VNEN học hiệu * school * 103 VNEN học đường * school * 103 VNEN nhà trường * school * 103 VNEN trường học * school * 103

1 学生 xue2 sheng5 student/ school child
1 学校 xue2 xiao4 school/ CL:所[suo3]
1 jia1 home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[
2 men2 gate/ door/ CL:扇[shan4]/ gateway/ doorway/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ opening/ valve/ switch/ way to do something/ knack/ family/ house/ (religious) sect/ school (of thought)/ class/ category/ phylum or division (taxonomy)/ classifier for large guns/ classifier for les
3 作业 zuo4 ye4 school assignment/ homework/ work/ task/ operation/ to operate/ CL:個|个[ge4]
4 毕业 bi4 ye4 graduation/ to graduate/ to finish school
5 幼儿园 you4 er2 yuan2 kindergarten/ nursery school
5 pai4 clique/ school/ group/ faction/ to dispatch/ to send/ to assign/ to appoint/ pi (Greek letter Ππ)/ the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926
6 年度 nian2 du4 year (e.g. school year; fiscal year)
6 纵横 zong4 heng2 lit. warp and weft in weaving/ vertically and horizontal/ length and breadth/ criss-crossed/ able to move unhindered/ abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2]; School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC)
6 派别 pai4 bie2 denomination/ group/ school/ faction/ school of thought
6 制服 zhi4 fu2 to subdue/ to check/ to bring under control/ (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status/ uniform (army; party; school etc)/ livery (for company employees)/ CL:套[tao4]
6 孕育 yun4 yu4 to be pregnant/ to produce offspring/ to nurture (a development; school of thought; artwork etc)/ fig. replete with (culture etc)
6 师范 shi1 fan4 teacher-training/ pedagogical/ normal (school; e.g. Beijing Normal University)
6 倡导 chang4 dao3 to advocate/ to initiate/ to propose/ to be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought)
6 季度 ji4 du4 quarter (finance; publishing; schools etc)/ season (sports)/ period of three months
6 专科 zhuan1 ke1 specialized subject/ branch (of medicine)/ specialized training school

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET trường học school
2000VIET trường tiểu học elementary school
2000VIET trường trung học cơ sở middle school
2000VIET trường trung học high school
2000VIET khóa học mùa hè summer school

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Erzieherin pre-school/activities teacher giáo viên mầm non / hoạt động
die Schule school trường học
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
006 0064
We are at school.
006 0066
Those are the school children.
074 1435
We must go to school at once.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B06 4 1254
杰拉尔多 毕业后 要做 什么? + Gerardo จะทำอะไรเมื่อจบชั้นเรียน? + Liệu sẽ làm gì khi anh ấy học xong? + What's Gerardo going to do when he finishes school? + Was wird Gerardo tun, wenn er die Schule beendet hat? + Cosa farà Gerardo quando terminerà la scuola? + Que va faire Gerardo quand il aura fini l'école? + ¿Qué hará Gerardo cuando termine la escuela? + Wat gaat Gerardo doen als hij de school beëindigt? + (jiélāěrduō bìyèhòu yàozuò shéme?)
B09 26 1426
你 上学 不能 再 迟到了 。 + คุณไม่ต้องไปโรงเรียนอีกครั้ง + Cậu không được đi học muộn nữa. + You must not be late for school again. + Du darfst nicht wieder zu spät zur Schule kommen. + Non deve essere di nuovo in ritardo per la scuola. + Tu ne dois plus être en retard à l'école. + No debes llegar tarde a la escuela otra vez. + Je mag niet weer te laat zijn voor school. + (nǐ shàngxué bùnéng zài chídàole·.)
B09 45 1445
想 上大学的 高中生 一定 得 成绩 很好 。 + นักเรียนระดับมัธยมศึกษาที่ต้องการไปเรียนที่วิทยาลัยจะต้องได้เกรดที่ดี + Các học sinh trung học phổ thông muốn vào đại học phải có điểm số cao. + High school students who want to go to college must get good grades. + Gymnasiasten, die aufs College gehen wollen, müssen gute Noten bekommen. + Gli studenti delle scuole superiori che vogliono andare all' università devono ottenere buoni voti. + Les lycéens qui veulent aller à l'université doivent obtenir de bonnes notes. + Los estudiantes de secundaria que quieren ir a la universidad deben obtener buenas calificaciones. + Middelbare scholieren die naar de hogeschool willen gaan, moeten goede cijfers krijgen. + (xiǎng shàngdàxuéde· gāozhōngshēng yídìng děi chéngjī hénhǎo.)
B13 11 1611
你 更 想当 记者 还是 老师 ? + คุณต้องการเป็น: นักข่าวหรือครูโรงเรียน? + Cậu thích làm gì hơn: nhà báo hay giáo viên? + Which would you prefer to be: a journalist or a school teacher? + Was würden Sie am liebsten sein: Journalist oder Lehrer? + Quale preferirebbe essere: giornalista o insegnante di scuola? + Que préféreriez-vous être: journaliste ou enseignant? + ¿Qué preferirías ser: periodista o profesor de escuela? + Wat zou je liever zijn: een journalist of een leraar op school? + ( nǐ gèng xiǎngdāng jìzhě háishì lǎoshī?)
B13 12 1612
比起 当 老师 , 我 更 想当 记者 。 + ฉันควรเป็นนักข่าวมากกว่าครูโรงเรียน + Tôi thích làm nhà báo hơn làm giáo viên. + I'd rather be a journalist than a school teacher. + Ich bin lieber Journalist als Lehrer. + Preferisco essere giornalista piuttosto che insegnante di scuola. + Je préfère être journaliste plutôt que professeur d'école. + Prefiero ser periodista que profesor de escuela. + Ik zou liever journalist zijn dan leraar op school. + ( bíqǐ dāng lǎoshī, wǒ gèng xiǎngdāng jìzhě.)
B14 38 1688
那栋 建筑物 是 什么 ? — 是 学校 。 + อาคารดังกล่าวคืออะไร? - เป็นโรงเรียน + Toà nhà kia là nhà gì vậy? - Nó là trường học. + What's that building? — It's a school. + Was ist das für ein Gebäude? Es ist eine Schule. + Che cos' è quell' edificio? È una scuola. + C'est quoi, ce bâtiment? C'est une école. + ¿Qué es ese edificio? Es una escuela. + Wat is dat gebouw? Het is een school. + ( nàdòng jiànzhúwù shì shéme? — shì xuéxiào.)
B15 28 1728
十 年前 , 这个 学校 有 五百个 学生 , 现在有 超过 一千个 学生 。 + เมื่อสิบปีก่อนมีเด็ก ๆ 500 คนเข้าโรงเรียน ตอนนี้มีมากกว่าหนึ่งพัน + Mười năm trước trong trường có năm trăm trẻ em. Bây giờ ở đó có hơn một nghìn. + Ten years ago there were five hundred (500) children in the school. Now there are more than a thousand. + Vor zehn Jahren waren fünfhundert (500) Kinder in der Schule. Jetzt sind es mehr als tausend. + Dieci anni fa c' erano cinquecento (500) bambini a scuola. Ora ce ne sono più di mille. + Il y a dix ans, il y avait cinq cents (500) enfants à l'école. Maintenant, il y en a plus d'un millier. + Hace diez años había quinientos (500) niños en la escuela. Ahora hay más de mil. + Tien jaar geleden waren er vijfhonderd (500) kinderen op de school. Nu zijn er meer dan duizend. + (shí niánqián, zhège· xuéxiào yóu wúbǎige· xuéshēng, xiànzài yǒu chāoguò yīqiānge· xuéshēng.)
C02 22 2072
毕业后 你 做了 什么 ? + คุณทำอะไรหลังจากจบการศึกษา? + Cậu đã làm gì sau khi học xong? + What did you do after finishing school? + Was hast du nach der Schule gemacht? + Cosa hai fatto dopo aver terminato la scuola? + Qu'avez-vous fait après avoir terminé vos études? + ¿Qué hiciste después de terminar la escuela? + Wat heb je na het einde van de school gedaan? + (bìyèhòu nǐ zuòle· shéme?)
C06 24 2274
等 我 高中 毕业 , 我 要上 大学 。 + เมื่อฉันจบชั้นมัธยมปลายฉันต้องการไปเรียนที่วิทยาลัย + Khi tôi học phổ thông trung học xong tôi muốn vào đại học. + When I finish high school, I want to go to college. + Wenn ich die Highschool beendet habe, will ich aufs College gehen. + Quando finisco il liceo, voglio andare al college. + Quand j'aurai fini le lycée, je veux aller à l'université. + Cuando termine la secundaria, quiero ir a la universidad. + Als ik klaar ben met de middelbare school wil ik naar school. + ( déng wǒ gāozhōng bìyè, wǒ yàoshàng dàxué.)
C11 16 2516
我 遇见了 一个 人 , 他哥 跟 我 曾经 读 同一所 学校。 + ฉันได้พบกับพี่ชายที่ฉันไปเรียนด้วย + Tên của người đàn ông cậu xe cô là gì? + I met someone whose brother I went to school with. + Ich traf jemanden, mit dessen Bruder ich zur Schule ging. + Ho incontrato qualcuno con il cui fratello sono andato a scuola. + J'ai rencontré quelqu'un avec qui je suis allé à l'école. + Conocí a un hermano con el que fui a la escuela. + Ik ontmoette iemand met wiens broer ik naar school ging. + ( wǒ yùjiànle· yīge· rén, tāgē gēn wǒ céngjīng dú tóngyìsuǒ xuéxiào.)
C15 32 2732
我哥 在上 大学 , 我 还在上 高中 。 — 他 学医 ,而 我 想学 法律 。 + พี่ชายของฉันอยู่ในวิทยาลัยและฉันยังคงอยู่ในโรงเรียนมัธยม - เขาอยู่ในโรงเรียนแพทย์ แต่ฉันต้องการไปโรงเรียนกฎหมาย + Anh tôi đang học đại học còn tôi vẫn học trung học phổ thông. > Anh ấy học trường y còn tôi muốn vào trường luật. + My brother's in college, and I'm still in high school. — He's in medical school, but I want to go to law school. + Mein Bruder ist auf dem College und ich bin immer noch auf der High School. Er studiert Medizin, aber ich will Jura studieren. + Mio fratello è all' università e io sono ancora al liceo. Ha frequentato la scuola medica, ma voglio andare alla scuola legale. + Mon frère est à la fac, et je suis encore au lycée. Il est en fac de médecine, mais je veux aller en fac de droit. + Mi hermano está en la universidad, y yo sigo en el instituto. Está en la escuela de medicina, pero yo quiero ir a la escuela de derecho. + Mijn broer zit op school en ik zit nog op de middelbare school. Hij zit op medische school, maar ik wil naar de rechtenschool. + ( wǒgē zàishàng dàxué, wǒ háizàishàng gāozhōng. — tā xué yī, ér wó xiǎngxué fǎlǜ.)
C15 48 2748
拉缇法 十七 岁时 就 辍学了 。 + Latifa ออกจากโรงเรียนตอนอายุสิบเจ็ด (17) - เธอออกจากโรงเรียนเมื่ออายุสิบเจ็ด (17) + Latifa thôi học ở tuổi mười bảy. > Cô ấy thôi học lúc mười bảy tuổi. + Latifa left school at the age OF seventeen (17). — She left school at seventeen (17). + Latifa verließ die Schule im Alter von siebzehn Jahren (17). Mit siebzehn (17) verließ sie die Schule. + Latifa ha lasciato la scuola all' età di diciassette anni (17). Ha lasciato la scuola a diciassette anni (17). + Latifa a quitté l'école à l'âge de dix-sept ans (17). Elle a quitté l'école à dix-sept ans (17). + Latifa dejó la escuela a los diecisiete (17) años de edad. Abandonó la escuela a los diecisiete años (17). + Latifa verliet de school op zeventienjarige leeftijd (17). Zij verliet de school om 17 uur (17). + ( lātífǎ shíqī suìshí jiù chuòxuéle·.)
C17 16 2816
不要 羡慕 或者 忌妒 学校里 那个 受欢迎的 女生 。 + อย่าอิจฉาหรืออิจฉาคนที่เป็นที่นิยมในโรงเรียน + Đừng ghen tị hay đố kị với cô bé thành phố trội trong trường kia. + Don't be jealous or envious of that popular girl in school. + Sei nicht eifersüchtig oder neidisch auf das beliebte Mädchen in der Schule. + Non essere geloso o invidioso di quella ragazza popolare a scuola. + Ne sois pas jalouse ou envieuse de cette fille populaire à l'école. + No tengas celos o envidia de esa chica popular de la escuela. + Wees niet jaloers of jaloers op dat populaire meisje op school. + (búyào xiànmù huòzhě jìdù xuéxiàoli· nàge· shòuhuānyíngde· nǚshēng.)
C18 6 2856
昨天晚上 我 父亲 收到 高中朋友的 消息 。 + พ่อของฉันได้ยินจากเพื่อนเก่าในโรงเรียนมัธยมปลายเมื่อคืน + Cậu làm tôi nhớ lại sự ân cần của mẹ tôi. + My father heard from an old friend in high school last night. + Mein Vater hat gestern Abend von einem alten Freund in der High School gehört. + Mio padre ha sentito parlare da un vecchio amico al liceo ieri sera. + Mon père a entendu parler d'un vieil ami au lycée hier soir. + Mi padre escuchó de un viejo amigo en el instituto anoche. + Mijn vader hoorde gisteravond van een oude vriend op de middelbare school. + ( zuótiānwǎnshàng wǒ fùqīn shōudào gāozhōngpéngyǒude· xiāoxī.)
C18 44 2894
我们 办了 一个 聚会 来 恭喜 我的 妹妹 被 法学院 录取 。 + เราจัดงานเลี้ยงเพื่อแสดงความยินดีกับน้องสาวของฉันในการเข้ารับการรักษาในโรงเรียนกฎหมาย + Chúng tôi đã tổ chức một bữa tiệc chúc mừng em gái tôi vì được nhận vào trường luật. + We held a party to congratulate my sister on being admitted to law school. + Wir haben eine Party veranstaltet, um meiner Schwester zu gratulieren, dass sie zur juristischen Fakultät zugelassen wurde. + Abbiamo tenuto un partito per congratularci con mia sorella per essere stata ammessa alla scuola legale. + Nous avons tenu une fête pour féliciter ma sœur d'avoir été admise à la faculté de droit. + Celebramos una fiesta para felicitar a mi hermana por haber sido admitida en la facultad de derecho. + We hebben een partij gehouden om mijn zus te feliciteren met het feit dat ze toegelaten is tot de rechtenopleiding. + (wǒmen· bànle· yīge· jùhuì lái gōngxí wǒde· mèimei· bèi fǎxuéyuàn lùqǔ.)
Mẹ anh ấy đang ở nhà. Anh ấy đang ở trường. + His mother's at home. He's at school.
Mấy đứa nhà cô ấy đang ở trường. + Her children are at school.
Mấy đứa nhà cậu đi học cả à? + Are your children at school?
Tôi thường đi học bằng xe bus. + I usually go to school by bus.
Tôi đã đi học muộn vài ba lần. + I've been late for school several times.
Cậu từng làm thơ bao giờ chưa - Rồi, hồi ở trung học. + Have you ever written a poem? — Yes, in high school.
Liệu sẽ làm gì khi anh ấy học xong? + What's Gerardo going to do when he finishes school?
Cậu không được đi học muộn nữa. + You must not be late for school again.
Các học sinh trung học phổ thông muốn vào đại học phải có điểm số cao. + High school students who want to go to college must get good grades.
Cậu thích làm gì hơn: nhà báo hay giáo viên? + Which would you prefer to be: a journalist or a school teacher?
Tôi thích làm nhà báo hơn làm giáo viên. + I'd rather be a journalist than a school teacher.
Toà nhà kia là nhà gì vậy? - Nó là trường học. + What's that building? — It's a school.
Mười năm trước trong trường có năm trăm trẻ em. Bây giờ ở đó có hơn một nghìn. + Ten years ago there were five hundred (500) children in the school. Now there are more than a thousand.
Cậu đã làm gì sau khi học xong? + What did you do after finishing school?
Khi tôi học phổ thông trung học xong tôi muốn vào đại học. + When I finish high school, I want to go to college.
Tên của người đàn ông cậu xe cô là gì? + I met someone whose brother I went to school with.
Anh tôi đang học đại học còn tôi vẫn học trung học phổ thông. > Anh ấy học trường y còn tôi muốn vào trường luật. + My brother's in college, and I'm still in high school. — He's in medical school, but I want to go to law school.
Latifa thôi học ở tuổi mười bảy. > Cô ấy thôi học lúc mười bảy tuổi. + Latifa left school at the age OF seventeen (17). — She left school at seventeen (17).
Đừng ghen tị hay đố kị với cô bé thành phố trội trong trường kia. + Don't be jealous or envious of that popular girl in school.
Cậu làm tôi nhớ lại sự ân cần của mẹ tôi. + My father heard from an old friend in high school last night.
Chúng tôi đã tổ chức một bữa tiệc chúc mừng em gái tôi vì được nhận vào trường luật. + We held a party to congratulate my sister on being admitted to law school.

Tôi đi học. + I go to school.

Hôm nay, chúng tôi đi học cùng nhau. + Today we go to school together.

Anh ấy ghét đi học. + He hates going to school.

trường + school

Ai dạy bạn ở trường? + Who teaches you at school?.

Một đàn cá + a school of fish

đàn + CF ( flock, school, pack of ...)

Trường của bạn dạy thiên văn họckhông? + Does your school teach astronomy?

Gia đình và trường giúp một đứa trẻ hình thành tính cách. + Family and school help a child to form personality.

Bọn mình đã học phố thông cùng nhau. + We were at school together.
SNOT Daily life • at home to go to school đi học +
SNOT Daily life • schooling schooling +
SNOT Education • schooling schooling +
SNOT Education • education –primary school +
SNOT Education • education secondary school +
SNOT Education • subjects names of school subjects e.g. +
Oxford 3000VieEng
Trường Học school
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-4 Fahrschule + driving school +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-1 Schule + school +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-1 Grundschule + primary school +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-1 Realschule + high school +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-1 Gymnasium, Gymnasien + secondary school +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-2 Schülerinen + schoolgirl +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-7 Zeugnis + 1. (school) report, 2. certificate +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-8 Abitur + school leaving exam, A-levels +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-8 Berufsschule + vocational school +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-1 Steffi kommt im Herbst in die Schule.  + kommen* Steffi goes to school in autumn.  Steffi đi học vào mùa thu. +
Exercise 1-3 Meine Tochter geht noch aufs Gymnasium.  + gehen* My daughter's still in high school.  Con gái tôi vẫn đang học trung học. +
Exercise 1-6 Meine Tochter kommt nächstes Jahr ins Gymnasium.  + in  My daughter's going to high school next year.  Con gái tôi đi học trung học năm sau. +
Exercise 1-8 Gehen Ihre Kinder schon / noch zur Schule?  + zu Do your children still go to school?  Con của bạn vẫn còn đi học không? +
Exercise 2-3 Meine Tochter geht schon in die Schule.  + Schule My daughter's gone to school.  Con gái tôi đi học. +
Exercise 2-3 Nächste Woche fängt die Schule wieder an.  + Schule School starts again next week.  Trường bắt đầu lại vào tuần tới. +
Exercise 2-3 Die Schule ist gleich hier um die Ecke.  + Schule School's right around the corner.  Trường nằm ngay góc đường. +
Exercise 2-3 Samstags ist die Schule schon um elf Uhr aus.  + Schule School closes on Saturdays at 11:00.  Trường đóng cửa vào các ngày Thứ 7 lúc 11:00. +
Exercise 2-3 Am Donnerstag ist in der Schule meiner Tochter Elternabend.  + Schule My daughter's school on Thursday is my daughter's parents' night.  Trường học của con gái tôi hôm thứ Năm là đêm cha mẹ của con gái tôi. +
Exercise 2-5 Am Donnerstag ist in der Schule meiner Tochter Elternabend.  + Donnerstag My daughter's school on Thursday is my daughter's parents' night.  Trường học của con gái tôi hôm thứ Năm là đêm cha mẹ của con gái tôi. +
Exercise 2-8 Sie geht tagsüber arbeiten und abends besucht sie die Schule.  + tagsüber She goes to work during the day and attends school in the evening.  Cô đi làm việc trong ngày và đi học vào buổi tối. +
Exercise 2-9 Mein Bruder geht noch zur Schule.  + noch  My brother's still in school.  Em trai tôi vẫn đang đi học. +
Exercise 3-1 In der Schule lesen wir ein Buch von Goethe.  + lesen* At school we read a book by Goethe.  Ở trường, chúng tôi đọc một quyển sách của Goethe. +
Exercise 3-5 Ich kenne ihn von der Schulzeit her.  + her I've known him since high school.  Tôi đã quen anh ấy từ khi còn học trung học. +
Exercise 4-2 Mein jüngster Bruder geht noch zur Schule.  + Bruder My youngest brother's still in school.  Em trai út của tôi vẫn còn ở trường. +
Exercise 5-3 An erster Stelle kommt die Schule.  + erste First comes school.  Đầu tiên đến trường. +
Exercise 5-7 Ich erinnere mich gern an meine Schulzeit.  + erinnern I like to remember my school days.  Tôi thích nhớ những ngày học của mình. +
Exercise 7-5 Morgens bringe ich Jan in die Schule und Julia in den Kindergarten.  + Kindergarten In the morning I take Jan to school and Julia to kindergarten.  Vào buổi sáng, tôi đưa Jan đến trường và Julia đến lớp mẫu giáo. +
Exercise 7-6 Die Sprachschule hat viele Studenten von der Universität Mainz.  + Universität The language school has many students from the University of Mainz.  Trường ngôn ngữ có nhiều sinh viên từ Đại học Mainz. +
Exercise 7-7 In der Schule ist heute Elternabend.  + Abend School's parents' night tonight.  Đêm tối nay của bố mẹ học. +
Exercise 8-2 Er ist Lehrer an einem Gymnasium.  + Lehrer He's a teacher at a grammar school.  Anh ấy là một giáo viên tại một trường học ngữ pháp. +
Exercise 8-3 Welches Fach magst du in der Schule am liebsten?  + Fach Which subject do you like best at school?  Bạn thích môn nào nhất ở trường? +
Exercise 8-6 Trotz des Regens sind die Kinder in die Schule gegangen. + trotz Despite the rain, the children went to school. Mặc dù trời mưa, các em đi học. +
Exercise 8-7 Der Besuch der Schule ist Pflicht.  + Besuch Attending school is compulsory.  Học tại trường là bắt buộc. +
Exercise 8-7 Alle meine Enkel gehen schon zur Schule.  + Enkel All my grandchildren are already going to school.  Tất cả các cháu của tôi đã đi học. +
Exercise 8-8 Ich treffe ihn ab und zu in der Schule. + ab und zu I meet him at school once in a while. Tôi gặp anh ta ở trường một lần. +
Exercise 8-9 Die Eltern schrieben dem Sohn eine Entschuldigung für die Schule.  + Entschuldigung The parents wrote the son an apology for school.  Cha mẹ đã viết cho con trai một lời xin lỗi cho trường học. +
Exercise 9-5 Ich wundere mich, dass du schon so früh aus der Schule kommst. Was ist los?  + wundern I'm surprised you got out of school so early. What's going on?  Tôi ngạc nhiên khi bạn ra trường quá sớm. Điều gì đang xảy ra? +
Exercise 11-2 Ich möchte meine Tochter entschuldigen. Sie ist krank und kann nicht zur Schule gehen.  + entschuldigen I'd like to apologize to my daughter. She's sick and can't go to school.  Tôi muốn xin lỗi con gái tôi. Cô ấy bị bệnh và không thể đi học. +
Exercise 11-6 Heute holt dich der Papa von der Schule ab.  + Papa Daddy's picking you up from school today.  Daddy đón bạn lên từ trường ngày hôm nay. +
Exercise 13-6 Sie unterrichtet seit vielen Jahren an dieser Schule.  + unterrichten She has been teaching at this school for many years.  Cô đã giảng dạy tại trường này trong nhiều năm. +
Exercise 14-3 Mein Geburtsort liegt im Süden, aber ich wohne, seit ich zur Schule gehe, in der Hauptstadt.  + Ort My birthplace is in the south, but I've been living in the capital since I went to school.  Nơi sinh của tôi ở phía Nam, nhưng tôi đã sống ở thủ đô kể từ khi tôi đi học. +
Exercise 14-3 Alle unsere Kinder gehen in die örtliche Schule.  + örtlich All our children go to the local school.  Tất cả trẻ em của chúng tôi đi đến trường học địa phương. +
Exercise 14-8 Martin ist 6 Jahre alt. Nächstes Jahr kommt er in die Grundschule.  + Grundschule  Martin is 6 years old. Next year he'll go to elementary school.  Martin 6 tuổi. Năm tới anh sẽ đi học tiểu học. +
Exercise 14-8 Sie wurden Freunde an der Grundschule. + Grundschule  They became friends at elementary school. Họ đã trở thành bạn bè ở trường tiểu học. +
Exercise 14-8 Meine Tochter hat gerade Abitur gemacht.  + Abitur My daughter just graduated from high school.  Con gái tôi vừa tốt nghiệp trung học. +
Exercise 14-8 Lukas ist 16 Jahre alt und besucht das Gymnasium in Mainz.  + Gymnasium Lukas is 16 years old and attends high school in Mainz.  Lukas 16 tuổi và học trung học ở Mainz. +
Exercise 14-9 Endlich ist die Schule aus! Jetzt sind sechs Wochen Ferien.  + Ferien Finally school is over! Now it's six weeks of vacation.  Cuối cùng trường đã kết thúc! Bây giờ là sáu tuần lễ. +
Exercise 14-9 Sie studiert an einer Medizinischen Hochschule. + Hochschule She's studying at a medical school. Cô đang học tại một trường y khoa. +
Exercise 15-1 Meine Kinder haben sich in der Schule verbessert.  + verbessern My children have improved in school.  Con tôi đã được cải thiện ở trường. +
Exercise 15-2 Mein Neffe studiert im 7. Semester Medizin.  + Semester My nephew is in his seventh semester of medical school.  Cháu trai của tôi đang trong học kỳ thứ bảy của trường y khoa. +
Exercise 15-4 Ich fahre normalerweise mit dem Rad zur Schule.  + normalerweise I usually ride my bike to school.  Tôi thường đi xe đạp đến trường. +
Exercise 16-1 Meine Tochter kommt nächstes Jahr aufs Gymnasium. + auf My daughter's going to high school next year. Con gái tôi đi học trung học năm sau. +
Exercise 17-4 Meine Tochter lernt in der Schule gerade die Verkehrsregeln.  + Regel My daughter's at school learning the traffic rules.  Con gái tôi ở trường học các quy tắc giao thông. +
Exercise 18-5 Sie nimmt an vielen schulischen Aktivitäten teil.  + Aktivität She participates in many school activities.  Cô tham gia vào nhiều hoạt động của trường. +
Exercise 18-7 Mein Sohn war am Anfang in der Schule sehr faul. Heute lernt er sehr fleißig.  + faul My son was very lazy in school at the beginning. Today he is learning very hard.  Con trai tôi lúc đầu rất lười biếng trong trường học. Hôm nay anh ấy học rất chăm chỉ. +
Exercise 18-8 Mein Freund und ich gehen in dieselbe Schule.  + derselbe My boyfriend and I go to the same school.  Bạn trai tôi và tôi cũng học cùng trường. +
Exercise 23-5 Ich habe die Kinder in die Schule geschickt.  + schicken I sent the kids to school.  Tôi đã đưa những đứa trẻ đến trường. +
Exercise 23-8 Kannst du dir dieses Benehmen in der Schule leisten?  + leisten Can you afford to behave like that in school?  Bạn có khả năng cư xử như thế ở trường học? +
Exercise 25-7 Die Schule ist fünf Kilometer entfernt von meinem Haus.  + Kilometer The school is five kilometers from my house.  Nhà trường cách nhà tôi 5 km. +
Exercise 27-4 Du musst mehr für die Schule lernen. Denk an die Zukunft.  + Zukunft  You have to learn more for school. Think about the future.  Bạn phải học thêm để học. Suy nghĩ về tương lai. +
Exercise 28-1 Meine Kinder lernen in der Schule gerade die Verkehrszeichen.  + Verkehrszeichen My children are learning traffic signs at school.  Con tôi đang học các tín hiệu giao thông ở trường. +
Exercise 29-2 Die Elternvertreter treffen sich morgen Abend in der Schule.  + Vertreter Parents' representatives are meeting tomorrow night at school.  Các đại diện của cha mẹ đang họp mặt vào tối mai tại trường. +
Exercise 29-3 Die Eltern haben ihm zum bestandenen Abitur eine Reise geschenkt.  + schenken His parents gave him a trip to the school leaving examination.  Cha mẹ anh ta đã cho anh ta một chuyến đi đến trường để lại kiểm tra. +
Exercise 29-5 Wenn du den Führerschein machen willst, musst du in eine Fahrschule gehen.  + Fahrschule If you want to get your license, you have to go to a driving school.  Nếu bạn muốn có giấy phép, bạn phải đi học lái xe. +
Exercise 29-5 In der Fahrschule gab es theoretische Kurse und Praxisstunden.  + Fahrschule The driving school offered theoretical courses and practical lessons.  Trường lái xe đưa ra các khóa học lý thuyết và các bài học thực tiễn. +
Exercise 29-7 Die Leistungen Ihrer Tochter sind im letzten Schuljahr besser geworden.  + Leistung Your daughter's performance has improved in the last school year.  Hiệu suất của con gái bạn đã được cải thiện trong năm học vừa qua. +
Exercise 29-9 Thomas war nicht in der Schule, er fehlt schon seit drei Tagen.  + fehlen Thomas hasn't been to school, he's been missing for three days.  Thomas đã không được đến trường, ông đã mất tích trong ba ngày. +
Exercise 30-2 Du darfst in der Schule nicht so frech sein.  + frech You can't be so naughty in school.  Bạn không thể được như vậy nghịch ngợm trong trường học. +
Exercise 30-7 Unser Sohn entwickelt sich gut in der Schule.  + entwickeln Our son is developing well in school.  Con trai chúng tôi đang phát triển tốt ở trường. +
Exercise 32-2 Meine Freundin ist Lehrerin am Gymnasium.  + an My girlfriend is a high school teacher.  Bạn gái tôi là một giáo viên trung học. +
Exercise 33-2 Die Sprachschule ist nur ein paar Schritte von hier.  + Schritt The language school is only a few steps from here.  Trường ngôn ngữ chỉ cách đó vài bước. +
Exercise 33-3 Du musst dir in der Schule ein bisschen mehr Mühe geben.  + Mühe You need to try a little harder at school.  Bạn cần thử một chút ở trường. +
Exercise 34-2 Wo ist deine Schwester? – Sie wird wohl noch in der Schule sein.  + wohl  Where's your sister? She'll probably still be at school.  Em của bạn ở đâu? Có lẽ cô ấy vẫn còn ở trường. +
Exercise 37-1 Er hat in der Schule seine Mitschüler überholt. + überholen He overtook his classmates at school. Anh ta đã vượt qua bạn cùng lớp ở trường. +
Exercise 37-3 Die neue Schule ist noch im Bau.  + Bau The new school is still under construction.  Trường mới vẫn đang được xây dựng. +
Exercise 37-5 In der Schule lernen die Kinder viel über Wirtschaft und Politik.  + Wirtschaft At school, the children learn a lot about economics and politics.  Ở trường, trẻ em học được rất nhiều về kinh tế và chính trị. +
Exercise 38-3 Ein neuer Direktor leitet die Schule.  + Direktor A new director runs the school.  Một giám đốc mới điều hành trường học. +
Exercise 42-5 Wir haben in der Sprachschule ein interkulturelles Fest gefeiert. + interkulturell We have celebrated an intercultural festival in the language school. Chúng tôi đã tổ chức một lễ hội liên văn hoá trong trường ngôn ngữ. +
Exercise 42-9 Ich bin Mitglied im Elternbeirat. Wenn es Probleme mit der Schule gibt, sprechen wir mit dem Direktor. + Mitglied I'm a member of the PTA. If there are any problems with the school, we'll talk to the principal. Tôi là một thành viên của PTA. Nếu có vấn đề gì với nhà trường, chúng tôi sẽ nói chuyện với hiệu trưởng. +
Exercise 43-1 Die beiden Schulklassen sollen zusammengefasst werden.  + zusammenfassen The two school classes are to be combined.  Hai lớp học sẽ được kết hợp. +
Exercise 43-2 Die Kinder bekommen in der Schule auch Noten für ihr Sozialverhalten.  + Verhalten The children also receive marks for their social behaviour at school.  Các em cũng nhận được dấu hiệu cho hành vi xã hội của mình ở trường. +
Exercise 43-6 Ein guter Schulabschluss ist sehr wichtig.  + Abschluss A good school leaving certificate is very important.  Giấy chứng nhận tốt nghiệp của trường rất quan trọng. +
Exercise 43-7 Der Besuch der Berufsschule ist Pflicht.  + Berufsschule Attending vocational school is compulsory.  Học nghề là bắt buộc. +
Exercise 43-7 Er muss eine Berufsschule besuchen.  + Berufsschule He has to attend a vocational school.  Anh ta phải theo học một trường dạy nghề. +
Exercise 43-7 Nach dem Abschluss der Realschule hat er eine Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann gemacht. + Realschule After graduating from secondary school, he completed an apprenticeship as a bank clerk. Sau khi tốt nghiệp trung học, ông đã hoàn thành công việc làm thư ký ngân hàng. +
Exercise 43-8 Mein Neffe sucht nach der Schule einen Ausbildungsplatz als Kfz-Mechaniker. + Ausbildungsplatz My nephew is looking for a training position as a car mechanic after school. Cháu trai của tôi đang tìm kiếm một vị trí đào tạo như một thợ cơ khí xe hơi sau giờ học. +
Exercise 44-3 Meine Kinder haben in der Schule einmal in der Woche Philosophieunterricht.  + Philosophie My children have philosophy classes once a week in school.  Con tôi có lớp triết học mỗi tuần một lần ở trường. +
Exercise 44-5 Meine Kinder haben in der Schule einen Intelligenztest gemacht.  + Intelligenz My kids did an intelligence test at school.  Con tôi đã kiểm tra tình báo ở trường. +
Exercise 45-1 Er hat ohne Begründung in der Schule gefehlt.  + Begründung He was absent from school without justification.  Anh ấy đã vắng mặt ở trường mà không có sự biện hộ. +
Exercise 45-6 Im Schulbus gibt es immer einen Kampf um die Sitzplätze.  + Kampf There is always a fight for seats in the school bus.  Luôn luôn có một cuộc đấu tranh giành chỗ trong xe buýt của trường. +
Exercise 45-9 Nach acht Stunden Schule haben die Kinder keine Lust mehr zu den Hausaufgaben. Ich finde das verständlich.  + verständlich After eight hours of school, the children don't feel like doing their homework. I find that understandable.  Sau 8 giờ học, các em không cảm thấy thích làm bài tập ở nhà. Tôi thấy điều đó dễ hiểu. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
school City Streets 9
+ + + + 103 Weather Hitzefrei haben + to have time off from school/work because of excessive heat + Sunshine C
+ + + + 103 Containers Mappe + portfolio, briefcase, schoolbag + Bags A
+ + + + 103 Containers Schultasche + schoolbag + Bags A
+ + + + 103 Containers Schulmappe + schoolbag + Bags A
+ + + + 103 Containers Schulranzen + school satchel + Bags B
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Ballettschule + ballet school + Dance B
+ + + + 103 Media and popular culture Schulfunk + radio programmes for schools + Audiovisual media C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Ferien + (school) holidays + Tourism A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fahrschule + driving school + Road transport B
+ + + + 103 Education Schule + school + School A
+ + + + 103 Education Grundschullehrer(in) + primary school teacher + Staff and students A
+ + + + 103 Education Grundschule + elementary school + Type of school A
+ + + + 103 Education Realschule + high school + Type of school A
+ + + + 103 Education Hauptschule + vocational high school + Type of school A
+ + + + 103 Education Gymnasium + high school (with academic emphasis), grammar school + Type of school A
+ + + + 103 Education Gesamtschule + comprehensive school + Type of school A
+ + + + 103 Education Sekundarschule + secondary school + Type of school A
+ + + + 103 Education Oberschule + secondary school + Type of school A
+ + + + 103 Education Klassenarbeit + test [at school] + Assessment and qualifications A
+ + + + 103 Education Abitur + high school diploma and university entrance exam (equivalent of A levels) + Assessment and qualifications A
+ + + + 103 Education die Schule/Universität vorzeitig verlassen + to drop out of school + General B
+ + + + 103 Education Schulgeld + school fee, tuition + School B
+ + + + 103 Education medizinische Hochschule + medical school + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education kaufmännische Fachschule + business school + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education Erzieher(in) + nursery school teacher, kindergarten teacher + Staff and students B
+ + + + 103 Education Vorschule + preschool + Type of school B
+ + + + 103 Education Privatschule + private school + Type of school B
+ + + + 103 Education staatliche Schule + state school + Type of school B
+ + + + 103 Education Sommerschule + summer school + Type of school B
+ + + + 103 Education Sonderschule + special school + Type of school B
+ + + + 103 Education Behindertenschule + special school (for physically handicapped) + Type of school B
+ + + + 103 Education jmdn von der Schule verweisen + to expel sb from school + School C
+ + + + 103 Education Schulpflicht + compulsory school attendance + School C
+ + + + 103 Education Schulabgangsalter + school-leaving age + School C
+ + + + 103 Education Lehrerkollegium + teaching staff [of a school] + Staff and students C
+ + + + 103 Education Schulabgänger(in) + school leaver + Staff and students C
+ + + + 103 Education Kindertagheim + preschool + Type of school C
+ + + + 103 Education Internat + boarding school + Type of school C
+ + + + 103 Education Externat + day school + Type of school C
+ + + + 103 Education Fernschule + correspondence school + Type of school C
+ + + + 103 Education Klosterschule + convent school + Type of school C
+ + + + 103 Education Konfessionsschule + parochial school, church school + Type of school C
+ + + + 103 Education Schulabschluss + school-leaving certificate + Assessment and qualifications C
+ + + + 103 Education Hauptschulabschluss + diploma from a vocational high school + Assessment and qualifications C
+ + + + 103 Education mittlere Reife + diploma from high school + Assessment and qualifications C
+ + + + 103 Employment Erzieher(in) + nursery school teacher, kindergarten teacher + Jobs, trades and professions A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 同學 + * * tong2xue2 fellow student/ schoolmate Mitschüler,Mitstudent +
A + * * nian4 read aloud; study; attend school 1. an jn denken, an etw. denken, gedenken, vermissen 2.lernen, eine Schule besuchen 3. vorlesen +
A 開學 + * * kai1 xue2 school begins/ term starts Schulbeginn +
A 學生 + * * xue2sheng student/ schoolboy/ schoolgirl Student,Schüler +
A 學校 + * * xue2xiao4 school/ educational institute Schule +
A 上學 + * * shang4 xue2 go to school/ attend school zur Schule gehen +
A 教室 + * * jiao4shi4 classroom/ schoolroom Hörsaal,Klassenzimmer +
A 中學 + * * zhong1xue2 middle school/ high school Mittelschule +
B 書包 + * * shu1bao1 schoolbag Schultasche +
B 開課 + * * kai1 ke4 start of school Schulbeginn, der Kurs startet +
B 學期 + * * xue2qi1 school term/ semester Semester +
B 小學 + * * xiao3xue2 primary school Grundschule +
B 校長 + * * xiao4zhang3 headmaster/ schoolmaster Präsident (einer Universität, eines Kollegs), Schuldirektor +
B 補習 + * * bu3xi2 take lessons after school außerhalb des Unterrichts Ergänzungslektionen nehmen +
C 放學 + * * fang4 xue2 classes are over/ students leave school after classes die Schule ist aus +
C 念書 + * * nian4shu1 read/ study (lessons)/ attend a school or university 1.lesen 2. lernen +
C 高中 + * * gao1zhong1 senior high school Oberstufe der Mittelschule +
C 學年 + * * xue2nian2 academic-year/ school year Schuljahr +
C 學制 + * * xue2zhi4 school-system/ education system/ length of schooling Erziehungssystem, Ausbildungssystem +
C 初中 + * * chu1zhong1 junior middle school/ junior high school Mittlere Juniorschule +
C 幼兒園 + * * you4'er2yuan2 young-child-garden/ kindergarten/ nursery school Kindergarten +
C 課堂 + * * ke4tang2 class/ classroom/ schoolroom Klassenzimmer, Hörsaal +
C 功課 + * * gong1ke4 school work/ homework/ assignment Schularbeiten +
D 曠課 + * * kuang4 ke4 cut school unentschuldigt dem Unterricht fernbleiben, schwänzen +
D 升學 + * * sheng1 xue2 enter a higher school in eine höhere Schule versetzt werden +
D 百家爭鳴 + * * bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2 a hundred schools of thought contend hundert Schulen wettstreiten mit einander +
D 失學 + * * shi1 xue2 unable to go to school keine Schule besuchen können, nicht lernen können +
D 學派 + * * xue2pai4 school/ school of thought wissenschaftliche Richtung, Schule +
D 考取 + * * kao3 qu3 be admitted to school or college eine Zulassungsprüfung bestehen, zugelassen werden +
D 校徽 + * * xiao4hui1 school-badge Schulabzeichen +
D 辦學 + * * ban4 xue2 run a school eine Schule führen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
across + There's a school just across from our house. Da ist eine Schule gegenüber von unserem Haus.
active + She takes an active part in school life. Sie nimmt aktiv am Schulleben teil.
admire + admire sb/sth for sth: The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching. jdn. /etw.[Akk] für etw.[Akk] bewundern: Die Schule wird für ihren hervorragenden Unterricht bewundert.
age + He left school at the age of 18. Mit 18 Jahren verließ er die Schule.
as always + As always, Polly was late for school. Wie immer kam Polly zu spät zur Schule.
analysis + At the meeting they presented a detailed analysis of twelve schools in a London borough. Auf dem Treffen präsentierten sie eine detaillierte Analyse von zwölf Schulen in einem Londoner Stadtteil.
anxious + anxious to do sth: She was anxious to finish school and get a job. ängstlich, etw. zu tun: Sie war bestrebt, die Schule zu beenden und einen Job zu bekommen.
apparent + My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school. Meine Eltern waren besorgt über meinen offensichtlichen Mangel an Schulbegeisterung.
appoint + appoint sb: They have appointed a new head teacher at my son's school. jdn. ernennen: Sie haben einen neuen Schulleiter an der Schule meines Sohnes ernannt.
approach + approach to sth: The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. Ansatz zu etw.: Die Schule hat sich entschieden, einen anderen Ansatz zur Disziplin zu wählen.
approve + I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didn't approve. Ich habe meiner Mutter gesagt, dass ich die Schule verlassen wollte, aber sie war dagegen.
approve + approve of sb doing sth: She doesn't approve of me leaving school this year. dass jd. etw. tut: Sie findet es nicht gut, dass ich dieses Jahr die Schule verlasse.
approve + approve of sb's doing sth: She doesn't approve of my leaving school this year. dass jdm. nicht gefällt, dass sie etw. tut: Sie billigt meinen Schulabschluss dieses Jahr nicht.
army + After leaving school, Mike went into the army. Nach der Schule ging Mike zur Armee.
arrangement + arrangement between A and B: an arrangement between the school and the parents Vereinbarung zwischen A und B: eine Vereinbarung zwischen der Schule und den Eltern
at + He left school at the age of 16. Mit 16 Jahren verließ er die Schule.
attack + The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright pupils. Die Schule ist angegriffen worden, weil sie es versäumt hat, kluge Schüler zu ermutigen.
attend + Our children attend the same school. Unsere Kinder besuchen dieselbe Schule.
autumn + the autumn term (= for example at a school or college in Britain) das Herbstsemester (= z. B. an einer Schule oder einem College in Großbritannien)
available + Tickets are available free of charge from the school. Die Eintrittskarten sind kostenlos bei der Schule erhältlich.
average + Class sizes in the school are below the national average. Die Klassengrößen in der Schule liegen unter dem Bundesdurchschnitt.
begin + The school began in 1920, with only ten pupils. Die Schule begann 1920 mit nur zehn Schülern.
behind + I was told to stay behind after school (= remain in school). Ich sollte nach der Schule zurückbleiben (= in der Schule bleiben).
between + Children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16. Kinder müssen die Schule zwischen 5 und 16 Jahren besuchen.
bit + The school play was a huge success—the audience roared with laughter at all the funny bits. Das Schultheaterstück war ein Riesenerfolg - das Publikum lachte vor Lachen über die lustigen Teile.
board + the Board of Education (= a group of elected officials who are in charge of all the public schools in a particular area) Erziehungsrat (= eine Gruppe von gewählten Beamten, die für alle öffentlichen Schulen in einem bestimmten Gebiet zuständig sind)
body + The governing body of the school is/are concerned about discipline. Die Schulleitung kümmert sich um Disziplin.
bottom + I went to the school at the bottom of our street. Ich ging zur Schule am Ende unserer Straße.
boy + The older boys at school used to tease him. Die älteren Jungen in der Schule haben ihn immer gehänselt.
brick + The school is built of brick. Die Schule ist aus Ziegelstein gebaut.
building + the building of the school das Gebäude der Schule
bus + a school bus einen Schulbus
business + When he left school, he went into business with his brother. Als er die Schule verließ, ging er mit seinem Bruder ins Geschäft.
busy + James is busy practising for the school concert. James übt für das Schulkonzert.
can + I could drive a car before I left school. Ich könnte Auto fahren, bevor ich die Schule verließ.
cap + a school cap eine Schulmütze
captain + She was captain of the hockey team at school. Sie war in der Schule Kapitänin des Hockeyteams.
career + My school career was not very impressive. Meine Schullaufbahn war nicht sehr beeindruckend.
cash + Local schools have been starved of cash for a number of years. Die örtlichen Schulen haben seit einigen Jahren keinen Barmittel mehr bekommen.
chairman + the chairman of the board of governors (= of a school) der Vorsitzende des Gouverneursrates (= einer Schule)
challenge + Schools must meet the challenge of new technology (= deal with it successfully). Schulen müssen sich der Herausforderung neuer Technologien stellen (= erfolgreich damit umgehen).
chance + chance for sb to do sth: There will be a chance for parents to look around the school. Chance für jdn., etw. zu tun: Es wird eine Chance für Eltern geben, sich in der Schule umzusehen.
change + Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school. Rick hat sich nicht verändert. Er sieht genauso aus wie in der Schule.
charge + I'm leaving the school in your charge. Ich verlasse die Schule in deinem Auftrag.
choose + This site has been chosen for the new school. Dieser Standort wurde für die neue Schule ausgewählt.
class + We were in the same class at school. Wir waren in derselben Klasse in der Schule.
class + The whole class was/were told to stay behind after school. Der ganzen Klasse wurde gesagt, dass sie nach der Schule zurückbleiben sollte.
close + Our new house is close to the school. Unser neues Haus befindet sich in der Nähe der Schule.
collect + collect sb (from...): She's gone to collect her son from school. jdn. abholen (von...): Sie holt ihren Sohn von der Schule ab.
compare + This school compares with the best in the country (= it is as good as them). Diese Schule vergleicht sich mit den Besten des Landes (= es ist so gut wie sie).
competition + There is now intense competition between schools to attract students. Es gibt jetzt einen intensiven Wettbewerb zwischen den Schulen, um Schüler anzuziehen.
confidence + I didn't have any confidence in myself at school. Ich hatte kein Selbstvertrauen in der Schule.
confusion + To avoid confusion, please write the children's names clearly on all their school clothes. Um Verwechslungen zu vermeiden, schreiben Sie bitte die Namen der Kinder deutlich auf die Schulkleidung.
contract + contract to do sth: to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school Auftrag, um etw. zu tun: zu gewinnen/erhalten einen Auftrag für den Bau einer neuen Schule zu erhalten
craft + Craft, Design and Technology (= a subject in some British schools) Handwerk, Design und Technologie (= ein Fach in einigen britischen Schulen)
crime + He turned to crime when he dropped out of school. Er wurde zum Verbrechen, als er die Schule verließ.
critical + critical of sb/sth: Tom's parents were highly critical of the school. kritisch gegenüber jdm. /etw.[Dat]: Toms Eltern waren sehr kritisch gegenüber der Schule.
crucial + Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. Eltern spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Vorbereitung ihres Kindes auf die Schule.
culture + A culture of failure exists in some schools. In einigen Schulen gibt es eine Kultur des Scheiterns.
decide + it is decided (that)...: It was decided (that) the school should purchase new software. es wird entschieden...: Es wurde beschlossen, dass die Schule eine neue Software kaufen soll.
definition + There is no agreed definition of what a comprehensive school should be. Es gibt keine einheitliche Definition, was eine Gesamtschule sein sollte.
make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth) + Changing schools made a big difference to my life. Der Schulwechsel hat mein Leben entscheidend verändert.
dinner + school dinners (= meals provided at school in the middle of the day) Schulessen (= Mahlzeiten in der Schule während des Tages)
discipline + The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline. Die Schule hat den Ruf, Disziplin auf hohem Niveau zu betreiben.
discipline + Lack of discipline at home meant that many pupils found it difficult to settle in to the ordered environment of the school. Da es zu Hause an Disziplin fehlte, konnten sich viele Schülerinnen und Schüler nur schwer in die geordnete Umgebung der Schule einl
distribute + distribute sth among sb/sth: The money was distributed among schools in the area. etw.[Akk] unter jdm. /etw.[Dat] verteilen: Das Geld wurde auf Schulen in der Region verteilt.
district + a school district einen Schulbezirk
do + What does she want to do when she leaves school? Was will sie tun, wenn sie die Schule verlässt?
do + He's doing very well at school (= his work is good). In der Schule geht es ihm sehr gut (= seine Arbeit ist gut).
drama + drama school Theaterschule
dream + I had a vivid dream about my old school. Ich hatte einen lebhaften Traum von meiner alten Schule.
due + due to do sth: Rose is due to start school in January. um etw. zu tun: Rose soll im Januar mit der Schule beginnen.
easy + Several schools are within easy reach (= not far away). Mehrere Schulen sind in Reichweite (= nicht weit entfernt).
educate + He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford. Er wurde an seiner örtlichen Gesamtschule und dann in Oxford erzogen.
enter + to enter a school/college/university eine Schule/Hochschule/Universität zu besuchen
equivalent + The German 'Gymnasium' is the closest equivalent to the grammar school in England. Das deutsche Gymnasium ist das nächstgelegene Gymnasium in England.
establish + The school has established a successful relationship with the local community. Die Schule hat eine erfolgreiche Beziehung zur lokalen Gemeinschaft aufgebaut.
every + She knows every student in the school. Sie kennt jeden Schüler in der Schule.
exception + With very few exceptions, private schools get the best exam results. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen erhalten Privatschulen die besten Prüfungsergebnisse.
exchange + Our school does an exchange with a school in France. Unsere Schule macht einen Austausch mit einer Schule in Frankreich.
exclude + Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school (= not allowed to attend because of bad behaviour). Die Sorge um die Zahl der aus der Schule ausgeschlossenen Kinder wächst (= wegen schlechtem Benehmen nicht erlaubt).
extend + The school is extending the range of subjects taught. Die Schule erweitert das Angebot an Fächern.
to... extent + To what extent is this true of all schools? Inwieweit gilt das für alle Schulen?
fail + a failing school eine gescheiterte Schule
favour + Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today? Könntest du Sam heute von der Schule abholen?
fee + fee-paying schools (= that you have to pay to go to) gebührenpflichtige Schulen (= die Sie bezahlen müssen, um zu gehen)
fetch + She's gone to fetch the kids from school. Sie holt die Kinder von der Schule.
fill + The school is filled to capacity. Die Schule ist voll ausgelastet.
find out (about sth/sb), find out sth (about sth/sb) + find that...: We found out later that we had been at the same school. dass wir später herausgefunden hatten, dass wir in derselben Schule waren.
finish + She finished law school last year. Sie hat letztes Jahr ihr Jurastudium abgeschlossen.
focus + The incident brought the problem of violence in schools into sharp focus. Der Vorfall rückte das Problem der Gewalt in den Schulen ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit.
follow + Follow this road until you get to the school, then turn left. Folgen Sie dieser Straße bis zur Schule und biegen Sie dann links ab.
form + He formed a band with some friends from school. Er gründete eine Band mit Freunden aus der Schule.
foundation + The builders are now beginning to lay the foundations of the new school. Die Bauleute beginnen nun, den Grundstein für die neue Schule zu legen.
from + Conditions vary from school to school. Die Bedingungen variieren von Schule zu Schule.
future + He met his future wife at law school. Er lernte seine zukünftige Frau an der juristischen Fakultät kennen.
generation + She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates. Sie hat eine ganze Generation von Absolventen der Modeschule inspiriert.
get + She soon got the children ready for school. Sie hat die Kinder schon bald schulreif gemacht.
get on + He's getting on very well at school. In der Schule versteht er sich sehr gut.
get into sth, get yourself/sb into sth + He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school. Er hatte schon in der Schule Ärger mit der Polizei.
go back to sth + The kids go back to school next week. Die Kinder gehen nächste Woche wieder zur Schule.
governor + a school governor ein Schulvorsteher
ground + The kids were playing on waste ground behind the school. Die Kinder spielten auf Brachland hinter der Schule.
head + the head boy/girl (= a student who is chosen to represent the school) der Schulleiter (= ein Student, der die Schule vertritt)
history + The school traces its history back to 1865. Die Schule hat eine Geschichte, die bis ins Jahr 1865 zurückreicht.
holiday + the school/summer/Christmas, etc. holidays die Schul-/Sommer-/Weihnachtsferien etc.
holiday + a holiday job (= done by students during the school holidays) ein Ferienjob (= von Studenten während der Schulferien)
if + If you think about it, those children must be at school by now. Wenn du darüber nachdenkst, müssen die Kinder schon in der Schule sein.
illness + I missed a lot of school through illness last year. Ich habe letztes Jahr durch Krankheit viel Schule verpasst.
independent + independent television/schools unabhängiges Fernsehen/Schulen
individual + The school's reputation was ruined by the bad behaviour of a few individuals. Der Ruf der Schule wurde durch das schlechte Benehmen einiger weniger Personen ruiniert.
international + an international airport/school/company ein internationaler Flughafen/Schule/Firma
introduce + introduce sth into/to sth: We want to introduce the latest technology into schools. etw.[Akk] in etw.[Akk] einführen: Wir wollen die neueste Technologie in Schulen einführen.
judge + judge sb/sth (on sth): Schools should not be judged only on exam results. jdn. /etw.[Akk] nach etw.[Dat] beurteilen: Schulen sollten nicht nur nach Prüfungsergebnissen beurteilt werden
keen + keen (that...): We are keen that our school should get involved too. keen (das...): Wir sind sehr daran interessiert, dass unsere Schule auch mitmacht.
late + The school was built in the late 1970s. Die Schule wurde Ende der 70er Jahre gebaut.
law + He's in law school. Er studiert Jura.
law + He's at law school. Er studiert Jura.
law + British schools are now required by law to publish their exam results. Britische Schulen sind nun gesetzlich verpflichtet, ihre Prüfungsergebnisse zu veröffentlichen.
learn + We have to learn one of Hamlet's speeches for school tomorrow. Wir müssen morgen eine von Hamlets Reden für die Schule lernen.
leave + leave sth: Some children leave school at 16. etw.[Akk] verlassen: Einige Kinder verlassen die Schule um 16.
like + You've got to go to school, whether you like it or not. Du musst zur Schule gehen, ob du willst oder nicht.
local + Our children go to the local school. Unsere Kinder besuchen die lokale Schule.
loss + Her departure is a big loss to the school. Ihre Abreise ist ein großer Verlust für die Schule.
loss + She will be a great loss to the school. Sie wird ein großer Verlust für die Schule sein.
mate + They've been best mates since school. Sie sind die besten Freunde seit der Schule.
mathematics + the school mathematics curriculum den Lehrplan der Schule für Mathematik
medical + a medical student/school Medizinstudent/Schule
meeting + The meeting will be held in the school hall. Die Versammlung findet in der Schulhalle statt.
minority + The school is 95 per cent minority (= 95 per cent of children are not white Americans but from different groups). Die Schule ist zu 95 Prozent eine Minderheit (= 95 Prozent der Kinder sind keine weißen Amerikaner, sondern aus verschiedenen Gruppe
miss + 'Are you coming to the school play?' 'I wouldn't miss it for the world.' Kommst du zu dem Schultheaterstück? "Ich würde es um nichts in der Welt verpassen."
mistake + Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life. Die Schule so jung zu verlassen, war der größte Fehler meines Lebens.
mix + a school with a good social mix of children eine Schule mit einem guten sozialen Mix von Kindern
mixed + a mixed school eine gemischte Schule
next + Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you're married with three kids. Du verlässt die Schule um 16 Uhr und bist verheiratet, mit drei Kindern.
not + 'What did you do at school?' 'Not a lot.' Was hast du in der Schule gemacht? "Nicht viel."
off + He's had ten days off school. Er hatte zehn Tage frei.
officially + The college is not an officially recognized English language school. Das College ist keine offiziell anerkannte Englischsprachschule.
old + I went back to visit my old school. Ich ging zurück, um meine alte Schule zu besuchen.
old + In those days most people left school when they were only fifteen years old. Damals verließen die meisten Menschen die Schule, als sie erst fünfzehn Jahre alt waren.
one + Our house is the one next to the school. Unser Haus ist das neben der Schule.
opportunity + They intend to close the school at the earliest opportunity (= as soon as possible). Sie beabsichtigen, die Schule so bald wie moeglich zu schliessen.
originally + The school was originally very small. Die Schule war ursprünglich sehr klein.
partnership + partnership with sb/sth: the school's partnership with parents Partnerschaft mit jdm. /etw.[Dat]: Partnerschaft der Schule mit den Eltern
party + The school is taking a party of 40 children to France. Die Schule bringt eine Gruppe von 40 Kindern nach Frankreich.
permission + permission (for sb/sth) (to do sth): The school has been refused permission to expand. Erlaubnis (für jdn. /etw.) (etw. etw. zu tun): Der Schule wurde die Erlaubnis verweigert, sich auszuweiten.
physics + a school physics department Abteilung für Schulphysik
production + Every year the school puts on a musical production. Jedes Jahr veranstaltet die Schule eine Musikproduktion.
pupil + How many pupils does the school have? Wie viele Schüler hat die Schule?
qualification + He left school with no formal qualifications. Er verließ die Schule ohne Abschluss.
quit + She quit school at 16. Sie ging mit 16 aus der Schule.
raise + How can we raise standards in schools? Wie können wir die Standards in den Schulen anheben?
rate + rate sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): The schools were rated according to their exam results. jdn. /etw.[Akk] bewerten (+ adv. /prep.): Die Schulen wurden nach ihren Prüfungsergebnissen bewertet.
read + Some children can read and write before they go to school. Einige Kinder können lesen und schreiben, bevor sie zur Schule gehen.
ready + ready for sth: I'm just getting the kids ready for school. Ich bereite die Kinder nur für die Schule vor.
real + She never had any real friends at school. Sie hatte nie richtige Freunde in der Schule.
register + The teacher called the register (= checked who was present at school). Der Lehrer rief die Teilnehmerliste an (= ueberprueft, wer in der Schule anwesend war).
regret + it is regretted that...: It is to be regretted that so many young people leave school without qualifications. bedauert man, dass...: Es ist bedauerlich, dass so viele Jugendliche die Schule ohne Abschluss verlassen.
relaxed + I take a fairly relaxed attitude towards what the kids wear to school. Ich habe eine ziemlich entspannte Einstellung zu dem, was die Kinder in der Schule anziehen.
remember + I don't remember my first day at school. Ich erinnere mich nicht an meinen ersten Schultag.
remove + Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour. Drei Kinder wurden wegen anhaltenden schlechten Benehmens aus der Schule entfernt.
repeat + to repeat the class/year/grade (= in a school, to take the class/year/grade again) Wiederholung der Klasse/des Jahrgangs (= in einer Schule, um die Klasse/das Jahr/die Klasse/das Schuljahr/den Schulabschluss zu wied
resolve + Attempts are being made to resolve the problem of security in schools. Es wird versucht, das Problem der Sicherheit in den Schulen zu lösen.
result + The end result (= the final one) of her hard work was a place at medical school. Das Endergebnis (= das letzte) ihrer harten Arbeit war ein Platz an der medizinischen Fakultät.
ride + She rode the bus to school every day. Sie fuhr jeden Tag mit dem Bus zur Schule.
rightly + The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results. Die Schule war zu Recht stolz auf die hervorragenden Prüfungsergebnisse.
round here + There are no decent schools round here. Hier gibt es keine vernünftigen Schulen.
run + to run a hotel/store/language school ein Hotel/Shop/Sprachschule zu betreiben
rush + The children rushed out of school. Die Kinder eilten aus der Schule.
same + Our children go to the same school as theirs. Unsere Kinder gehen auf die gleiche Schule wie ihre.
sample + The survey covers a representative sample of schools. Die Umfrage umfasst eine repräsentative Stichprobe von Schulen.
save + Money from local businesses helped save the school from closure. Gelder aus lokalen Unternehmen halfen dabei, die Schule vor der Schließung zu bewahren.
schedule + Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year. Chinesen stehen ab nächstes Jahr auf dem Stundenplan.
scheme + scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry Programm (Ausübung von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Verbindungen zwischen Schulen und Wirtschaft)
scheme + Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding. Im Rahmen der neuen Regelung werden nur erfolgreiche Schulen zusätzlich gefördert.
school + famous schools like Yale and Harvard berühmte Schulen wie Yale und Harvard
school + Where did you go to school? Wo bist du zur Schule gegangen?
school + the business/medical/law school wirtschaftswissenschaftliche/medizinische/juristische Fakultät
school + the School of Dentistry die Zahnmedizinische Fakultät
school + a drama/language/riding, etc. school eine Theater-/Sprach-/Reitschule etc.
school + I had to stand up in front of the whole school. Ich musste vor der ganzen Schule aufstehen.
school + My brother and I went to the same school. Mein Bruder und ich gingen auf dieselbe Schule.
school + Which school do they attend? Welche Schule besuchen sie?
school + I'm going to the school today to talk to Kim's teacher. Ich gehe heute zur Schule, um mit Kims Lehrerin zu reden.
school + We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools. Wir brauchen mehr Geld für Straßen, Krankenhäuser und Schulen.
school + school buildings Schulgebäude
school + to start/quit school zur Schule starten/beenden
school + Where did you go to school? Wo bist du zur Schule gegangen?
school + All my kids are still at school. Alle meine Kinder sind noch in der Schule.
school + All my kids are still in school. Alle meine Kinder sind noch in der Schule.
school + to teach school (= teach in a school) Unterricht in der Schule (= Unterricht in einer Schule)
school + The transition from school to work can be difficult. Der Übergang von der Schule in den Beruf kann schwierig sein.
school + Shall I meet you after school today? Treffen wir uns nach der Schule?
school + School begins at 9. Die Schule beginnt um 9.
school + The kids are at/in school until 3.30. Die Kinder sind bis 3.30 Uhr in der Schule.
school + after-school activities außerschulische Aktivitäten
select + select sb/sth: a randomly selected sample of 23 schools jdn. /etw.[Akk] auswählen: eine zufällig ausgewählte Stichprobe von 23 Schulen
send + to send sb to prison/boarding school jdn. ins Gefängnis oder Internat schicken
separate + The school is housed in two separate buildings. Die Schule ist in zwei getrennten Gebäuden untergebracht.
sex + single-sex schools Single-Sex-Schulen
sex + sex education in schools Sexualerziehung in Schulen
ship sb off + The children were shipped off to a boarding school at an early age. Die Kinder wurden früh in ein Internat verlegt.
show sb around/round (sth) + We were shown around the school by one of the students. Wir wurden von einem der Schüler/innen durch die Schule geführt.
since + He's been working in a bank since leaving school. Er arbeitet in einer Bank, seit er die Schule verlassen hat.
single + a single-sex school (= for boys only or for girls only) eine Single-Sex Schule (= nur für Jungen oder nur für Mädchen)
site + A site has been chosen for the new school. Für die neue Schule wurde ein Standort ausgewählt.
special + The school will only allow this in special circumstances. Die Schule wird dies nur unter besonderen Umständen zulassen.
start + The kids start school next week. Die Kinder fangen nächste Woche mit der Schule an.
straight + Come straight home after school. Komm sofort nach der Schule nach Hause.
student + a 15-year-old high school student ein 15-jähriger Gymnasiast
succeed + succeed in doing sth: He succeeded in getting a place at art school. etw.[Akk] schaffen: Ihm gelang es, einen Platz an der Kunstschule zu bekommen.
suffer + His school work is suffering because of family problems. Seine schulische Arbeit leidet unter familiären Problemen.
supply + supply sb/sth: Local schools supply many of the volunteers. jdn. /etw.[Akk] mit jdm. /etw.[Dat] versorgen: Lokale Schulen versorgen viele der Freiwilligen.
take + The school doesn't take boys (= only has girls). Die Schule nimmt keine Jungen (= nur Mädchen).
talk + We looked around the school and talked with the principal. Wir haben uns in der Schule umgesehen und mit dem Direktor gesprochen.
teach + She teaches at our local school. Sie unterrichtet an unserer örtlichen Schule.
teach + to teach school (= teach in a school) Unterricht in der Schule (= Unterricht in einer Schule)
teacher + primary school teachers Grundschullehrer
technical + technical drawing (= especially taught as a school subject) technisches Zeichnen (= vor allem als Schulfach)
test + Schools use various methods of testing. Schulen verwenden verschiedene Testmethoden.
there + I went to see if my old school was still there. Ich ging, um zu sehen, ob meine alte Schule noch da war.
timetable + We have a new timetable each term (= showing the times of each class in school). Wir haben einen neuen Stundenplan für jedes Semester (= Anzeige der Zeiten jeder Klasse in der Schule).
timetable + Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable (= all the subjects that are taught at schools). Sport ist im Stundenplan der Schule nicht mehr so wichtig (= alle Fächer, die an Schulen unterrichtet werden).
uniform + The hat is part of the school uniform. Der Hut gehört zur Schuluniform.
use + The software is designed for use in schools. Die Software ist für den Einsatz in Schulen konzipiert.
used to + I didn't use to like him much when we were at school. Ich mochte ihn früher in der Schule nicht besonders.
victim + Schools are the latest victims of cuts in public spending. Die Schulen sind die jüngsten Opfer von Kürzungen der öffentlichen Ausgaben.
video + the use of video in schools die Verwendung von Video in Schulen
visit + government inspectors visiting schools staatliche Inspektoren besuchen Schulen
walk + The school is within easy walking distance of the train station. Die Schule ist vom Bahnhof aus bequem zu Fuß zu erreichen.
walk + walk sth: Children here walk several miles to school. etw.[Akk] laufen: Kinder laufen hier mehrere Meilen zur Schule.
do well + Jack is doing very well at school. Jack geht es in der Schule sehr gut.
when + I loved history when I was at school. Ich liebte Geschichte, als ich in der Schule war.
while + Her parents died while she was still at school. Ihre Eltern starben, als sie noch in der Schule war.
who + Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be joining the school in September. Frau Smith, die viel Lehrerfahrung auf der Junior-Ebene hat, wird im September in die Schule eintreten.
win + The company has won a contract to supply books and materials to schools. Das Unternehmen hat einen Auftrag zur Lieferung von Büchern und Materialien an Schulen erhalten.
work + She's planning to return to work once the children start school. Sie plant, nach der Schule wieder zur Arbeit zurückzukehren.
writing + Our son's having problems with his reading and writing (= at school) Unser Sohn hat Probleme mit dem Lesen und Schreiben (= in der Schule)
yard + The children were playing in the yard at the front of the school. Die Kinder spielten im Hof vor der Schule.
year + the academic/school year das Schuljahr

Mcc SentencesGbEng
74 上学 + I am going to school.
229 朋友们 依次 排队 上车 + The children line up to board the school bus.
237 我们 学校 很多 海外 留学生 + There are many foreign students in our school.
243 学校 + This school is very big.
259 放学 + School's over.
288 学校 + The school is far away from my home.
355 每天 步行 学校 + I walk to school every day.
501 学校 + I'm heading to school.
510 学校 + My home is very close to the school.
550 离开 学校 + He left home and went to school.
581 学校 读书 + He attends this school.
631 小学 年级 + I'm in the fifth grade in elementary school.
823 小学 任教 + I teach at this primary school.
966 他们 初中生 + They're junior middle school students.
1586 学校 伙食 不错 + The food at school isn't bad.
1702 明天 返校 + School starts again tomorrow.
1934 学习 成绩 优秀 + Her grades in school are outstanding.
2124 政府 学校 + The government has allocated money to build a school.
2374 学校 截止 报名 + The deadline for enrolling in the school is on the 5th.
2619 学校 提倡 穿 校服 + The school encourages students to wear school uniforms.
3775 不仅 学校 问题 + This is not just the school's problem.

我去上学。 Wǒ qù shàngxué. I am going to school. Ich gehe zur Schule.
小朋友们依次排队上车。 Xiǎopéngyǒu men yīcì páiduì shàngchē. The children line up to board the school bus. Die Kinder stehen Schlange, um in den Schulbus zu steigen.
我们学校有很多海外留学生。 Wǒmen xuéxiào yǒu hěn duō hǎiwài liúxuéshēng. There are many foreign students in our school. Es gibt viele ausländische Schüler in unserer Schule.
这所学校很大。 Zhè suǒ xuéxiào hěn dà. This school is very big. Diese Schule ist sehr groß.
放学了。 Fàngxué le. School's over. Die Schule ist vorbei.
学校离我家很远。 Xuéxiào lí wǒ jiā hěn yuǎn. The school is far away from my home. Die Schule ist weit weg von zu Hause.
我每天步行去学校。 Wǒ měitiān bùxíng qù xuéxiào. I walk to school every day. Ich laufe jeden Tag zur Schule.
我往学校去。 Wǒ wǎng xuéxiào qù. I'm heading to school. Ich gehe zur Schule.
我家离学校很近。 Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào hěn jìn. My home is very close to the school. Mein Zuhause ist ganz in der Nähe der Schule.
他离开家去学校。 Tā líkāi jiā qù xuéxiào. He left home and went to school. Er verließ sein Zuhause und ging zur Schule.
他在这所学校读书。 Tā zài zhè suǒ xuéxiào dúshū. He attends this school. Er besucht diese Schule.
我念小学五年级。 Wǒ niàn xiǎoxué wǔ niánjí. I'm in the fifth grade in elementary school. Ich bin in der fünften Klasse der Grundschule.
我在这所小学任教。 Wǒ zài zhè suǒ xiǎoxué rènjiào. I teach at this primary school. Ich unterrichte an dieser Grundschule.
他们是初中生。 Tāmen shì chūzhōng shēng. They're junior middle school students. Sie sind Schüler der Mittelstufe.
学校的伙食不错。 Xuéxiào de huǒshi bùcuò. The food at school isn't bad. Das Essen in der Schule ist nicht schlecht.
明天要返校了。 Míngtiān yào fǎnxiào le. School starts again tomorrow. Morgen fängt die Schule wieder an.
她的学习成绩很优秀。 Tā de xuéxí chéngjì hěn yōuxiù. Her grades in school are outstanding. Ihre Schulnoten sind hervorragend.
政府拨钱建学校。 Zhèngfǔ bō qián jiàn xuéxiào. The government has allocated money to build a school. Die Regierung hat Geld für den Bau einer Schule bereitgestellt.
学校5号截止报名。 Xuéxiào 5 hào jiézhǐ bàomíng. The deadline for enrolling in the school is on the 5th. Die Frist für die Einschreibung in die Schule ist am 5.
学校提倡穿校服。 Xuéxiào tíchàng chuān xiàofú. The school encourages students to wear school uniforms. Die Schule ermutigt die Schülerinnen und Schüler, Schuluniformen zu tragen.
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
xue2xiao4 + school
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
shang4ke4 + to go to school / to have classes
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
guo2ji1 xuexiao4 + international school
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
zai4 guo2ji1 xue2xiao4 shang4ke4 + to study in international school
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Qing3wen4 wo3 shen2me shi2hou ke3yi3 qu4 ni3men xuexia4 bao4ming2? + Excuse me, what time can I go to your school to enroll?
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
xiao3xue2 + elementary school
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
shang4 xiao3xue2 + to go to elementary school
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
zhong1xue2 + middle school
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
shang4 zhong1xue2 + to go to middle school
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

ils restent à l’école le plus longtemps possible + they remain at school as long as possible

je le connais depuis le lycée + I have known him since high school

il existe une vie après les études + there is life after school

je n’aimais pas aller à l’école + I didn’t like to go to school

l’objectif central est de combattre l’échec scolaire + the main goal is to fight failure in schools

je serais professeur dans un lycée + I would be a teacher in a high school

elle ira directement du camp en pension + she’ll go directly from the camp to a boarding school

je veux juste finir l’année scolaire avec mes amis + I just want to finish the school year with my friends

un hôpital et une école primaire ont été détruits + a hospital and an elementary school were destroyed

au lycée, la quête de popularité est une guerre + in high school, the pursuit of popularity is warfare

il est professeur de philosophie au lycée + he’s a high school philosophy teacher

j’attendis la rentrée avec impatience + I awaited the reopening of school impatiently

a quelle école vous rattachez-vous? + what school do you go to?

dans chaque municipalité on en trouve des écoles françaises + in every municipality there are French schools

quant aux écoles militaires, elles étaient rouvertes sans délai + the military schools were reopened without delay

l’école est fermée pour inondation + the school is closed due to flooding

la langue kurde est interdite à l’école + the Kurdish language is forbidden at school

on a un système scolaire progressiste + we have a progressive school system
08275185-n school
08276720-n school
08277393-n school
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 school +
+ + + + 103 school +
+ + + + 103 school +
+ + + + 103 school +
+ + + + 103 school +
+ + + + 103 school +
+ + + + 103 school +
+ + + + 103 school +
+ + + + 103 school +
+ + + + 103 school +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
school trường, trường học + +
school trường, đại học, trường đại học + +
trường học + + school