20 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

deep / depth / far / very, extreme
sink, submerge / addicted to

Hsk Characters: * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
8FB0 + + + early morning / 5th terrestrial branch Period 辰 (5.PERIODE) chen2 +
6668 + + + early morning, daybreak Sun 辰 (5.PERIODE) chen2 +
5BB8 + + + imperial / imperial palace Dwelling 辰 (5.PERIODE) chen2 +
6C89 + + + sink, submerge / addicted to 水, 氵 Water 冗 (ÜBERFLÜSSIG) chen2 +
8C0C + + + sincere, faithful / surname Words 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) chen2 +
81E3 + + + minister, statesman, official Minister 臣 (MINISTER) chen2 +
5C18 + + + dust, dirt, ashes, cinders Small 尘 (KLEIN) chen2 +
9648 + + + exhibit, display / plead / a surname 阜, 阝 Mount 东 (OSTEN) chen2 +
5FF1 + + + truth, sincerity / sincere 心, 忄 Heart chen2 +


16 NHSK word(s): 灰尘* 5 hui1 chen2dust 沉默* 5 chen2 mo4silence/ uncommunicative 凌晨* 6 ling2 chen2early in the morning 深沉* 6 shen1 chen2deep/ extreme/ dull/ low pitched (sound) 清晨* 6 qing1 chen2early morning 大臣* 6 da4 chen2minister (of a monarchy) 新陈代谢* 6 xin1 chen2 dai4 xie4metabolism (biology)/ the new replaces the old (idiom) 沉淀* 6 chen2 dian4to settle/ to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution) 陈旧* 6 chen2 jiu4old-fashioned 陈列* 6 chen2 lie4to display/ to exhibit 沉闷* 6 chen2 men4oppressive (of weather)/ heavy/ depressed/ not happy 陈述* 6 chen2 shu4an assertion/ to declare/ to state 沉思* 6 chen2 si1contemplate/ contemplation/ meditation/ ponder 沉重* 6 chen2 zhong4heavy/ hard/ serious/ critical 沉着* 6 chen2 zhuo2steady/ calm and collected/ not nervous 诞辰* 6 dan4 chen2birthday
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
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