20 New HSK word(s): 1 来 to come/ to arrive/ to come round/ ever since/ next 2 出 to go out/ to come out/ to occur/ to produce/ to go beyond/ to rise/ to put forth/ to happen/ classifier for dramas; plays; operas etc 2 进 to advance/ to enter/ to come (or go) into/ to receive or admit/ to eat or drink/ to submit or present/ (used after a verb) into; in/ to score a goal 3 遇到 to meet/ to run into/ to come across 5 出版 to publish/ to come off the press/ to put out 5 开放 to lift (a ban or restriction)/ to open to the outside world (politics)/ to open for public use/ to come into bloom (of flowers) 5 产生 to arise/ to come into being/ to come about/ to give rise to/ to bring into being/ to bring about/ to produce/ to engender/ to generate/ to appear/ appearance/ emergence/ generation/ production/ yield 5 打交道 to come into contact with/ to have dealings 5 来自 to come from (a place)/ From: (in email header) 5 吃亏 to suffer losses/ to come to grief/ to lose out/ to get the worst of it/ to be at a disadvantage/ unfortunately 6 登陆 to land/ to come ashore/ to make landfall (of typhoon etc)/ to log in 6 起源 origin/ to originate/ to come from 6 觉醒 to awaken/ to come to realize/ awakened to the truth/ the truth dawns upon one/ scales fall from the eyes/ to become aware 6 难得 seldom/ rare/ hard to come by 6 逢 to meet by chance/ to come across/ to fawn upon 6 殴打 to beat up/ to come to blows/ battery (law) 6 断定 to conclude/ to determine/ to come to a judgment 6 打架 to fight/ to scuffle/ to come to blows/ CL:場|场[chang2] 6 问世 to be published/ to come out 6 展现 to come out/ to emerge
1 Old HSK word(s): C VS * nan2de2 selten, nicht leicht zu bekommen
1 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** NAN2 NAN4 NUO2 schwierig/Unglück
* ** DE2 DEI3 DE bekommen/müssen


เข้ามา 进来 to come in
จะมา to come
เข้ามา; มาเป็น 进入 to enter; to come into
ในการผลิต; นำมา; กลับเป็น 产生 to produce; to bring; to come into being
เพื่อตื่นขึ้นมาด้วยความเป็นจริงที่จะมาถึงความจริง 醒悟 to wake up to reality; to come to realize the truth
กลับไป; กลับมา 返回 to return; to come or go back
ไปเจอ; ให้ตรงกับ 相逢 to come across; to meet
มาพร้อมกับ to come with
จะมาการที่จะมาถึง 来到 to come, to arrive
นำมา; ที่จะใช้; เพื่อกระทำ; เพื่อที่จะมาพร้อมกับ to bring; to take; to carry; to come with
ที่จะมาหรือไปปิดการทำงาน 下班 to come or go off work
ที่จะออกมา, ออกไปข้างนอก to come out, to go out
มาและไป 来往 to come and go
เพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการใช้ลงไปเจอ 遇到 to meet, to run into, to come across
出版 to publish, to come off the press
หายาก 难得 difficult to get; hard to come by; rare; seldom
veni ที่จะมา to come kommen venir venir venire

Grade E word(s):

411 ā'unu आउनु to come v.i.
645 utrinu उत्रिनु to get off, to come down, to descend v.i.
732 urlanu उर्लनु to surge up, to rise up, to come in waves, to become angry v.i.
826 ōrlanu ओर्लनु to comedown, to descend v.i.
827 ōrlinu ओर्लिनु to comedown, to descend v.i.
1286 girnu गिर्नु to fall, to drop, to come down, to be degraded v.i.
1747 ṭuṅginu टुंगिनु to come to an end, to be finished, to be completed v.i.
2215 niskanu निस्कनु to come out, to appear v.i.
2382 pasnu पस्नु to enter, to go in, to come in v.t.
2611 pharkanu फर्कनु to return, to come back v.i.
2980 bhēṭhnu भेठ्नु to meet, to get, to find, to come across v.i./v.t.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

1 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1111 มา

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

2454 盼望 梦想 早日 实现

Semantische Felder: