A 乾凈 + + * * gan1jing4 clean/ neat/ tidy sauber,rein + + +
B + + * * gan1 dry 1.trocken 2. zubereitete und getrocknete Nahrungsmittel gan4 1.Stamm, Rumpf, Rückgrat 2. Kader Funktionär 3.tun, machen, + + +
B 乾杯 + + * * gan1 bei1 drink a toast/ cheer/ bottom up zuprosten, anstoßen + + +
B 乾脆 + + * * gan1cui4 clear-cut/ simple/ just geradlinig, geradeaus, klar und deutlich + + +
B 乾燥 + + * * gan1zao4 dry/ arid trocken + + +
B 餅乾 + + * * bing3gan1 biscuit/ cracker Keks,Biskuit + + +
C 乾旱 + + * * gan1han4 arid/ droughty/ dry Trockenheit, trocken, ausgedörrt, wasserarm + + +
D 一乾二凈 + + * * yi1 gan1 er4 jing4 completely/ thoroughly vollständig, völlig, gründlich + + +
D 包乾兒 + + * * bao1gan1'er be responsible for a task until it is completed für einen Arbeitsauftrag die volle Verantwortung ü + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
wrap, pack, bundle / package
【◎Fix:◎乾;◎幹;◎干】 oppose, offend / invade / dried
son, child / KangXi radical 10

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

乾' + * * + surname Qian/
乾' + * * + one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦/
乾' + * * + surname /
乾' + * * + dry/ clean in vain
乾俸' + 干俸* * + sinecure/
乾兒' + 干儿* * + adopted son/
乾兒' + 干儿* * + dried food/
乾兒子' + 干儿子* * + (nominally) adopted son/ godson
乾冰' + 干冰* * + dry ice (i.e. frozen CO2)/ CL:塊|块
乾嘉三大家' + 乾嘉三大家* * + Three g /
乾嘔' + 干呕* * + to retch/
乾噦' + 干哕* * + to retch/
乾嚎' + 干嚎* * + to cry out loud without tears/
乾坤' + 乾坤* * + Heaven and earth/ Yin and Yang The Univer
乾女兒' + 干女儿* * + (nominally) adopted daughter/ goddaughter
乾娘' + 干娘* * + godmother (see also 干妈)/
乾媽' + 干妈* * + godmother/
乾安' + 乾安* * + Qian'an county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/
乾安縣' + 乾安县* * + Qian'an county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/
乾屍' + 干尸* * + mummy/ dried corpse
乾巴巴' + 干巴巴* * + dry/ parched dull
乾打壘' + 干打垒* * + rammed earth/ adobe house
乾旱' + 干旱* * + drought/ arid dry
乾旱土' + 干旱土* * + Aridosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)/
乾杯' + 干杯* * + to drink a toast/ Cheers! (proposing a toast) Here's to
乾果' + 干果* * + dried fruit/ dry fruits (nuts etc)
乾枯' + 干枯* * + withered/ dried up
乾梅子' + 干梅子* * + prunes/
乾洗' + 干洗* * + to dry clean/ dry cleaning
乾涸' + 干涸* * + to dry up/
乾淨' + 干净* * + clean/ neat
乾淨俐落' + 干净俐落* * + clean and efficient/ neat and tidy
乾淨利落' + 干净利落* * + squeaky clean/ neat and tidy efficient
乾渴' + 干渴* * + parched/ dry mouth
乾潮' + 干潮* * + low tide/ low water
乾澀' + 干涩* * + dry and rough (skin)/ hoarse (voice) dry and he
乾煸' + 干煸* * + to stir-fry with oil only (no addition of water)/
乾煸四季豆' + 干煸四季豆* * + fried beans, Sichuan style/
乾煸土豆絲' + 干煸土豆丝* * + dry-fried potato slices (Chinese dish)/
乾燥' + 干燥* * + to dry (of weather, paint, cement etc)/ desiccation dull
乾燥劑' + 干燥剂* * + desiccant/
乾燥機' + 干燥机* * + a drier/
乾爹' + 干爹* * + godfather/
乾爽' + 干爽* * + dry and clean/ clear and fresh
乾瘦' + 干瘦* * + wizened/ skinny and shriveled
乾癟' + 干瘪* * + dried out/ wizened shriveled
乾癬' + 干癣* * + psoriasis/
乾眼症' + 干眼症* * + dry eye/ xerophthalmia (drying of the tear glands, often due to lack of vitamin A)
乾瞪眼' + 干瞪眼* * + to watch helplessly/
乾笑' + 干笑* * + to give a hollow laugh/ to force a smile forced lau
乾等' + 干等* * + to wait to sit around waiting/
乾粉' + 干粉* * + dry powder/
乾糧' + 干粮* * + rations (to take on expedition)/
乾糧袋' + 干粮袋* * + knapsack (for provisions)/ haversack
乾縣' + 乾县* * + Qian County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳/
乾脆' + 干脆* * + straigh clear-cut/ blunt (e.g. statement) you might
乾脆利索' + 干脆利索* * + see 乾脆利落|干脆利落/
乾脆利落' + 干脆利落* * + (of spe without fooling around/
乾草' + 干草* * + hay/
乾菜' + 干菜* * + dried vegetable/
乾著急' + 干着急* * + to worry helplessly/
乾薑' + 干姜* * + dried ginger/
乾號' + 干号* * + to cry out loud without tears/
乾衣' + 干衣* * + drysuit (diving)/
乾裂' + 干裂* * + (of dry soil, skin etc) to crack/ to chap
乾貝' + 干贝* * + conpoy/ dried scallop
乾貨' + 干货* * + dry goods/ dried fruit, nuts etc
乾透' + 干透* * + to dry out/ to dry completely
乾酪' + 干酪* * + cheese/
乾酪素' + 干酪素* * + casein/
乾陵' + 乾陵* * + Qianling at Xianyang 咸陽市|咸阳市 in Shaanxi, burial site of third Tang emperor 高宗 and /
乾隆' + 乾隆* * + Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799), sixth Qing emperor, princely title 寶親王|宝亲王/
乾飯' + 干饭* * + cooked /
乾餾' + 干馏* * + to carbonize/ dry distillation carbonizat

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


319 土地 +
650 浴室 干净 +
710 头发 +
831 油漆 +
1984 客厅 干净 +
2158 厕所 干净 +
2416 正在 饼干 +
2544 饼干 +
2695 厨房 干净 +
2900 一口 饼干 +
3109 沙漠 气候 干燥 +
3361 头发 干枯 烦躁 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +