8 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** B ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

harmony, peace / peaceful, calm
treaty, agreement, covenant

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
5B89 + + + peaceful, tranquil, quiet Dwelling 安 (RUHE) an1 +
5EB7 + + + peaceful, quiet / happy, healthy 广 Shelter 康 (UNTERGEORDNET) kang1 +
752F + + + peaceful Use ning2 +
52F0 + + + peaceful, harmonious Strength 思 (DENKEN) xie2 +
664F + + + peaceful, quiet / clear / late in the day Sun 女 (RUHEVOLL) yan4 +


10 NHSK word(s): * 1 he2and/ together with/ with/ sum/ union/ peace/ harmony/ surname He/ Japanese related/ Taiwan pr. han4 安静* 3 an1 jing4quiet/ peaceful/ calm 平时* 4 ping2 shi2in normal times/ in peacetime 不安* 5 bu4 an1unpeaceful/ unstable/ uneasy/ disturbed/ restless/ worried * 5 ping2flat/ level/ equal/ to tie (make the same score)/ to draw (score)/ calm/ peaceful/ see also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1] 和平* 5 he2 ping2peace 安居乐业* 6 an1 ju1 le4 ye4live in peace and work happily (idiom) 安宁* 6 an1 ning2peaceful/ tranquil/ calm/ composed 踏实* 6 ta1 shi5practical/ down-to-earth/ realistic/ firmly based/ steadfast/ to have peace of mind/ free from anxiety 和睦* 6 he2 mu4peaceful relations/ harmonious
7 KOREAN6000 word(s):
B 놓이다 [noh-ida] Be put on sth else (2) to become peaceful

B 평화 [pyeonghwa] Peace

B 편안하다 [pyeon-anhada] To be peaceful

A 안녕히 [annyeonghi] Peacefully

C 평화롭다 [pyeonghwalobda] To be peaceful

C 보안 [boan] Preservation of the public peace

C 무사하다 [musahada] Be safe, peaceful

KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):