16 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

thrive, prosper, flourish
manage, do, handle / deal with

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
529E + + + manage, do, handle / deal with Strength 办 (HANDELN) ban4 +


6 NHSK word(s): 办法* 3 ban4 fa3means/ method/ way (of doing sth)/ CL:條|条[tiao2];個|个[ge4] 办公室* 3 ban4 gong1 shi4an office/ business premises/ a bureau/ CL:間|间[jian1] 举办* 4 ju3 ban4to conduct/ to hold 办理* 5 ban4 li3to handle/ to transact/ to conduct 主办* 6 zhu3 ban4to organize/ to host (a conference or sports event) 承办* 6 cheng2 ban4to undertake/ to accept a contract
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):