20 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** B ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C 退 ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

maintain, preserve, safeguard
study / repair / cultivate

Hsk Characters: * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
7F9E + + + disgrace, shame / ashamed / shy Sheep 羞 (SCHAMHAFT) xiu1 +
9990 + + + food, meal / eat / offer Food 羞 (SCHAMHAFT) xiu1 +
4FEE + + + study / repair / cultivate Man 修 (REPARIEREN) xiu1 +
4F11 + + + rest, stop / retire / do not! Man 休 (BAUM) xiu1 +
54BB + + + shout Mouth 休 xiu1 +
5EA5 + + + shade / shelter, protection 广 Shelter 休 xiu1 +
9E3A + + + horned owl, scops chinensis Bird1 休 xiu1 +
8C85 + + + brave, fierce, courageous Cat 休 xiu1 +
9AF9 + + + red lacquer / to lacquer Hairlocks 休 xiu1 +


12 NHSK word(s): 休息* 2 xiu1 xi5rest/ to rest * 4 xiu1to mend/ to repair/ to build/ to embellish/ to study 害羞* 4 hai4 xiu1blush/ shy 修改* 5 xiu1 gai3to amend/ to alter/ to modify 休闲* 5 xiu1 xian2leisure/ relaxation/ not working/ idle 退休* 5 tui4 xiu1retirement (from work) 羞耻* 6 xiu1 chi3(a feeling of) shame 修复* 6 xiu1 fu4restoration 修建* 6 xiu1 jian4to build/ to construct 修理* 6 xiu1 li3to repair/ to perform maintenance/ to overhaul/ to fix/ to prune/ to trim 修养* 6 xiu1 yang3accomplishment/ training/ self-cultivation 维修* 6 wei2 xiu1maintenance (of equipment)/ to protect and maintain
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):