17 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** A ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C 线 ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

wisdom, knowledge, intelligence
to be able / can, permitted to / ability

Phonetic KEY:
City shì
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

civitoj + + city states + +
Industriurbo + + City of Industry + +
magistratejo + + city council + + town council
magistrato + + city council + + town council magistrate
naskiĝurbo + + city of birth + +
urbdomo + + city hall + + town hall
urbega + + city + + metropolitan area
urbo + + city + + town
urbocentro + + city center + + downtown
urbodomo + + city hall + +
urbomezo + + city center + + downtown
urbomuro + + city wall + +
urbomuroj + + city walls + +
urbonomo + + city name + +
urborando + + city periphery + +
urborandoj + + city peripheries + +
urbŝtato + + city state + +
urbŝtatoj + + city states + +

#civitoj #city states #Industriurbo #City of Industry #magistratejo #city council #magistrato #city council #naskiĝurbo #city of birth #urbdomo #city hall #urbega #city #urbo #city #urbocentro #city center #urbodomo #city hall #urbomezo #city center #urbomuro #city wall #urbomuroj #city walls #urbonomo #city name #urborando #city periphery #urborandoj #city peripheries #urbŝtato #city state #urbŝtatoj #city states

+ + + city in Hebei province / various City 甘 (SÜSS) han2 +
+ + + city under the Chou Dyn. a surname City 希 (HOFFEN) xi1 +

1 Stadt + City + +
8.1 Aufenthaltsort städtisch + city + 城市 +
8.2 Ansiedlung, Stadt Großstadt + City + +
20.30 Handel City + City + +