10 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

poor, impoverished, needy
to surround, beseige / to be surrounded / difficult

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
7AAD + + + poor, impoverished Cave ju4 +
8D2B + + + poor, impoverished, needy Shell 分 (TRENNEN) pin2 +
7A77 + + + poor, destitute, impoverished Cave 力 (KRAFT) qiong2 +


3 NHSK word(s): * 3 cha4differ from/ short of/ to lack/ poor * 4 qiong2exhausted/ poor 恶劣* 5 e4 lie4vile/ nasty/ of very poor quality
3 KOREAN6000 word(s):
B 가난하다 [gananhada] Poor

C 가난 [ganan] Poor

C 서툴다 [seotulda] poor,awkward

KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):