18 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** A ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C 线 ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

look at, inspect, observe, see
open country, field / wilderness

Phonetic KEY:
Field tián Phonetic KEY:
Field chǎng
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
7548 + + + field / farm Field 反 (UMWENDEN) fan4 +
7530 + + + field, arable land, cultivated Field 田 (REISFELD) tian2 +


14 NHSK word(s): 机场* 2 ji1 chang3airport/ airfield/ CL:家[jia1];處|处[chu4] 方面* 4 fang1 mian4respect/ aspect/ field/ side/ CL:個|个[ge4] 专业* 4 zhuan1 ye4specialty/ specialized field/ main field of study (at university)/ major/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4]/ professional 田野* 5 tian2 ye3field/ open land/ CL:片[pian4] 领域* 5 ling3 yu4domain/ sphere/ field/ territory/ area 操场* 5 cao1 chang3playground/ sports field/ drill ground/ CL:個|个[ge4] 消灭* 5 xiao1 mie4to put an end to/ to annihilate/ to cause to perish/ to perish/ annihilation (in quantum field theory) 实习* 5 shi2 xi2to practice/ field work 视野* 6 shi4 ye3field of view/ horizon 田径* 6 tian2 jing4track and field (athletics) 飞禽走兽* 6 fei1 qin2 zou3 shou4birds and animals/ the beasts of the field and the birds of the air * 6 pan4bank/ field-path 平原* 6 ping2 yuan2field/ plain/ CL:個|个[ge4] 音响* 6 yin1 xiang3speakers or speaker (electronic)/ acoustics/ sound field (in a room or theater)
9 KOREAN6000 word(s):
C 분야 [bun-ya] Field

B [bat] A field, farm

C [non] A rice field

B 경기장 [gyeong-gijang] Sports stadium or a sports field

C 시야 [siya] Visual field

B 야외 [yaoe] The fields, the outskirts

C 비행장 [bihaengjang] An airfield

C 야구장 [yagujang] Baseball field

C 축구장 [chuggujang] Soccer field

KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):