7 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** B ** B ** B ** C ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

self, private, personal / from
load, burden / carry, bear
fill / full, overflowing / surplus
lose, fail / damage / deficient

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

pland' plante du pied, semelle sole (of the foot) Sohle подошва podeszwa
solen' solennel solemn feierlich торжественный uroczysty, solenny

ledplando + + sole (of boot + + etc)
monopola vendo + + sole agency + + sole sale
piedplato + + sole + +
plando + + sole (foot) + +
plandumo + + sole (shoe) + +
sola agento + + sole agent + +
solapersone + + solely + + as a single person
solecismo + + solecism + +
solenoido + + solenoid + +
soleo + + sole (fish) + +
solicismo + + solecism + +

#ledplando #sole (of boot #monopola vendo #sole agency #piedplato #sole #plando #sole (foot) #plandumo #sole (shoe) #sola agento #sole agent #solapersone #solely #solecismo #solecism #solenoido #solenoid #soleo #sole (fish) #solicismo #solecism

+ + + sole Fish 平 (EBEN) ping2 +
+ + + sole Fish 塌 (SCHNELL_FLIEGEN) ta3 +
+ + + sole (of the foot) Foot 石 (STEIN) zhi2 +

2.8 Tierarten Seezunge + Sole + 唯一 +
2.24 Körperteile Sohle + Sole + 唯一 +
7.61 Flüssig Sole + Sole + 唯一 +