14 New HSK word(s): 2 错 mistake/ error/ blunder/ fault/ cross/ uneven/ wrong/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 遇到 to meet/ to run into/ to come across 4 死 to die/ impassable/ uncrossable/ inflexible/ rigid/ extremely 5 横 horizontal/ across/ (horizontal character stroke) 5 过 (experienced action marker)/ to cross/ to go over 5 海关 customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 专心 to concentrate/ absorption/ concentration/ engrossed 6 交叉 to cross/ to intersect 6 穿越 to pass through/ to cross/ to overcome 6 纵横 lit. warp and weft in weaving/ vertically and horizontal/ length and breadth/ criss-crossed/ able to move unhindered/ abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2]; School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC) 6 较量 to have a contest with sb/ to cross swords/ to measure up against/ to compete with/ to haggle/ to quibble 6 逢 to meet by chance/ to come across/ to fawn upon 6 跨 to step across/ to stride over/ to straddle/ to span 6 过渡 to cross over (by ferry)/ transition/ interim/ caretaker (administration)
10 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * * * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA
10 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. übersetzen, überqueren, einen Fluß überqueren 2. (hin-)übersetzen 3. über etw hinwegkommen, überwinden, durchkommen 4. Fährstelle, Übergang treffen, begegnen komischer Dialog Straßenkreuzung, Straßenecke 1. Niederschlag, Rückstand, Bodensatz 2. kleine Stücke, Krume, Krümmel 1. horizontal, querlaufend 2. quer, seitwärts, waagerecht 3. durchqueren, überqueren 4. kreuz und quer,siehe:heng4 1. streichen, aufstreichen, bestreichen, schmieren 2. wischen, abwischen, über etwas hinwegkommen Gesamtzahl, Gesamtbetrag sich kreuzen, überschneiden
332 synsets(s): engrossed + crosshatched + across-the-board + gross + crossed + crosstown + cross-town + uncrossed + crossed + uncrossed + cross-eyed + gross + cross-grained + gross + gross + cross + crosswise + engrossing + crosswise + cross + cross-section + cross-sectional + gross + gross + cross-banded + crossbred + intercrossed + crisscross + crisscrossed + cross-shaped + engrossed + cross-grained + gross + subgross + cross-ply + cross-pollinating + cross-linguistic + cross-cultural + cross-sectional + cross-modal + cross-sentential + grossly + cross-linguistically + across the board + across + crosswise + crossways + across + cross-legged + crosswise + crisscross + cross-country + cross-country + crossly + crosstown + across the nation + across the country + cross-dress + cross-fertilize + cross-fertilise + cross-fertilize + cross-fertilise + cross-pollinate + crisscross + get across + come across + engross + engross + cross-check + put across + get across + cross examine + cross question + cross off + cross out + put one across + cross oneself + cross-refer + come across + crossruff + crisscross + cross-link + backcross + crossbreed + cross + crosscut + cut across + cross + crosshatch + gross out + cross + get across + cut across + crisscross + cross + cross + uncross + pass across + run across + come across + cross + go across + come across + gross out + come across + gross + cross-file + cross-index + double cross + cross + cut across + cross + look across + cross-fertilization + cross-fertilisation + cross-pollination + crossing + crossing + cross-country skiing + cross-country riding + cross-country jumping + lacrosse + noughts and crosses + crosscheck + double cross + double-crossing + crossbreeding + crossbreeding + crossing + cross + dihybrid cross + monohybrid cross + reciprocal cross + testcross + test-cross + crossfire + cross dressing + Stations of the Cross + crosscurrent + Rossbach + battle of Rossbach + crossbreed + cross + crossbill + grossbeak + albatross + wandering albatross + black-footed albatross + Crossopterygii + subclass Crossopterygii + crossopterygian + Calvary cross + cross of Calvary + Celtic cross + Cross + cross + crossbar + crossbar + crossbar + crossbench + cross bit + crossbow + crosscut saw + crosscut handsaw + crosse + cross hair + cross wire + crosshead + crossing + crosswalk + crossover + crossjack + crosspiece + cross-stitch + cross-stitch + cross street + overcrossing + Greek cross + half cross stitch + crossroad + crossway + crossing + Jerusalem cross + lacrosse ball + Latin cross + level crossing + grade crossing + Lorraine cross + cross of Lorraine + Maltese cross + papal cross + patriarchal cross + pedestrian crossing + zebra crossing + pelican crossing + school crossing + crosscut + skull and crossbones + St. Andrew's cross + Station of the Cross + tau cross + St. Anthony's cross + cross thwart + crosstie + crossbeam + crosspiece + crossness + crisscross + cross + crosshatch + grossness + engrossment + cross section + albatross + engrossment + engrossment + cross-classification + cross-division + crossroads + crosshairs + cross section + crosscheck + cross product + cross-purpose + gross anatomy + crossheading + crosshead + sale in gross + Distinguished Service Cross + Navy Cross + Distinguished Flying Cross + Victoria Cross + cross-reference + cross-index + crossword puzzle + crossword + crossbones + crossover + concerto grosso + crossfire + cross-examination + cross-question + sign of the cross + crosscurrent + crosstalk + cross-fertilization + cross-fertilisation + cross-pollination + cross country + crossness + cross bun + hot cross bun + Brigate Rosse + Red Cross + crossroads + crossing + cross section + market cross + crosscut + La Crosse + Cross-Florida Waterway + crossing + Northern Cross + Ross Sea + Southern Cross + crossbencher + cross-examiner + cross-questioner + crossing guard + crossover voter + crossover + double-crosser + crosspatch + lacrosse player + cross-dresser + Barbarossa + Frederick Barbarossa + Barbarossa + Ross + Betsy Ross + Betsy Griscom Ross + Ross + Nellie Ross + Nellie Tayloe Ross + Ross + Sir Ronald Ross + Ross + James Clark Ross + Sir James Clark Ross + Ross + John Ross + Sir John Ross + Rossetti + Dante Gabriel Rossetti + Rossini + Giloacchino Antonio Rossini + cross-link + cross-linkage + crosswind + maltese cross + cross-leaved heath + Quercus grosseserrata + St Andrews's cross + low St Andrew's cross + Grossulariaceae + family Grossulariaceae + Ribes grossularia + cross vine + Capsicum annuum grossum + gross estate + gross + gross national product + real gross national product + gross domestic product + gross profit + gross profit margin + gross sales + gross revenue + gross margin + crossing over + crossover + gross ton + gross + great gross + crossroads + cross infection + mal rosso + cross + cross-eye + crossed eye + dross + dross +
10 OLD_HSK English word(s): cross/ tide over/ ferry meet/ come across comic dialogue/ cross-talk entrance to a road/ crossing/ intersection/ crossroads residue/ dregs/ sediment/ broken bits/ crumb/ dross traverse/ place sth. horizontally/ crosswise/ horizontal apply/ put on/ smear/ plaster/ wipe/ cross out/ erase get across/ hurdle gross/ total intercross
10 OLD_HSK French word(s):
10 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
10 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
10 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
10 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** JIAO1 sich-kreuzen/verkehren/übergeben
* ** CHA5

การ์ตูน 相声 comic dialoge; crosstalk
ผสมพันธุ์; เพื่อข้าม 杂交 to hybridize; to cross
ข้ามแม่น้ำ to cross a river
ไปเจอ; ให้ตรงกับ 相逢 to come across; to meet
เกิน, ล้ำหน้า to exceed, overtake, surpass, transcend, ultra-, super-, to pass, to cross
ทางข้ามม้าลาย 斑马线 crosswalk; zebra crossing
ข้าม (ถนน) 穿马路 to cross (a street)
เพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการใช้ลงไปเจอ 遇到 to meet, to run into, to come across
ที่แพร่ง, ชื่อของโอเปร่าที่มีชื่อเสียง, เรื่องราวจาก Shui Hu Zhuan 三岔口 At The Crossroads, the name of a famous opera, story from Shui Hu Zhuan
ตลอดรอดฝั่ง; ข้ามฟาก cross; tide over; ferry
ข้าม Cross
พบ; ไปเจอ 遇见 meet; come across
ตามแนวนอน traverse; place sth. horizontally; crosswise; horizontal
สี่แยก 路口 entrance to a road; crossing; intersection; crossroads
เช็ด apply; put on; smear; plaster; wipe; cross out; erase
相声 comic dialogue; cross-talk
ชวา residue; dregs; sediment; broken bits; crumb; dross
交叉 intercross
ได้รับความ; กระโดดข้ามรั้ว 越过 get across; hurdle
รวมรวม ทั้งสิ้น 总数 gross; total
สกีวิบาก 越野滑雪 cross-country skiing der Skilanglauf le ski de fond el esquí de fondo
ระดับข้าม 铁路道口 level crossing der Bahnübergang, "e le passage à niveau el paso a nivel
ปริศนาอักษรไขว้ 字谜 crossword puzzle das Kreuzworträtsel, - les mots croisés el crucigrama
afranki ที่ข้าม 路口 crossing Überfahrt traversée cruce incrocio
arbalesto หน้าไม้ crossbow Armbrust arbalète ballesta balestra
groso กรอสโซ่ 格罗索 Grosso Grosso Grosso Grosso Grosso
groŝo กรอสโซ่ 格罗索 Grosso Grosso Grosso Grosso Grosso
kruco ข้าม cross überqueren traverser cruzar attraversare

Grade E word(s):

930 kākha काख position formed while sitting cross-legged on the floor, side of the body above the hip, lap n.
2471 pūrā पूरा full, complete, entire, gross, whole adj.
2980 bhēṭhnu भेठ्नु to meet, to get, to find, to come across v.i./v.t.
Plants: Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum (L.) Sendtn. (Solanaceae) Gemüsepaprika; Sweet Pepper
Plants: Ribes nigrum L. (Grossulariaceae) Schwarze Johannisbeere; Cassis; Black Currant
Plants: Ribes rubrum (Grossulariaceae) Rote Johannisbeere; Weiße Johannisbeere; Red Currant
Plants: Ribes uva-crispa L. (Grossulariaceae) Stachelbeere; Gooseberry
Plants: Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn. (Sapindaceae) Indische Waschnuss; Soapnut Tree; Ritha (Hindi)

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [cross] hybrid
(n.) [cross] wooden structure
(n.) [crosswalk] crossing, crossover
(n.) [crossing] intersection, crossroad
(v.) [cross] traverse

11270577-n Ross +
11270772-n Ross +
11270948-n Ross +
11271094-n Ross +
11271349-n Ross +

Ross + +


across from


1 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
713 您走过这个桥! ข้ามสะพานไป ครับ or คะ! Ylittäkää silta!

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

108 红灯 不要 马路
761 影子 沙滩
895 马路 遵守 交通 规则
1528 马路 人行 横道
1882 城市 道路 纵横 交错
2052 贯穿 城市 南北
2137 草原 撞见 一头 大象
2138 他们 正在 渡河
2738 孩子 露出 仇视 表情
3606 一个 影响 一切 社会 阶层 问题

Semantische Felder: