7 New HSK word(s): 2 别 to leave/ to depart/ to separate/ to distinguish/ to classify/ other/ another/ do not/ must not/ to pin 3 分 to divide/ to separate/ to allocate/ to distinguish (good and bad)/ part or subdivision/ fraction/ one tenth (of certain units)/ unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/ minute/ a point (in sports or games)/ 0.01 yuan (unit of money) 4 区别 difference/ to distinguish/ to discriminate/ to make a distinction/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 分别 to part or leave each other/ to distinguish/ difference/ in different ways/ differently/ separately or individually 6 鉴别 to differentiate/ to distinguish 6 分辨 to distinguish/ to differentiate/ to resolve/ to defend against an accusation/ to exculpate 6 识别 to distinguish/ to discern
0 Old HSK word(s):
0 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

distingi ที่จะแยกแยะ 区分 to distinguish zu unterscheiden, distinguer Distinguir distinguere

Grade E word(s):

1439 cinnu चिन्नु to recognize, to know, to identify, to distinguish v.t.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

Semantische Felder: