Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Phonetic KEY:
Single dān
Hsk Characters: * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + to hate bitterly / drought / dry Illness 单 (EINZELN) 【◎Fix:◎dan4;◎dan1】 +
+ + + pellet, bullet, shot, shell Bow 单 (EINZELN) 【◎Fix:◎dan4;◎tan2】 +
+ + + cicada / continuous Insect 单 (EINZELN) chan2 +
+ + + beautiful, lovely, pretty, graceful Woman 单 (EINZELN) chan2 +
+ + + meditation, contemplation (DKW: 24787') 示, 礻 Revelation 单 (EINZELN) chan2 +
+ + + explain, clarify, elucidate Door 单 (EINZELN) chan3 +
+ + + single, individual, only / lone Ten 单 (EINZELN) dan1 +
+ + + county in Hebei province City 单 (EINZELN) dan1 +
+ + + utmost, entirely, quite / use up Disintegration 单 (EINZELN) dan1 +
+ + + small bamboo basket for holding Bamboo 单 (EINZELN) dan1 +
+ + + to dust / a duster 手, 扌 Hand1 单 (EINZELN) dan3 +
+ + + dread, shrink from, shirk, fear 心, 忄 Heart 单 (EINZELN) dan4 +
+ + + wine goblet made from horn Horn 单 (EINZELN) zhi4 +