偷拍 明星 私生活
1685 办公室 分隔成
2283 牙膏 准备 刷牙
3287 双腿 瘫痪

Semantische Felder:

20.23 Geld