4 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** C ** C ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

balance, scale, steelyard

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

balanc' balancer balance, swing schaukeln качать huśtać, kołysać
pes'il' balance balance, pair of scales Wage вѣсы waga

balancelo + + balancelle + +
balanciero + + balance + + fly
banksaldo + + balance + + balance with a bank
bilancita + + balanced + +
ekvilibra + + balanced + +
ekvilibra arbo + + balanced tree + +
ekvilibriga faktoro + + balance factor + +
ekvilibro + + balance + + equilibrium
pesilo + + balance + + scale
saldo + + balance (account) + +

#balancelo #balancelle #balanciero #balance #banksaldo #balance #bilancita #balanced #ekvilibra #balanced #ekvilibra arbo #balanced tree #ekvilibriga faktoro #balance factor #ekvilibro #balance #pesilo #balance #saldo #balance (account)

+ + + balance, scale, steelyard Grain 平 (EBEN) cheng4 +
+ + + balance weight on scale / hammer 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) chui2 +
+ + + balance weights Stone 去 (GEHEN) fa3 +

3.16 Hängen Schwebe + Balance + 平衡 +
3.45 Ebenmaß Gleichgewicht + Balance + 平衡 +
4.27 Gleiche Größe und Menge Ausgewogenheit + Balance + 平衡 +
4.32 Rest Saldo + Balance + 平衡 +
10.8 Unempfindlichkeit Ausgeglichenheit + Balance + 平衡 +
20.32 Bezahlung Restbetrag + Balance + 平衡 +
20.44 Buchhaltung, Bilanzierung saldieren + balance + 平衡 +