5 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

harmony, peace / peaceful, calm
flat, level, even / peaceful
together with, all, total / to share
place, locale / department

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

paca + + peaceful + +
pacama + + peaceful + + peace loving
paceme + + peacefully + +
trankvile + + peacefully + + tranquilly calmly

#paca #peaceful #pacama #peaceful #paceme #peacefully #trankvile #peacefully

+ + + peaceful, tranquil, quiet Dwelling 安 (RUHE) an1 +
+ + + peaceful, quiet / happy, healthy 广 Shelter 康 (UNTERGEORDNET) kang1 +
+ + + peaceful Use ning2 +
+ + + peaceful, harmonious Strength 思 (DENKEN) xie2 +
+ + + peaceful, quiet / clear / late in the day Sun 女 (RUHEVOLL) yan4 +

5.38 Mäßigung friedfertig + peaceful + 和平 +
10.15 Zufriedenheit friedvoll + peaceful + 和平 +
15.32 Eintracht friedliebend + peaceful + 和平 +