22 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D 竿 ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

mast of ship
pole / shaft of spear

Hsk Characters: * * 竿 *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
7518 + + + sweetness / sweet, tasty Sweet 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
67D1 + + + tangerine, loose-skinned orange Tree 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
5769 + + + earthenware, earthenware vessel Earth 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
82F7 + + + licorice 艸, 艹 Grass 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
6CD4 + + + water from washing rice to boil thick, as gruel 水, 氵 Water 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
75B3 + + + childhood diseases Illness 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
4E7E + + + dry / first hexagram / warming principle of the sun, penetrating and fertilizing, heavenly generative principle (male) Bent 乞 (BETTELN) gan1 +
5C34 + + + embarrassed / ill at ease Lame 监 (ÜBERWACHEN) gan1 +
竿 7AFF + 竿 + + bamboo pole / penis Bamboo 干 (TROCKEN) gan1 +
809D + + + liver Flesh 干 (TROCKEN) gan1 +
9150 + + + anhydride Wine Jug 干 (TROCKEN) gan1 +


13 NHSK word(s): 干净* 3 gan1 jing4clean/ neat 饼干* 4 bing3 gan1biscuit/ cracker/ cookie/ CL:片[pian4];塊|块[kuai4] 干杯* 4 gan1 bei1to drink a toast/ Cheers! (proposing a toast)/ Here's to you!/ Bottoms up!/ lit. dry cup 干燥* 4 gan1 zao4to dry (of weather; paint; cement etc)/ desiccation/ dull/ uninteresting/ arid 干脆* 5 gan1 cui4straightforward/ clear-cut/ blunt (e.g. statement)/ you might as well/ simply 若干* 6 ruo4 gan1a certain number or amount/ how many?/ how much? 苦尽甘来* 6 ku3 jin4 gan1 lai2bitterness finishes; sweetness begins (idiom)/ the hard times are over; the good times just beginning 尴尬* 6 gan1 ga4awkward/ embarrassed 干旱* 6 gan1 han4drought/ arid/ dry 干扰* 6 gan1 rao3to interfere/ obstruction 干涉* 6 gan1 she4to interfere/ to meddle/ interference 甘心* 6 gan1 xin1to be willing to/ to resign oneself to 干预* 6 gan1 yu4to meddle/ to intervene/ intervention
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):