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上座' + 上座* * + seat of honor/
上首' + 上首* * + seat of honor/ first place
久負盛名' + 久负盛名* * + seasoned/ honed to perfection over centuries special re
亞速海' + 亚速海* * + Sea of Azov in southern Russia/
令藥' + 令药* * + seasonal medication/
作料' + 作料* * + condime seasoning/
加里肋亞海' + 加里肋亚海* * + Sea of Galilee/
印把子' + 印把子* * + seal of authority/ official seal
印盒' + 印盒* * + seal case/ box for seal and ink pad
印章' + 印章* * + seal/ signet chop
印綬' + 印绶* * + sealed ribbon fastening correspondence (in former times)/
印鑒' + 印鉴* * + seal impression/ stamp mark from
坐像' + 坐像* * + seated image (of a Buddha or saint)/
坐席' + 坐席* * + seat (at a banquet)/ to attend a banquet
坐廁' + 坐厕* * + seating toilet/
坐椅' + 坐椅* * + seat/ chair
大海' + 大海* * + sea/ ocean
季' + * * + season/ the last month of a season fourth or
季候' + 季候* * + season/
學海' + 学海* * + sea of learning/ erudite knowledgea
學海無涯' + 学海无涯* * + sea of learning, no horizon (idiom); no limits to what one still has to learn/ ars longa, vita brevis
安全帶' + 安全带* * + seat belt/ safety belt
密封膠' + 密封胶* * + sealant/ sealing glue
密封艙' + 密封舱* * + sealed compartment/
密封輻射源' + 密封辐射源* * + sealed radiation source/
密閉' + 密闭* * + sealed/ airtight
密閉艙' + 密闭舱* * + sealed cabin/
密閉貨艙' + 密闭货舱* * + sealed cabin/
封印' + 封印* * + seal (on envelopes)/
封條' + 封条* * + seal/
封泥' + 封泥* * + sealing clay/ lute
府' + * * + seat of government/ government repository (archive) official r
府治' + 府治* * + seat of prefectural government (from Tang to Qing times)/
座' + * * + seat/ base stand
座位' + 座位* * + seat/ CL:個|个
座席' + 座席* * + seat (at banquet)/ by ext. guest of honor
座椅' + 座椅* * + seat/
座椅套子' + 座椅套子* * + seat cover/
恨海難填' + 恨海难填* * + sea of hatred is hard to fill (idiom); irreconcilable division/
恭賀佳節' + 恭贺佳节* * + season's greetings (idiom)/
打膠槍' + 打胶枪* * + sealant gun/ glue gun
探照燈' + 探照灯* * + searchlight/
接縫' + 接缝* * + seam/ join juncture
搜尋軟體' + 搜寻软体* * + search software/
搜救' + 搜救* * + search and rescue/
搜救犬' + 搜救犬* * + search and rescue dog/
搜證' + 搜证* * + search warrant/ to look for evidence
救撈局' + 救捞局* * + sea rescue service/ lifeboat service
日本海' + 日本海* * + Sea of Japan/
時令' + 时令* * + season/
時節' + 时节* * + season/ time
時菜' + 时菜* * + seasonal vegetable/
時蔬' + 时蔬* * + seasonal vegetables/
暗煅' + 暗煅* * + sealed pot calcination (TCM)/
業海' + 业海* * + sea of evil/ endless crime
歲時' + 岁时* * + season/ time of the year
水產展' + 水产展* * + seafood show (trade fair)/
沙棘' + 沙棘* * + sea-buckthorn/
海兔' + 海兔* * + sea hare (Aplysia)/
海刺芹' + 海刺芹* * + sea holly (Eryngium maritimum)/
海平面' + 海平面* * + sea level/
海床' + 海床* * + seabed/ seafloor bottom of
海底' + 海底* * + seabed/ seafloor bottom of
海景' + 海景* * + seascap sea view/
海水' + 海水* * + seawater/
海浪' + 海浪* * + sea wave/
海港' + 海港* * + seaport/ harbor
海獅' + 海狮* * + sea lion/
海獺' + 海獭* * + sea otter/
海百合' + 海百合* * + sea lily/ crinoid
海砂' + 海砂* * + sea sand (sand collected from the ocean floor, as opposed to that which is used as/
海膽' + 海胆* * + sea urchin/
海船' + 海船* * + sea-going ship/
海草' + 海草* * + seagrass/
海葵' + 海葵* * + sea anemone/
海藻' + 海藻* * + seaweed/ marine alga kelp
海蛞蝓' + 海蛞蝓* * + sea slug/
海蛤蝓' + 海蛤蝓* * + sea slug/
海螺' + 海螺* * + sea snail/ whelk conch
海豹' + 海豹* * + seal (zoology)/
海邊' + 海边* * + seaside/
海錯' + 海错* * + seafood delicacy/
海陸煲' + 海陆煲* * + sea and land hotpot (Jiangsu specialty)/
海陸空' + 海陆空* * + sea land air (transport, or military operations)/
海面' + 海面* * + sea lev sea surface/
海風' + 海风* * + sea breeze/ sea wind (i.e. from the sea)
海馬' + 海马* * + sea horse/ hippocampus
海鮮' + 海鲜* * + seafood/
海鯉' + 海鲤* * + sea bream/
海鱸' + 海鲈* * + sea bass/
海鳥' + 海鸟* * + seabird/
海鷲' + 海鹫* * + sea eagle/ CL:隻|只
無縫' + 无缝* * + seamless/
無縫連接' + 无缝连接* * + seamless connection/
球季' + 球季* * + season (of baseball, football etc)/
璽印' + 玺印* * + seal (esp. of ruler)/
當令' + 当令* * + to be i seasonal/
石花菜' + 石花菜* * + seaweed (Gelidium amansii)/ Japanese Isinglass
秦篆' + 秦篆* * + seal script as unified by the Qin dynasty/ the small seal 小篆 and great seal 大篆
章子' + 章子* * + seal/ stamp
節候' + 节候* * + season and climate/
篆' + * * + seal (o seal script (a calligraphic style)/ the small seal 小篆 and great seal 大篆 writing in
篆書' + 篆书* * + seal script (Chinese calligraphic style)/
籀文' + 籀文* * + seal script used throughout the pre-Han period/
籀書' + 籀书* * + seal script used throughout the pre-Han period/
縫' + * * + seam/ crack narrow sli
縫針跡' + 缝针迹* * + seam/
羌鷲' + 羌鹫* * + sea eagle/ CL:隻|只
老練' + 老练* * + seasoned/ experienced
肖恩' + 肖恩* * + Sean, Shaun or Shawn (name)/
舶' + * * + sea-going vessels/ ship
船運' + 船运* * + sea freight/ shipping
艚' + * * + sea-going junk/
苦海茫茫' + 苦海茫茫* * + sea of bitterness is vast (idiom)/
調味' + 调味* * + seasoning/ condiment flavoring
調味品' + 调味品* * + seasoning/ flavoring
調味料' + 调味料* * + seasoning/ condiment flavoring
調料' + 调料* * + condime seasoning/ flavoring
議席' + 议席* * + seat in a parliament or legislative assembly/
賽季' + 赛季* * + season (sports)/
郡治' + 郡治* * + seat of the principal county magistrate in imperial China/
鄂霍次克海' + 鄂霍次克海* * + Sea of Okhotsk/
重洋' + 重洋* * + seas and oceans/
鈐' + * * + latch o seal/
香精' + 香精* * + seasoning/ condiment flavoring
馬爾馬拉海' + 马尔马拉海* * + Sea of Marmara/
鰒' + * * + Halioti sea ear/
黿' + * * + sea turtle/
鼂' + * * + sea turtle/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[marine] nautical, maritime, relating to the sea
[seasonal] occurring at a particular season
[seasonal] occurring at or dependent on a particular season
[aisle] passage between seats or supermarket shelves
[bench] long seat
[cancer] malignant disease
[capital] seat of government
[chair] seat
[coast] seashore, seacoast, sea-coast
[flu] influenza, viral disease
[garlic] aromatic bulb used as seasoning
[harbor] seaport
[laboratory] lab, research lab
[line] wrinkle, furrow, crease, crinkle, seam
[place] seat
[pneumonia] respiratory disease
[pursuit] quest, search
[researcher] research worker, investigator
[sickness] nausea
[stool] simple seat
[infect] communicate a disease
[look] search
[seal] seal off, make tight, secure against leakage
[seek] search, look for
[sit] sit down, be seated

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

biển + + sea

+ + + + + + + +