10 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** B ** C ** C ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

this, the, here
interrogative particle / repetition of a tune small / tender
make move, take action

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
8FD9 + + + this, the, here 辵, 辶 Proceed 文 (SCHRIFT) zhe4 +


EON + 偃, 傿, 匽, 唁, 喭, 嘕, 堰, 嫣, 彥, 彦, 焉, 言, 諺, 讞, 這, 鄢, 鼴, 鼹
JEO + 且, 佇, 低, 儲, 咀, 姐, 宁, 屠, 岨, 底, 抒, 抵, 杵, 杼, 柢, 楮, 樗, 氐, 沮, 渚, 滁, 潴, 瀦, 牴, 狙, 猪, 疽, 箸, 紵, 纻, 罝, 羝, 苧, 苴, 菹, 著, 藷, 蛆, 袛, 褚, 觝, 詆, 詛, 豬, 貯, 躇, 這, 邸, 陼, 雎, 骶, 齟
+ 맞을 저, 이것 저, 여기 저
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