1 Old HSK word(s): ** C

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

eggs / term of abuse
white / pure, unblemished / bright
matter, material, substance

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

weiße Substanz (die Teile des Zentralnervensystems, die aus Leitungsbahnen (Nervenfasern) bestehen.) (S) [bai2 zhi2] 白质
Eiweiß, Protein (S, Chem) [dan4 bai2 zhi4] 蛋白质
Glycoprotein (S, Chem) [tang2 dan4 bai2 zhi4] 醣蛋白质
Poliovirus [ji2 sui3 hui1 bai2 zhi4 yan2 bing4 du2] 脊髓灰白质炎病毒
Protein (Bio) [dan4 bai2 zhi2] 蛋白质
Proteinfaltung (S) [dan4 bai2 zhi2 she2 die2] 蛋白质折叠
Proteinstruktur [dan4 bai2 zhi2 jie2 gou4] 蛋白质结构
Proteintechnik (S) [dan4 bai2 zhi2 gong1 cheng2] 蛋白质工程
Proteom (Bio) [dan4 bai2 zhi2 zu3] 蛋白质组
Proteomik (Bio) [dan4 bai2 zhi2 zu3 xue2] 蛋白质组学
Western Blot, Immunblot, Protein-Blot (S, Chem) [dan4 bai2 zhi2 zhuan4 zi4 fa3] 蛋白质转渍法