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一家人' + 一家人* * + household/ the whole family
上門費' + 上门费* * + house call fee/ callout fee
主婦' + 主妇* * + housewife/ woman of senior authority in a household the lady o
人家' + 人家* * + household/ dwelling family
住戶' + 住户* * + inhabit householder/
住舍' + 住舍* * + house/ residence
侵入家宅者' + 侵入家宅者* * + housebreaker/ burglar
出診' + 出诊* * + to visi house call/
十面埋伏' + 十面埋伏* * + Ambush House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋/
器皿' + 器皿* * + household utensils/
女管家' + 女管家* * + housekeeper/
宅子' + 宅子* * + house/ residence
宅院' + 宅院* * + house/ house with a courtyard
家人' + 家人* * + household/ (one's) family
家伙' + 家伙* * + household dish, implement or furniture/ domestic animal (coll.) gu
家務' + 家务* * + househo housework/
家子' + 家子* * + household/ family
家庭主婦' + 家庭主妇* * + housewife/
家庭煮夫' + 家庭煮夫* * + househusband/
家政' + 家政* * + housekeeping/
家政員' + 家政员* * + housekeeping staff/
家蠅' + 家蝇* * + house fly/
家門' + 家门* * + house door/ family clan
家電' + 家电* * + household electric appliance/ abbr. for 家用電器|家用电器
寵物' + 宠物* * + house pet/
屋' + * * + house/ room CL:間|间
屋子' + 屋子* * + house/ room CL:間|间
戶口本' + 户口本* * + household register/ household registration booklet residence
戶口簿' + 户口簿* * + household register/
戶均' + 户均* * + household average/
房' + * * + house/ room CL:間|间
房價' + 房价* * + house price/ cost of housing
房子' + 房子* * + house/ building (single- or two-story) apartment
房屋' + 房屋* * + house/ building CL:所
換房旅遊' + 换房旅游* * + house-swap vacation/
日化' + 日化* * + household chemicals (cleaning products etc) and toiletries/ abbr. for 日用化學製品|日用化学制品
暖巢管家' + 暖巢管家* * + housekeeper who looks after old people with no children or whose children do not l/
樓' + * * + house with more than 1 story/ storied building floor
民宅' + 民宅* * + house/ people's homes
民居' + 民居* * + houses/ homes
浩室' + 浩室* * + House (music genre)/
海砂屋' + 海砂屋* * + house built with cheap, unreliable concrete which contains a high quantity of sea / see also 海砂
管家' + 管家* * + housekeeper/ butler manage one
聯產到戶' + 联产到户* * + household responsibility system, introduced in the early 1980s, under which each r/
萬元戶' + 万元户* * + household with savings or annual income of 10,000 yuan or more (considered a large/
蒼蠅' + 苍蝇* * + housefly/ CL:隻|只
蚰蜒' + 蚰蜒* * + earwig house centipede/
軟禁' + 软禁* * + house arrest/
轟趴' + 轰趴* * + house party (loanword) (Tw)/
釘子戶' + 钉子户* * + householder who refuses to vacate his home despite pressure from property develope/
門牌' + 门牌* * + door pl house number/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[cabin] small wooden house
[cottage] bungalow, small house
[firm] house, business firm, company
[family] household, home, menage
[maid] maidservant, housemaid
[nursery] plant nursery, greenhouse, glasshouse
[prison] prison house, correctional institution
[publisher] publishing house, publishing firm
[royalty] royal family, royal line, royal house
[school] schoolhouse
[sign] sign of the zodiac, house
[invite] ask over, invite to one's house

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

nhà + + house

loĝigi + + to accommodate + + give a home to house install

+ + + + + + + +