10 New HSK word(s): 2 白 white/ snowy/ pure/ bright/ empty/ blank/ plain/ clear/ to make clear/ in vain/ gratuitous/ free of charge/ reactionary/ anti-communist/ funeral/ to stare coldly/ to write wrong character/ to state/ to explain/ vernacular/ spoken lines in opera/ surname B 3 聪明 acute (of sight and hearing)/ clever/ intelligent/ bright/ smart 4 亮 bright/ clear/ resonant/ to shine/ to show/ to reveal 4 光 light/ ray/ CL:道[dao4]/ bright/ only/ merely/ to use up 5 鲜艳 bright-colored/ gaily-colored 5 光明 light/ illumination/ radiance (esp. glory of Buddha etc)/ fig. bright prospect/ openhearted 6 鲜明 bright/ clear-cut/ distinct 6 锦绣前程 a bright future/ a rosy future/ brilliant prospects 6 心灵 bright/ smart/ quick-witted/ heart/ thoughts/ spirit 6 朝气蓬勃 full of youthful energy (idiom)/ vigorous/ energetic/ a bright spark
13 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *N * *VS * *VS * *VS;n * *
13 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. hell,leuchten 2.helltönend, laut und klar 3. einleuchtend, einleuchten 4. leuchten 5. zeigen, offenlegen, vorzeigen klug, intelligent hell hell, vielversprechend,strahlend weise, klug durchsichtig, transparent, lichtdurchlässig klingend und hell, laut und klar glänzend, strahlend ,herrlich Weisheit, Klugheit, Intelligenz strahlend (Farben) farbenfreudig, in leuchtenden Farben leuchtend, hell gute Aussichten, gute Aussichten haben / über einen großen Spielraum verfügen
33 synsets(s): bright + bright + bright + bright as a new penny + bright + bright blue + bright-red + brightly-colored + brightly-coloured + bright + bright + bright + bright + bright + bright + brightly + bright + brighten + brighten + brightness + radio brightness + brightness + brightness level + brightness + brightness constancy + bright side + Brighton + Fulbright + William Fulbright + James William Fulbright + meadow bright + Bright's disease + Albright's disease +
13 OLD_HSK English word(s): bright/ shiny/ light/ shine/ show intelligent/ bright/ clever light/ bright light/ bright outstandingly-bright/ brilliant/ wise penetrating-brightness/transparent/ lucid loud-bright/ loud and clear/ sonorous/ resonant bright/ splendid/ brilliant/ magnificent intelligence-wisdom/ wisdom/ wits/ brightness/ brains with bright colors and clear/ vivid/ distinct/ distinctive bright-colorful/ bright-colored/ gaily-colored bright/ brightness be well worth doing/ have bright prospects
13 OLD_HSK French word(s): clair
13 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s): claro
13 OLD_HSK Italian word(s): chiaro
13 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ฉลาด สว่าง
13 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s): valoisa

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** DA4 groß
* ** YOU3 haben
* ** may, can, -able / possibly
*** WEI4 wegen/handeln

ฉลาด; สดใส 聪明 clever; bright
หมด สว่าง used up; nothing left, bright
ไข่มุก 明珠 bright pearl; jewel
ชาด; สีแดงสดใส 朱红 vermilion; bright red
งดงาม; วิเศษ; สดใส 灿烂 magnificent; splendid; bright
สดใส, สีแดง, สีแดงเข้ม 鲜红 bright red; scarlet
สีขาว, หิมะ, ว่าง, ว่าง, สดใส, ใส, ธรรมดา, บริสุทธิ์ white, snowy, empty, blank, bright, clear, plain, pure, gratuitous
ฉลาด, สดใส 聪明 intelligent, bright
สมาร์ท; ฉลาด 聪明 smart; bright; clever
(จากสภาพอากาศ) ดีสดใสชัดเจน (of weather) fine, bright, clear
ไฟสว่าง light, bright
ฉลาด; สว่าง 聪明 intelligent; bright; clever
แสงสดใส แสงสว่าง 光明 light; bright
แสงสดใส 明亮 light; bright
พิสุทธิ์ 灿烂 bright; splendid; brilliant; magnificent
โปร่งใส 透明 penetrating-brightness;transparent; lucid
ชัดเจน 鲜明 with bright colors and clear; vivid; distinct; distinctive
สดใส 鲜艳 bright-colorful; bright-colored; gaily-colored
ดัง 响亮 loud-bright; loud and clear; sonorous; resonant
ชาญฉลาด 英明 outstandingly-bright; brilliant; wise
ภูมิปัญญา 智慧 intelligence-wisdom; wisdom; wits; brightness; brains
จะมีมูลค่าการทำ; มีแนวโน้มสดใส 大有可为 be well worth doing; have bright prospects
ความสว่าง; สดใส 光亮 bright; brightness
hela สดใส 光明 bright hell clair brillante luminoso
ilumini กระจ่าง 变亮 brighten aufhellen éclairer aclarar rallegrare

Grade E word(s):

527 ālōka आलोक enlightenment, light, brightness n.
1378 camkilō चम्किलो bright adj.
1717 jhalamala झलमल bright, resplendent, brilliant adj.
3892 sāpha साफ clear, fair, pure, unadulterated, obvious, bright adj.
千字文: 俊乂密勿 多士 The best and brightest work diligently; so many fine men, this tranquility!
千字文: 纨扇圆洁 银烛炜煌 Silken fan like moon so bright; silver candleholders' light.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

00176387-a bright +
00271022-a bright +
00278551-a bright +
00284930-a bright +
00402855-a bright +
01121238-a bright +
01149050-a bright +
01335458-a bright +
01812237-a bright +
02009688-a bright +
00077168-r bright +

bright + +




2 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1210 黑暗的和明亮的 มืด และ สว่าง pimeä ja valoisa
1212 白天是明亮的 ตอนกลางวันสว่าง Päivä on valoisa.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

271 双目 有神
411 办公室 宽敞 并且 明亮
1367 今天 风和日丽
1375 这些 郁金香 颜色 鲜艳
1794 沙发 朱红色
1946 太阳 发出 耀眼 光辉
3118 今天 天气 爽朗
3499 他们 憧憬 美好 未来
3678 台下 平平常常 上台 光彩 夺目

Semantische Felder:

7.4 Licht, Glanz
7.4 Licht, Glanz
7.21 Rot
10.16 Wohlgefallen, Bewunderung, Schönheit
10.20 Heiter