17 New HSK word(s): 3 认真 conscientious/ earnest/ serious/ to take seriously/ to take to heart 4 实在 in reality/ honestly/ really/ verily/ concrete 4 诚实 honest/ honesty/ honorable/ truthful 5 方 square/ power or involution (mathematics)/ upright/ honest/ fair and square/ direction/ side/ party (to a contract; dispute etc)/ place/ method/ prescription (medicine)/ upright or honest/ just when/ only or just/ classifier for square things/ abbr. for s 5 善良 good and honest/ kind-hearted 5 规矩 lit. compass and set square/ fig. established standard/ rule/ customs/ practices/ fig. upright and honest/ well-behaved 5 老实 honest/ sincere/ open and guileless/ naive 5 诚恳 sincere/ honest/ cordial 6 廉洁 honest/ not coercive/ honesty/ integrity/ incorruptible 6 正当 honest/ reasonable/ fair/ sensible/ timely/ just (when needed) 6 切实 feasible/ earnestly/ conscientiously/ realistic/ practical 6 纯洁 pure/ clean and honest/ to purify 6 恳切 earnest/ sincere 6 麻醉 anesthesia/ fig. to poison (sb's mind) 6 坦白 honest/ forthcoming/ to confess 6 窝 nest/ pit or hollow on the human body/ lair/ den/ place/ to harbor or shelter/ to hold in check/ to bend/ classifier for litters and broods 6 朴实 plain/ simple/ guileless/ down-to-earth/ sincere and honest
16 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *int. * *VS * *Adv * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *N * *VS * *VA * *VS
16 OLD_HSK German word(s): eine Interjektion,Fragesatzpartikel, au, autsch gewissenhaft,ernsthaft 1. gerade, aufrecht, senkrecht 2. in der Mitte gelegen, Haupt- 3. pünktlich, Punkt 4. Vorderseite, obenliegend 5. aufrecht, redlich, gerade 6. korrekt, richtig 7. echt, rein 1. gerade, aufrecht, senkrecht 2. in der Mitte gelegen, Haupt- 3. pünktlich, Punkt 4. Vorderseite, obenliegend 5. aufrecht, redlich, gerade 6. korrekt, richtig 7. echt, rein aufrichtig, ehrlich, ehrlich, redlich ehrlich, aufrichtig tatsächlich, wirlich, ehrlich ernst, ernsthaft, feierlich realistisch, praktikabel treu, getreu eifrig und gewissenhaft 1. Nest, Bau 2. Schlupfwinkel, Höhle, Nest, Unterschlupf 3. nach innen gewölbte Stelle am menschlichenKörper 4. verbergen, hehlen 5. zurückhalten, etw bei sich behalten 6. Zählwort, ein Wurf aufrichtig,herzlich redlich und aufrichtig ergeben und beständig
177 synsets(s): inestimable + nestled + dishonest + honest + honest + honest-to-god + honest-to-goodness + honest + dishonest + honest + unestablished + honest + earnest + anesthetic + earnest + monestrous + anestrous + earnest + honest + honest + amnestic + anamnestic + anestrous + anestric + fenestral + fenestral + Nestorian + synesthetic + kinesthetic + anesthetic + soonest + earnestly + in earnest + kinesthetically + honestly + dishonestly + honestly + anesthetize + anesthetise + amnesty + birdnest + bird-nest + nest + nestle + nest + nestle + defenestrate + nest + feather one's nest + nest + nestle + defenestration + nestle + fenestration + birdnesting + dishonesty + anamnestic response + anamnestic reaction + amnesty + nestling + nester + Nestor + genus Nestor + Nestor notabilis + anesthetic + anesthetic agent + anesthyl + anticholinesterase + cuckoo's nest + Conestoga wagon + Conestoga + crow's nest + general anesthetic + inhalation anesthetic + inhalation general anesthetic + intravenous anesthetic + local anesthetic + topical anesthetic + fenestella + nest + nest + nest egg + spinal anesthetic + earnestness + honesty + honestness + dishonesty + fenestration + fenestra + fenestra ovalis + fenestra vestibuli + fenestra of the vestibule + fenestra rotunda + fenestra cochleae + fenestra of the cochlea + kinesthesis + kinesthesia + kinesthetics + kinanesthesia + synesthesia + kinesthesia + anesthesiology + Nestorianism + amnesty + synesthetic metaphor + earnestness + minestrone + Nestor Paz Zamora Commission + Nestorian Church + nest + sleeper nest + nesting place + nest + bird's nest + bird nest + birdnest + mouse nest + mouse's nest + nest + wasp's nest + wasps' nest + hornet's nest + hornets' nest + Clytemnestra + anesthesiologist + anesthetist + nestling + empty nester + honest woman + Nestorian + nester + Ernest Bevin + Ernest Bloch + Ernesto Guevara + Ernest Hemingway + Ernest Orlando Lawrence + Robert Nesta Marley + Nestor + Nestorius + Ernest Rutherford + Ernestine Schumann-Heink + Ernest Solvay + Ernest Walton + Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton + honesty + bird's-nest fungus + climbing bird's nest fern + bird's nest fern + earnest + earnest money + nest egg + hornet's nest + hornets' nest + anesthesia + cryoanesthesia + general anesthesia + local anesthesia + conduction anesthesia + nerve block anesthesia + block anesthesia + regional anesthesia + topical anesthesia + acroanesthesia + caudal anesthesia + epidural anesthesia + spinal anesthesia + saddle block anesthesia + inhalation anesthesia + anestrus + anestrum + amnestic aphasia + glove anesthesia + alcohol amnestic disorder + mare's nest + amnesty + rhinestone + cholinesterase +
16 OLD_HSK English word(s): 1.indicating an earnest request 2. used after an interrogative to expect an answer 3. expressing one´s bewilderment 4. when stressed, it expresses one´s realization or understanding conscientious/ earnest/ serious straight/ upright/ honest/ pure/ just straight/ main/ upright/ honest/ right honest/ sincere honest frank/ honest true/ real/ honest serious/ solemn/ earnest/ enforce realistic/ practical/ based on reality/ in real earnest loyal-honest/ loyal/ true/ staunch/ faithful earnest and assiduous cote/ nest sincere/ cordial/ earnest make the government honest and clean honest/ loyal and steadfast
16 OLD_HSK French word(s):
16 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
16 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
16 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ซื่อสัตย์
16 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** ZHONG1 treu/loyal
* ** ZHEN1


ซื่อสัตย์ จริงใจ 诚实真诚的 Honest sincere
ซื่อสัตย์ / จริง; จริงๆ 实在 honest/truly; really
ตั้งใจจริง 认真 earnest; serious
จริงใจ; ซื่อสัตย์ 诚恳 sincere; honest
ซื่อสัตย์ ตรงไปตรงมา 老实 honest; frank
รัง nest
ที่ดีและซื่อสัตย์ใจดี 善良 good and honest, kind-hearted
ยาชา 麻药 anesthetic
เพื่อให้ยาชา 麻醉 to anesthetize
ซื่อสัตย์ซื่อตรง 正直 honest, upright
ซื่อสัตย์ 诚实 honest
ซื่อสัตย์ 实在 true; real; honest
ขึงขัง; จริงจังตั้งใจจริง; บังคับใช้ 严肃 serious; solemn; earnest; enforce
Is straight; main; upright; honest; right
มีประสิทธิภาพ 切实 realistic; practical; based on reality; in real earnest
ความจงรักภักดี 忠诚 loyal-honest; loyal; true; staunch; faithful
จริงใจ; มิตร; ตั้งใจจริง 诚挚 sincere; cordial; earnest
ทำให้รัฐบาลมีความซื่อสัตย์ 廉政 make the government honest and clean
ตั้งใจจริงและขยันหมั่นเพียร 勤恳 earnest and assiduous
คอกสัตว์; รัง cote; nest
ซื่อสัตย์ภักดีและมั่นคง 忠贞 honest; loyal and steadfast
รัง nest das Nest, er le nid el nido
amnestio นิรโทษกรรม 大赦 Amnesty Amnestie Amnistie Amnistía Amnistia
ernesto เออร์เนส 埃内斯托 Ernesto Ernesto Ernesto Ernesto Ernesto
honesta ซื่อสัตย์ 诚实 honest ehrlich honnête honesto onesto
nesto รัง nest Nest nid nido nido
sincera ซื่อสัตย์ 诚实 honest ehrlich honnête honesto onesto

Grade E word(s):

296 abhiruci अभिरुचि inclination, earnest desire, liking n.
580 imānadāra इमानदार honest, faithful adj.
592 īmāna ईमान truth, belief, faith, honesty n.
593 īmānadāra ईमानदार honest, trustworthy, faithful adj.
594 īmānadārī ईमानदारी honesty, faithfulness, integrity n.
3686 satya सत्य true, real, right, veritable, correct, honest adj.
4026 sōjhō सोझो straigt, straigtforward, honest adj.
千字文: 节义廉退 颠沛匪亏 Righteous, just, honest, retiring; though in failure, never lacking.
千字文: 孟轲惇素 史鱼秉直 Meng Ke was honest, deep and pure; Shi Yu always true and sure.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [honest] sincere
(n.) [nest] structure in which animals lay eggs

01383393-v nest +
01424948-v nest +
01529766-v nest +
02654947-v nest +
03819217-n nest +
03819336-n nest +
08244346-n nest +
08643729-n nest +
09369169-n nest +

nest + +

nest nest



2 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1612 要诚实啊! อย่าหลอกลวงเด็ดขาด! Älä ole ikinä epärehellinen!
1615 一定要始终诚实! จริงใจเสมอนะ! Ole aina rehellinen!

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

35 她们 学习 认真
1689 诚实 从来 说谎
1903 爸爸 忠厚 正直 军人
2653 鸟窝
2766 官廉洁
2874 燕子 屋簷 筑巢
3039 敦厚 老实
3695 为人 忠厚 朴实 大家 信任

Semantische Felder:

3.3 Anwesenheit, Standort
4.22 Zu viel
5.31 Ursache
8.38 Dazwischen
8.38 Dazwischen