B 蜜蜂 + * * mi4feng1 bee/ honeybee Biene, Honigbiene + +
D + * * feng1 bee/ wasp Wespe, Biene,schwarmweise + +
D 蜂蜜 + * * feng1mi4 honey Bienenhonig + +

Zwergeremit (Bio) [xiao3 yin3 feng1 niao3]
Arbeitsbiene (S) [gong1 feng1] 工蜂
äußerst geschäftig (Adj) [feng1 qi3 yun2 yong3] 蜂起云涌
Avispa Fukuoka (jap. Fußballverein) (Eig, Sport) [fu2 gang1 huang2 feng1] 福冈黄蜂
Biene (S, Bio)Europäische Honigbiene, Westliche Hongbiene (lat: Apis mellifera) (Eig, Bio) [mi4 feng1] 蜜蜂
Biene, Wespe, Hummel (S, Bio) [feng1]
Bienen züchten (S) [fang4 yang3 mi4 feng1] 放养蜜蜂
Bienenstock (S) [feng1 chao2] 蜂巢
Bienenwachs (S, Bio) [feng1 la4] 蜂蜡
Bienenzucht (S) [yang3 feng1] 养蜂
Bienenzucht (S) [yang3 feng1 ye4] 养蜂业
Bienenzüchter (S) [yang3 feng1 jia1] 养蜂家
Bienenzüchter (S) [yang3 feng1 ren2] 养蜂人
Drohne (Bio) [gong1 feng1] 公蜂
Drohne (S) [xiong2 feng1] 雄蜂
Echte WespenKurzkopfwespen [hu2 feng1 ya4 ke1] 胡蜂亚科
Es heißt deshalb Wabe, weil ... [zhi1 suo3 yi3 cheng1 feng1 wo1] 之所以称蜂窝
Faltenwespen (lat: Vespidae, eine Insektenfamilie) (S, Bio) [hu2 feng1 ke1] 胡蜂科
Gattung der Schlankloris (S, Bio) [feng1 hou2 shu3] 蜂猴属
Gelée Royale (S) [feng1 wang2 jiang1] 蜂王浆
Goldmelisse, Scharlach-Monarde, Indianernessel (lat: Monarda didyma) (Eig, Bio)Zitronenmelisse; Melissa Officinalis [xiang1 feng1 cao3] 香蜂草
Graubrusteremit (Bio) [lü4 yin3 feng1 niao3] 绿隐蜂鸟
Hachisuka Masakatsu (Eig, Pers, 1526 - 1586) [feng1 xu1 he4 zheng1 sheng4] 蜂须贺正胜
Hochlandhonig (S, Ess) [gao1 di4 feng1 mi4] 高地蜂蜜
Honey and Clover [feng1 mi4 yu3 si4 ye4 cao3] 蜂蜜与四叶草
Honig (S) [feng1 mi4] 蜂蜜
Honig sammeln (V) [cai3 ji2 feng1 mi4] 采集蜂蜜
Honigpomelo (S, Ess) [feng1 mi4 you4] 蜂蜜柚
Hornisse (S, Bio) [da4 huang2 feng1] 大黄蜂
Hummel (Bio) [wan2 hua1 feng1] 丸花蜂
Hummel (lat: Bombus) (S, Bio) [xiong2 feng1] 熊蜂
Hummel (S, Bio) [hua1 feng1] 花蜂
in ein Wespennest stechen (V, Sprichw)Unruhe in etwas bringen (V, Sprichw) [tong3 ma3 feng1 wo1] 捅马蜂窝
in Schwärmen kommen, wimmeln (V) [feng1 yong1] 蜂拥
Kolibri (S) [feng1 que4] 蜂雀
Lebkuchen mit Honig, Honiglebkuchen (S, Ess) [feng1 mi4 jiang1 bing3] 蜂蜜姜饼
Met (S) [feng1 mi4 jiu3] 蜂蜜酒
mit jungen Männer flirten (V, Sprichw) [zhao1 feng1 re3 die2] 招蜂惹蝶
Netzmagen (S) [feng1 wo1 wei4] 蜂窝胃
New Orleans Hornets [xin1 ao4 er3 liang2 huang2 feng1] 新奥尔良黄蜂
New Orleans Hornets [xin1 ao4 er3 liang2 huang2 feng1 dui4] 新奥尔良黄蜂队
Propolis (S) [feng1 jiao1] 蜂胶
Roter Schlanklori (Loris tardigradus) (Eig, Bio) [feng1 hou2] 蜂猴
Sägeschnabeleremit (Bio) [ju1 zui3 feng1 niao3] 锯嘴蜂鸟
Wabenkern (S) [feng1 wo1 xin4 zi5] 蜂窝芯子
Wespe (S) [huang2 feng1] 黄蜂
Wespe (S, Bio) [ma3 feng1] 马蜂
Westpennest (S) [ma3 feng1 wo1] 马蜂窝
zellular (Adj) [feng1 wo1 zhuang4] 蜂窝状
Zitronenmelisse, Melisse (lat: Melissa officinalis) (Eig, Bio) [mi4 feng1 hua1] 蜜蜂花

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

蜂' + * * + bee/ wasp
蜂乳' + 蜂乳* * + royal jelly/
蜂后' + 蜂后* * + queen bee/
蜂巢' + 蜂巢* * + beehive/ wasp's nest honeycomb
蜂巢胃' + 蜂巢胃* * + reticulum (second stomach of ruminants, with honeycomb pattern)/ tripe
蜂房' + 蜂房* * + hive/ honeycomb
蜂擁' + 蜂拥* * + to flock (to see)/ to mill to throng
蜂毒' + 蜂毒* * + wasp poison/
蜂湧' + 蜂涌* * + to swarm/ to flock
蜂王' + 蜂王* * + queen bee/
蜂王乳' + 蜂王乳* * + royal jelly/
蜂王漿' + 蜂王浆* * + royal jelly/
蜂王精' + 蜂王精* * + royal jelly/
蜂皇漿' + 蜂皇浆* * + royal jelly/
蜂窩' + 蜂窝* * + bee's nest/ honeycomb fig. honey
蜂窩煤' + 蜂窝煤* * + hexagonal household coal briquet/
蜂箱' + 蜂箱* * + beehive/
蜂糕' + 蜂糕* * + sponge cake (light steamed flour or rice cake)/
蜂群' + 蜂群* * + bee colony/ swarm CL:隊|队
蜂聚' + 蜂聚* * + to swar to congregate in masses/
蜂蜜' + 蜂蜜* * + honey/
蜂蜜梳子' + 蜂蜜梳子* * + honeycomb/
蜂蜜酒' + 蜂蜜酒* * + mead/
蜂螫' + 蜂螫* * + bee sting/
蜂蠟' + 蜂蜡* * + beeswax/
蜂起' + 蜂起* * + to swarm/ to rise in masses
蜂鳥' + 蜂鸟* * + hummingbird/
蜂鳴器' + 蜂鸣器* * + buzzer/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2959 我们 常用 蜜蜂 比喻 勤劳 +
3110 蜜蜂 正在 花蜜 +
3128 蜂蜜 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +