12 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

help, support, assist, aid
help, aid, assist

Hsk Characters: * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
6682 + + + temporary Sun 斩 (ABHACKEN) zan4 +
8D5E + + + help, support, assist, aid 先+先 Shell 先+先 (ZUERST+ZUERST) zan4 +
933E + + + engraving tool, chisel 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 斩 (ABHACKEN) zan4 +
74D2 + + + ceremonial libation cup Jade 赞 (HELFEN_LOBEN_LOBREDE) zan4 +


9 NHSK word(s): 暂时* 4 zan4 shi2temporary/ provisional/ for the time being 赞成* 5 zan4 cheng2approve/ endorse 赞美* 5 zan4 mei3admire/ applause/ praise/ to eulogize 称赞* 5 cheng1 zan4to praise/ to acclaim/ to commend/ to compliment 暂且* 6 zan4 qie3for now/ for the time being/ temporarily 赞叹* 6 zan4 tan4to sigh or gasp in admiration/ high praise 赞同* 6 zan4 tong2to approve of/ to endorse/ (vote) in favor/ trad. also written 贊同 赞扬* 6 zan4 yang2to praise/ to approve of/ to show approval 赞助* 6 zan4 zhu4to support/ to assist/ sponsor
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):