15 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

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bamboo or wooden fence / hedge
bamboo fence

Hsk Characters: * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
79BB + + + rare beast / strange / elegant Track 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
7BF1 + + + bamboo or wooden fence / hedge Bamboo 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
6F13 + 【◎Fix:◎灕;◎漓】 + + river in Guangxi province / water dripping 水, 氵 Water 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
84E0 + + + gracilaria verrucosa 艸, 艹 Grass 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
7F21 + + + a bridal veil / to tie / to bind Silk 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
68A8 + + + pear / opera / cut, slash Tree 利 (VORTEIL) li2 +
7281 + + + plow Ox 利 (VORTEIL) li2 +
870A + + + clam Insect li2 +
7F79 + + + sorrow, grief / incur, meet with Net 难 (DENNOCH) li2 +
9ECE + + + surname / numerous, many / black Millet 黎 (MASSENHAFT) li2 +
85DC + + + Chenopodium album, pigweed 艸, 艹 Grass 黎 (MASSENHAFT) li2 +
9EE7 + + + a dark, sallow colour Black 黎 (MASSENHAFT) li2 +
5AE0 + + + a widow Woman 未 li2 +
8821 + + + wood-boring insect / bore into wood Insect 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) li2 +
5398 + + + thousandth part of tael Cliff 厘 (BRUCHTEIL) li2 +
55B1 + + + gramme / syllable Mouth 厘 (BRUCHTEIL) li2 +
9A8A + + + a pure black horse / a pair of horses Horse 丽 (SCHÖN ) li2 +
9E42 + + + Chinese oriole / Oriolus oriolus Bird1 丽 (SCHÖN ) li2 +
9CA1 + + + eel Fish 丽 (SCHÖN ) li2 +


9 NHSK word(s): * 2 li2to leave/ to part from/ to be away from/ (in giving distances) from/ without (sth)/ independent of/ one of the eight trigrams of the Book of Changes representing fire (old) 离开* 3 li2 kai1to depart/ to leave 距离* 4 ju4 li2distance/ to be apart/ CL:個|个[ge4] * 5 li2pear/ CL:個|个[ge4] 离婚* 5 li2 hun1to divorce/ divorced from (one's spouse) 厘米* 5 li2 mi3centimeter 脱离* 6 tuo1 li2to separate oneself from/ to break away from/ diastasis (medicine)/ abscission/ abjunction (botany) 隔离* 6 ge2 li2to separate/ to isolate 黎明* 6 li2 ming2dawn/ daybreak
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