4 New HSK word(s): 5 武器 weapon/ arms/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 5 武术 military skill or technique (in former times)/ all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/ self-defense/ tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/ also called kungfu 功夫/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 6 武侠 martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary; theatrical and cinema genre)/ knight-errant 6 武装 arms/ equipment/ to arm/ military/ armed (forces)
5 Old HSK word(s): B N * wu3qi4 Waffe B N * wu3shu4 Wushu, Martial Arts, Kampfkunst C n;v * wu3zhuang1 Bewaffnung, Rüstung, bewaffnen, rüsten D N * he2wu3qi4 Kernwaffe D N * wu3li4 Gewalt, Waffengewalt
vereinfachtes Schriftzeichen --> Traditionelles Schriftzeichen: Gb: 武 Big5: 武

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

武 [wu3]
Fertigkeiten, Fähigkeiten, Technik, die mit dem Kämpfen zu tun hat (S, Mil)Kampf- (S, Mil)Schritt (S)martialisch, kriegerisch, kämpferisch (Adj, Mil)militärisch, militant (Adj, Mil)Wu (Eig, Fam)

千字文: 绮回汉惠 说感武丁 Qi returned to aid Han Hui; Delight affected Shang's Wu Ding.
三字经: 099 周文武, 称三王。 zhōu wén wǔ chèn sān wáng the Chou dynasty had Wên and Wu;-- these are called the Three Kings.
三字经: 104 周武王, 始诛纣。 zhōu wǔ wáng shǐ zhū zhòu King Wu of the Chou Dynasty finally slew Chou Hsin.
三字经: 114 光武兴, 为东汉。 guāng wǔ xīng wèi dōnghàn Then Kuang Wu arose, and founded the Eastern Han Dynasty.
三字经: 146 号洪武, 都金陵。 hào hóng wǔ dōu jīn líng He took as his year-title Hung Wu, and fixed his capital at Chin-ling (Nanking).

Häufigkeit: 1.06 Komposita

0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

1059 中国 武术
1060 武器
3773 不管 什么 矛盾 不能 诉诸 武力

Semantische Felder:

9.6 Entschlossen