6 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** B ** C 退 ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

penetrate, pass through
penetrate, pervade / penetrating

Hsk Characters: * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
5F7B + + + penetrate, pervade / penetrating Foodstep 切 (SCHNEIDEN) che4 +
64A4 + + + omit / remove / withdraw 手, 扌 Hand1 撤 (C_AUFBRAUCHEN) che4 +
6F88 + + + thoroughly, completely 水, 氵 Water 撤 (C_AUFBRAUCHEN) che4 +
577C + + + split, tear, open Earth 斥 (TADELN) che4 +
63A3 + + + drag, pull / hinder by pulling back 手, 扌 Hand1 制 (SYSTEM) che4 +


5 NHSK word(s): 彻底* 5 che4 di3thorough/ thoroughly/ complete 清澈* 6 qing1 che4clear/ limpid 贯彻* 6 guan4 che4to implement/ to put into practice/ to carry out 撤退* 6 che4 tui4retreat 撤销* 6 che4 xiao1to repeal/ to revoke/ to undo (computing)
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):