3 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** B ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

drunk, to become violent under the influence of alcohol
wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

botel' bouteille bottle Flasche бутылка butelka

botelarbo + + bottle palm + + elephant-foot tree pony-tail palm
botelbiero + + bottled beer + +
botelbretaro + + bottle rack + +
botelbroso + + bottlebrush + +
botelĉapeto + + bottle cap + +
boteletikedo + + bottle label + +
botelingo + + bottle holder + + bottle cage
botelkola + + bottleneck + +
botelkolo + + bottleneck + +
botelkorbo + + bottle basket + +
botelkorko + + bottle cork + +
botelkukurbo + + bottle gourd + +
botelmalfermilo + + bottle opener + +
botelo + + bottle + +
botelportilo + + bottle holder + + bottle cage
botelpurigatoro + + bottle washing machine + +
botelrako + + bottle rack + +
botelskrapilo + + bottle scraper + +
botelujo + + bottle-holder + + bottle-straw
botelverdaĵo + + bottle green + +
botelvino + + bottled wine + +
ĉiulaboraĉfaranto + + bottle washer + +
kalistemo + + bottlebrush + +
mallarĝaĵo + + bottleneck + +
plenbotelo + + bottleful + +
ŝtopiĝo + + bottleneck + + congestion

#botelarbo #bottle palm #botelbiero #bottled beer #botelbretaro #bottle rack #botelbroso #bottlebrush #botelĉapeto #bottle cap #boteletikedo #bottle label #botelingo #bottle holder #botelkola #bottleneck #botelkolo #bottleneck #botelkorbo #bottle basket #botelkorko #bottle cork #botelkukurbo #bottle gourd #botelmalfermilo #bottle opener #botelo #bottle #botelportilo #bottle holder #botelpurigatoro #bottle washing machine #botelrako #bottle rack #botelskrapilo #bottle scraper #botelujo #bottle-holder #botelverdaĵo #bottle green #botelvino #bottled wine #ĉiulaboraĉfaranto #bottle washer #kalistemo #bottlebrush #mallarĝaĵo #bottleneck #plenbotelo #bottleful #ŝtopiĝo #bottleneck

+ + + bottle-gourd 艸, 艹 Grass 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + bottle gourd / calabash / pot Melon hu4 +

9.58 Minderwertig Flasche + Bottle + +
19.5 Behälter für Flüssiges und Gase Buddel + Bottle + +
19.5 Behälter für Flüssiges und Gase Pulle + Bottle + +