1 New HSK word(s): 6 霸道 the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. of 霸王之道/ despotic rule/ rule by might/ evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道/ overbearing/ tyranny/ (of liquor; medicine etc) strong/ potent
4 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *N * *N * *N
4 OLD_HSK German word(s): Wein,alkohohlische Getränke, Spirituosen Maotai (chin. Schnaps) Lösung (Flüssigkeit) Weingeschäft,Weinschenke,Gasthaus, Wirtshaus
17 synsets(s): liquor store + liquor license + liquor licence + liquor + pot liquor + chocolate liquor + liquorice + malt liquor + liquor + hard liquor + corn liquor + wild liquorice + liquorice + wild liquorice + American liquorice + bleach liquor + liquor +
4 OLD_HSK English word(s): alcoholic drink/ wine/ liquor maotai (liquor) liquid solution/ liquor hotel/ inn/ wine shop/ liquor store
4 OLD_HSK French word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): เหล้า , แอลกอฮอล์
4 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** JIU3 Wein
* ** DIAN4 Laden

เครื่องดื่มไวน์, เหล้า, สุรา, แอลกอฮอล์ wine, liquor, spirits, alcoholic beverage
โรงแรมที่พัก 酒店 hotel; inn; wine shop; liquor store
ร้านขายเหล้า 酒品店 Liquor store
สารละลาย 溶液 liquid solution; liquor
สุรา 利口酒 liquor der Likör, e la liqueur el licor
likvoro สุรา liquor Schnaps alcool alcohol liquore

Grade E word(s):

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

07584727-n liquor +
07901587-n liquor +
14941230-n liquor +

liquor + +

liquor liquor


0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

160 桌上

Semantische Felder:

7.61 Flüssig
16.9 Alkohol trinken