Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Các nhà khoa học tiếp tục cảnh báo chúng ta về ảnh hưởng của Trung quốc tượng ấm lên toàn cầu. + Scientists continue to warn us about the effects of global warming.

Tôi hy vọng là anh ấy tiếp tục học tiếng Đức. + I hope that he continues to study German.

Nhà báo không muốn đứa trẻ tiếp tục viết. + The journalist does not want the child to continue writing.

tiếp tục + continue

Xin lỗi nhưng chúng tôi không thể tiếp tục duy trì sự sống trên Trái Đất. + Sorry, but we cannot continue to sustain life on Earth

Tiếp tục đi thẳng khoảng 1 dặm nữa + Continue straight ahead for about a mile

Tiếp tục đi qua trạm cưu hỏa + Continue past the fire station

Tiếp tục đi thắng qua đèn giao thông + Continue straight on past some traffic lights
GNOT Temporal • duration to continue +
GNOT Temporal • continuity to continue +
Oxford 3000VieEng
tiếp tục continue
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-12 fortsetzen to continue   (setzt fort, setzte fort, hat fortgesetzt)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-5 Wir setzen die Behandlung am nächsten Donnerstag um 11 Uhr fort.  + Donnerstag We will continue the treatment next Thursday at 11am.  Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục điều trị vào thứ năm tới vào lúc 11 giờ sáng.
Exercise 32-3 Ich möchte nicht stören. Bitte essen Sie ruhig weiter.  + weiter I don't want to interrupt. Please continue to eat, please.  Tôi không muốn làm gián đoạn. Hãy tiếp tục ăn, làm ơn.
Exercise 41-4 Wir setzen die Behandlung am nächsten Donnerstag um 11 Uhr fort.  + fortsetzen We will continue the treatment next Thursday at 11am.  Chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục điều trị vào thứ năm tới vào lúc 11 giờ sáng.
Exercise 41-4 Dieses Problem setzte sich im letzten Jahr fort.  + fortsetzen This problem continued last year.  Vấn đề này vẫn tiếp tục trong năm ngoái.
Exercise 41-4 Drei Tage später setzten sie ihre Reise fort. + fortsetzen Three days later they continued their journey. Ba ngày sau họ tiếp tục cuộc hành trình.
Exercise 42-4 Fortsetzung folgt.  + Fortsetzung To be continued.  Còn tiếp.
Exercise 44-6 Der Fluss macht weiter westlich einen Bogen.  + Bogen The river continues westwards.  Con sông tiếp tục về phía tây.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 繼續 + * * ji4xu4 continue/ go on/ continuation fortsetzen,weitermachen +
D + * * xu4 continue ununterbrochen, unablässig, kontinuierlich, fortsetzen,hinzufügen, hinzutun +
D 延續 + * * yan2xu4 continue andauern, dauern +
D + * * ji4 continue/ follow 1. fortsetzen, fortführen, nachfolgen 2. dann, danach +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

tu veux faire ton chemin. c’est bien + you want to continue on your way. that’s OK

tu continues de m’impressionner + you continue to impress me

les opérations militaires continuent du côté serbe + Serbian military operations continue

les réformes continuent, et ces pays progressent + the reforms continue, and these countries are progressing

il vous faut continuer, accomplir votre destinée + you have to continue, to acomplish your destiny

ils ont continué de grimper de manière pratiquement ininterrompue + they continued with their practically uninterrupted climbing

je n’éprouvais aucune hâte à procéder + I didn’t feel any need to continue

l’utilisation du canal sémaphore est suspendue + the use of a semaphore channel is discontinued

nous devons continuer de pratiquer une agriculture scientifique + we must continue to practice scientific agriculture

nous pouvons continuer à bâtir une nation basée sur la tolérance + we can continue to forge a nation based on tolerance

les déchets de l’aire métropolitaine continueront de s’accumuler + the trash from the metropolitain area will continue to accumulate

le PCF poursuit sa descente aux enfers + the French Communist Party continues its descent into hell

ces traditions se perpétuent au Moyen Âge + these traditions continue through in the Middle Ages

on continue à octroyer des brevets pour des séquences + we continue to grant patents for sequences

la mortalité par cancer continue à décroître aux Etats-Unis + cancer deaths continue to decrease in the U.S.

les tentatives américaines de médiation ont continué + American attempts at negotia- tion continued

les déchets de l’aire métropolitaine continueront de s’accumuler + the trash from the metropolitain area will continue to accumulate
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 continue +
103 continue +
103 continue +
103 continue +
103 continue +
103 continue +
103 continue +
103 continue +
103 continue +
103 continue +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
continue tiếp tục + +