1 下雨 xia4 yu3 to rain/ rainy
1 火车站 huo3 che1 zhan4 train station
3 zhong3 abbr. for 物種|物种; genus/ race/ seed/ breed/ species/ strain/ kind/ type/ has guts (i.e. courage)/ nerve/ classifier for types: kind; sort/ classifier for languages
4 wang3 to go (in a direction)/ to/ towards/ (of a train) bound for/ past/ previous
4 紧张 jin3 zhang1 nervous/ keyed up/ intense/ tense/ strained/ in short supply/ scarce/ CL:陣|阵[zhen4]
5 脑袋 nao3 dai4 head/ skull/ brains/ mental capability/ CL:顆|颗[ke1];個|个[ge4]
5 训练 xun4 lian4 to train/ to drill/ training/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 ke1 classifier for small spheres; pearls; corn grains; teeth; hearts; satellites etc
5 彩虹 cai3 hong2 rainbow
5 教练 jiao4 lian4 instructor/ sports coach/ trainer/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
5 ke4 to be able to/ to subdue/ to restrain/ to overcome/ gram
5 jie2 festival/ holiday/ node/ joint/ section/ segment/ part/ to economize/ to save/ to abridge/ moral integrity/ classifier for segments; e.g. lessons; train wagons; biblical verses/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 sheng1 to raise/ to hoist/ to promote/ metric liter (also written 公升)/ measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗
5 培养 pei2 yang3 to train/ culture/ to bring up/ to groom (for a position)
5 避免 bi4 mian3 to avert/ to prevent/ to avoid/ to refrain from
5 lei4 tired/ weary/ to strain/ to wear out/ to work hard
5 形势 xing2 shi4 circumstances/ situation/ terrain/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 li4 grain/ granule/ classifier for small round things (peas; bullets; peanuts; pills; grains etc)
6 修养 xiu1 yang3 accomplishment/ training/ self-cultivation
6 不禁 bu4 jin1 can't help (doing sth)/ can't refrain from
6 lin2 to drain/ to drench/ to drip/ diseases of the bladder
6 地势 di4 shi4 terrain/ topography relief
6 shu4 to bind/ to tie/ bundle/ cluster/ restraint
6 压抑 ya1 yi4 to constrain or repress emotions/ oppressive/ stifling/ depressing/ repression
6 丢三落四 diu1 san1 la4 si4 forgetful/ scatterbrained
6 教养 jiao4 yang3 to train/ to educate/ to bring up/ to nurture/ education/ culture/ upbringing/ early conditioning
6 思绪 si1 xu4 train of thought/ emotional state/ mood/ feeling
6 肆无忌惮 si4 wu2 ji4 dan4 absolutely unrestrained/ unbridled/ without the slightest scruple
6 约束 yue1 shu4 to restrict/ to limit to/ to constrain/ restriction/ constraint
6 培训 pei2 xun4 to cultivate/ to train/ to groom/ training
6 da1 to put up/ to build (scaffolding)/ to hang (clothes on a pole)/ to connect/ to join/ to arrange in pairs/ to match/ to add/ to throw in (resources)/ to take (boat; train)
6 培育 pei2 yu4 to train/ to breed
6 师范 shi1 fan4 teacher-training/ pedagogical/ normal (school; e.g. Beijing Normal University)
6 大肆 da4 si4 wantonly/ without restraint (of enemy or malefactor)/ unbridled
6 遏制 e4 zhi4 to check/ to contain/ to hold back/ to keep within limits/ to constrain/ to restrain
6 酒精 jiu3 jing1 alcohol/ ethanol CH3CH2OH/ ethyl alcohol/ also written 乙醇/ grain alcohol
6 乘务员 cheng2 wu4 yuan2 attendant on an airplane; train; boat etc
6 忍耐 ren3 nai4 to show restraint/ to repress (anger etc)/ to exercise patience
6 bie1 to choke/ to stifle/ to restrain/ to hold back/ to hold in (urine)/ to hold (one's breath)
6 专科 zhuan1 ke1 specialized subject/ branch (of medicine)/ specialized training school
6 拘束 ju1 shu4 to restrict/ to restrain/ constrained/ awkward/ ill at ease/ uncomfortable/ reticent
6 吃力 chi1 li4 entail strenuous effort/ be a strain

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET mưa rain
2000VIET cơn mưa lớn heavy rain
2000VIET bong gân sprain
2000VIET tàu train
2000VIET tàu nhanh express train
2000VIET tàu thường local train
2000VIET tàu siêu tốc bullet train

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich mache eine Ausbildung. I do vocational training. Tôi học nghề.
Die Straßenbahn fährt zum Hauptbahnhof. The tram goes to the main train station. Xe điện đi đến ga tàu chính.
der Hauptbahnhof main train station ga xe lửa chính
der Zug train xe lửa
Entschuldigung, fährt der Zug nach Berlin? Excuse me, does the train go to Berlin? Xin lỗi, tàu đi đến Berlin?
Entschuldigung, wann fährt der Zug? Excuse me, when does the train leave? Xin lỗi, khi nào tàu rời đi?
Der Zug fährt um 12:30 Uhr. The train leaves at 12:30 p.m. Xe lửa khởi hành lúc 12 giờ 30 phút.
Der Zug hat Verspätung. The train is delayed. Xe lửa bị trì hoãn.
die Bahn train xe lửa
Die Bahn fährt nach Potsdam. The train goes to Potsdam. Xe lửa đi đến Potsdam.
Entschuldigung, wie komme ich zum Hauptbahnhof? Excuse me, how do I get to the main train station? Xin lỗi, làm thế nào tôi có thể đến ga xe lửa chính?
Das Wasser läuft nicht ab. The water doesn't drain. Nước không thoát.
Der Abfluss ist verstopft. The drain is clogged. Ráo nước bị tắc.
Es regnet. It's raining. Trời đang mưa.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
018 0310
It snows or rains in winter.
018 0313
It is raining.
035 0643
When is the next train to Berlin?
035 0644
When is the next train to Paris?
035 0645
When is the next train to London?
035 0646
When does the train for Warsaw leave?
035 0647
When does the train for Stockholm leave?
035 0648
When does the train for Budapest leave?
035 0652
When does the train arrive in Vienna?
035 0653
When does the train arrive in Moscow?
035 0654
When does the train arrive in Amsterdam?
035 0655
Do I have to change trains?
035 0656
From which platform does the train leave?
035 0657
Does the train have sleepers?
036 0663
Is that the train to Berlin?
036 0664
When does the train leave?
036 0665
When does the train arrive in Berlin?
036 0670
The sleeper is at the end of the train.
036 0677
Is the train delayed?
038 0712
The next train is in 5 minutes.
038 0715
When is the last train?
074 1439
You must wait for the train.
075 1457
He is not allowed to sleep at the train station.
078 1516
They missed the train.
078 1517
They didn’t come because they missed the train.
089 1731
Who had to take the train?
096 1863
Wait until the rain stops.
097 1898
We’ll take a taxi if it rains.
100 1944
The train was on time, but too full.
100 1946
He’ll take either the bus or the train.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A01 12 12
靠近 车站 , 交通 便利 。 + มีสถานีรถไฟอยู่ใกล้ ๆ ดังนั้นจึงสะดวกสบายมาก + Có ga tàu gần đó nên rất tiện lợi. + There's a train station nearby so it's very convenient. + Es gibt einen Bahnhof in der Nähe, so dass es sehr praktisch ist. + Nelle vicinanze c' è una stazione ferroviaria, quindi è molto conveniente. + Il y a une gare à proximité, donc c'est très pratique. + Hay una estación de tren cerca, así que es muy conveniente. + Er is een treinstation in de buurt, dus het is erg handig. + ( kàojìn chēzhàn, jiāotōng biànlì.)
A01 15 15
我 在找 车站 附近的 电梯 公寓 。 + ฉันกำลังมองหาอพาร์ตเมนต์ที่มีลิฟต์อยู่ใกล้กับสถานีรถไฟ + Tôi đang tìm kiếm một căn hộ có thang máy gần ga tàu. + I'm looking for an apartment with an elevator nearby the train station. + Ich suche eine Wohnung mit Aufzug in der Nähe des Bahnhofs. + Cerco un appartamento con ascensore vicino alla stazione ferroviaria. + Je cherche un appartement avec ascenseur à proximité de la gare. + Busco un apartamento con ascensor cerca de la estación de tren. + Ik ben op zoek naar een appartement met lift in de buurt van het station. + ( wǒ zàizhǎo chēzhàn fùjìnde· diàntī gōngyù.)
A09 29 429
听说 明天 会下雨 。 + ฉันได้ยินมาว่าฝนจะพรุ่งนี้ + Tôi nghe nói rằng trời sắp mưa vào ngày mai. + I heard that it's going to rain tomorrow. + Ich habe gehört, dass es morgen regnet. + Ho sentito dire che domani pioverà. + J'ai entendu dire qu'il va pleuvoir demain. + He oído que mañana va a llover. + Ik hoorde dat het morgen gaat regenen. + ( tīngshuō míngtiān huìxiàyǔ.)
A12 9 559
最后一班 车 到 几点 ? + เวลาออกเดินทางสำหรับรถไฟขบวนสุดท้ายคืออะไร? + Thời gian khởi hành cho chuyến tàu cuối cùng là gì? + What's the departure time for the last train? + Wie ist die Abfahrtszeit des letzten Zuges? + Qual è l' orario di partenza dell' ultimo treno? + Quelle est l'heure de départ du dernier train? + ¿Cuál es la hora de salida del último tren? + Wat is de vertrektijd van de laatste trein? + ( zuìhòuyībān chē dào jǐdiǎn?)
A12 25 575
我 有 偏头痛 。 + ฉันมีอาการไมเกรน + Tôi bị chứng đau nửa đầu. + I have a migraine. + Ich habe Migräne. + Ho un' emicrania. + J'ai une migraine. + Tengo una migraña. + Ik heb een migraine. + ( wǒ yǒu piāntóutòng.)
A13 43 643
我 扭伤 手腕 。 + ฉันสาดข้อมือของฉัน + Tôi cọ cổ tay tôi. + I sprained my wrist. + Ich habe mir das Handgelenk verstaucht. + Ho distorto il polso. + Je me suis foulé le poignet. + Me torcí la muñeca. + Ik verstuikt mijn pols. + ( wǒ niǔshāng shǒuwàn.)
A17 22 822
没 断掉 , 只是 扭伤 很严重 。 + มันไม่ได้หักเพียงเคล็ดขัดข้อง + Nó không bị hỏng, chỉ bị rát nhẹ. + It's not broken, just badly sprained. + Es ist nicht gebrochen, nur stark verstaucht. + Non è rotto, solo maltrattata. + Ce n'est pas cassé, juste une mauvaise entorse. + No está rota, sólo muy torcida. + Het is niet gebroken, alleen slecht verstuikt. + ( méi duàndiào, zhǐshì niǔshāng hěnyánzhòng.)
B02 49 1099
现在 没下雨 。 + ตอนนี้ฝนไม่ตก + Bây giờ trời không mưa. + It isn't raining right now. + Es regnet gerade nicht. + Non piove in questo momento. + Il ne pleut pas en ce moment. + No está lloviendo ahora mismo. + Het regent nu niet. + ( xiànzài méixiàyǔ.)
B03 2 1102
当时 没下雨 , 所以 我们 没带 雨伞 。 + ไม่ได้ฝนตกดังนั้นเราจึงไม่จำเป็นต้องมีร่ม + Trời lúc đó không mưa nên chúng tôi không cần đến ô. + It wasn't raining, so we didn't need an umbrella. + Es hat nicht geregnet, also brauchten wir keinen Regenschirm. + Non pioveva, quindi non avevamo bisogno di un ombrello. + Il ne pleuvait pas, donc on n'avait pas besoin de parapluie. + No llovía, así que no necesitábamos un paraguas. + Het regende niet, dus we hadden geen paraplu nodig. + (dāngshí méixiàyǔ, suóyí wǒmen· méidài yúsǎn.)
B03 16 1116
上周 没下雨 。 + ไม่ฝนตกในสัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา + Tuần trước trời không mưa. + It didn't rain last week. + Letzte Woche hat es nicht geregnet. + Non pioveva la settimana scorsa. + Il n' a pas plu la semaine dernière. + No llovió la semana pasada. + Het heeft vorige week niet geregend. + (shàngzhōu méixiàyǔ.)
B04 3 1153
我 要带把 雨伞 , 正在 下雨 。 + ฉันจะเอาร่มมากับฉัน ฝนตก. + Tôi sẽ mang theo ô. Trời đang mưa. + I'm going to take an umbrella with me. It's raining. + Ich werde einen Regenschirm mitnehmen. Es regnet. + Porterò con me un ombrello. Piove. + Je vais prendre un parapluie avec moi. Il pleut. + Me voy a llevar un paraguas conmigo. Está lloviendo. + Ik ga een paraplu meenemen. Het regent. + ( wǒ yàodàibá yúsǎn, zhèngzài xiàyǔ.)
B04 28 1178
我们 去 渡假 的时候 下了 很多场 雨 。 + ฝนตกมากในขณะที่เรากำลังพักผ่อน + Trời mưa rất nhiều hồi chúng tôi đi nghỉ. + It rained a lot while we were on vacation. + Es hat viel geregnet, als wir im Urlaub waren. + Pioveva molto mentre eravamo in vacanza. + Il a beaucoup plu pendant nos vacances. + Llovió mucho mientras estábamos de vacaciones. + Het regende veel terwijl we op vakantie waren. + ( wǒmen· qù dùjià de·shíhou· xiàle· hěnduōcháng yǔ.)
B05 45 1245
看 , 天 要下雨了 。 + มองไปที่ท้องฟ้า! ฝนกำลังจะตก. + Nhìn lên trời anh! Trời sắp mưa. + Look at the sky! It's going to rain. + Sieh dir den Himmel an! Es wird regnen. + Guarda il cielo! Sta andando a piovere. + Regarde le ciel! Il va pleuvoir. + ¡Mira el cielo! Va a llover. + Kijk naar de hemel! Het gaat regenen. + ( kàn, tiān yàoxiàyǔle·.)
B06 17 1267
我 觉得 今天下午 不会下雨 。 + ฉันไม่คิดว่าวันนี้ฝนจะตก + Tôi nghĩ trời sẽ không mưa chiều nay. + I don't think it'll rain this afternoon. + Ich glaube nicht, dass es heute Nachmittag regnen wird. + Non credo che questo pomeriggio pioverà. + Je ne pense pas qu'il va pleuvoir cet après-midi. + No creo que vaya a llover esta tarde. + Ik denk niet dat het vanmiddag zal regenen. + (wǒ juéde· jīntiānxiàwǔ búhuìxiàyǔ.)
B06 35 1285
外面 没下雨 , 你 不用带 雨伞 。 + ฝนจะไม่ตกดังนั้นคุณจึงไม่จำเป็นต้องใช้ร่ม + Trời sẽ không mưa đâu nên cậu không cần phải mang theo ô. + It won't rain, so you don't need to take an umbrella. + Es wird nicht regnen, so dass Sie keinen Regenschirm mitnehmen müssen. + Non piove, quindi non è necessario prendere un ombrello. + Il ne pleuvra pas, donc pas besoin de prendre un parapluie. + No lloverá, así que no necesitas llevar paraguas. + Het zal niet regenen, dus je hoeft geen paraplu te nemen. + (wàimiàn méixiàyǔ, nǐ búyòngdài yúsǎn.)
B06 49 1299
他们 明天早上 出发 , 八点 四十的 火车 。 + พวกเขากำลังจะออกเดินทางพรุ่งนี้เช้า รถไฟของพวกเขาอยู่ที่แปด 40 (8:40) + Sáng mai họ sẽ đi. Tàu hoả chạy lúc tám giờ bốn mươi. + They're leaving tomorrow morning. Their train is at eight forty (8:40). + Sie reisen morgen früh ab. Ihr Zug fährt um acht Uhr vierzig (8:40). + Lasciano domani mattina. Il loro treno è a otto quaranta (8:40). + Ils partent demain matin. Leur train est à huit heures quarante (8:40). + Se van mañana por la mañana. Su tren está a las ocho cuarenta y ocho (8:40). + Ze vertrekken morgenochtend. Hun trein is om acht jaar (8:40 uur). + ( tāmen· míngtiānzǎoshàng chūfā, bādiǎn sìshíde· huǒchē.)
B07 10 1310
下雨了 , 我 应该不会 出门儿 了 。 + ฝนตก. ฉันไม่คิดว่าฉันจะออกไปข้างนอก + Trời đang mưa. Tôi nghĩ là mình sẽ không ra ngoài. + It's raining. I don't think I'll go out. + Es regnet. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich ausgehe. + Piove. Non credo che uscirò. + Il pleut. Je ne pense pas que je vais sortir. + Está lloviendo. No creo que salga. + Het regent. Ik denk niet dat ik eruit ga. + (xiàyǔle·, wǒ yīnggāibúhuì chūménr le·.)
B07 45 1345
看起来 好像 会下雨 。 + ดูเหมือนว่าฝนอาจจะตก + Trông có vẻ đẹp hoang dã trời sẽ mưa. + It looks like it might rain. + Es sieht so aus, als ob es regnen könnte. + Sembra che potrebbe piovere. + On dirait qu'il va pleuvoir. + Parece que podría llover. + Het lijkt alsof het zou kunnen regenen. + ( kànqǐlái hǎoxiàng huìxiàyǔ.)
B07 48 1348
你 带把 伞 吧 , 可能会下雨 。 + ใช้ร่มกับคุณ ฝนอาจจะตก. + Cầm theo ô đi. Trời có khi mưa đấy. + Take an umbrella with you. It might rain. + Nehmen Sie einen Regenschirm mit. Es könnte regnen. + Prendete un ombrello con voi. Potrebbe piovere. + Prends un parapluie avec toi. Il pourrait pleuvoir. + Llévate un paraguas contigo. Podría llover. + Neem een paraplu mee. Het zou kunnen regenen. + (nǐ dàibá sǎn ba·, kěnénghuìxiàyǔ.)
B11 20 1520
这班 火车 不到 市区 , 你 得 在 下一站 转车。 + รถไฟขบวนนี้ไม่ได้ไปตลอดทางใจกลางเมือง คุณต้องเปลี่ยนที่สถานีถัดไป + Con tàu này không bao giờ chạy lên trung tâm. Cậu phải đổi tàu ở gare tiếp theo. + This train doesn't go all the way downtown. You have to change at the next station. + Dieser Zug fährt nicht bis nach Downtown. Sie müssen an der nächsten Station umsteigen. + Questo treno non va fino in centro. È necessario cambiare alla stazione successiva. + Ce train ne va pas jusqu'au centre-ville. Tu dois te changer à la prochaine gare. + Este tren no llega hasta el centro. Tienes que cambiarte en la próxima estación. + Deze trein gaat niet helemaal in de binnenstad. U moet bij het volgende station wisselen. + (zhèbān huǒchē búdào shìqū, ní děi zài xiàyīzhàn zhuǎnchē.)
B12 14 1564
现在 下雨了 , 雅琴 要出门 。 她 没有 雨伞, 但 你 有 一把 。 + ฝนตกและ Yaqin ก็ออกไป เธอไม่มีร่ม แต่คุณมี + Trời đang mưa và Nhã Cầm định ra ngoài. Cô ấy không có ô nhưng cậu có. + It's raining, and Yaqin's going out. She doesn't have an umbrella, but you have one. + Es regnet und Yaqin geht raus. Sie hat keinen Regenschirm, aber Sie haben einen. + Piove e Yaqin esce. Lei non ha un ombrello, ma ne ha uno. + Il pleut et Yaqin sort. Elle n' a pas de parapluie, mais vous en avez un. + Está lloviendo, y Yaqin está saliendo. Ella no tiene paraguas, pero tú sí. + Het regent, en Yaqin gaat uit. Ze heeft geen paraplu, maar je hebt er wel een. + (xiànzài xiàyǔle·, yǎqín yàochūmén. tā méiyóu yúsǎn, dàn ní yǒu yìbǎ.)
B12 48 1598
我们 该走了 吗 ? — 我 想等到 雨停 再 走。 + เราควรจะออกไปตอนนี้หรือไม่? - ฉันควรรอจนกว่าจะหยุดตก + Giờ chúng ta có nên ra ngoài không? - Tôi muốn chờ đến khi tạnh mưa hơn. + Should we go out now? — I'd rather wait until it stops raining. + Sollen wir jetzt ausgehen? Ich warte lieber, bis es aufhört zu regnen. + Dovremmo uscire ora? Preferisco aspettare fino a quando non smette di piovere. + On devrait sortir maintenant? Je préfère attendre qu'il ne pleuve plus. + ¿Deberíamos salir ahora? Prefiero esperar hasta que deje de llover. + Moeten we nu uitgaan? Ik zou liever wachten tot het ophoudt met regenen. + (wǒmen· gāizǒule· mā? — wó xiángděngdào yǔtíng zài zǒu.)
B14 2 1652
十点半 有一班 火车 。 + มีรถไฟมาถึงตอนสิบสามสิบ (10:30 น.) + Có một chuyến tàu tới vào lúc mười giờ ba mươi. + There's a train coming at ten thirty (10:30). + Ein Zug kommt um halb elf (10:30 Uhr). + C' è un treno che arriva alle dieci e trenta (10:30). + Il y a un train qui arrive à 10h30. + Hay un tren llegando a las diez y media (10:30). + Op tien dertig (10:30 uur komt er een trein. + (shídiǎnbàn yǒuyībān huǒchē.)
B14 16 1666
十点半 有一班 火车 , 是 特快 。 + รถไฟมีเวลา 10:30 น. เป็นรถไฟด่วน + Có một chuyến tàu lúc mười giờ ba mươi. Đó là một chuyến tàu cao tốc. + There's a train at ten thirty (10:30). It's an express train. + Es gibt einen Zug um 22.30 Uhr (10.30 Uhr). Das ist ein Schnellzug. + C' è un treno a dieci trenta (10:30). È un treno espresso. + Il y a un train à 10h30. C'est un train express. + Hay un tren a las diez y media (10:30). Es un tren expreso. + Er is een trein om tien op dertig (10:30 uur). Het is een sneltrein. + (shídiǎnbàn yǒuyībān huǒchē, shì tèkuài.)
B14 40 1690
每个 小时 都有 一班 火车 。 + มีรถไฟทุกชั่วโมง + Cứ một tiếng lại có một chuyến tàu. + There's a train every hour. + Es gibt jede Stunde einen Zug. + C' è un treno ogni ora. + Il y a un train toutes les heures. + Hay un tren cada hora. + Elk uur is er een trein. + (měige· xiǎoshí dōuyǒu yībān huǒchē.)
B14 41 1691
现在 时间 是 十一点 十五分 , 十一点 的时候有一班 火车 。 + เวลานี้คือสิบเอ็ดห้า (11:15) รถไฟมีเวลาสิบเอ็ดโมงเย็น (11:00 น.) + Bây giờ là mười một giờ mười lăm. Đã có một chuyến tàu lúc mười một giờ. + The time now is eleven fifteen (11:15) . There was a train at eleven [o'clock] (11:00). + Die Zeit ist jetzt elf fünfzehn (11:15). Es gab einen Zug um elf Uhr (11:00 Uhr). + Il tempo è ora di undici quindici (11:15). C' era un treno alle undici (ore 11:00). + Il est maintenant onze heures quinze (11:15). Il y avait un train à onze heures (11:00). + La hora actual es las once y quince (11:15). Había un tren a las once en punto (11:00). + De tijd is nu elf vijftien (11:15). Er was een trein om elf uur (11:00 uur). + (xiànzài shíjiān shì shíyīdiǎn shíwǔfēn, shíyīdiǎn de·shíhou· yǒuyībān huǒchē.)
B15 6 1706
明天下午 会下雨 。 + ในบ่ายวันพรุ่งนี้จะมีฝนตก + Sẽ có mưa vào chiều mai. + There will be rain tomorrow afternoon. + Morgen Nachmittag wird es regnen. + Domani pomeriggio pioggia. + Il va pleuvoir demain après-midi. + Lloverá mañana por la tarde. + Morgenmiddag zal er regen zijn. + (míngtiānxiàwǔ huìxiàyǔ.)
B15 40 1740
这里 到 火车站 有多远 ? + ห่างจากสถานีรถไฟไปไกลแค่ไหน? + Đường từ giá đến nhà gare bao xa? + How far is it from here to the train station? + Wie weit ist es von hier bis zum Bahnhof? + Quanto è lontano da qui alla stazione ferroviaria? + A quelle distance d'ici de la gare? + ¿Cuánto falta para llegar a la estación de tren? + Hoe ver is het van hier naar het station? + ( zhèli· dào huǒchēzhàn yǒuduōyuǎn?)
B15 50 1750
这里 经常 会 很冷 , 但是 不怎么 下雨 。 + บ่อยครั้งที่นี่หนาว แต่ฝนไม่มากนัก + Có giá thường lạnh nhưng không có nhiều mưa. + It's often cold here, but there isn't much rain. + Hier ist es oft kalt, aber es regnet nicht viel. + Spesso qui fa freddo, ma non c' è molta pioggia. + Il fait souvent froid ici, mais il ne pleut pas beaucoup. + A menudo hace frío aquí, pero no llueve mucho. + Het is hier vaak koud, maar er valt niet veel regen. + (zhèli· jīngcháng huì hénlěng, dànshì bùzěnme xiàyǔ.)
B17 23 1823
又 下雨了 。 — 真的 吗 ? 十 分钟前 还是晴天 。 + ฝนตกอีกแล้ว. - มันคือ? แดดสิบ (10) นาทีที่ผ่านมา + Trời lại đang mưa. - Thế á? Mười phút trước trời còn nắng. + It's raining again. — It is? It was sunny ten (10) minutes ago. + Es regnet wieder. Ist es das? Vor zehn (10) Minuten war es sonnig. + Piove di nuovo. È così? Era soleggiato dieci (10) minuti fa. + Il pleut à nouveau. Ça l'est? Il faisait beau il y a dix (10) minutes. + Está lloviendo de nuevo. ¿Lo es? Hace diez (10) minutos estaba soleado. + Het regent weer. Dat is het? Het was tien (10) minuten geleden zonnig. + (yòu xiàyǔle·. — zhēnde· mā? shí fēnzhōngqián háishì qíngtiān.)
B19 44 1944
要下雨了 吗 ? — 我 希望 不是 。 + ฝนตกหรือ? - ฉันหวังว่าจะไม่ + Trời sắp mưa à? - Tôi hi vọng là không. + Is it going to rain? — I hope not. + Wird es regnen? Ich hoffe nicht. + Sta andando a piovere? Spero di no. + Il va pleuvoir? J'espère que non. + ¿Va a llover? Espero que no. + Gaat het regenen? Ik hoop van niet. + ( yàoxiàyǔle· mā? — wǒ xīwàng búshì.)
B20 5 1955
你 很 喜欢 训练课程 。 你 说 :" 这 课程 不错 , 对 吧 ?" + คุณสนุกกับการฝึกอบรมจริงๆ คุณบอกว่า "แน่นอนมันเยี่ยมมากไม่ใช่เหรอ?" + Bạn thực sự thích khoá huấn luyện của bạn. Bạn nói: "Khoá học tuyệt vời quá phải không?" + You really enjoyed your training course. You say, "The course was great, wasn't it?" + Sie haben Ihre Ausbildung wirklich genossen. Du sagst:"Der Kurs war toll, nicht wahr?" + Ti è piaciuto molto il tuo corso di formazione. Tu dici:"Il corso è stato fantastico, non era vero"? + Vous avez vraiment aimé votre formation. Tu as dit:"Le cours était super, n'est-ce pas?" + Realmente disfrutaste tu curso de entrenamiento. Dices:"El curso estuvo genial, ¿no?" + U heeft echt genoten van uw training. Je zegt:"De cursus was geweldig, nietwaar? + ( ní hén xǐhuan· xùnliànkèchéng. nǐ shuō :" zhè kèchéng búcuò, duì ba·? ")
C02 11 2061
比起 坐 火车 我 更 喜欢 开车 旅行 。 + ฉันชอบขับรถไปท่องเที่ยวโดยรถไฟ - ฉันชอบขับรถแทนที่จะเดินทางโดยรถไฟ + Tôi thích lái xe hơn là đi tàu hoả. + I prefer driving over traveling by train. — I prefer to drive rather than travel by train. + Ich ziehe es vor, mit dem Zug zu fahren. Ich fahre lieber mit dem Auto als mit dem Zug. + Preferisco guidare piuttosto che viaggiare in treno. Preferisco guidare piuttosto che viaggiare in treno. + Je préfère conduire plutôt que de voyager en train. Je préfère conduire plutôt que de voyager en train. + Prefiero viajar en tren. Prefiero conducir que viajar en tren. + Ik rijd liever met de trein dan met de trein. Ik rijd liever dan met de trein. + ( bíqǐ zuò huǒchē wǒ gèng xǐhuan· kāichē lǚxíng.)
C03 12 2112
这场 雨 无法 阻止 我们 享受 假期 。 + ฝนไม่ได้หยุดเราจากการเพลิดเพลินกับวันหยุดของเรา + Mưa đã không cản trở chúng tôi tận hưởng kì nghỉ. + The rain didn't stop us from enjoying our vacation. + Der Regen hat uns nicht davon abgehalten, unseren Urlaub zu genießen. + La pioggia non ci ha impedito di goderci la nostra vacanza. + La pluie ne nous a pas empêchés de profiter de nos vacances. + La lluvia no nos impidió disfrutar de nuestras vacaciones. + De regen weerhield ons er niet van om van onze vakantie te genieten. + (zhècháng yǔ wúfá zǔzhí wǒmen· xiǎngshòu jiàqī.)
C04 44 2194
我 能听见 雨声 。 + ฉันได้ยินว่าฝนตก + Tôi đã nghe thấy được trời đang mưa. + I could hear it raining. + Ich konnte es regnen hören. + Ho potuto sentire piovere. + J'entendais la pluie. + Podía oírlo llover. + Ik kon het horen regenen. + (wǒ néngtīngjiàn yǔshēng.)
C06 10 2260
明天 国内 有些 地方 会下雨 , 但 大多数 地区 不会 。 + พรุ่งนี้ฝนจะตกในบางพื้นที่ แต่ส่วนมากของประเทศจะแห้ง + Mau sẽ có mưa một số nơi nhưng phần lớn cả nước sẽ khô ráo. + Tomorrow there'll be rain in some places, but most of the country will be dry. + Morgen wird es an einigen Stellen regnen, aber der größte Teil des Landes wird trocken sein. + Domani ci sarà pioggia in alcuni luoghi, ma la maggior parte del paese sarà asciutto. + Demain, il va pleuvoir dans certains endroits, mais la majeure partie du pays sera sèche. + Mañana lloverá en algunos lugares, pero la mayor parte del país estará seco. + Morgen valt er op sommige plaatsen regen, maar het grootste deel van het land zal droog zijn. + ( míngtiān guónèi yǒuxiē dìfāng huìxiàyǔ, dàn dàduōshù dìqū búhuì.)
C09 18 2418
咱们 去买点 喝的 吧 , 离 火车 到 站 还有点儿 时间 。 + ลองมาดื่มกันเถอะ เรายังมีเวลาอีกเล็กน้อยก่อนที่รถไฟจะมาถึง + Chúng ta kiếm gì đó uống đi. Chúng ta có một ít thời gian trước khi tàu đến. + Let's get something to drink. We still have a little time before the train comes. + Holen wir uns was zu trinken. Wir haben noch etwas Zeit, bis der Zug kommt. + Cerchiamo di bere qualcosa. Abbiamo ancora un po' di tempo prima che il treno arrivi. + Allons boire un verre. On a encore un peu de temps avant que le train arrive. + Tomemos algo de beber. Todavía tenemos un poco de tiempo antes de que llegue el tren. + Laten we iets te drinken krijgen. We hebben nog even tijd voordat de trein komt. + (zánmen· qùmáidiǎn hēde· ba·, lí huǒchē dào zhàn háiyóudiǎnr shíjiān.)
C10 22 2472
每 小时 都有 一趟 火车 到 市中心 。 + มีรถไฟไปยังเมืองทุกๆชั่วโมง + Có một chuyến tàu tới thành phố mỗi giờ. + There's a train to the city every hour. + Es gibt stündlich einen Zug in die Stadt. + C' è un treno per la città ogni ora. + Il y a un train pour la ville toutes les heures. + Hay un tren a la ciudad cada hora. + Elk uur is er een trein naar de stad. + (méi xiǎoshí dōuyǒu yítàng huǒchē dào shìzhōngxīn.)
C12 18 2568
你 为什么 全身都 湿了 ? 你 出去 淋雨了 吗? + ทำไมคุณดูเปียกทั้งหมด? คุณได้รับการออกในสายฝน? + Tai sao trông cậu ướt hết vậy? Cậu mới ở ngoài mưa à? + Why do you look all wet? Have you been out in the rain? + Warum siehst du so nass aus? Warst du draußen im Regen? + Perché si guarda tutto bagnato? Sei stato fuori sotto la pioggia? + Pourquoi t'as l'air tout mouillé? Tu es sorti sous la pluie? + ¿Por qué pareces todo mojado? ¿Has estado bajo la lluvia? + Waarom ziet u er allemaal nat uit? Bent u in de regen geweest? + (nǐ wèishéme quánshēndōu shīle·? nǐ chūqù línyǔle· mā?)
C12 22 2572
我们 没出去 , 因为 外面 雨 下得 很大 。 + เราไม่ได้ออกไปเพราะฝนตกหนัก + Chúng tôi đã không ra ngoài vì trời mưa. + We didn't go out because it was raining heavily. + Wir sind nicht ausgegangen, weil es heftig geregnet hat. + Non siamo usciti perché pioveva pesantemente. + Nous ne sommes pas sortis parce qu'il pleuvait beaucoup. + No salimos porque llovía mucho. + We gingen niet uit omdat het zwaar regende. + (wǒmen· méichūqù, yīnwèi wàimiàn yǔ xiàde· hěndà.)
C13 1 2601
坐 火车 比 开车 用的 时间 长 。 + ใช้เวลาเดินทางโดยทางรถไฟนานกว่ารถ + Đi bằng tàu hoả lâu hơn là xe hơi. + It takes longer by train than car. + Mit dem Zug dauert es länger als mit dem Auto. + Ci vuole più tempo in treno che in auto. + Le train est plus long que la voiture. + Lleva más tiempo en tren que en coche. + Het duurt langer per trein dan met de auto. + ( zuò huǒchē bǐ kāichē yòngde· shíjiān cháng.)
C13 4 2604
公交车的 班次 比 火车 多 。 + รถประจำทางวิ่งบ่อยกว่ารถไฟ + Xe buýt chạy thường xuyên hơn tàu hoả. + The buses run more often than the trains. + Die Busse fahren häufiger als die Züge. + Gli autobus circolano più spesso dei treni. + Les bus circulent plus souvent que les trains. + Los autobuses circulan más a menudo que los trenes. + De bussen rijden vaker dan de treinen. + (gōngjiāochēde· bāncì bí huǒchē duō.)
C14 4 2654
就算 下雨 , 明天 我们 也 要去 海边 。 + เรากำลังจะไปที่ชายหาดในวันพรุ่งนี้แม้ว่าจะมีฝนตก + Tôi đã không được nhận việc mặc dù tôi được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. > Tôi đã không được nhận việc dù được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. + We're going to the beach tomorrow, even if it's raining. + Wir fahren morgen zum Strand, auch wenn es regnet. + Domani andremo in spiaggia, anche se piove. + On va à la plage demain, même s'il pleut. + Mañana iremos a la playa, aunque esté lloviendo. + We gaan morgen naar het strand, zelfs als het regent. + (jiùsuàn xiàyǔ, míngtiān wǒmen· yě yàoqù hǎibiān.)
C14 22 2672
除非 不下雨 了 , 不然 我 就 不去了 。 + ฉันจะไม่ไปจนกว่าจะหยุดฝนตก + Tôi sẽ không đi nếu trời không tạnh mưa. + I'm not going unless it stops raining. + Ich gehe nicht, solange es nicht aufhört zu regnen. + Non sto andando a meno che non smetta di piovere. + Je n'irai pas tant qu'il ne pleuvra pas. + No iré a menos que deje de llover. + Ik ga niet naar buiten tenzij het stopt met regenen. + ( chúfēi bùxiàyǔ le·, bùrán wǒ jiù búqùle·.)
C14 36 2686
我们 带了把 雨伞 , 因为 看起来 好像 要下雨了 。 + เราเอาร่มเพราะดูเหมือนว่าฝนกำลังจะตก + Chúng tôi đã mang ô vì trời trông như sắp mưa. + We took an umbrella because it looked like it was going to rain. + Wir nahmen einen Regenschirm, weil es aussah, als würde es regnen. + Abbiamo preso un ombrello perché sembrava che stava andando a piovere. + On a pris un parapluie parce qu'on aurait dit qu'il allait pleuvoir. + Tomamos un paraguas porque parecía que iba a llover. + We namen een paraplu omdat het leek alsof het ging regenen. + (wǒmen· dàile·bá yúsǎn, yīnwèi kànqǐlái hǎoxiàng yàoxiàyǔle·.)
C14 46 2696
雨 整整 下了 三天 都 没停 。 + ฝนตกในอีกสาม (3) วันโดยไม่หยุด + Trời mưa suốt ba ngày không nghỉ. + It rained for three (3) days without stopping. + Es regnete drei (3) Tage lang ohne Unterbrechung. + Ha piovuto per tre (3) giorni senza sosta. + Il a plu pendant trois (3) jours sans s'arrêter. + Llovió durante tres (3) días sin parar. + Het regende drie (3) dagen zonder te stoppen. + (yǔ zhěngzhěng xiàle· sāntiān dōu méitíng.)
C15 10 2710
火车 会在 几分钟后 发车 。 + รถไฟจะออกภายในไม่กี่นาที + Tàu hoả sẽ đi trong vòng vài phút nữa. + The train will be leaving in a few minutes. + Der Zug fährt in wenigen Minuten ab. + Il treno partirà in pochi minuti. + Le train part dans quelques minutes. + El tren saldrá en unos minutos. + De trein vertrekt over enkele minuten. + (huǒchē huìzài jǐfēnzhōnghòu fāchē.)
C15 16 2716
我们 及时 赶上了 火车 。 + เราขึ้นรถไฟมาทันเวลา + Chúng tôi lên tàu vừa kịp giờ. + We got on the train just in time. + Wir sind gerade rechtzeitig in den Zug eingestiegen. + Siamo saliti sul treno giusto in tempo. + On a pris le train juste à temps. + Subimos al tren justo a tiempo. + We stapten net op tijd in de trein. + (wǒmen· jíshí gǎnshàngle· huǒchē.)
C15 34 2734
我们 上 火车 的时候 已经 没有 座位 了 。 + ไม่มีที่นั่งเหลือเมื่อเราขึ้นรถไฟ + Không còn ghế nào khi chúng tôi lên tàu hoả. + There were no seats left when we got on the train. + Es waren keine Plätze mehr frei, als wir in den Zug eingestiegen sind. + Non ci sono rimasti posti a sedere quando siamo saliti sul treno. + Il n' y avait plus de places assises quand nous sommes montés dans le train. + No quedaban asientos cuando subimos al tren. + Toen we in de trein stapten waren er geen stoelen meer over. + ( wǒmen· shàng huǒchē de·shíhou· yǐjīng méiyǒu zuòwèi le·.)
C15 43 2743
下雨 的时候 别出去 , 不然 你 该 被 淋湿了。 + อย่าออกไปข้างนอกในยามฝนหรือมิฉะนั้นคุณจะเปียกชื้น + Đừng ra ngoài dưới trời mưa, nếu không cậu sẽ ướt hết. + Don't go out in the rain, or else you'll get all wet. + Geh nicht in den Regen, sonst wirst du ganz nass. + Non uscire sotto la pioggia, altrimenti si otterrà tutto bagnato. + Ne sors pas sous la pluie, sinon tu vas te mouiller. + No salgas bajo la lluvia o te vas a mojar. + Ga niet uit in de regen, anders krijg je alles nat. + (xiàyǔ de·shíhou· biéchūqù, bùrán nǐ gāi bèi línshīle·.)
C15 50 2750
驾驶员 失去 控制时 , 火车 正以 时速 两百公里 行进 。 + รถไฟกำลังเดินทางด้วยความเร็วหนึ่งร้อยยี่สิบ (120) ไมล์ต่อชั่วโมงเมื่อคนขับเสียการควบคุม - รถไฟเดินทางด้วยความเร็วสองร้อย (200) กิโลเมตรต่อชั่วโมงเมื่อผู้ขับขี่สูญเสียการควบคุม + Con tàu đang đi với tốc độ một trăm hai mươi dặm một giờ thì lái xe bị mất lái. + The train was traveling at a speed of one hundred twenty (120) miles per hour when the driver lost control. — The train was traveling at a speed of two hundred (200) kilometers per hour when the driver lost control. + Der Zug fuhr mit einer Geschwindigkeit von einhundertzwanzig (120) Meilen pro Stunde, als der Fahrer die Kontrolle verlor. Der Zug fuhr mit einer Geschwindigkeit von zweihundert (200) Kilometern pro Stunde, als der Fahrer die Kontrolle verlor. + Il treno viaggiava a una velocità di centoventiventi (120) miglia all' ora quando il macchinista perdeva il controllo. Il treno viaggiava a una velocità di duecento (200) chilometri all' ora quando il macchinista perdeva il controllo. + Le train roulait à une vitesse de cent vingt (120) milles à l'heure lorsque le conducteur a perdu la maîtrise du train. Le train roulait à une vitesse de deux cents (200) kilomètres à l'heure lorsque le conducteur a perdu le contrôle. + El tren viajaba a una velocidad de ciento veinte (120) millas por hora cuando el conductor perdió el control. El tren viajaba a una velocidad de 200 kilómetros por hora cuando el conductor perdió el control. + De trein reed met een snelheid van honderd twintig (120) kilometer per uur toen de machinist de controle verloor. De trein reed met een snelheid van tweehonderd (200) kilometer per uur toen de machinist de controle verloor. + (jiàshǐyuán shīqù kòngzhìshí, huǒchē zhèngyǐ shísù liángbǎi gōngli· xíngjìn.)
C16 5 2755
今天 没有 火车 运行 , 因为 所有的 铁路 工人 都 罢工了 。 + ไม่มีรถไฟบริการในวันนี้เพราะทุกคนรถไฟกำลังนัดหยุดงาน + Không có dịch vụ xe lửa vì tất cả công nhân đường sắt đang đình công. + There's no train service today because all the railroad workers are on strike. + Es gibt heute keinen Zugverkehr, weil alle Eisenbahner streiken. + Oggi non c' è servizio ferroviario perché tutti i lavoratori ferroviari sono in sciopero. + Il n' y a pas de service ferroviaire aujourd'hui parce que tous les travailleurs du chemin de fer sont en grève. + No hay servicio de trenes hoy porque todos los trabajadores del ferrocarril están en huelga. + Er is geen treindienst vandaag de dag, omdat alle spoorwegarbeiders in staking zijn. + (jīntiān méiyóu huǒchē yùnxíng, yīnwèi suóyǒude· tiělù gōngrén dōu bàgōngle·.)
C16 18 2768
我 坐 火车 , 七点钟 到 的 。 + ฉันมาถึงรถไฟเจ็ดโมงเช้า (7:00 น.) + Tôi đã đến chuyến tàu bảy giờ. + I arrived on the seven-o'clock (7:00) train. + Ich kam mit dem Sieben-Uhr-Zug (7:00 Uhr) an. + Sono arrivato sul treno delle sette (7:00) ore. + Je suis arrivé dans le train de sept heures (7:00). + Llegué en el tren de las siete de la tarde. + Ik kwam aan op de trein om zeven uur (7:00 uur). + (wǒ zuò huǒchē, qīdiǎnzhōng dào de·.)
C17 44 2844
我 让 她 把 钥匙 从 窗户 扔过来 。 但是 钥匙 落地后 , 掉进了 下水道 。 + ฉันขอให้เธอโยนกุญแจให้ฉันจากหน้าต่าง แต่เมื่อพวกเขาตีพื้นดินพวกเขาล้มลงท่อระบายน้ำ + Tôi đã bảo cô ấy ném cho tôi chùm chìa khoá qua cửa sổ nhưng khi nó rơi xuống đất thì nó đã lọt xuống cống. + I asked her to throw the keys to me from the window, but when they hit the ground, they fell down a drain. + Ich bat sie, mir die Schlüssel aus dem Fenster zu werfen, aber als sie auf dem Boden aufschlugen, fielen sie in einen Abfluss. + Le ho chiesto di buttarmi le chiavi dalla finestra, ma quando hanno toccato il terreno, sono caduti giù un drenaggio. + Je lui ai demandé de me jeter les clés par la fenêtre, mais quand elles ont heurté le sol, elles sont tombées dans un drain. + Le pedí que me tirara las llaves por la ventana, pero cuando tocaron el suelo, se cayeron por un desagüe. + Ik vroeg haar om de sleutels van het raam naar mij te gooien, maar toen ze op de grond raakten, vielen ze een afvoer + (wǒ ràng tā bǎ yàoshi· cóng chuānghù rēngguòlái. dànshì yàoshi· luòde·hòu, diàojìnle· xiàshuǐdào.)
C20 31 2981
当 你 觉得 语言 训练 开始 越 来 越 难了 ,那 就 代表 你 很快 就 会 有 突破 了 , 所以 要 坚持 , 不要 放弃 。 + เมื่อการฝึกอบรมภาษาของคุณเริ่มต้นยากลำบากนั่นหมายความว่าคุณกำลังจะสร้างความก้าวหน้าอันยิ่งใหญ่ให้ติดกับมันและไม่ยอมแพ้ + Khi quá trình luyện ngôn ngữ của cậu bắt đầu gặp khó, điều đó nghĩa là cậu sắp thực Trung hoa một bước ngoặt lớn nên hãy bám chặt và đừng từ bỏ. + When your language training starts getting tough, it means you're about to make a big breakthrough, so stick with it and don't give up. + Wenn Ihr Sprachtraining anfängt, hart zu werden, bedeutet das, dass Sie kurz davor stehen, einen großen Durchbruch zu erzielen, also bleiben Sie dabei und geben Sie nicht auf. + Quando la tua formazione linguistica inizia a diventare difficile, significa che stai per fare una grande svolta, quindi bastone con esso e non rinunciare. + Lorsque votre formation linguistique commence à devenir difficile, cela signifie que vous êtes sur le point de faire une grande percée, alors tenez bon et n'abandonnez pas. + Cuando tu entrenamiento de idiomas empieza a ser difícil, significa que estás a punto de hacer un gran avance, así que sigue adelante y no te rindas. + Wanneer uw taaltraining moeilijk begint te worden, betekent dit dat u op het punt staat een grote doorbraak te maken, dus blijf erbij en geef niet op. + ( dāng nǐ juéde· yǔyán xùnliàn kāishǐ yuè lái yuè nánle·, nà jiù dàibiáo ní hěnkuài jiù huì yǒu tūpò le·, suóyǐ yào jiānchí, búyào fàngqì.)
Trời đang đẹp. Không có mưa. + The weather's nice. It's not raining.
Trời đang mưa. + It's raining.
Trời có mưa không? + Is it raining?
Trời có mưa không? + Is it raining?
Trời đang mưa à? + Is it raining?
Mùa đông trời mưa nhiều. + It rains a lot in the winter.
Trời không mưa thường xuyên lắm. + It doesn't rain very often.
Tôi không bao giờ thích đi bằng tàu hoả. + I never like to travel by train.
Trời có mưa nhiều ở nơi cậu sống không? - Không nhiều. + Does it rain a lot where you live? — Not much.
Cậu mang ô theo đi. Trời đang mưa. + Take an umbrella with you. It's raining.
Trời mưa nhiều vào mùa đông. + It rains a lot in the winter.
Trời đang mưa. Tôi không muốn ra ngoài lúc mưa. + It's raining. I don't want to go out in the rain.
Hôm qua trời mưa cả sáng. Trời tạnh lúc ăn trưa. + Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunchtime.
Trời hôm nay đẹp nhưng hôm qua trời mưa cả ngày. + It's a nice day today, but yesterday it rained all day.
Trời hôm Chủ nhật có mưa không? - Có mưa. + Did it rain on Sunday? — Yes, it did.
Hôm qua trời có mưa không? - Không, hôm qua trời đẹp. + Did it rain yesterday? — No, it was a nice day.
Trời mưa nên chúng tôi đã không ra ngoài. + It was raining, so we didn't go out.
Trời đang không mưa khi chúng tôi đi ra ngoài. + It wasn't raining when we went out.
Dennis ở nhà gare đợi tàu hoả. + Dennis was at the station waiting for a train.
Trời có mưa lúc cậu dậy không? + Was it raining when you got up?
Trời không mưa lúc chúng tôi đi nghỉ. + It didn't rain while we were on vacation.
Trồi đang không mưa lúc tôi ngủ dậy. + It wasn't raining when I got up.
Trời đang mưa lúc chúng tôi đi ra ngoài. + It was raining when we went out.
Tàu hoả đến gare và cô ấy xuống. + The train arrived at the station, and she got of .
Anh ấy đang đi đến nhà gare để bắt tàu và anh ấy đang mang một cái túi. + He was going to the station to catch a train, and he was carrying a bag.
Tôi từng đi máy bay, xe buýt và tàu hoả. Một ngày nào đó tôi muốn đi du lịch bằng thuyền. + I've traveled by plane, bus, and train. Someday, I want to take a trip by boat.
Trời đang mưa. Trời đã mưa được cả ngày. + It's raining. It's been raining all day.
Trời mưa được bao lâu rồi? + How long has it been raining?
Trời đã mưa được một tiếng. + It's been raining for an hour.
Bây giờ trời không mưa. + It isn't raining right now.
Trời lúc đó không mưa nên chúng tôi không cần đến ô. + It wasn't raining, so we didn't need an umbrella.
Tuần trước trời không mưa. + It didn't rain last week.
Tôi sẽ mang theo ô. Trời đang mưa. + I'm going to take an umbrella with me. It's raining.
Trời mưa rất nhiều hồi chúng tôi đi nghỉ. + It rained a lot while we were on vacation.
Nhìn lên trời anh! Trời sắp mưa. + Look at the sky! It's going to rain.
Tôi nghĩ trời sẽ không mưa chiều nay. + I don't think it'll rain this afternoon.
Trời sẽ không mưa đâu nên cậu không cần phải mang theo ô. + It won't rain, so you don't need to take an umbrella.
Sáng mai họ sẽ đi. Tàu hoả chạy lúc tám giờ bốn mươi. + They're leaving tomorrow morning. Their train is at eight forty (8:40).
Trời đang mưa. Tôi nghĩ là mình sẽ không ra ngoài. + It's raining. I don't think I'll go out.
Trông có vẻ đẹp hoang dã trời sẽ mưa. + It looks like it might rain.
Cầm theo ô đi. Trời có khi mưa đấy. + Take an umbrella with you. It might rain.
Con tàu này không bao giờ chạy lên trung tâm. Cậu phải đổi tàu ở gare tiếp theo. + This train doesn't go all the way downtown. You have to change at the next station.
Trời đang mưa và Nhã Cầm định ra ngoài. Cô ấy không có ô nhưng cậu có. + It's raining, and Yaqin's going out. She doesn't have an umbrella, but you have one.
Giờ chúng ta có nên ra ngoài không? - Tôi muốn chờ đến khi tạnh mưa hơn. + Should we go out now? — I'd rather wait until it stops raining.
Có một chuyến tàu tới vào lúc mười giờ ba mươi. + There's a train coming at ten thirty (10:30).
Có một chuyến tàu lúc mười giờ ba mươi. Đó là một chuyến tàu cao tốc. + There's a train at ten thirty (10:30). It's an express train.
Cứ một tiếng lại có một chuyến tàu. + There's a train every hour.
Bây giờ là mười một giờ mười lăm. Đã có một chuyến tàu lúc mười một giờ. + The time now is eleven fifteen (11:15) . There was a train at eleven [o'clock] (11:00).
Sẽ có mưa vào chiều mai. + There will be rain tomorrow afternoon.
Đường từ giá đến nhà gare bao xa? + How far is it from here to the train station?
Có giá thường lạnh nhưng không có nhiều mưa. + It's often cold here, but there isn't much rain.
Trời lại đang mưa. - Thế á? Mười phút trước trời còn nắng. + It's raining again. — It is? It was sunny ten (10) minutes ago.
Trời sắp mưa à? - Tôi hi vọng là không. + Is it going to rain? — I hope not.
Bạn thực sự thích khoá huấn luyện của bạn. Bạn nói: "Khoá học tuyệt vời quá phải không?" + You really enjoyed your training course. You say, "The course was great, wasn't it?"
Tôi thích lái xe hơn là đi tàu hoả. + I prefer driving over traveling by train. — I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.
Mưa đã không cản trở chúng tôi tận hưởng kì nghỉ. + The rain didn't stop us from enjoying our vacation.
Tôi đã nghe thấy được trời đang mưa. + I could hear it raining.
Mau sẽ có mưa một số nơi nhưng phần lớn cả nước sẽ khô ráo. + Tomorrow there'll be rain in some places, but most of the country will be dry.
Chúng ta kiếm gì đó uống đi. Chúng ta có một ít thời gian trước khi tàu đến. + Let's get something to drink. We still have a little time before the train comes.
Có một chuyến tàu tới thành phố mỗi giờ. + There's a train to the city every hour.
Tai sao trông cậu ướt hết vậy? Cậu mới ở ngoài mưa à? + Why do you look all wet? Have you been out in the rain?
Chúng tôi đã không ra ngoài vì trời mưa. + We didn't go out because it was raining heavily.
Đi bằng tàu hoả lâu hơn là xe hơi. + It takes longer by train than car.
Xe buýt chạy thường xuyên hơn tàu hoả. + The buses run more often than the trains.
Tôi đã không được nhận việc mặc dù tôi được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. > Tôi đã không được nhận việc dù được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. + We're going to the beach tomorrow, even if it's raining.
Tôi sẽ không đi nếu trời không tạnh mưa. + I'm not going unless it stops raining.
Chúng tôi đã mang ô vì trời trông như sắp mưa. + We took an umbrella because it looked like it was going to rain.
Trời mưa suốt ba ngày không nghỉ. + It rained for three (3) days without stopping.
Tàu hoả sẽ đi trong vòng vài phút nữa. + The train will be leaving in a few minutes.
Chúng tôi lên tàu vừa kịp giờ. + We got on the train just in time.
Không còn ghế nào khi chúng tôi lên tàu hoả. + There were no seats left when we got on the train.
Đừng ra ngoài dưới trời mưa, nếu không cậu sẽ ướt hết. + Don't go out in the rain, or else you'll get all wet.
Con tàu đang đi với tốc độ một trăm hai mươi dặm một giờ thì lái xe bị mất lái. + The train was traveling at a speed of one hundred twenty (120) miles per hour when the driver lost control. — The train was traveling at a speed of two hundred (200) kilometers per hour when the driver lost control.
Không có dịch vụ xe lửa vì tất cả công nhân đường sắt đang đình công. + There's no train service today because all the railroad workers are on strike.
Tôi đã đến chuyến tàu bảy giờ. + I arrived on the seven-o'clock (7:00) train.
Tôi đã bảo cô ấy ném cho tôi chùm chìa khoá qua cửa sổ nhưng khi nó rơi xuống đất thì nó đã lọt xuống cống. + I asked her to throw the keys to me from the window, but when they hit the ground, they fell down a drain.
Khi quá trình luyện ngôn ngữ của cậu bắt đầu gặp khó, điều đó nghĩa là cậu sắp thực Trung hoa một bước ngoặt lớn nên hãy bám chặt và đừng từ bỏ. + When your language training starts getting tough, it means you're about to make a big breakthrough, so stick with it and don't give up.

Nhà ga + the train station

Cái găng tay ở nhà ga. + The glove is at the train station.

Nhà ga, đu quay + Train station, ferris wheel

Con dê ở đu quay. + The goat is at the train station.

Nhà ga của tôi + My train station

+ They are at the train station.

Địa hình + terrain

+ rainfall (precipitation)

Tôi muốn biết lượng mưa ở đây. + I want to know the rainfall here.

Địa hình của thung lũng này + The terrain of this valley

Tôi cần đi đến nhà ga. + I need to go to the train station

nhà ga + train station

tàu hoả + train

mưa + rain

Hôn cơn mưa + Kiss the rain

cơn + CF ( rain )

Não của tôi bình thường. + My brain is normal.

Con cá có một cái não nhỏ. + The fish has a snall brain.

não + brain

Hợp đồng này sẽ ràng buộc bạn. + This contract will constrain you.

ràng buộc + constrain

Sau cơn mưa trời lại sáng. + After rain comes sunshine.

Tôi đang ở ga tàu. + I'm at a train station.

Bắt tàu + Take a train

Trên một chuyến tàu + On a train

Có phải tàu lửa đi Huế không? + Is this the train for Hue?

Bong gân + Sprain

Hoạ vô đơn chí. + It never rains but it pours.
spring rain mưa xuân +
I heard that it will rain tomorrow. Tôi nghe nói ngày may trờ sẽ mưa. +
SNOT Travel • public transport to travel by sir, train, bus, etc. +
SNOT Travel • public transport train xe lửa/tàu hỏa +
SNOT • public transport train xe lửa +
SNOT • public transport train tàu hỏa +
end of the train cuối tàu +
train station ga xe lửa +
SNOT Travel • public transport fast train +
SNOT Travel • public transport slow train +
SNOT Education • education to train +
SNOT Shopping • clothes raincoats +
SNOT Weather • climate and weather sunshine rain mưa +
SNOT Weather • climate and weather sunshine rainy +
SNOT Weather • climate and weather sunshine to rain +
Oxford 3000VieEng
mưa rain
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-5 Erziehung + 1. education, 2. upbringing, 3. training, 4. breeding +
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-2 Regen + rain +
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-4 gießen + 1. to water, 2. to rain hard   (gießt, goss, hat gegossen) +
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-4 regnen + to rain   (regnet, regnete, hat geregnet) +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-5 Straßenbahn + tram, suburban train +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-5 S-Bahn + interurban train +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-13 Zug + 1. train, 2. force, 3. feature, 4. draft +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-13 Bahn + 1. train, 2. lane, 3. strip, 4. rail(way) +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-1 Ausbildung + training, education +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-8 Ausbildungsplatz + training vacancy +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-8 Auszubildende + trainee   (Adj. Dekl.) +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-8 Lehrling + trainee +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-8 Praktikant + 1. intern, 2. trainee, 3. student apprentice   (n-Dekl.) +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-9 Fortbildung + advanced training +
14-2. Sport Exercise 14-2-2 Trainer + 1. trainer, 2. manager, 3. coach +
14-2. Sport Exercise 14-2-2 Training + training +
14-2. Sport Exercise 14-2-4 trainieren + to train   (trainiert, trainierte, hat trainiert) +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-1 Ich komme morgen, das heißt, nur wenn es nicht regnet.  + heißen* I'll come tomorrow, that is, only if it's not raining.  Tôi sẽ đến vào ngày mai, đó là, chỉ khi nào trời mưa. +
Exercise 1-1 Wir fahren auf jeden Fall, auch wenn es regnet.  + auch We'll definitely go, even if it rains.  Chúng tôi chắc chắn sẽ đi, ngay cả khi trời mưa. +
Exercise 1-1 Der Zug ist gerade eben abgefahren. Warum kommst du auch so spät?  + auch The train just left the station. Why are you so late?  Xe lửa vừa rời khỏi ga. Sao bạn lại trễ? +
Exercise 1-3 Der nächste Zug geht erst in zwei Stunden.  + gehen* The next train isn't due in two hours.  Chuyến tàu tiếp theo không phải là do trong hai giờ. +
Exercise 1-4 Das Spiel findet auch bei Regen statt.  + stattfinden* The game also takes place in the rain.  Trò chơi cũng diễn ra trong mưa. +
Exercise 1-8 Sie können mit dem Bus zum Bahnhof fahren.  + können* You can take the bus to the train station.  Bạn có thể đi xe buýt đến nhà ga xe lửa. +
Exercise 1-8 Es kann sein, dass es heute noch regnet.  + können* It may still be raining today.  Có thể trời mưa hôm nay. +
Exercise 1-8 Einige Züge hatten bis zu zwei Stunden Verspätung.  + bis Some trains were up to two hours late.  Một số tàu hỏa đã đến hai giờ muộn. +
Exercise 1-9 Es gibt bald Regen.  + geben* Rain's coming soon.  Rain sắp tới. +
Exercise 1-9 Der Zug hatte zwei Stunden Verspätung, sodass ich erst um 23 Uhr nach Hause kam.  + sodass The train was two hours late, so I didn't get home until 11:00.  Xe lửa đã hai giờ trễ, vì vậy tôi đã không về nhà cho đến 11:00. +
Exercise 2-1 Der Bahnhof ist nicht weit. Ich zeige Ihnen den Weg.  + zeigen The train station is not far away. I'll show you the way.  Nhà ga xe lửa không xa. Tôi sẽ chỉ cho bạn cách. +
Exercise 2-5 Es beginnt zu regnen.  + beginnen* It's starting to rain.  Trời bắt đầu mưa. +
Exercise 2-5 Den Donnerstag über regnete es. + Donnerstag Thursday was rainy. Thứ năm là mưa. +
Exercise 3-2 Falls es regnet, machen wir kein Picknick.  + falls If it rains, we won't have a picnic.  Nếu trời mưa, chúng tôi sẽ không có bữa ăn ngoài trời. +
Exercise 3-5 Wann fährt der nächste Zug nach Frankfurt?  + nächste When does the next train to Frankfurt leave?  Chuyến đi tiếp theo tới Frankfurt sẽ đi khi nào? +
Exercise 3-6 Der Zug braucht drei Stunden bis Köln.  + brauchen The train takes three hours to Cologne.  Tàu mất ba tiếng đồng hồ đến Cologne. +
Exercise 4-2 Du kannst mit einer Regionalbahn fahren. Das ist billiger.  + regional You can take a regional train. That's cheaper.  Bạn có thể tham gia một chuyến tàu khu vực. Đó là rẻ hơn. +
Exercise 5-1 Es hat stark geregnet.  + stark It was raining hard.  Trời mưa. +
Exercise 5-4 Bei Regen fällt das Konzert aus.  + Regen In case of rain the concert will be cancelled.  Trong trường hợp mưa buổi hòa nhạc sẽ bị huỷ bỏ. +
Exercise 5-4 Wir hatten im Urlaub drei Wochen Regen.  + Regen We had three weeks of rain on vacation.  Chúng tôi đã có ba tuần mưa vào kỳ nghỉ. +
Exercise 5-4 Ich glaube, wir bekommen bald Regen.  + Regen I think we'll be getting rain soon.  Tôi nghĩ chúng ta sẽ sớm bị mưa. +
Exercise 5-4 Der Wetterbericht meldet Regen. + Regen The weather forecast reports rain. Dự báo thời tiết báo cáo mưa. +
Exercise 5-5 Gestern hat es geregnet. Heute scheint wieder die Sonne.  + scheinen* Yesterday it was raining. Today the sun is shining again.  Hôm qua trời mưa. Hôm nay mặt trời lại sáng lên. +
Exercise 5-6 Der Zug hat voraussichtlich 20 Minuten Verspätung.  + voraussichtlich The train is expected to be 20 minutes late.  Xe lửa dự kiến ​​sẽ chậm trễ 20 phút. +
Exercise 5-7 Es hat gestern den ganzen Tag geregnet.  + regnen It was raining all day yesterday.  Trời mưa cả ngày hôm qua. +
Exercise 5-7 Im Urlaub hat es viel geregnet.  + regnen It was raining a lot on vacation.  Trời mưa rất nhiều. +
Exercise 5-7 Es regnet in großen Tropfen.  + regnen It rains in big drops.  Trời mưa nhiều. +
Exercise 5-7 Es regnet in Strömen.  + regnen It's pouring rain.  Trời mưa. +
Exercise 5-7 Es regnet nur noch leicht.  + regnen It's raining lightly.  Trời mưa nhẹ. +
Exercise 5-7 Es kann jede Minute anfangen zu regnen.  + regnen It can start raining any minute.  Nó có thể bắt đầu mưa bất kỳ phút. +
Exercise 5-7 Es wird bald regnen. + regnen It's going to rain soon. Trời sắp mưa. +
Exercise 5-9 Hier regnet es viel.  + viel It rains a lot here.  Trời mưa nhiều ở đây. +
Exercise 6-1 Hoffentlich regnet es bald. Alles ist ganz trocken.  + trocken  I hope it rains soon. Everything is completely dry.  Tôi hy vọng trời mưa sớm. Mọi thứ đều khô hoàn toàn. +
Exercise 6-3 Wir waren pünktlich am Bahnhof. Aber dann hatte der Zug Verspätung.  + dann  We arrived at the station on time. But then the train was late.  Chúng tôi đến trạm đúng giờ. Nhưng rồi chuyến tàu đã trễ. +
Exercise 6-3 Wenn es nicht regnet, dann kommen wir.  + dann  If it's not raining, we'll come.  Nếu trời không mưa, chúng ta sẽ đến. +
Exercise 6-3 Noch ein Jahr, dann bin ich mit meiner Ausbildung fertig.  + dann  Another year, then I'm done with my training.  Một năm khác, sau đó tôi đã hoàn thành khóa học. +
Exercise 6-3 Ob es wohl regnen wird?  + ob I wonder if it's gonna rain.  Tôi tự hỏi nếu nó sẽ mưa. +
Exercise 6-3 Er läuft jeden Morgen, ob es regnet oder schneit.  + ob It runs every morning, whether it's raining or snowing.  Nó chạy vào mỗi buổi sáng, cho dù trời đang mưa hoặc tuyết rơi. +
Exercise 6-7 Wir sind mit dem Zug gefahren.  + fahren* We took the train.  Chúng tôi lên tàu. +
Exercise 6-7 Nach der Ausbildung hat Inge eine Arbeit gefunden.  + Arbeit After training, Inge found a job.  Sau khi đào tạo, Inge tìm được việc làm. +
Exercise 7-3 Für diesen Beruf müssen Sie gut ausgebildet sein. + Beruf You must be well trained for this profession. Bạn phải được đào tạo tốt cho nghề này. +
Exercise 7-8 Wann fährt morgens der erste Zug?  + morgens When does the first train leave in the morning?  Khi chuyến tàu đầu tiên rời khỏi buổi sáng thì sao? +
Exercise 8-3 Ich komme mit der Bahn.  + Bahn I'm coming by train.  Tôi đến bằng xe lửa. +
Exercise 8-3 Ich nehme die nächste Bahn.  + Bahn I'll take the next train.  Tôi sẽ đi tàu tiếp theo. +
Exercise 8-3 Zum Bahnhof ist es nicht weit.  + weit The train station is not far away.  Nhà ga xe lửa không xa. +
Exercise 8-6 Ich gehe nicht gerne nach draußen, wenn es regnet.  + draußen I don't like to go outside when it's raining.  Tôi không thích ra ngoài khi trời đang mưa. +
Exercise 8-6 Trotz des Regens sind die Kinder in die Schule gegangen. + trotz Despite the rain, the children went to school. Mặc dù trời mưa, các em đi học. +
Exercise 9-2 Übertreib es nicht mit dem Training!  + übertreiben* Don't overdo it with training!  Đừng lạm dụng nó với đào tạo! +
Exercise 10-1 Es sieht nach Regen aus.  + aussehen* It looks like rain.  Nó trông như mưa. +
Exercise 10-1 Es sieht so aus, als ob es bald regnet.  + aussehen* It looks like it's going to rain soon.  Có vẻ như trời sắp mưa. +
Exercise 10-4 Es regnet. Unser Picknick fällt leider aus. – So ein Pech!  + Pech It's raining. Our picnic is cancelled. Too bad!  Trời đang mưa. Cuộc dã ngoại của chúng tôi bị hủy bỏ. Quá tệ! +
Exercise 11-5 Wenn wir uns beeilen, erreichen wir noch den 8-Uhr-Zug.  + erreichen If we hurry, we can get to the 8:00 train.  Nếu chúng tôi vội vàng, chúng tôi có thể đến được tàu 8:00. +
Exercise 11-5 Dieser Zug erreicht eine Geschwindigkeit von 200 Kilometern.  + erreichen This train reaches a speed of 200 kilometers.  Tuyến này đạt tốc độ 200 km. +
Exercise 11-5 Unser Zug hatte 40 Minuten Verspätung.  + Zug Our train was 40 minutes late.  Xe lửa của chúng tôi đã trễ 40 phút. +
Exercise 11-5 Ich fahre gern mit dem Zug.  + Zug I like to take the train.  Tôi thích đi tàu. +
Exercise 11-5 Weisst du, wann der nächste Zug fährt?  + Zug Do you know when the next train leaves?  Bạn có biết khi chuyến tàu tiếp theo rời đi? +
Exercise 11-5 Der Zug fährt um 7 Uhr morgens ab.  + Zug The train leaves at 7:00 in the morning.  Xe lửa khởi hành lúc 7 giờ sáng. +
Exercise 11-5 Welchen Zug nimmst du?  + Zug What train do you take?  Bạn làm những gì đào tạo? +
Exercise 11-5 Mein Zug geht in einer Stunde.  + Zug My train leaves in an hour.  Xe lửa của tôi bỏ đi trong một giờ. +
Exercise 11-5 Er hat den letzten Zug verpasst.  + Zug He missed the last train.  Anh nhớ chuyến tàu cuối cùng. +
Exercise 11-8 Gestern hat mir jemand im Zug meine Uhr gestohlen.  + stehlen* Yesterday someone on the train stole my watch.  Hôm qua một người nào đó trên tàu đánh cắp chiếc đồng hồ của tôi. +
Exercise 12-3 Es hat während des ganzen Urlaubs geregnet. + während It was raining all the time during the holidays. Trời đang mưa mọi lúc trong những ngày nghỉ. +
Exercise 12-6 Es hat geregnet. Zum Glück hatte ich einen Regenschirm dabei.  + Glück It was raining. Luckily, I had an umbrella with me.  Trời đang mưa. May mắn thay, tôi đã có một cái ô với tôi. +
Exercise 13-8 Pflanzen wachsen schnell, wenn es geregnet hat.  + Pflanze Plants grow quickly when it rains.  Cây trồng phát triển nhanh chóng khi trời mưa. +
Exercise 14-9 Der Zug verkehrt täglich außer sonn- und feiertags.  + täglich The train runs daily except Sundays and public holidays.  Tàu chạy hàng ngày trừ ngày chủ nhật và những ngày lễ. +
Exercise 15-1 Laut Wetterbericht bekommen wir Regen.  + bekommen* According to the weather forecast, we're getting rain.  Theo dự báo thời tiết, chúng ta đang có mưa. +
Exercise 15-3 Unser Zug ist pünktlich abgefahren.  + abfahren* Our train left on time.  Đoàn của chúng tôi rời đi đúng giờ. +
Exercise 15-3 Der Zug wird bald abfahren.  + abfahren* The train's leaving soon.  Xe lửa rời sớm. +
Exercise 15-9 Er wirft sein Geld zum Fenster raus.  + Fenster He's throwing his money down the drain.  Anh ấy đang ném tiền của mình xuống cống. +
Exercise 17-1 Dort drüben ist der Bahnhof.  + dort  There's the train station over there.  Có ga xe lửa ở đó. +
Exercise 17-1 Der Zug fährt jeden Tag.  + jeder The train leaves every day.  Xe lửa rời mỗi ngày. +
Exercise 17-5 Ich habe im Radio gehört, es soll morgen regnen.  + sollen* I heard on the radio it's supposed to rain tomorrow.  Tôi nghe trên đài phát thanh ngày mai trời mưa. +
Exercise 17-9 Nach den starken Regenfällen trat der Fluss über die Ufer.  + Fluss After the heavy rains, the river broke its banks.  Sau cơn mưa lớn, dòng sông đã phá vỡ các ngân hàng. +
Exercise 19-8 Der Zug hat gerade die Grenze passiert.  + passieren The train just crossed the border.  Tàu chỉ vượt qua biên giới. +
Exercise 20-5 Das Getreide ist reif.  + Getreide The grain is ripe.  Hạt đã chín. +
Exercise 21-3 Wann kommt der Zug in Hamburg an?  + ankommen* When does the train arrive in Hamburg?  Khi nào tàu đến Hamburg? +
Exercise 21-5 Wir mussten das Treffen wegen des Regens verschieben.  + verschieben* We had to postpone the meeting because of the rain.  Chúng tôi phải hoãn cuộc họp vì mưa. +
Exercise 21-8 Wir trainieren einmal pro Woche im Sportverein.  + trainieren We train once a week at the sports club.  Chúng tôi tập luyện mỗi tuần một lần tại câu lạc bộ thể thao. +
Exercise 21-8 Er trainiert täglich.  + trainieren He trains every day.  Anh ta luyện tập mỗi ngày. +
Exercise 21-8 Wer trainiert die Mannschaft? + trainieren Who trains the team? Ai đào tạo đội? +
Exercise 21-9 Er kann das strenge Training nicht aushalten. + Training He can't stand the rigorous training. Anh ta không thể chịu đựng được sự huấn luyện nghiêm ngặt. +
Exercise 22-3 Wir reisen mit der Bahn.  + reisen We travel by train.  Chúng tôi đi bằng tàu hỏa. +
Exercise 22-6 In Ulm müssen Sie umsteigen.  + umsteigen* In Ulm you have to change trains.  Ở Ulm, bạn phải thay đổi tàu hỏa. +
Exercise 22-6 Sie musste auf ihrer Fahrt dreimal umsteigen.  + umsteigen* She had to change trains three times on her journey.  Cô phải thay đổi chuyến đi ba lần trên hành trình của mình. +
Exercise 22-6 Ich habe den Zug verpasst.  + verpassen I missed the train.  Tôi đã lỡ mất chuyến tàu. +
Exercise 22-6 Der Zug fährt heute nicht von Bahnsteig 5, sondern von Bahnsteig 7 ab.  + Bahnsteig The train does not leave platform 5 today, but platform 7.  Xe lửa không rời khỏi nền 5 ngày hôm nay, nhưng nền tảng 7. +
Exercise 22-6 Er kam mit dem Zug, deshalb wartete ich auf dem Bahnsteig.  + Bahnsteig He came by train, so I waited on the platform.  Anh ta đến bằng xe lửa, vì vậy tôi đã chờ đợi trên bục. +
Exercise 22-6 Es regnet. Hast du einen Schirm dabei?  + Schirm It's raining. Did you bring an umbrella?  Trời đang mưa. Bạn đã mang một cái ô? +
Exercise 22-6 Der Zug fährt heute von Gleis sieben ab.  + Gleis The train leaves track seven today.  Xe lửa rời khỏi cây số 7 hôm nay. +
Exercise 22-6 Der Zug läuft auf Gleis 3 ein. + Gleis The train is arriving on track 3. Xe lửa đang đi trên đường 3. +
Exercise 22-7 Der Zug hat Anschluss an den ICE nach Köln.  + Anschluss The train has a connection to the ICE to Cologne.  Tàu có kết nối với ICE đến Cologne. +
Exercise 22-7 Der Zug hat in München nur 20 Minuten Aufenthalt.  + Aufenthalt The train is only 20 minutes in Munich.  Xe lửa chỉ cách Munich 20 phút. +
Exercise 22-8 Die Verbindung ist sehr gut. Ich kann direkt fahren und muss nicht umsteigen.  + Verbindung The connection is very good. I can drive directly and don't have to change trains.  Kết nối là rất tốt. Tôi có thể lái xe trực tiếp và không phải thay đổi tàu hỏa. +
Exercise 22-8 Unser Zug hatte 10 Minuten Verspätung.  + Verspätung Our train was 10 minutes late.  Xe lửa của chúng tôi đã trễ 10 phút. +
Exercise 23-3 Der Zug verlangsamt die Fahrt.  + Fahrt The train is slowing down.  Xe lửa đang chậm lại. +
Exercise 23-5 Der Zug setzte sich langsam in Bewegung. + Bewegung The train moved slowly. Tàu chạy chậm. +
Exercise 23-5 Der Zug in Richtung Köln hat Verspätung.  + Richtung The train to Cologne is late.  Chuyến tàu đến Cologne đã trễ. +
Exercise 23-5 Hoffentlich hat unser Zug keine Verspätung.  + hoffentlich I hope our train's not delayed.  Tôi hy vọng tàu của chúng tôi không bị trì hoãn. +
Exercise 23-5 Hoffentlich regnet es heute Abend nicht.  + hoffentlich I hope it doesn't rain tonight.  Tôi hy vọng nó không mưa đêm nay. +
Exercise 24-3 Die Bahn führt ans Meer.  + führen The train goes to the sea.  Tàu chạy ra biển. +
Exercise 24-3 Ich habe meine Ausbildung abgeschlossen.  + Ausbildung I have completed my training.  Tôi đã hoàn thành khóa học. +
Exercise 25-7 Entschuldigung, hält dieser Zug auch in Darmstadt?  + halten* Excuse me, is this train also stopping in Darmstadt?  Xin lỗi, là chuyến đi này cũng dừng lại ở Darmstadt? +
Exercise 25-8 Der Zug ist schon an Köln vorbei.  + vorbei The train has already passed Cologne.  Xe lửa đã vượt qua Cologne. +
Exercise 25-9 Es hat nicht geregnet. Ich muss meine Blumen gießen.  + gießen* It wasn't raining. I have to water my flowers.  Trời không mưa. Tôi phải cho hoa của tôi. +
Exercise 26-4 Es hat schrecklich geregnet. Ich bin ganz nass geworden.  + nass It was raining badly. I got all wet.  Trời mưa. Tôi bị ướt. +
Exercise 26-9 Du musst deine Ausbildung auf jeden Fall beenden.  + beenden You must definitely finish your training.  Bạn chắc chắn phải hoàn thành đào tạo của bạn. +
Exercise 27-3 Nach dem Regen war die Luft frisch und klar.  + klar After the rain, the air was fresh and clear.  Sau cơn mưa, không khí trong lành và trong lành. +
Exercise 27-4 Hast du dich schon nach einem Zug erkundigt?  + erkundigen Have you asked about a train yet?  Bạn đã hỏi về một chuyến tàu chưa? +
Exercise 28-4 Der Zug hat sich schon wieder verspätet.  + verspäten The train's already late again.  Xe lửa đã trễ rồi. +
Exercise 28-8 Die Tafel zeigt die Abfahrt des Zuges an.  + anzeigen The board shows the departure of the train.  Bảng hiển thị cho thấy khởi hành của tàu. +
Exercise 29-1 Gott sei Dank hat es nicht geregnet. + Dank Thank God it wasn't raining. Cảm ơn Chúa trời trời không mưa. +
Exercise 29-1 Es war zuerst so schön. Plötzlich hat es angefangen zu regnen.  + plötzlich At first it was so beautiful. Suddenly it started raining.  Ban đầu nó thật đẹp. Đột nhiên nó bắt đầu mưa. +
Exercise 29-2 Vor den Feiertagen sind die Züge immer sehr voll.  + voll The trains are always full before the holidays.  Các đoàn tàu luôn đầy đủ trước kỳ nghỉ. +
Exercise 29-4 An manchen Tagen ist das Zugfahren billiger.  + manche Some days the train is cheaper.  Một số ngày xe lửa rẻ hơn. +
Exercise 30-2 Meinst du, es wird regnen? Ich nehme jedenfalls einen Schirm mit.  + jedenfalls  Do you think it's gonna rain? I'm taking an umbrella anyway.  Bạn có nghĩ rằng nó sẽ mưa? Tôi vẫn đang mặc dù một cái ô. +
Exercise 31-2 Wir müssen uns beeilen. Sonst verpassen wir den Zug.  + sich beeilen We have to hurry. We'll miss the train.  Chúng ta phải nhanh lên. Chúng ta sẽ nhớ chuyến tàu. +
Exercise 32-3 Der Bahnhof ist nicht weit entfernt von unserem Hotel.  + entfernt The train station is not far from our hotel.  Ga xe lửa không xa khách sạn của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 32-3 Ihr Haus ist weit entfernt vom Bahnhof.  + entfernt Your house is far from the train station.  Ngôi nhà của bạn cách xa nhà ga xe lửa. +
Exercise 32-6 Im Fitness-Studio trainieren wir unsere Muskeln.  + Muskel In the gym we train our muscles.  Trong phòng tập thể dục, chúng tôi đào tạo cơ bắp của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 32-6 Er hat gut trainierte Muskeln. + Muskel He has well trained muscles. Anh ấy có cơ bắp được đào tạo tốt. +
Exercise 33-1 Der Zug hat schon wieder Verspätung. Das ist wirklich ärgerlich.  + ärgerlich The train's already late again. That's really annoying.  Xe lửa đã trễ rồi. Điều đó thực sự gây phiền nhiễu. +
Exercise 33-1 Wir haben grade den Zug verpasst. Wie ärgerlich!  + ärgerlich We just missed the train. How annoying!  Chúng tôi chỉ bỏ lỡ chuyến tàu. Thật khó chịu! +
Exercise 33-8 Es hat drei Tage in Folge geregnet.  + Folge It rained for three consecutive days.  Trời mưa trong ba ngày liên tiếp. +
Exercise 33-9 Nach dem Regen wachsen viele Pilze im Wald.  + Pilz After the rain, many mushrooms grow in the forest.  Sau khi mưa, nhiều nấm mọc trong rừng. +
Exercise 34-9 Ich vermute, dass er mit dem 8-Uhr-Zug kommt.  + vermuten I suspect he's coming on the 8:00 train.  Tôi nghi anh ta đang lên tàu 8:00. +
Exercise 34-9 Ich vermute, dass es regnen wird.  + vermuten I guess it's gonna rain.  Tôi đoán nó sẽ mưa. +
Exercise 34-9 Der Zug hält nicht an diesem Bahnhof.  + Bahnhof The train is not stopping at this station.  Tàu không dừng ở ga này. +
Exercise 35-1 Lass uns rechtzeitig gehen, damit wir den Zug nicht verpassen. + damit Let's leave in time so we don't miss the train. Chúng ta hãy bỏ thời gian để chúng ta không bỏ lỡ chuyến tàu. +
Exercise 36-2 Ich bin fest entschlossen, diese Ausbildung fertigzumachen.  + sich entschließen* I am determined to finish this training.  Tôi quyết tâm hoàn thành khóa học này. +
Exercise 36-7 Wir haben meine Mutter zum Zug gebracht. Die Kinder haben gewinkt.  + winken We took my mother to the train. The kids were waving.  Chúng tôi đưa mẹ tôi lên tàu. Những đứa trẻ đang vẫy chào. +
Exercise 36-9 Gibt es keinen direkten Zug nach Hamburg?  + direkt Isn't there a direct train to Hamburg?  Không có một chuyến tàu trực tiếp đến Hamburg? +
Exercise 37-1 Die Kinder wünschen sich eine elektrische Eisenbahn.  + Eisenbahn The children want an electric train.  Các em muốn một đoàn tàu điện. +
Exercise 37-1 Sie fahren mit der Eisenbahn.  + Eisenbahn They're taking the train.  Họ đang đi tàu. +
Exercise 37-9 Du musst dich beruflich weiterbilden. + weiterbilden You need to get some professional training. Bạn cần phải có một số đào tạo chuyên nghiệp. +
Exercise 38-5 Gebrauch deinen Verstand! + gebrauchen Use your brain! Sử dụng não của bạn! +
Exercise 38-6 Der Wetterbericht hat für morgen Regen vorhergesagt.  + Wetterbericht The weather forecast predicted rain for tomorrow.  Dự báo thời tiết dự đoán mưa cho ngày mai. +
Exercise 38-6 Laut Wetterbericht wird es morgen regnen.  + Wetterbericht It's gonna rain tomorrow, weather forecast.  Trời sắp mưa, dự báo thời tiết. +
Exercise 39-2 Wir suchten Schutz vor dem Regen.  + Schutz We sought shelter from the rain.  Chúng tôi tìm nơi trú ẩn từ mưa. +
Exercise 39-5 Im Radio haben sie Regen und Sturm angesagt.  + Sturm They said rain and storm on the radio.  Họ nói mưa và bão trên radio. +
Exercise 39-5 Als wir am Bahnhof ankamen, war unser Zug schon fort.  + fort When we arrived at the station, our train was already gone.  Khi chúng tôi đến ga, đoàn tàu của chúng tôi đã đi rồi. +
Exercise 40-7 Der Urlaub war eine Katastrophe. Es hat nur geregnet.  + Katastrophe The vacation was a disaster. It was just raining.  Kỳ nghỉ là một thảm hoạ. Trời mưa. +
Exercise 41-3 Nach dem Regen hat es wieder schnell abgetrocknet. + abtrocknen After the rain it dried quickly again. Sau cơn mưa, nó lại khô lại một lần nữa. +
Exercise 41-6 Es regnet dicke Tropfen.  + Tropfen It's raining drops.  Trời mưa. +
Exercise 41-7 Vorhin schien noch die Sonne, und jetzt regnet es schon wieder.  + vorhin The sun was still shining earlier, and now it's raining again.  Mặt trời vẫn chiếu sáng sớm hơn, và bây giờ trời mưa lại. +
Exercise 42-5 Von fern sah man den Zug kommen.  + fern From afar you could see the train coming.  Từ xa bạn có thể thấy tàu đến. +
Exercise 42-7 Die Zugfahrt war schon wegen der Hitze sehr anstrengend, ganz zu schweigen von der Verspätung.  + schweigen* The train journey was very strenuous because of the heat, not to mention the delay.  Hành trình tàu rất vất vả vì sức nóng, chưa kể đến sự chậm trễ. +
Exercise 42-9 Obwohl es regnete, ging er spazieren.  + obwohl Although it was raining, he went for a walk.  Mặc dù trời mưa, anh đi dạo. +
Exercise 43-7 Ich möchte nächstes Jahr in meinem Beruf eine Fortbildung machen.  + Fortbildung I would like to take part in a training next year in my profession.  Tôi muốn tham gia đào tạo trong năm tới trong nghề của tôi. +
Exercise 43-7 Er hat schon an vielen Fortbildungen teilgenommen. + Fortbildung He has already participated in many advanced training courses. Anh đã tham gia nhiều khóa học nâng cao. +
Exercise 43-8 Mein Neffe sucht nach der Schule einen Ausbildungsplatz als Kfz-Mechaniker. + Ausbildungsplatz My nephew is looking for a training position as a car mechanic after school. Cháu trai của tôi đang tìm kiếm một vị trí đào tạo như một thợ cơ khí xe hơi sau giờ học. +
Exercise 43-9 Ich möchte eine Weiterbildung machen.  + Weiterbildung I want to do some advanced training.  Tôi muốn làm một số đào tạo tiên tiến. +
Exercise 43-9 Er hat schon mehrere Weiterbildungen absolviert.  + Weiterbildung He has already completed several advanced training courses.  Anh ấy đã hoàn thành một số khóa học nâng cao. +
Exercise 44-2 Er nutzt jede freie Minute zum Training.  + nutzen He uses every free minute for training.  Anh ta sử dụng mọi phút rảnh rỗi để tập luyện. +
Exercise 44-8 Der Zug kommt um 9 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof an. + Hauptbahnhof The train arrives at 9:00 a. m. at the main station. Xe lửa khởi hành lúc 9:00 a. m. tại nhà ga chính. +
Exercise 45-9 Sie haben im Zug ihre Koffer verwechselt.  + verwechseln They got their suitcases mixed up on the train.  Họ lấy hành lý của họ trộn lẫn lên tàu. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Abflussrohr + downspout, drainpipe + Features of building C
+ + + + 103 Household Teesieb + tea strainer + Kitchenware B
+ + + + 103 Household Abtropfständer + dish drainer + Kitchenware B
+ + + + 103 Household Abtropfbrett + drain board + Kitchenware B
+ + + + 103 The physical world Regenwald + rainforest + Woodlands and plain A
+ + + + 103 The animal world einen Hund abrichten + to train a dog + Mammals B
+ + + + 103 Weather Regen + rain + Rain A
+ + + + 103 Weather regnen + to rain + Rain A
+ + + + 103 Weather Regenwetter + rainy/wet weather + Rain A
+ + + + 103 Weather regnerisch + rainy + Rain A
+ + + + 103 Weather Regenbogen + rainbow + Rain A
+ + + + 103 Weather Regenfall + fall of rain + Rain B
+ + + + 103 Weather heftige Regenfälle + heavy rains + Rain B
+ + + + 103 Weather Dauerregen + steady rain + Rain B
+ + + + 103 Weather verregnet + rainy, wet + Rain B
+ + + + 103 Weather regenarm + with little rain + Rain B
+ + + + 103 Weather regenreich + with high rainfall + Rain B
+ + + + 103 Weather regenfrei + without rain + Rain B
+ + + + 103 Weather Sprühregen + drizzle, fine rain + Rain C
+ + + + 103 Weather Niederschlag + rainfall + Rain C
+ + + + 103 Weather regendicht + rainproof + Rain C
+ + + + 103 Weather es regnet sich ein + it's raining steadily + Rain C
+ + + + 103 Weather eingeregnet + rain-bound + Rain C
+ + + + 103 Weather Landregen + steady rain + Rain C
+ + + + 103 Weather anhaltender Regen + continuous rain + Rain C
+ + + + 103 The human body and health sich etw verstauchen + to sprain sth + Symptoms, ailments and illnesses A
+ + + + 103 The human body and health Verstauchung + sprain + Symptoms, ailments and illnesses A
+ + + + 103 The human body and health Migräne + migraine + Symptoms, ailments and illnesses A
+ + + + 103 The human body and health Gehirn + brain + Head B
+ + + + 103 Gesture and movement Eisenbahnunglück + train crash + Impact B
+ + + + 103 Gesture and movement jmdn zu Brei hauen (sl.) + to beat sb's brains in + Movement of the limbs C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour zurückhaltend + restrained, reserved + Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour Mäßigkeit üben + to exercise/show moderation/restraint + Stability and instability B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour über(be)lastet + under too great a strain + Stability and instability B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour schwachköpfig (coll.) + feather-brained + Good/poor judgment B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour schusselig (coll.) + scatter-brained + Good/poor judgment C
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Regenmantel + raincoat + Garments A
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Turnschuh + gym shoe, trainer, sneaker + Footwear A
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Vollkornbrot + whole-grain bread + Breads, grains and pasta B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Schwarzbrot + whole-grain rye bread; pumpernickel + Breads, grains and pasta B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink etw abgießen + to drain sth + Cooking C
+ + + + 103 Materials and textures Maserung + grain + Wood C
+ + + + 103 Materials and textures gemasert + grainy + Wood C
+ + + + 103 Materials and textures fein gemasert + fine grained + Wood C
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts körnig + grainy + Photography C
+ + + + 103 Leisure Spielzeugeisenbahn + toy train + Games A
+ + + + 103 Sport Training + training, workout + Training and competition A
+ + + + 103 Sport Trainer(in) + trainer, coach, manager + Training and competition A
+ + + + 103 Sport Fitnesstraining + fitness training + Training and competition A
+ + + + 103 Sport Krafttraining + weight-training + Sports B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Zug + train + Rail transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Bahnhof + train station + Rail transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport D-Zug + fast train, non-stop train + Rail transport B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Eilzug + express train + Rail transport B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Güterzug + freight train + Rail transport C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personenzug + slow/stopping train; passenger train + Rail transport C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Bummelzug + slow/stopping train + Rail transport C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Interregio (IR) + regional train + Rail transport C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Nahverkehrszug + local train + Rail transport C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Pendlerzug + commuter train + Rail transport C
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage hirntot + brain-dead + Death B
+ + + + 103 Education Ausbildung + training + General B
+ + + + 103 Education jmdn ausbilden + to train sb + General B
+ + + + 103 Education Berufsausbildung + vocational training + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education Berufsschule + vocational college, training college + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education pädagogische Hochschule + teacher training college + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education Praktikum + period of practical training + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education Umschulung + retraining course + School C
+ + + + 103 Education sich umschulen lassen + to retrain + School C
+ + + + 103 Education Fortbildungskurs + in-service training course + Further and higher education C
+ + + + 103 Education Praktikant(in) + trainee + Staff and students C
+ + + + 103 Education Auszubildende(r) + apprentice, trainee + Staff and students C
+ + + + 103 Education Azubi + apprentice, trainee + Staff and students C
+ + + + 103 Science saurer Regen + acid rain + Ecology A
+ + + + 103 Agriculture Getreide + grain, cereal + Crops B
+ + + + 103 Agriculture Ähre + ear [of grain] + Crops C
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Nachwuchsführungs-kraft + trainee manager + Ownership, management and personnel C
+ + + + 103 Employment Praktikum + practical training + Application and training A
+ + + + 103 Employment Ausbildung + training + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Ausbildungskurs + training course + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Ausbildungsprogramm + training programme + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Auszubildende(r) + trainee + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Management-Ausbildung + management training + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz + on-the-job training + Application and training C
+ + + + 103 Employment innerbetriebliche Ausbildung + on-the-job training + Application and training C
+ + + + 103 Employment hausinterne Ausbildung + in-house training + Application and training C
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Postzug + mail train + Post A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Ukraine + Ukraine + Geographical names and peoples A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Ukrainer(in) + Ukrainian + Geographical names and peoples A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Gelände + (open) country, terrain + Geography B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Bahrein + Bahrain + Geographical names and peoples C
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues saurer Regen + acid rain + Environment B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * zhong3 kind/ type/ sort/ breed/ race/ strain 1. Art, Spezies, Sorte 2. Rasse 3. Saat, Samen 4.Mut, Unbeugsamkeit 5. Zählwort Sorte, Muster, Typ siehe zhong4 +
A 鍛煉 + * * duan4lian4 take exercise/ physical training Sport treiben +
A 火車 + * * huo3che1 train Eisenbahn +
A 體育 + * * ti3yu4 physical training/ physical culture Sport,Körperkultur +
A + * * lei4 tired/ tire/ strain 1.müde, erschöpft, ermattet 2. ermüden, ermatten, anstrengen 3.hart arbeiten, schuften +
A + * * yu3 rain Regen, Niederschlag +
B 糧食 + * * liang2shi grain/ food Getreide, Nahrung +
B 腦子 + * * nao3zi brain Gehirn, Hirn,Denkvermögen +
B 睏/困 + * * kun4 (睏) sleepy/ (困) constrained/ besiege/ constrain 1. jn in eine Notlage bringen 2.einkreisen, umzingeln 3. erschöpft, strapaziert, ermüdet 4. schläfrig +
B + * * ke1 grain Korn, Körnchen, Zählwort Perle +
B 訓練 + * * xun4lian4 train/ drill trainieren,drillen,einüben +
B 雨衣 + * * yu3yi1 raincoat Regenmantel +
B + * * li4 grain 1. Korn, Körnchen 2 .Zählwort ein Korn +
B 自由 + * * zi4you2 freedom/ liberty/ free/ unrestrained frei, Freiheit +
C 腦筋 + * * nao3jin1 brains/ mind/ thinking capacities/ ideas/ concepts Hirn, Kopf,Gedächtnis,Gedanke +
C + * * kuang2 overbearing/ mad/ wild/ violent/ unconstrained 1.wahnsinnig, verrückt,toll, 2. heftig, gewalttätig 3. hemmungslos, zügellos +
C + * * jie2 save/ economize/ refrain/ abstain/ abridge 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr +
C + * * liao4 suppose/ expect/ manage/ material/ (grain) feed 1. vermuten, glauben, erwarten, ahnen, mit etwas rechnen 2. Material, Stoff 3. Futter +
C 列車 + * * lie4che1 train Zug +
C 掙扎 + * * zheng1zha2 struggle-strain/ struggle/ battle/ flounder sich abmühen, sich anstrengen +
C 頭腦 + * * tou2nao3 head-brain/ brains/ intellectual power/ mind/ wit Gehirn, Verstand, Intelligenz, Kopf, Anhaltspunkt, Faden +
C 束縛 + * * shu4fu4 tie down/ bind down/ constrain/ fetter gebunden, gefesselt,angebunden +
C 參謀 + * * can1mou2 give advice/ brain man/ advisor Rat geben, Berater, Stabsoffizier +
C 師範 + * * shi1fan4 teacher training/ person of exemplary virtue Pädagogik +
C 流域 + * * liu2yu4 river valley/ river basin/ drainage area Einzugsgebiet eines Flusses, Stromgebiet, (Fluß-) Tal +
C 地勢 + * * di4shi4 terrain/ topography in terms of strategic significance Topographie +
C 地形 + * * di4xing2 terrain/ landform/ the shape of land surface Gelände +
C 西醫 + 西* * xi1yi1 Western-medicine/ doctor trained in Western medicine westliche Medizin, Arzt der in westlicher Medizin ausgebildet ist +
C 培養 + * * pei2yang3 train/ groom/ foster/ develop/ cultivate heranbilden, ausbilden, erziehen +
C 抑制 + * * yi4zhi4 restrain-control/ restrain/ control/ repress/ check/ bate beschränken, zurückhalten +
C 制止 + * * zhi4zhi3 control-stop/ prevent/ stop/ curb/ restrain/ check/ deter stoppen +
C 智慧 + * * zhi4hui4 intelligence-wisdom/ wisdom/ wits/ brightness/ brains Weisheit, Klugheit, Intelligenz +
C 暴雨 + * * bao4yu3 rainstorm/ downpour Regensturm +
C 不禁 + * * bu4jin1 cannot help/ cannot refrain from. nicht zurückzuhalten können, +
C 忍耐 + * * ren3nai4 forbear/ restrain oneself/ exercise patience dulden, ertragen, aushalten,gedulden +
D 約束 + * * yue1shu4 bind/ restrain beschränken, eingrenzen +
D 結業 + * * jie2 ye4 complete an educational or training program einen Kurs abschließen +
D 粗糧 + * * cu1liang2 coarse food grain Getreidearten außer Weizen, Reis +
D 修養 + * * xiu1yang3 training/ good manners Bildung in einem geisteswissenschaftlichen Fach, theoretisches Wissen, sich selbst erziehen +
D 乘務員 + * * cheng2wu4yuan2 trainman/ stewardess Schaffner +
D 外流 + * * wai4liu2 drain/ outflow Abfluß +
D + * * hong2 rainbow Regenbogen, Iris +
D + * * xun4 teach/ train 1. belehren, zurechtweisen, unterweisen 2. trainieren, Training 3. Norm, Standard, Maßgabe +
D 大肆 + * * da4si4 without restraint/ wantonly rücksichtslos, heftig +
D 雨水 + * * yu3shui3 rain Regen +
D 根深蒂固 + * * gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 being deeply rooted/ in grain tief eingewurzelt +
D 培訓 + * * pei2xun4 train ausbilden, trainieren +
D 拘束 + * * ju1shu4 constrained/ ill at ease einschränken, begrenzen,schüchtern +
D 練兵 + * * lian4 bing1 training militärischer Drill, Militärtraining +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
accept + It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a lift. Es regnete in Strömen, also nahm ich sein Angebot für einen Fahrstuhl an.
accompany + strong winds accompanied by heavy rain starke Winde bei starkem Regen
act + It is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests. Es ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, dass wir handeln, um die Zerstörung der Regenwälder zu stoppen.
actually + It's not actually raining now. Es regnet nicht mehr.
adequate + adequate to do sth: training that is adequate to meet the future needs of industry adäquat für etw.[Akk] sein: Ausbildung, die den künftigen Bedürfnissen der Industrie entspricht
again + Once again (= as had happened several times before), the train was late. Wieder einmal (= wie schon mehrmals zuvor geschehen) kam der Zug zu spät.
aim + aim at doing sth: They're aiming at training everybody by the end of the year. etw.[Akk] anstreben: Sie wollen bis Ende des Jahres alle ausbilden.
alarming + The rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate. Die Regenwälder verschwinden in alarmierender Geschwindigkeit.
altogether + The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether. Der Zug fuhr langsamer und langsamer, bis er ganz zum Stehen kam.
ankle + to sprain/break your ankle um sich den Knöchel zu verrenken/zerbrechen
annual + annual rainfall jährliche Niederschlagsmenge
apparent + Then, for no apparent reason, the train suddenly stopped. Dann hielt der Zug plötzlich ohne ersichtlichen Grund an.
appeal + The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal. Die Aussicht auf eine lange Wartezeit im Regen hat nicht gefallen.
April + April showers (= light rain that falls in the spring) Aprilschauer (= leichter Regen, der im Frühjahr fällt)
area + the areas of training and development die Bereiche Ausbildung und Entwicklung
arrival + We apologize for the late arrival of the train. Wir entschuldigen uns für die verspätete Ankunft des Zuges.
arrive + The train arrived at the station 20 minutes late. Der Zug kam 20 Minuten verspätet am Bahnhof an.
attack + a disease that attacks the brain eine Krankheit, die das Gehirn angreift
automatic + a fully automatic driverless train vollautomatischer fahrerloser Zug
awake + The girls awoke to the sound of rain rattling on the windows. Die Mädchen erwachten vor dem Geräusch des Regens, der auf den Fenstern rasselte.
best + Well-drained soil suits the plant best. Gut durchlässiger Boden eignet sich am besten für die Pflanze.
blood + the blood supply to the brain die Blutzufuhr zum Gehirn
bother + That sprained ankle is still bothering her (= hurting). Der verstauchte Knöchel tut ihr immer noch weh.
brain + It doesn't take much brain to work out that both stories can't be true. Es braucht nicht viel Hirn, um herauszufinden, dass beide Geschichten nicht wahr sein können.
brain + Teachers spotted that he had a good brain at an early age. Die Lehrer sahen, dass er schon früh ein gutes Gehirn hatte.
brain + You need brains as well as brawn (= intelligence as well as strength) to do this job. Dazu braucht man Köpfchen und Muskeln (= Intelligenz und Kraft).
brain + damage to the brain Hirnschädigung
brain + brain cells Gehirnzellen
brain + She died of a brain tumour. Sie starb an einem Gehirntumor.
brain + a device to measure brain activity during sleep Vorrichtung zur Messung der Gehirnaktivität während des Schlafes
bus + A regular bus service connects the train station with the town centre. Ein regelmäßiger Busverkehr verbindet den Bahnhof mit dem Stadtzentrum.
carry + a train carrying commuters to work ein Zug mit Pendlerverkehr zur Arbeit
catch + I must go—I have a train to catch. Ich muss gehen, ich muss einen Zug erwischen.
central + There will be rain later in central and eastern parts of the country. Später wird es in den zentralen und östlichen Landesteilen regnen.
central + the central area of the brain Zentralbereich des Gehirns
choose + choose to do sth: We chose to go by train. etw.[Akk] aussuchen: Wir haben uns für den Zug entschieden.
claim + claim (on sth) (for sth): You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train. Anspruch (auf etw.) (für etw.): Sie können Ihre Versicherung für den Mantel, den Sie auf dem Zug zurückgelassen haben, geltend mache
class + The first-class compartment is situated at the front of the train. Das First-Class-Abteil befindet sich im vorderen Teil des Zuges.
clear + Stand clear of the train doors. Weg von den Zugtüren.
college + a college of further education (= providing education and training for people over 16) eine Fachhochschule (= Aus- und Weiterbildung für Personen über 16 Jahre)
come + The rains came too late to do any good. Der Regen kam zu spät, um etwas Gutes zu tun.
come out + The rain stopped and the sun came out. Der Regen hörte auf und die Sonne kam heraus.
come in + The train is coming in now. Der Zug kommt jetzt rein.
comparison + comparison of A to B: a comparison of the brain to a computer (= showing what is similar) Vergleich von A nach B: ein Vergleich des Gehirns mit einem Computer (= zeigen, was ähnlich ist)
complex + the complex structure of the human brain die komplexe Struktur des menschlichen Gehirns
condition + A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry. Eine gute Ausbildung ist eine der Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Industrie.
conduct + improving standards of training and professional conduct Verbesserung der Standards für Ausbildung und Berufsausbildung
connect + The towns are connected by train and bus services. Die Städte sind durch Zug- und Busverbindungen miteinander verbunden.
continue + The rain will continue into the evening. Der Regen setzt sich bis in den Abend fort.
continue + continue to do sth: The rain continued to fall all afternoon. etw.[Akk] weitermachen: Den ganzen Nachmittag lang regnete es weiter.
continue + continue doing sth: The rain continued falling all afternoon. etw.[Akk] weitermachen: Den ganzen Nachmittag lang regnet es weiter.
continuous + The rain has been continuous since this morning. Seit heute Morgen regnet es kontinuierlich.
continuous + Rain was falling outside in a continuous silver curtain. Regen fiel draußen in einem silbernen Vorhang.
cope + cope with sth: He wasn't able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job. etw.[Akk] meistern: Er vermochte die Strapazen der Arbeit nicht zu bewältigen.
course + to go on a management training course zur Teilnahme an einem Management-Trainingskurs
cross + to cross France by train Frankreich mit dem Zug überqueren
cut + The bus was cut in two by the train. Der Bus wurde durch den Zug in zwei Teile geteilt.
damage + brain/liver etc. damage Schädigung von Gehirn/Leber etc.
defend + defend sb/yourself/sth from/against sb/sth: All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks. jdn. /Yourself/etw.[Akk] vor jdm. /etw.[Dat] verteidigen: Alle unsere Offiziere sind ausgebildet, sich gegen Messerangriffe zu verte
delicate + the delicate ecological balance of the rainforest das empfindliche ökologische Gleichgewicht des Regenwaldes
destruction + the destruction of the rainforests die Zerstörung der Regenwälder
make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth) + The rain didn't make much difference to the game. Der Regen machte für das Spiel keinen großen Unterschied.
direct + There's a direct train to Leeds (= it may stop at other stations but you do not have to change trains). Es gibt einen direkten Zug nach Leeds (= es kann an anderen Bahnhöfen halten, aber Sie müssen nicht umsteigen).
direct + She has direct responsibility for all new trainees. Sie trägt die direkte Verantwortung für alle neuen Auszubildenden.
disappear + Lisa watched until the train disappeared from view. Lisa beobachtete, bis der Zug verschwunden war.
disappointment + To our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip. Zu unserer großen Enttäuschung regnete es jeden Tag der Reise.
dominate + The train crash dominated the news. Der Zugunglück dominierte die Nachrichten.
drive + Shall we drive (= go there by car) or go by train? Sollen wir fahren (= mit dem Auto) oder mit der Bahn?
driver + a bus/train/ambulance/taxi driver einen Bus/Zug-/Ambulanz-Taxi-Fahrer
driving + a day of strong winds and driving rain ein Tag mit starken Winden und treibendem Regen
drop + drops of rain Regentropfen
drop + He drained the last drop of beer from the glass. Er hat den letzten Tropfen Bier aus dem Glas abgelassen.
due + The next train is due in five minutes. Der nächste Zug kommt in fünf Minuten.
due + Due to staff shortages, we are unable to offer a full buffet service on this train. Aufgrund von Personalengpässen können wir in diesem Zug kein komplettes Buffet anbieten.
effort + The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes. Das Unternehmen hat viel Zeit und Mühe in die Erarbeitung neuer Ausbildungskonzepte investiert.
empty + The streets soon emptied when the rain started. Die Straßen leerten sich bald, als der Regen einsetzte.
enable + enable sth: a new train line to enable easier access to the stadium etw.[Akk] ermöglichen: eine neue Zugstrecke, um den Zugang zum Stadion zu erleichtern
enough + I hadn't trained enough for the game. Ich hatte nicht genug trainiert für das Spiel.
enter + enter sb/sth in sth: Irish trainers have entered several horses in the race. jdn. /etw.[Akk] in etw.[Akk] eintragen: Irische Trainer haben mehrere Pferde ins Rennen geschickt.
ever + It was raining harder than ever. Es regnete härter als je zuvor.
express + an express bus/coach/train ein Schnellbus/Bus/Bus/Bahn
fall + fall into sth: I had fallen into conversation with a man on the train. in etw. fallen: Ich hatte mich mit einem Mann im Zug unterhalten.
fall + The rain was falling steadily. Der Regen fiel stetig.
far + Far away in the distance, a train whistled. Weit weg in der Ferne pfeifte ein Zug.
far + We'll go by train as far as London, and then take a bus. Wir fahren mit dem Zug bis nach London und nehmen dann den Bus.
feature + Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme. Teamarbeit ist ein wesentliches Merkmal des Trainingsprogramms.
feel + It feels like rain (= seems likely to rain). Es fühlt sich an wie Regen (= scheint wahrscheinlich zu regnen).
fellow + my fellow passengers on the train meine Mitreisenden im Zug
fight + soldiers trained to fight kampferfahrene Soldaten
finance + Moving house put a severe strain on our finances. Der Umzug hat unsere Finanzen stark belastet.
find + find sth + noun: She finds it a strain to meet new people. etw. + Substantiv finden: Sie findet es anstrengend, neue Leute kennenzulernen.
flood + The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country. Die heftigen Regenfälle haben in vielen Teilen des Landes zu Überschwemmungen geführt.
flood + The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily. Der Keller überflutet immer dann, wenn es heftig regnet.
flooding + There will be heavy rain with flooding in some areas. In einigen Gebieten wird es heftig regnen und es kommt zu Überschwemmungen.
fly + The train was flying along. Der Zug flog mit.
fly + a pilot trained to fly large passenger planes ein Pilot, der für das Fliegen großer Passagierflugzeuge ausgebildet ist
forecast + It is difficult to forecast the demand for the new train service. Die Nachfrage nach dem neuen Zugverkehr lässt sich nur schwer prognostizieren.
form + The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops. Das Ausbildungsprogramm wird in Form von Workshops durchgeführt.
formally + Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. Obwohl er keine formale Ausbildung zum Kunsthistoriker absolviert hat, genießt er wegen seiner Kenntnisse der damaligen Zeit hohes A
free + The wagon broke free from the train. Der Wagen ist aus dem Zug ausgebrochen.
from + Has the train from Bristol arrived? Ist der Zug aus Bristol angekommen?
fun + Walking three miles in the pouring rain is not my idea of fun. Drei Meilen im strömenden Regen zu laufen, ist nicht meine Vorstellung von Spaß.
game + They're in training for the big game. Sie trainieren für das große Spiel.
get + I'm getting off (= leaving the train) at the next station. Ich steige an der nächsten Station aus (= Verlassen des Zuges).
get in, get into sth + The train got in late. Der Zug kam zu spät.
go + When does the train go? Wann fährt der Zug?
god + the rain god der Regengott
grain + America's grain exports Amerikas Getreideexporte
grain + a few grains of rice einige Reiskörner
grain + a grain of salt/sand/sugar ein Körnchen Salz/Sand/Zucker
green + After the rains, the land was green with new growth. Nach den Regenfällen war das Land grün mit neuem Wachstum.
grow + The skies grew dark and it began to rain. Der Himmel wurde dunkel und es fing an zu regnen.
heavily + It was raining heavily. Es hat stark geregnet.
heavy + heavy frost/rain/snow starker Frost/Regen/Schnee
highly + highly trained/educated gut ausgebildet/ausgebildet
human + the human body/brain den menschlichen Körper/Gehirn
hurry + You'll have to hurry if you want to catch that train. Du musst dich beeilen, wenn du den Zug erwischen willst.
if + They would have been here by now if they'd caught the early train. Sie wären schon längst hier, wenn sie den frühen Zug erwischt hätten.
impose + to impose limitations/restrictions/constraints on sth für etw.[Akk] Beschränkungen/Einschränkungen/Einschränkungen aufzuerlegen
in + We went out in the rain. Wir sind im Regen ausgegangen.
inch + 1.14 inches of rain fell last night. Letzte Nacht hat es geregnet.
increasingly + Increasingly, training is taking place in the office rather than outside it. Zunehmend findet die Ausbildung nicht außerhalb, sondern im Büro statt.
indirect + The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain. Das Gebäude stürzte als indirekte Folge des heftigen Regens ein.
indirect + indirect costs (= costs that are not directly connected with making a product, for example training, heating, rent, etc.) indirekte Kosten (= Kosten, die nicht direkt mit der Herstellung eines Produkts verbunden sind, z. B. Schulung, Heizung, Miete usw.)
injure + She injured herself during training. Sie hat sich beim Training verletzt.
inside + We had to move inside (= indoors) when it started to rain. Wir mussten uns nach innen bewegen (= drinnen), als es zu regnen begann.
interrupt + The game was interrupted several times by rain. Das Spiel wurde mehrmals durch Regen unterbrochen.
it + It was raining this morning. Es hat heute Morgen geregnet.
journey + They went on a long train journey across India. Sie machten eine lange Zugreise durch Indien.
just + I only just caught the train. Ich habe gerade erst den Zug erwischt.
know + know sb/sth for sth: She is best known for her work on the human brain. jdn. /etw.[Akk] für etw.[Akk] kennen: Sie ist vor allem für ihre Arbeit am menschlichen Gehirn bekannt.
late + We apologize for the late arrival of this train. Wir entschuldigen uns für die verspätete Ankunft dieses Zuges.
leave + leave sb/sth doing sth: Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain. jdn. /etw. etw. tun lassen: Lassen Sie sie nicht im Regen draußen warten.
line + The train was delayed because a tree had fallen across the line. Der Zug hatte sich verspätet, weil ein Baum über die Linie gefallen war.
look + It looks like rain (= it looks as if it's going to rain). Es sieht aus wie Regen (= es sieht so aus, als würde es regnen).
look + It's going to rain today by the look of it (= judging by appearances). Heute regnet es nach dem Aussehen (= urteilen nach dem Aussehen).
lose + The train was losing speed. Der Zug verlor an Geschwindigkeit.
low + Training was given a very low priority. Die Ausbildung hatte einen sehr niedrigen Stellenwert.
mail + a mail service/train/van einen Postdienst/Zug/Van
main + mains drainage Netzentwässerung
management + a management training course ein Management-Trainingskurs
map + It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain. Es ist nun möglich, die verschiedenen Funktionen des Gehirns abzubilden.
material + The company produces its own training material. Das Unternehmen stellt eigenes Schulungsmaterial her.
may + He may have (= perhaps he has) missed his train. Vielleicht hat er seinen Zug verpasst (= vielleicht hat er ihn verpasst).
midday + The train arrives at midday. Der Zug kommt mittags an.
midnight + We have to catch the midnight train. Wir müssen den Mitternachtszug erwischen.
military + military training/intelligence Militärische Ausbildung/Geheimdienst
mind + mind (sth): I don't mind the cold—it's the rain I don't like. Verstand (etw.): Ich habe nichts gegen die Kälte - es ist der Regen, den ich nicht mag.
minute + Typical English weather—one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining. Typisch englisches Wetter - es regnet in der einen Minute und in der nächsten Minute scheint die Sonne.
miss + You can't afford to miss meals (= not eat meals) when you're in training. Sie können es sich nicht leisten, Mahlzeiten zu verpassen (= keine Mahlzeiten zu essen), wenn Sie im Training sind.
motion + Do not alight while the train is still in motion (= moving). Nicht aussteigen, solange der Zug noch in Bewegung ist (= fahren).
muscle + to pull/tear/strain a muscle einen Muskel zu ziehen/reißen/beanspruchen
next + The next train to Baltimore is at ten. Der nächste Zug nach Baltimore fährt um 10 Uhr.
night + the night train/boat/flight der Nachtzug/Boot/Flug
not + It's not/It isn't raining. Es regnet nicht.
once again, once more + Once again the train was late. Wieder einmal kam der Zug zu spät.
onto + She stepped down from the train onto the platform. Sie stieg vom Zug auf den Bahnsteig ab.
open + an open drain ein offener Kanal
order + Dogs can be trained to obey orders. Hunde können trainiert werden, um Befehlen zu gehorchen.
organize + We do not fully understand how the brain is organized. Wir verstehen nicht ganz, wie das Gehirn organisiert ist.
outdoors + The rain prevented them from eating outdoors. Der Regen hat sie davon abgehalten, draußen zu essen.
outside + Go outside and see if it's raining. Geh nach draußen und schau, ob es regnet.
part + The worst part was having to wait three hours in the rain. Am schlimmsten war es, drei Stunden im Regen warten zu müssen.
pass + You'll pass a bank on the way to the train station. Auf dem Weg zum Bahnhof kommen Sie an einer Bank vorbei.
passenger + a passenger train (= carrying passengers, not goods) ein Personenzug (= Personen-, nicht Güterzug)
pause + The rain fell without pause. Der Regen fiel ohne Pause.
per cent + It is often stated that we use only 10 per cent of our brain. Es wird oft gesagt, dass wir nur 10 Prozent unseres Gehirns verbrauchen.
performance + Please refrain from talking during the performance. Bitte unterlassen Sie das Sprechen während der Aufführung.
plan + plan (to do sth): The government has announced plans to create one million new training places. Plan (etw.): Die Regierung hat angekündigt, eine Million neue Ausbildungsplätze zu schaffen.
platform + The train now standing at platform 1 is for Leeds. Der Zug, der jetzt auf Gleis 1 steht, ist für Leeds.
platform + The train drew into the platform. Der Zug fuhr auf den Bahnsteig.
plug + She pulled out the plug and let the water drain away. Sie zog den Stecker raus und ließ das Wasser abfließen.
poor + It was raining heavily and visibility was poor. Es regnete stark und die Sicht war schlecht.
pour + pour (down): The rain continued to pour down. pour (down): Der Regen floss weiter.
pour + It's pouring with rain. Es regnet in Strömen.
pour + pour (down) rain: It's pouring rain outside. pour (down) rain: Draußen regnet es.
practise + to practise self-restraint/safe sex Selbstbeherrschung / Safer Sex zu praktizieren
preparation + The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game. Die Mannschaft hat hart trainiert, um sich auf das große Spiel vorzubereiten.
program + an intense training program ein intensives Trainingsprogramm
programme + a training programme for new staff ein Schulungsprogramm für neue Mitarbeiter
protection + Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain. Tragen Sie Kleidung, die ausreichend Schutz vor Wind und Regen bietet.
put + Her new job has put a great strain on her. Ihr neuer Job hat sie sehr belastet.
qualify + qualify sb (for sth): This training course will qualify you for a better job. jdn. (für etw.) qualifizieren: Dieser Lehrgang qualifiziert Sie für einen besseren Job.
quick + It's quicker by train. Mit dem Zug geht es schneller.
race + He's already in training for the big race against Bailey. Er trainiert bereits für das große Rennen gegen Bailey.
rain + There will be rain in all parts tomorrow. Morgen wird es in allen Teilen regnen.
rain + Rain is forecast for the weekend. Für das Wochenende ist Regen angesagt.
rain + Don't go out in the rain. Geh nicht im Regen raus.
rain + It's pouring with rain (= raining very hard). Es regnet in Strömen (= sehr stark regnerisch).
rain + heavy/torrential/driving rain Starker/torrentialer/torrentialer Regen
rain + The rain poured down. Der Regen schüttete sich nieder.
rain + It looks like rain (= as if it is going to rain). Es sieht aus wie Regen (= als würde es regnen).
rain + A light rain began to fall. Ein leichter Regen begann zu fallen.
rain + I think I felt a drop of rain. Ich glaube, ich habe einen Tropfen Regen gespürt.
rain + Is it raining? Regnet es?
rain + It had been raining hard all night. Es hatte die ganze Nacht stark geregnet.
rain + It hardly rained at all last summer. Es hat letzten Sommer kaum geregnet.
rain + It started to rain. Es fing an zu regnen.
realistic + We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible. Wir versuchen, diese Schulungen so realistisch wie möglich zu gestalten.
relation + relation (with sb/sth): Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present. Beziehung (mit jdm. /etw.[Dat]: Die Beziehungen zu den Nachbarländern sind derzeit angespannt.
relation + relation between A and B: the relation between rainfall and crop yields Verhältnis zwischen A und B: Verhältnis zwischen Niederschlag und Ernteertrag
relation + Its brain is small in relation to (= compared with) its body. Sein Gehirn ist klein im Verhältnis zu (= verglichen mit) seinem Körper.
relationship + Money problems have put a strain on their relationship. Geldprobleme haben ihre Beziehung belastet.
remain + Train fares are likely to remain unchanged. Die Preise für Züge werden voraussichtlich unverändert bleiben.
resort to sth + resort doing sth: We may have to resort to using untrained staff. Resort bei etw.: Wir müssen eventuell auf ungeschultes Personal zurückgreifen.
return + Train services have returned to normal after the strike. Nach dem Streik hat sich der Zugverkehr wieder normalisiert.
rice + a grain of rice ein Reiskorn
rice + long-/short-grain rice lang-/kurzkörniger Reis
ride + a train ride through beautiful countryside eine Zugfahrt durch die wunderschöne Landschaft
rightly + If I remember rightly, there's a train at six o'clock. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, gibt es um sechs Uhr einen Zug.
run + Trains between London and Brighton run throughout the day. Züge zwischen London und Brighton verkehren den ganzen Tag über.
run + All the trains are running late (= are leaving later than planned). Alle Züge fahren verspaetet (= fahren spaeter als geplant).
sand + a grain of sand ein Sandkorn
schedule + a train schedule ein Zugfahrplan
scheme + a training scheme ein Ausbildungsprogramm
send + We are being sent on a training course next month. Nächsten Monat werden wir zu einem Trainingskurs geschickt.
session + a photo/recording/training, etc. session eine Foto-/Aufnahme-/Trainingssession etc.
severe + The victim suffered severe brain damage. Das Opfer erlitt einen schweren Gehirnschaden.
severe + Strikes are causing severe disruption to all train services. Streiks führen zu schweren Störungen im Zugverkehr.
shake + The whole house shakes when a train goes past. Das ganze Haus zittert, wenn ein Zug vorbeifährt.
shelter + We sheltered from the rain in a doorway. Wir schützten uns vor dem Regen in einem Eingangstor.
should + In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically. Damit die Ausbildung effektiv sein kann, muss sie systematisch geplant werden.
side + the right side of the brain die rechte Gehirnhälfte
skilled + a shortage of skilled labour (= people who have had training in a skill) Fachkräftemangel (= Personen, die eine Ausbildung absolviert haben)
slow + I missed the fast train and had to get the slow one (= the one that stops at all the stations). Ich verpasste den Schnellzug und musste den langsamen Zug nehmen (= den, der an allen Bahnhöfen hält).
smell + The drains smell. Die Abflüsse riechen.
social + Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff. Für alle Mitarbeiter werden gesellschaftliche Veranstaltungen und Schulungstage organisiert.
sort + Most people went on training courses of one sort or another (= of various types) last year. Die meisten Menschen haben im vergangenen Jahr Ausbildungskurse der einen oder anderen Art (= verschiedener Art) absolviert.
special + These teachers need special training. Diese Lehrer benötigen eine spezielle Ausbildung.
speed + The train began to pick up speed (= go faster). Der Zug fing an, schneller zu werden (= schneller zu fahren).
speed up, speed sth up + The train soon speeded up. Der Zug fuhr bald schneller.
spell + There will be rain at first, with sunny spells later. Es wird anfangs regnen, später kommt es zu sonnigen Abschnitten.
staff + staff development/training Personalentwicklung/Training
stage + We did the first stage of the trip by train. Die erste Etappe der Reise mit dem Zug haben wir absolviert.
stand + His heart won't stand the strain much longer. Sein Herz wird die Belastung nicht mehr lange aushalten.
start + start to do sth: It started to rain. anfangen, etw. zu tun: Es fing an zu regnen.
station + a train station ein Bahnhof
steadily + The rain fell steadily. Der Regen fiel gleichmäßig.
steam + a steam train/engine Dampfzug/Motor
stop + stop doing sth: Has it stopped raining yet? aufhören, etw. zu tun: Hat es schon aufgehört zu regnen?
stop + This train doesn't stop at Oxford. Dieser Zug hält nicht in Oxford.
strain + The rope broke under the strain. Das Seil brach unter der Belastung.
strain + You should try not to place too much strain on muscles and joints. Versuchen Sie, Muskeln und Gelenke nicht zu stark zu belasten.
strain + The ground here cannot take the strain of a large building. Der Boden hier kann die Belastungen eines großen Gebäudes nicht aushalten.
strain + The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). Das Seil hat eine Bruchdehnung von 140 kg (= es bricht, wenn es durch eine höhere Kraft gedehnt oder gezogen wird).
strain + Their marriage is under great strain at the moment. Ihre Ehe steht zur Zeit unter großem Druck.
strain + These repayments are putting a strain on our finances. Diese Rückzahlungen belasten unsere Finanzen.
strain + Relax, and let us take the strain (= do things for you). Entspannen Sie sich und lassen Sie sich von uns belasten (= tun Sie etwas für sich).
strain + The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers. Der Transportservice kann die Belastung durch so viele zusätzliche Fahrgäste nicht verkraften.
strain + You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life. Sie lernen, mit den Belastungen des öffentlichen Lebens umzugehen.
strain + I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long. Ich fand es eine Belastung, dass ich mich so lange konzentrieren musste.
strain + There are strains in the relationship between the two countries. Die Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern sind von Spannungen geprägt.
stress + She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life. Sie konnte den Belastungen des öffentlichen Lebens nicht standhalten.
strike + the train drivers' strike Streik der Lokführer
strike + The train drivers have voted to take strike action. Die Lokführer haben sich für einen Streik entschieden.
supply + A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. Ein Schlaganfall kann die Sauerstoffversorgung des Gehirns stören.
suppose + Suppose we take a later train? Nehmen wir später den Zug?
sure + It's sure to rain. Es wird sicher regnen.
surround + the membranes surrounding the brain die das Gehirn umgebenden Membranen
swimming pool + She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool. Fünfmal pro Woche trainierte sie in ihrem örtlichen Schwimmbad.
take sb on + She was taken on as a trainee. Sie wurde als Trainee übernommen.
then + If you miss that train then you'll have to get a taxi. Wenn Sie den Zug verpassen, brauchen Sie ein Taxi.
threat + The forecast is for rain with the threat of thunderstorms. Die Vorhersage ist für Regen mit Gewittergefahr.
threaten + threaten sth: The clouds threatened rain. etw.[Akk] bedrohen: Die Wolken drohten zu regnen.
through + This train goes straight through to York. Dieser Zug fährt direkt nach York.
time + The train arrived right on time (= at exactly the correct time). Der Zug kam pünktlich (= genau zur richtigen Zeit).
at times + The rain will become heavy at times in the afternoon. Der Regen wird am Nachmittag zeitweise heftig werden.
in time (for sth/to do sth) + Will we be in time for the six o'clock train? Kommen wir rechtzeitig zum 6-Uhr-Zug?
timetable + a bus/train timetable (= when they arrive and leave) einen Fahrplan für Bus/Bahn (= wenn sie ankommen und abfahren)
tip + She tipped the dirty water down the drain. Sie kippte das schmutzige Wasser in den Abfluss.
to + I reached the station only to find that my train had already left. Ich erreichte den Bahnhof nur, um zu sehen, dass mein Zug schon abgereist war.
tonne + a record grain harvest of 236m tonnes Rekordgetreideernte von 236 Mio. Tonnen
under + The wall collapsed under the strain. Die Wand brach unter der Belastung zusammen.
until + Let's wait until the rain stops. Warten wir, bis der Regen aufhört.
wait + wait for sb/sth to do sth: We're waiting for the rain to stop before we go out. auf jdn. /etw.[Akk] warten, bis jd. /etw. etw.[Akk] getan hat: Wir warten darauf, dass der Regen aufhört, bevor wir ausgehen.
walk + The school is within easy walking distance of the train station. Die Schule ist vom Bahnhof aus bequem zu Fuß zu erreichen.
wash sb/sth away + The rain had washed away the footprints. Der Regen hatte die Fußspuren weggespült.
weather + We'll have the party outside, weather permitting (= if it doesn't rain). Die Party findet bei schönem Wetter statt (= wenn es nicht regnet).
week + It rained all week. Es hat die ganze Woche geregnet.
west + Rain is spreading from the west. Es regnet vom Westen her.
wet + You'll get wet (= in the rain) if you go out now. Du wirst nass (= im Regen), wenn du jetzt rausgehst.
what if...? + What if the train is late? Und wenn der Zug zu spät kommt?
whenever + The roof leaks whenever it rains. Das Dach leckt, wenn es regnet.
wherever + Use wholegrain breakfast cereals wherever possible. Verwenden Sie Vollkornfrühstückszerealien wo immer möglich.
whistle + The train whistled and shot into the tunnel. Der Zug pfiff und schoss in den Tunnel.
work + Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works? Sind sie näher dran zu verstehen, wie das Gehirn funktioniert?
worse + It's raining worse than ever. Es regnet schlimmer denn je.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
98 火车 + The train is about to leave.
119 外面 下雨 + It's raining outside.
225 这里 常常 下雨 + It often rains here.
253 下雨 + The rain has made it colder.
286 今晚 必定 下雨 + It will definitely rain tonight.
399 由于 下雨 比赛 取消 + Due to the rain, the game has been canceled.
495 大家 月台 等候 上车 + Everyone's waiting on the platform to board the train.
508 火车 + The train should be getting in now.
622 到站 + The train has arrived at the station.
629 地铁 上班 + She takes the subway train to work.
643 + The rain has stopped.
669 大雨 + It's raining hard.
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票 + Train tickets may be purchased using the automatic vending machine.
908 好像 下雨 + It seems that it it is going to rain.
925 由于 下雨 比赛 中断 + The game has been suspended due to rain.
1004 医生 研究 大脑 + The doctor is studying the human brain.
1477 地上 潮湿 + The rain stopped, and the ground is very wet.
1491 出门 忽然 大雨 + /It started to rain heavily just when I stepped out the door.
1522 暴雨 + There was just a rainstorm.
1552 权威 脑科 专家 + He is an authority among brain specialists.
1718 绘画 促进 大脑 发育 + Drawing can promote brain development.
1842 雨天 道路 湿 + The roads are very wet in the rain.
1884 估计 晚上 下雨 + I think it will rain tonight.
2013 天气 下雨 + What lousy weather! It's raining again.
2175 下雨 水滴 落到 车窗 + It's raining and the raindrops are falling on the car windows.
2218 雨季 洪水 氾滥 河水 上涨 + During the rainy season, there are floods.
2335 土地 显得 湿润 + The ground looks very damp after it rains.
2339 火车 + She wants to take the train.
2418 扭伤 + She sprained her ankle.
2508 仲夏 不停 + In mid-summer, the rain never stops.
2661 电车 沿 轨道 行驶 + The electric train is moving along the track.
3077 打赌 今天 不会 下雨 + I bet it won't rain today.
3188 火车 驶出 隧道 + The train emerged from the tunnel.
3205 人群 湧入 车站 + The crowd surged into the train station.
3277 警官 训练 警犬 + The police officer is training the police dog.
3560 出现 彩虹 + A rainbow has appeared in the sky.
3747 不料 下午 下雨 + I didn't anticipate it would rain in the afternoon.

火车就要开了。 Huǒchē jiùyào kāile. The train is about to leave. Der Zug fährt gleich ab.
外面在下雨。 Wàimian zàixià yǔ. It's raining outside. Draußen regnet es.
下雨,天更冷了。 Xiàyǔ, tiān gèng lěng le. The rain has made it colder. Der Regen hat es kälter gemacht.
火车该来了。 Huǒchē gāi lái le. The train should be getting in now. Der Zug sollte jetzt einsteigen.
这里常常下雨。 zhèlǐ chángcháng xiàyǔ. It often rains here. Hier regnet es oft.
今晚必定会下雨。 Jīnwǎn bìdìng huì xiàyǔ. It will definitely rain tonight. Es wird heute Abend definitiv regnen.
由于下雨,比赛取消了。 Yóuyú xiàyǔ,bǐsài qǔxiāo le. Due to the rain, the game has been canceled. Aufgrund des Regens wurde das Spiel abgesagt.
大家在月台上等候上车。 Dàjiā zài yuètái shàngděng hòu shàngchē. Everyone's waiting on the platform to board the train. Alle warten auf dem Bahnsteig, um in den Zug zu steigen.
下大雨了。 Xià dàyǔ le. It's raining hard. Es regnet stark.
车到站了。 chē dào zhàn le. The train has arrived at the station. Der Zug ist am Bahnhof angekommen.
她坐地铁去上班。 Tā zuò dìtiě qù shàngbān. She takes the subway train to work. Sie fährt mit der U-Bahn zur Arbeit.
雨停了。 Yǔ tíng le. The rain has stopped. Der Regen hat aufgehört.
可以使用自动售票机买车票。 Kěyǐ shǐyòng zìdòng shòu piào jī mǎi chēpiào. Train tickets may be purchased using the automatic vending machine. Zugfahrkarten können am Automaten erworben werden.
天好像要下雨了。 Tiān hǎoxiàng yào xiàyǔ le. It seems that it it is going to rain. Es scheint, dass es regnen wird.
由于下雨比赛中断了。 Yóuyú xiàyǔ bǐsài zhōngduàn le. The game has been suspended due to rain. Das Spiel wurde wegen Regen ausgesetzt.
医生在研究人的大脑。 Yīshēng zài yánjiū rén de dànǎo. The doctor is studying the human brain. Der Doktor studiert das menschliche Gehirn.
雨停了,地上很潮湿。 Yǔ tíng le,dìshang hěn cháoshī. The rain stopped, and the ground is very wet. Der Regen hörte auf und der Boden ist sehr nass.
刚出门,忽然下起了大雨。 Gāng chūmén,hūrán xià qǐ le dàyǔ. /It started to rain heavily just when I stepped out the door. /Es fing an, stark zu regnen, gerade als ich aus der Tür trat.
这些谷物颗粒饱满。 Zhèxiē gǔwù kēlì bǎomǎn. These grains are plump. Diese Körner sind rundlich.
刚下了一场暴雨。 Gāng xià le yī 【◎Fix:◎chǎng;◎cháng】 bàoyǔ. There was just a rainstorm. Es gab nur einen Regensturm.
他是权威的脑科专家。 Tā shì quánwēi de nǎo kē zhuānjiā. He is an authority among brain specialists. Er ist eine Autorität unter Hirnspezialisten.
绘画促进大脑发育。 Huìhuà cùjìn dànǎo fāyù. Drawing can promote brain development. Zeichnen kann Gehirnentwicklung fördern.
雨天的道路很湿。 Yǔtiān de dàolù hěn shī. The roads are very wet in the rain. Die Straßen sind im Regen sehr nass.
估计晚上会下雨。 Gūjì wǎnshang huì xiàyǔ. I think it will rain tonight. Ich glaube, es wird heute Abend regnen.
这鬼天气,又下雨了。 Zhè guǐ tiānqì,yòu xiàyǔ le. What lousy weather! It's raining again. Was für ein mieses Wetter! Es regnet wieder.
下雨了,水滴落到车窗上。 Xiàyǔ le,shuǐdī 【◎Fix:◎luò;◎là;◎lào】 dào chē chuāng shàng. It's raining and the raindrops are falling on the car windows. Es regnet und die Regentropfen fallen auf die Autoscheiben.
雨季洪水氾滥。 Yǔjì hóngshuǐ fàn làn. During the rainy season, there are floods. Während der Regenzeit kommt es zu Überschwemmungen.
雨后,土地显得很湿润。 Yǔ hòu,tǔdì xiǎnde hěn shīrùn. The ground looks very damp after it rains. Der Boden sieht nach dem Regen sehr feucht aus.
她要搭火车。 Tā yào dā huǒchē. She wants to take the train. Sie will den Zug nehmen.
她的脚扭伤了。 Tā de jiǎo niǔshāng le. She sprained her ankle. Sie hat sich den Knöchel verstaucht.
到了仲夏,雨下个不停。 Dào le zhòngxià,yǔ xià gè bùtíng. In mid-summer, the rain never stops. Im Hochsommer hört der Regen nie auf.
电车沿着轨道行驶。 Diànchē yánzhe guǐdào xíngshǐ. The electric train is moving along the track. Die elektrische Bahn fährt auf der Strecke.
我打赌今天不会下雨。 Wǒ dǎdǔ jīntiān bù huì xiàyǔ. I bet it won't rain today. Ich wette, es wird heute nicht regnen.
火车驶出了隧道。 Huǒchē shǐ chū le suìdào. The train emerged from the tunnel. Der Zug kam aus dem Tunnel.
人群湧入了车站。 Rénqún yǒng rù le chēzhàn. The crowd surged into the train station. Die Menge strömte in den Bahnhof.
警官在训练警犬。 Jǐngguān zài xùnliàn jǐngquǎn. The police officer is training the police dog. Der Polizist trainiert den Polizeihund.
天上出现了彩虹。 Tiānshàng chūxiàn le cǎihóng. A rainbow has appeared in the sky. Ein Regenbogen ist am Himmel aufgetaucht.
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
xia4yu3 + raining / It is raining
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
yu3 + rain
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
zuo4 huo3che1 + to take the train
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
huo3che1 + train
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
huo3che1 piao4 + train ticket
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
shang4che1 + to get up car / bus / train /subway
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
xia4che1 + to get of car / bus / train /subway
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
Jin1tian1 sui1ran2 xia4yu3 dan4shi4 bu4 leng3. + Even though it is raining today, it is not cold.
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Tu1ran2 xia4yu3 le + Suddenly it started to rain.
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
duan4lian4 + to exercise / to train
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
jiao4lian4 + trainer / coach
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Wo3 xiang3 zhao3 yi4 ge4 si1ren2 jiao4lian4. + I am looking for a personal trainer.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il prend le train deux fois par semaine pour affaires + he takes the train on business twice per week

je vais m’abstenir d’employer un tel langage + I’m going to refrain from using such language

je pris le train pour un aller-retour vers la mer + I took the train on a round-trip outing to the sea

tu es trop jeune pour t’entraîner + you’re too young to receive training

votre fils est en entraînement pour devenir soldat + your son is in training to become a soldier

je suis toujours dans ma période de formation + I’m still in my training stage

vendredi en quinze, on prend le train + two weeks from Friday we take the train

j’ai dormi dans les gares, etc. + I slept in train stations, etc.

de fortes pluies sont annoncées pour dimanche + heavy rains are forecast for Sunday

le train part dans trois quarts d’heure + the train leaves in three-quarters of an hour

personne n’entre, personne ne descend du train + nobody gets on or off the train

à la naissance, le cerveau humain est loin d’être complètement développé + at birth, the human brain is far from completely developed

hélas, je repars demain par le premier train + alas, I leave tomorrow on the first train

les jours de pluie, nous restions à la maison + on rainy days we stayed inside the house

la circulation des trains locaux a été suspendue + local train service has been suspended

vous êtes les combattants les mieux entrainés + you are the best-trained combattants

on retrouve le mec à la gare + the guy was found at the train station

les élèves seront encadrés par environ 850.000 enseignants + the students will be trained by some 850,000 teachers

quelque 1.800 caméras de surveillance équipent les gares + the train stations are equipped with some 1,800 surveillance cameras

bien joué, ton entraînement est terminé + well done—your training is complete

un seul grain de sel dissout un bloc de glace + a single grain of salt dissolves a block of ice

on peut se féliciter du renforcement des mesures pour la formation + we can be proud of strengthening the measures for training

les aérosols génèrent des pluies acides + aerosols produce acid rain

chaque poste possède un plan d’apprentissage + each job has a training plan

malheureusement la prudence ne modérait pas toujours les élans de son coeur + sadly, prudence didn’t always restrain the outbursts of her heart

les courses à ski exigent une appréciation réfléchie du terrain + ski races require thoughtful assessment of the terrain

il y a une lacune énorme dans la formation + there’s a huge gap in training

les particules radioactives tombent avec les gouttes de pluie + radioactive particles fall with raindrops

le train s’ébranla de nouveau + the train shook once more

ils faisaient un semestre d’intégration + they did six months on-the-job training

le nord-est des Etats-Unis frappé par les pluies verglaçantes + northeastern U.S. hit by freezing rains

il a plu à basse altitude + it was raining at lower altitudes

maintenant je travaille avec quelques entraîneurs + now I work with some trainers

après dix années de sécheresse, il pleut au Sahel + after ten years, of drought, it’s raining in the Sahel

il trouve qu’il pleut tous les jours + he finds that it rains every day

je me suis racontée sans aucune retenue + I talked about myself without any restraint
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 rain +
+ + + + 103 rain +
+ + + + 103 rain +
+ + + + 103 rain +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
rain mưa + +
mưa + + rain