11 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** B ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

sign, endorse / slip of paper
issue, dispatch, send out / hair

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

atendindaĵo + + issue + +
atentindaĵo + + issue (problem) + +
eldonanto + + issuer + +
emisio + + issue + +
posteuloj + + issue + + offspring posterity progeny
problem-spurado + + issue tracking + +
problemspurado + + issue tracking + +

#atendindaĵo #issue #atentindaĵo #issue (problem) #eldonanto #issuer #emisio #issue #posteuloj #issue #problem-spurado #issue tracking #problemspurado #issue tracking

+ 【◎Fix:◎發;◎髮】 + + issue, dispatch, send out / hair Hand2 发 (SENDEN) 【◎Fix:◎fa1;◎fa4】 +

4.31 Verbrauchen Ausgabe + Issue + 发行 +
12.6 Bekannt machen herausgeben + issue + 问题 +
1 Heft + Issue + 发行 +
13.2 Forschen Streitfrage + Issue + 发行 +
14.5 Zeichnung, Malerei Ausstellungsort + Issue + 发行 +
15.25 Tadel, Missbilligung ausstellen + issue + 问题 +
15.48 Streit Streitpunkt + Issue + 发行 +