VNEN diễm tình * love * 103 VNEN mến thương * love * 103 VNEN mối tình * love * 103 VNEN tình trường * love * 103

1 ai4 to love/ affection/ to be fond of/ to like
3 可爱 ke3 ai4 amiable/ cute/ lovely
3 chun1 spring (time)/ gay/ joyful/ youthful/ love/ lust/ life
3 teng2 (it) hurts/ love fondly/ ache/ pain/ sore
4 爱情 ai4 qing2 romance/ love (romantic)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
4 感情 gan3 qing2 feeling/ emotion/ sensation/ likes and dislikes/ deep affection for sb or sth/ relationship (i.e. love affair)/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
4 dai4 to put on or wear (glasses; hat; gloves etc)/ to respect/ to bear/ to support
5 爱护 ai4 hu4 to cherish/ to treasure/ to take care of/ to love and protect
5 手套 shou3 tao4 glove/ mitten/ CL:雙|双[shuang1];隻|只[zhi1]
5 恋爱 lian4 ai4 (romantic) love/ in love/ to have an affair/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 亲爱 qin1 ai4 Dear or beloved (way of starting a letter)
5 热爱 re4 ai4 to love ardently/ to adore
5 敬爱 jing4 ai4 respect and love
5 疼爱 teng2 ai4 to love dearly
6 爱不释手 ai4 bu4 shi4 shou3 to love sth too much to part with it (idiom)/ to fondle admiringly
6 爱戴 ai4 dai4 to love and respect/ love and respect
6 心疼 xin1 teng2 to love dearly/ the pain of love
6 天伦之乐 tian1 lun2 zhi1 le4 pleasure of heavenly agreement (idiom)/ family love and joy/ domestic bliss

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET găng tay glove
2000VIET yêu love

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
081 1578
I have lovely children.
095 1843
I don’t know if he loves me.
095 1846
Maybe he doesn’t love me?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A15 40 740
她 送上了 她的 祝福 。 + เธอส่งความรักของเธอ + Cô ấy gửi tình yêu của mình. + She sends her love. + Sie lässt dich grüßen. + Lei manda il suo amore. + Elle t'embrasse. + Te manda saludos. + Ze stuurt haar liefde. + ( tā sòngshàngle· tāde· zhùfú.)
B11 47 1547
我 很乐意 周日 一起 吃 晚餐 。 + ฉันชอบทานอาหารเย็นในวันอาทิตย์ + Tôi rất muốn ăn tối hôm Chủ nhật. + I'd love to have dinner on Sunday. + Ich würde gerne am Sonntag zu Abend essen. + Mi piacerebbe cenare domenica. + J'adorerais dîner dimanche. + Me encantaría cenar el domingo. + Ik zou graag op zondag dineren. + ( wó hěnlèyì zhōurì yìqǐ chī wǎncān.)
C01 47 2047
我 喜欢 结识 朋友 。 + ฉันรักคนที่มาพบปะ - ฉันชอบพบปะผู้คน + Tôi thích gặp gỡ mọi người. > Tôi thích thú khi gặp mọi người. + I love meeting people. — I love to meet people. + Ich liebe es, Leute kennenzulernen. Ich liebe es, Leute kennenzulernen. + Amo incontrare le persone. Amo incontrare persone. + J'adore rencontrer des gens. J'adore rencontrer des gens. + Me encanta conocer gente. Me encanta conocer gente. + Ik vind het geweldig om mensen te ontmoeten. Ik vind het geweldig om mensen te ontmoeten. + ( wó xǐhuan· jiéshí péngyǒu.)
C02 4 2054
我 很乐意 见见 你的 家人 。 + ฉันชอบที่จะพบกับครอบครัวของคุณ + Tôi rất muốn gặp gia đình cậu. + I'd love to meet your family. + Ich würde gerne deine Familie kennenlernen. + Mi piacerebbe incontrare la tua famiglia. + J'adorerais rencontrer ta famille. + Me encantaría conocer a tu familia. + Ik zou graag uw familie ontmoeten. + (wó hěnlèyì jiànjiàn nǐde· jiārén.)
C02 10 2060
我 很 想去 派对 , 但 这 不可能 。 + ฉันชอบไปงานเลี้ยง แต่มันก็เป็นไปไม่ได้ + Tôi cũng muốn đến bữa tiệc nhưng chuyện đó không thể được. + I'd love to have gone to the party, but it was impossible. + Ich wäre gern auf die Party gegangen, aber es war unmöglich. + Mi piacerebbe essere andato alla festa, ma era impossibile. + J'aurais adoré aller à la fête, mais c'était impossible. + Me encantaría haber ido a la fiesta, pero fue imposible. + Ik zou graag naar het feest zijn gegaan, maar het was onmogelijk. + (wó hén xiǎngqù pàiduì, dàn zhè bùkěnéng.)
C08 7 2357
电影 本身 没有 特别 好看 , 但 我 喜欢 它的配乐 。 + ภาพยนตร์เรื่องนี้ไม่ค่อยดีนัก แต่ฉันชอบเพลง + Bản thân bộ phim thì không hay lắm nhưng tôi thích phần nhạc. + The movie itself wasn't very good, but I loved the music. + Der Film selbst war nicht sehr gut, aber ich liebte die Musik. + Il film in sé non era molto buono, ma ho amato la musica. + Le film lui-même n'était pas très bon, mais j'ai adoré la musique. + La película en sí no era muy buena, pero me encantaba la música. + De film zelf was niet erg goed, maar ik hield van de muziek. + (diànyíng běnshēn méiyǒu tèbié hǎokàn, dàn wó xǐhuan· tāde· pèiyuè.)
C10 46 2496
他 爱上的 那个 女人 一个 月后 离开了 他 。 + ผู้หญิงที่เขาตกหลุมรักทิ้งเขาไว้หลังจากเดือนหนึ่ง - ผู้หญิงที่เขาตกหลุมรักทิ้งเขาไว้หลังจากเดือน + Người phụ nữ mà anh ấy đệm lòng yêu đã bỏ anh được một tháng. > Người phụ nữ anh ấy đệm lòng yêu đã bỏ anh được một tháng. + The woman with whom he fell in love left him after a month. — The woman he fell in love with left him after a month. + Die Frau, in die er sich verliebt hatte, verließ ihn nach einem Monat. Die Frau, in die er sich verliebt hat, hat ihn nach einem Monat verlassen. + La donna con la quale si innamorò lo lasciò dopo un mese. La donna con cui si innamorò lo lasciò dopo un mese. + La femme avec qui il est tombé amoureux l' a quitté après un mois. La femme dont il est tombé amoureux l' a quitté après un mois. + La mujer con la que se enamoró lo dejó después de un mes. La mujer de la que se enamoró lo dejó después de un mes. + De vrouw met wie hij verliefd werd liet hem na een maand achter. De vrouw met wie hij verliefd werd verliet hem na een maand. + (tā àishàngde· nàge· nǚrén yīge· yuèhòu líkāile· tā.)
C15 45 2745
你 谈过 恋爱 吗 ? + คุณเคยรักใครสักคนหรือยัง? + Cậu đã bao giờ yêu ai chưa? + Have you ever been in love with somebody? + Warst du schon mal in jemanden verliebt? + Sei mai stato innamorato di qualcuno? + As-tu déjà été amoureuse de quelqu'un? + ¿Alguna vez has estado enamorado de alguien? + Heb je ooit verliefd geweest op iemand? + ( nǐ tánguò liànài mā?)
C19 13 2913
我们的 父母 为 我们 提供 食物 、 衣物 、 教育 、 医疗 和 爱 。 + พ่อแม่ของเราให้อาหารเสื้อผ้าการศึกษาการดูแลสุขภาพและความรัก + Bố mẹ chúng ta, cho chúng ta thức ăn, quần áo, giáo dục, y tế và tình yêu. + Our parents provide us with food, clothing, education, healthcare and love. + Unsere Eltern versorgen uns mit Nahrung, Kleidung, Bildung, Gesundheitsfürsorge und Liebe. + I nostri genitori ci forniscono cibo, abbigliamento, istruzione, assistenza sanitaria e amore. + Nos parents nous fournissent nourriture, vêtements, éducation, soins de santé et amour. + Nuestros padres nos proporcionan comida, ropa, educación, cuidado de la salud y amor. + Onze ouders voorzien ons van voedsel, kleding, onderwijs, gezondheidszorg en liefde. + (wǒmen·de· fùmǔ wèi wǒmen· tígōng shíwù, yīwù, jiàoyù, yīliáo hé ài.)
Cậu có yêu cô ấy không? + Do you love her?
Angela mê xem vô tuyến. Cô ấy đêm nào cũng xem. + Angela loves to watch TV. She watches it every night.
Tôi rất muốn ăn tối hôm Chủ nhật. + I'd love to have dinner on Sunday.
Tôi thích gặp gỡ mọi người. > Tôi thích thú khi gặp mọi người. + I love meeting people. — I love to meet people.
Tôi rất muốn gặp gia đình cậu. + I'd love to meet your family.
Tôi cũng muốn đến bữa tiệc nhưng chuyện đó không thể được. + I'd love to have gone to the party, but it was impossible.
Bản thân bộ phim thì không hay lắm nhưng tôi thích phần nhạc. + The movie itself wasn't very good, but I loved the music.
Người phụ nữ mà anh ấy đệm lòng yêu đã bỏ anh được một tháng. > Người phụ nữ anh ấy đệm lòng yêu đã bỏ anh được một tháng. + The woman with whom he fell in love left him after a month. — The woman he fell in love with left him after a month.
Cậu đã bao giờ yêu ai chưa? + Have you ever been in love with somebody?
Bố mẹ chúng ta, cho chúng ta thức ăn, quần áo, giáo dục, y tế và tình yêu. + Our parents provide us with food, clothing, education, healthcare and love.

găng tay + glove

Một cái găng tay dơ + A dirty glove

Một cái ca và một cái găng tay + A mug and a glove

Một cái găng tay + a glove

Cái găng tay ở nhà ga. + The glove is at the train station.

Họ yêu con chó của họ. + They love their dog.

+ I think, she loves me.

Tôi yêu anh ấy vì anh ấy trung thực. + I love him because he is honest.

Khi một người đàn ông yêu một người phụ nữ + When a man loves a woman.

Tôi là người đầu tiên yêu cô ấy. + I am the first person to love her.

Cô ấy không cho phép tôi yêu cô ấy. + She does not allow me to love her.

Yêu như không có ngày mai! + Love like there is no tomorrow.

Chúng tôi thích mùa thu. + We love the autumn.

Tôi yêu nước Úc. + I love Australia.

Tôi nhận ra tôi không yêu anh ấy. + I realise (that) I do not love him.

Đừng yêu tôi. Đừng tin tôi. Trừng phạt tôi. + Do not love me. Do not trust me. Punish me.

Tôi nhận ra tôi yêu cô ấy rất nhiều. + I realize that i love her so much.

Một khi tôi yêu một ai đó, tôi sẽ làm anh ấy hạnh phúc. + Once I love someone, I will make him happy.

Tôi yêu cô ấy mặc dù cô ấy không yêu tôi. + I love her, although she does not love me.

Và tôi cũng yêu em. + And I love you too.

Yêu những người ở xung quanh bạn! + Love the people around you!

Họ không nên cười tôi. + They should not love at me.

Bố cô ấy cho rằng cô ấy yêu anh ấy. + Her father assumes that she loves him.

Bạn luôn sai khi bạn ghét, nhưng bạn không bao giờ sai khi bạn yêu. + You are always wrong when you hate, but you are never wrong when you love.

Khó định nghĩa yêu là gì. + It is hard to define what love is.

Và cô ấy sẽ được yêu. + And she will be loved.

Anh ấy cười và nói với tôi rằng anh ấy yêu tôi. + He smiles and tells me that he loves me.

Tôi yêu bạn gái của mình. + I love my girlfriend.

Đừng sống vì tình yêu! + Do not live for love!

tình yêu! + love

Một tình yêu tạm thời là một tình yêu đau đớn. + A temporary love is a painful love.

Tôi đã từng là một nô lệ của tình yêu. + I used to be a slave of love.

Anh ấy yêu cô ấy chỉ vì lợi ích cán hân. + He loves her only because of personal benefit.

Chúng tôi có niềm tin trong tình yêu. + We have faith in love.

Tình yêu của người thuỷ thủ + the love of a sailor

Tôi yêu cơ thể của mình. + I love my body.

Tôi yêu mái tóc mới của tôi. + I love my new hair.

Tình yêu không cần định nghĩa. + Love does not need definition.

Bạn có thể đo độ sâu của tình yêu không? + Can you measure the depth of love?

Loài người cần tình yêu hoặc vũ khí hạt nhân, hoặc cả hai. + The human race needs love or nuclear weapons or both.

Một tình yêu dang dở + a fruitless love

Tôi yêu sự cứng đầu của cô ấy. + I love her opinionatedness.

Lặng lẽ yêu em. + silently love you

Một tình yêu chứa chan + a suffusive love

Anh ấy lưỡng lự yêu cô ấy một cách nồng nàn. + He hesitate to love her passionately.

Vâng làm ơn, thật tốt quá. + Yes please, that would be lovely.

Vâng, tôi rất thích. + Yes please, I'd love one.

Có chứ, mình thích lăm. + Yes, I love it.

Tôi thích làm. + I'd love to.

Anh rất muốn gặp lại em. + I'd love to see you again?

Yêu + In love with

Tôi đang yêu + I am in love

Tôi đang tương tư. + I am lovesick

Tôi thích thử thách và cảm giác hoàn thành công việc. + I love challenges and getting the job done.

Anh yêu em + I love you

Anh yêu em từ sâu thẳm trái tim + I love you from the bottom of my heart

Anh yêu em + I'm in love with you

Em là tình yêu của anh + You're my lover

Anh nghĩ anh yêu em mất rồi + I think I'm in love with you

Yêu em! + Love ya!

Tình yêu luôn mù quáng + Love is blind

Yêu nhau yêu đường đi, ghét nhau ghét cả tông chi họ hàng + Love me love my dog
GNOT Qualitative • taste lovely +
SNOT Showing love in Vietnamese to love her yêu +
SNOT Relations with other people • relationship lover người yêu +
Oxford 3000VieEng
yêu love
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-6 sich verlieben + to fall in love   (verliebt, verliebte, hat verliebt) +
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-9 wunderschön + wonderful, lovely +
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-2 Liebe + love +
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-4 lieben + to love   (liebt, liebte, hat geliebt) +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 3-5 Sie hat als Kind viel Liebe erfahren.  + erfahren* She experienced a lot of love as a child.  Cô đã trải qua rất nhiều tình yêu từ khi còn nhỏ. +
Exercise 4-6 Sie liebt ihre Tochter über alles. + Tochter She loves her daughter above all else. Cô ấy yêu con gái mình hơn tất cả mọi thứ. +
Exercise 4-7 Ich würde gerne kommen, aber es geht leider nicht.  + aber I'd love to come, but I can't.  Tôi muốn đến, nhưng tôi không thể. +
Exercise 5-5 Meine Mutter hat alles, was ihr lieb und teuer war, verkauft.  + lieb  My mother sold everything she loved and loved.  Mẹ tôi bán mọi thứ mà bà ấy yêu và yêu. +
Exercise 8-4 Ich würde ja gern kommen, aber es geht wirklich nicht.  + ja I'd love to come, but I really can't.  Tôi muốn đến, nhưng tôi thực sự không thể. +
Exercise 9-6 Diese Handschuhe sind aus Leder gemacht. + Leder These gloves are made of leather. Những găng tay này được làm bằng da. +
Exercise 11-7 Julia und Elias sind ein verliebtes Paar.  + Paar Julia and Elias are a couple in love.  Julia và Elias là một cặp vợ chồng trong tình yêu. +
Exercise 12-7 Sie liebt klassische Musik.  + klassisch She loves classical music.  Cô ấy thích nhạc cổ điển. +
Exercise 12-8 Meine Tochter liebt Fernsehserien.  + Serie My daughter loves TV series.  Con gái tôi yêu phim truyền hình. +
Exercise 13-2 Es war eine schöne Feier.  + Feier It was a lovely party.  Đó là một bữa tiệc đáng yêu. +
Exercise 13-3 Ich liebe Kinder. Deswegen bin ich Lehrer geworden.  + deswegen I love kids. That's why I became a teacher.  Tôi yêu trẻ con. Đó là lý do tại sao tôi trở thành một giáo viên. +
Exercise 17-9 Das Herz ist ein Symbol für die Liebe.  + Symbol The heart is a symbol of love.  Trái tim là một biểu tượng của tình yêu. +
Exercise 20-5 Unser Sohn isst sehr gerne Bonbons.  + Bonbon Our son loves to eat candy.  Con trai của chúng tôi thích ăn kẹo. +
Exercise 23-3 Liebe kennt keine Grenzen.  + Grenze Love knows no bounds.  Tình yêu không có giới hạn. +
Exercise 25-6 Er hob den Handschuh vom Boden.  + heben* He lifted the glove off the floor.  Anh nâng chiếc găng tay lên khỏi sàn. +
Exercise 27-4 Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick.  + Blick It was love at first sight.  Đó là tình yêu sét đánh. +
Exercise 28-4 Ich habe mich verliebt.  + verlieben I fell in love.  Tôi đã yêu. +
Exercise 28-4 Er verliebte sich in sie.  + verlieben He fell in love with her.  Anh ấy đã yêu cô ta. +
Exercise 28-4 Er ist bis über beide Ohren in sie verliebt.  + verlieben He's head over heels in love with her.  Anh ấy đứng đầu trong tình yêu với cô ấy. +
Exercise 28-4 Sie haben sich auf den ersten Blick ineinander verliebt.  + verlieben They fell in love at first glance.  Họ đã yêu nhau ngay từ cái nhìn đầu tiên. +
Exercise 28-4 Sie ist hoffnungslos verliebt. + verlieben She's hopelessly in love. Cô ấy vô vọng trong tình yêu. +
Exercise 38-8 Ich liebe meine Familie.  + lieben I love my family.  Tôi yêu gia đình của tôi. +
Exercise 38-8 Meine Frau liebt ihren Beruf.  + lieben My wife loves her profession.  Vợ tôi yêu nghề của mình. +
Exercise 38-8 Wir sind schon lange verheiratet, aber wir lieben uns immer noch.  + lieben We've been married a long time, but we're still in love.  Chúng tôi đã kết hôn một thời gian dài, nhưng chúng tôi vẫn đang trong tình yêu. +
Exercise 38-8 Sie liebt es, Mittelpunkt zu sein.  + lieben She loves being the center of attention.  Cô ấy yêu là trung tâm của sự chú ý. +
Exercise 38-8 Ich liebe dich. + lieben I love you so much. Tôi yêu bạn rất nhiều. +
Exercise 38-8 Wir haben aus Liebe geheiratet.  + Liebe We married for love.  Chúng tôi cưới nhau vì tình yêu. +
Exercise 38-8 Für mich ist das Wichtigste die Liebe zu meiner Familie und zu meinen Kindern.  + Liebe For me, the most important thing is the love for my family and my children.  Đối với tôi, điều quan trọng nhất là tình yêu đối với gia đình và con cái của tôi. +
Exercise 38-8 Die Kinder haben die Geschenke mit viel Liebe gemacht.  + Liebe The children made the gifts with much love.  Các em làm quà tặng với tình yêu nhiều. +
Exercise 38-8 Liebe macht blind.  + Liebe Love is blind.  Tình yêu là mù quáng. +
Exercise 41-8 Solche Schuhe finde ich toll.  + solch I love shoes like these.  Tôi yêu giày như thế này. +
Exercise 42-7 Wie findest du diesen Sänger? – Ich finde seine Stimme toll.  + Sänger What do you think of this singer? I love his voice.  Bạn nghĩ gì về ca sĩ này? Tôi thích chất giọng của anh ấy. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Household Gummihandschuh + rubber glove + Cleaning B
+ + + + 103 Gardens Fingerhut + foxglove + Plants B
+ + + + 103 The animal world Regenpfeifer + plover + Mammals C
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Gummihandschuh + rubber glove + Medical treatment A
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Handschuh + glove + Garments A
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Pullover + pullover, sweater + Garments B
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Pulli + pullover + Garments B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Knoblauchzehe + garlic clove + Herbs, spices and condiments C
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Nelke + clove + Herbs, spices and condiments C
+ + + + 103 Perception lecker + delicious, lovely, yummy + Taste A
+ + + + 103 Containers Handschuhfach + glove compartment + Boxes C
+ + + + 103 Leisure Bücherfreund(in) + booklover, bibliophile + Hobbies B
+ + + + 103 Sport Boxhandschuh + boxing glove + Equipment A
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage sich in jmdn verlieben + to fall in love with sb + Marriage and divorce B
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Geliebte(r) + lover + Marriage and divorce B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Slowenien + Slovenia + Geographical names and peoples A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Slowene + Slovene + Geographical names and peoples A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * ai4 1. love 2. like, to be fond of 3. be apt to, be in the habit of 4. cherish, treasure 1. (Na) Liebe 2. (VL) lieben, 2. gern, mit Vorliebe 3. (VL) für jn sorgen, jn etw behutsam und sorgsam behandeln 4. leicht, schnell +
A 喜歡 + * * xi3huan love/ like/ be keen to/ be fond of gern haben,mögen +
B 愛好 + * * ai4hao4 love/ be fond of/ like/ interest/ hobby mögen, Hobby +
B 手套 + * * shou3tao4 glove Handschuh +
B 愛情 + * * ai4qing2 love Liebe (zwischen Mann und Frau) +
B 親愛 + * * qin1'ai4 dear/ beloved lieb, geliebt (am Anfang eines Briefes) +
B 可愛 + * * ke3'ai4 cute/ lovely liebenswürdig, liebenswert,hübsch +
B 熱愛 + * * re4'ai4 ardently love/ have deep love leidenschaftlich lieben +
B 戀愛 + * * lian4'ai4 be in love/ love sich verlieben,lieben, Liebe +
C + * * qing2 feeling/ emotion/ love/ passion/ lust/ condition/ reason 1. Gefühl, Sentiment, Gemütsbewegung 2. Gefälligkeit, Gunst, Güte 3. Zustand, Situation, Lage +
C + * * guai1 obedient/ well-behaved/ good/ clever/ shrewd/ lovely 1. brav, artig, manierlich 2.klug, geschickt +
C + * * le4 joy/ laugh/ love to/ be happy to/ enjoy 1.fröhlich, glücklich, froh, sich freuen 2. gern, Vergnügen an etw finden 3. lachen 4. Freude, Fröhlichkeit +
C 友愛 + * * you3'ai4 friendship-love/ friendly and close/ friendly affection Freundlichkeit, Kameradschaft +
C 欣賞 + * * xin1shang3 love-enjoy/ appreciate/ admire/ like genießen, bewundern +
C 喜愛 + * * xi3'ai4 like-love/ like/ love/ be fond of/ be keen on favorisieren, am liebsten mögen +
C 心愛 + * * xin1'ai4 heartfelt-love/ loved/ treasured/ precious/ dear geliebt, Lieblings- +
C 者(愛好者) + * * zhe3 one who/ -er/ -ist/ (fan/ fancier/ lover/ enthusiast) jemand, der..(Suffix) +
D 愛戴 + * * ai4dai4 love and esteem verehren und lieben +
D 恩愛 + * * en1'ai4 conjugal love eheliche Liebe, liebevoll +
D 心疼 + * * xin1teng2 feel distressed/ love dearly innig lieben, leid tun +
D + * * lian4 love lieben, sich verlieben, an etw. hängen, sich nach etwas sehnen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
affection + Children need lots of love and affection. Kinder brauchen viel Liebe und Zuneigung.
altogether + The food was good and we loved the music. Altogether it was a great evening. Das Essen war gut und wir liebten die Musik. Insgesamt war es ein toller Abend.
always + Pat has always loved gardening. Pat hat Gartenarbeit schon immer geliebt.
always + I'll always love you. Ich werde dich immer lieben.
art + an art critic/historian/lover Kunstkritiker/Historiker/Liebhaber
atmosphere + These plants love warm, humid atmospheres. Diese Pflanzen lieben warme, feuchte Atmosphären.
attraction + Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love. Sexuelle Anziehungskraft ist ein großer Teil des Verliebens.
border + It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship. Es ist schwierig, die Grenze zwischen Liebe und Freundschaft zu definieren.
colour + The children love to draw and colour. Die Kinder lieben es zu zeichnen und zu malen.
conflict + The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty. Die Geschichte erzählt von einem klassischen Konflikt zwischen Liebe und Pflicht.
crush + Add two cloves of crushed garlic. Zwei zerdrückte Knoblauchzehen zugeben.
declare + declare that...: He declared that he was in love with her. dass...: Er erklärte, dass er in sie verliebt war.
deep down + Deep down I still loved him. Tief im Innern liebte ich ihn immer noch.
depth + the depth of her love die Tiefe ihrer Liebe
desperate + The children are in desperate need of love and attention. Die Kinder brauchen dringend Liebe und Zuwendung.
do + 'I love peaches.' 'So do I.' Ich liebe Pfirsiche. "Ich auch."
down + She bent down to pick up her glove. Sie beugte sich runter, um ihren Handschuh zu holen.
dress up, dress sb up + Kids love dressing up. Kinder lieben es, sich schick zu machen.
each other + Don and Susie really loved each other (= he loved her and she loved him). Don und Susie liebten sich wirklich (= er liebte sie und sie liebte ihn).
easy + It would be the easiest thing in the world to fall in love with him. Es wäre das Einfachste, sich in ihn zu verlieben.
especially + I love Rome, especially in the spring. Ich liebe Rom, besonders im Frühling.
essential + This book is essential reading for all nature lovers. Dieses Buch ist für alle Naturliebhaber eine unverzichtbare Lektüre.
fault + I love her for all her faults (= in spite of them). Ich liebe sie für all ihre Fehler (= trotz allem).
favourite + She loved all her grandchildren but Ann was her favourite. Sie liebte alle ihre Enkelkinder, aber Ann war ihr Liebling.
fine + He tried to appeal to their finer feelings (= feelings of duty, love, etc.). Er versuchte, ihre feineren Gefühle (= Pflichtgefühle, Liebe usw.) anzusprechen.
forever + I'll love you forever! Ich werde dich für immer lieben!
fur + fur-lined gloves Pelzhandschuhe
in general + This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular. Dies ist ein entscheidendes Jahr für Ihre Beziehungen im Allgemeinen und Ihr Liebesleben im Besonderen.
gold + I love the reds and golds of autumn. Ich liebe die Rot- und Goldtöne des Herbstes.
happen to sb/sth + Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy (= have you any news about her)? Weißt du, was mit Gill Lovecy passiert ist (= hast du etwas von ihr gehört)?
hate + a strange relationship built on love and hate eine seltsame Beziehung, aufgebaut auf Liebe und Hass
hear + sb/sth is heard to do sth: She has been heard to make threats to her former lover. sb/sth soll etw. tun: Sie wurde gehört, um ihren ehemaligen Geliebten zu bedrohen.
heart + The words 'I love you' were written inside a big red heart. Die Worte "Ich liebe dich" wurden in einem großen roten Herzen geschrieben.
her + Meg loves her job. Meg liebt ihren Job.
hill + I love walking in the hills (= in the area where there are hills). Ich liebe es, in den Bergen zu wandern (= in der Gegend, wo es Hügel gibt).
hold + The lovers held each other close. Die Liebenden hielten sich eng zusammen.
home + It was a lovely day so I walked home. Es war ein schöner Tag, also ging ich nach Hause.
how + Do you remember how (= that) the kids always loved going there? Erinnern Sie sich noch daran, wie (= das) die Kinder es immer liebten, dorthin zu gehen?
ideal + the search for ideal love die Suche nach der idealen Liebe
in + I'm in love! Ich bin verliebt!
jewellery + She has some lovely pieces of jewellery. Sie hat schöne Schmuckstücke.
joke + joke that...: She joked that she only loved him for his money. Witz das...: Sie hat gescherzt, dass sie ihn nur wegen seines Geldes geliebt hat.
knitted + knitted gloves Strickhandschuhe
language + They fell in love in spite of the language barrier (= the difficulty of communicating when people speak different languages). Sie verliebten sich trotz der Sprachbarriere (= die Schwierigkeit, sich zu verständigen, wenn Menschen verschiedene Sprachen spreche
life + articles about the love lives of the stars Artikel über das Liebesleben der Sterne
love + Take care, my love. Pass auf dich auf, meine Liebe.
love + He was the love of my life (= the person I loved most). Er war die Liebe meines Lebens (= der Mensch, den ich am meisten liebte).
love + I like most sports but tennis is my first love. Tennis ist meine erste Liebe.
love + a love of learning die Liebe zum Lernen
love + He's in love with his work. Er liebt seine Arbeit.
love + I fell in love with the house. Ich habe mich in das Haus verliebt.
love + a love song/story ein Liebeslied / Geschichte
love + We're in love! Wir lieben uns!
love + She was in love with him. Sie war in ihn verliebt.
love + They fell in love with each other. Sie verliebten sich ineinander.
love + It was love at first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met). Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick (= sie wurden einander angezogen, als sie sich das erste Mal trafen).
love + They're madly in love. Sie sind wahnsinnig verliebt.
love + Their love grew with the years. Ihre Liebe wuchs mit den Jahren.
love + a mother's love for her children die Liebe einer Mutter zu ihren Kindern
love + love of your country Liebe deines Landes
love + He seems incapable of love. Er scheint unfähig zu lieben.
love + love sth: I really love summer evenings. etw.[Akk] lieben: Ich liebe Sommerabende.
love + I just love it when you bring me presents! Ich liebe es, wenn du mir Geschenke bringst!
love + He loved the way she smiled. Er liebte ihr Lächeln.
love + I love it in Spain (= I like the life there). Ich liebe es in Spanien (= ich mag das Leben dort).
love + It was one of his best-loved songs. Es war eines seiner beliebtesten Lieder.
love + You're going to love this. They've changed their minds again. Das wird dir gefallen. Sie haben ihre Meinung wieder geändert.
love + love doing sth: My dad loves going to football games. Liebe tun etw.: Mein Vater liebt es, zu Fußballspielen zu gehen.
love + love to do sth: I love to go out dancing. Lieben Sie es, etw. zu tun: Ich liebe es, tanzen zu gehen.
love + love sb/sth to do sth: He loved her to sing to him. jdn. /etw.[Akk] an etw.[Dat] lieben, um etw.[Akk] zu tun: Er liebte sie, um für ihn zu singen.
love + love to do sth: Come on Rory, the kids would love to hear you sing. Ich liebe es, etw. zu tun: Komm schon, Rory, die Kinder würden dich gerne singen hören.
love + I haven't been to Brazil, but I'd love to go. Ich war noch nicht in Brasilien, aber ich würde gerne mitkommen.
love + love sb/sth to do sth: I'd love her to come and live with us. jdn. /etw.[Akk] für etw.[Akk] lieben, ich würde sie gerne bei uns wohnen lassen.
love + love sth: 'Cigarette?' 'I'd love one, but I've just given up.' Lieben Sie etw.:"Zigarette?" "Ich hätte gern eins, aber ich habe gerade aufgegeben."
love + I love you. Ich liebe dich.
love + If you love each other, why not get married? Wenn ihr euch liebt, warum heiratet ihr nicht?
love + Her much-loved brother lay dying of AIDS. Ihr geliebter Bruder lag im Sterben an AIDS.
love + He had become a well-loved member of staff. Er war ein beliebter Mitarbeiter geworden.
love + Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost. Verwandte brauchen Zeit, um über die verlorenen Lieben zu trauern.
love + to love your country Ihr Land zu lieben
lovely + lovely countryside/eyes/flowers schöne Landschaft/Augen/Blumen
lovely + She looked particularly lovely that night. Sie sah an dem Abend besonders hübsch aus.
lovely + He has a lovely voice. Er hat eine schöne Stimme.
lovely + 'Can I get you anything?' 'A cup of tea would be lovely.' Kann ich dir etwas bringen? "Eine Tasse Tee wäre schön."
lovely + What a lovely surprise! Was für eine schöne Überraschung!
lovely + How lovely to see you! Wie schön, dich zu sehen!
lovely + Isn't it a lovely day? Ist es nicht ein schöner Tag?
lovely + We've had a lovely time. Wir hatten eine schöne Zeit.
lovely + It's a lovely old farm. Es ist eine schöne alte Farm.
lovely + It's been lovely having you here. Es war schön, dich hier zu haben.
lovely + You've got yourself into a lovely mess, haven't you? Du hast dich in eine schöne Sauerei verwickelt, nicht wahr?
lovely + Her mother was a lovely woman. Ihre Mutter war eine reizende Frau.
lover + He denied that he was her lover. Er bestritt, dass er ihr Liebhaber war.
lover + We were lovers for several years. Wir waren mehrere Jahre lang Liebhaber.
lover + The park was full of young lovers holding hands. Der Park war voll von jungen Liebhabern, die Händchen hielten.
lover + a lover of music Musikliebhaber
lover + an art-lover ein Kunstliebhaber
lover + a nature-lover eine Naturliebhaberin
mad + mad with sth: to be mad with anger/excitement/grief/love verrückt nach etw.[Dat]: vor Wut/Euphorie/Grief/Liebe wütend sein
magic + He loved the magic and mystery of the place. Er liebte die Magie und das Geheimnis des Ortes.
match + a scarf with gloves to match ein Tuch mit Handschuhen, passend dazu
meaning + With Anna he learned the meaning of love. Mit Anna lernte er die Bedeutung der Liebe kennen.
missing + My gloves have been missing for ages. Meine Handschuhe sind schon seit Ewigkeiten verschwunden.
murder + He denies murdering his wife's lover. Er bestreitet den Mord an der Geliebten seiner Frau.
of + the love of a mother for her child die Liebe einer Mutter zu ihrem Kind
one + He ached to be home with his loved ones. Er weinte, bei seinen Lieben zu Hause zu sein.
the only thing is... + I'd love to come—the only thing is I might be late. Ich würde gerne kommen. Das Einzige ist, dass ich mich verspäten könnte.
outdoors + They both have a love of the outdoors. Sie lieben beide die Natur.
pair + a pair of gloves/shoes/earrings, etc. ein Paar Handschuhe/Schuhe/Ohrringe etc.
in particular + He loves science fiction in particular. Er liebt Science Fiction besonders.
passing + I love him more with each passing day. Ich liebe ihn mehr mit jedem Tag, der vergeht.
physical + physical love körperliche Liebe
platform + Coming onto the platform now is tonight's conductor, Jane Glover. Heute Abend kommt Jane Glover, die Dirigentin des heutigen Abends.
plot + a conventional plot about love and marriage eine konventionelle Handlung über Liebe und Ehe
pretend + She didn't love him, though she pretended to. Sie liebte ihn nicht, obwohl sie so tat, als würde sie ihn lieben.
pull + He felt the pull of paternal love. Er spürte den Sog der väterlichen Liebe.
quote + She said, and I quote, 'Life is meaningless without love.' Sie sagte, und ich zitiere:"Das Leben ist sinnlos ohne Liebe."
really + I really and truly am in love this time. Ich bin dieses Mal wirklich und wahrhaftig verliebt.
recover + It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one. Es kann viele Jahre dauern, bis man sich vom Tod eines geliebten Menschen erholt hat.
regular + He's just a regular guy who loves his dog. Er ist nur ein normaler Typ, der seinen Hund liebt.
respect + a much loved and highly respected teacher eine sehr beliebte und angesehene Lehrerin
root + Money, or love of money, is said to be the root of all evil. Geld oder Liebe zu Geld soll die Wurzel allen Übels sein.
scene + love/sex scenes Liebes-/Sexszenen
send + send sth: My parents send their love. etw.[Akk] senden: Meine Eltern grüßen Sie herzlich.
sense + The word 'love' is used in different senses by different people. Das Wort "Liebe" wird von verschiedenen Menschen in unterschiedlichen Sinnen verwendet.
share + share in sth: I didn't really share in her love of animals. an etw. teilhaben: Ich habe ihre Liebe zu Tieren nicht wirklich geteilt.
at first sight + It was love at first sight (= we fell in love the first time we saw each other). Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick (= wir verliebten uns, als wir uns das erste Mal sahen).
at first sight + We fell in love with the house at first sight. Wir haben uns auf den ersten Blick in das Haus verliebt.
so + I do love it so. Ich liebe es so sehr.
song + a folk/love/pop, etc. song ein Volkslied/Liebe/Pop, etc.
story + adventure/detective/love, etc. stories Abenteuer/Detektiv/Liebe, etc.
be supposed to do/be sth + She's supposed to have had hundreds of lovers. Sie soll Hunderte von Liebhabern gehabt haben.
surround + As a child I was surrounded by love and kindness. Als Kind war ich von Liebe und Freundlichkeit umgeben.
than + He loves me more than you do. Er liebt mich mehr als du.
thanks + 'Do you want to come with us?' 'I'd love to, thanks.' Willst du mit uns mitkommen? "Ich würde gerne, danke."
that's it + You don't love me any more, is that it? Du liebst mich nicht mehr, oder?
time + The baby loves bath time. Das Baby liebt Badezeit.
title + His poems were published under the title of 'Love and Reason'. Seine Gedichte wurden unter dem Titel' Love and Reason' veröffentlicht.
to + I'd love to go to France this summer. Ich würde diesen Sommer gerne nach Frankreich fahren.
type + I love this type of book. Ich liebe solche Bücher.
type + I love these types of books. Ich liebe solche Bücher.
type + I love these type of books. Ich liebe solche Bücher.
walk + walk sth: They love walking the moors. etw.[Akk] spazieren gehen: Sie lieben es, durch die Heide zu gehen.
well + a well-loved tale eine beliebte Geschichte
when + I loved history when I was at school. Ich liebte Geschichte, als ich in der Schule war.
win + She loves to win an argument. Sie liebt es, Streit zu gewinnen.
word + words of love Liebesworte
worship + He worshipped her from afar (= he loved her but did not tell her his feelings). Er verehrte sie aus der Ferne (= er liebte sie, sagte ihr aber nicht seine Gefühle).
would + I'd love a coffee. Ich hätte gern einen Kaffee.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
1 + I love you.
13 他们 女儿 可爱 + Their daughter is lovely.
31 游泳 + I love swimming.
50 + Do you love me?
59 母亲 + I love my mother.
61 妈妈 疼爱 + Mom loves me very much.
83 喜欢 + She loves little dogs.
89 我们 爱护 地球 + We should love and protect our planet.
100 喜欢 饺子 + I love jiaozi (filled dumplings).
129 我们 冰淇淋 + We all love ice cream.
327 喜欢 衣服 + I love buying clothes.
437 一生 + I will love you my whole life.
447 许诺 一生 + I promise to love you all the days of my life.
558 音乐 + She loves listening to music.
624 喜欢 米饭 + I love rice.
688 喜欢 + I love meat.
727 玫瑰 联想 爱情 + Roses remind people of love.
814 我们 爱护 生命 + We should love and protect all lives.
904 足球 + He loves playing soccer.
952 跳舞 姿态 + Her motions when dancing are lovely.
964 爱护 大自然 + Please love and protect the natural environment.
994 我们 喜欢 海洋 + We love the sea.
1086 钻石 代表 永恒 + Diamonds represents eternal love.
1092 中国人 普遍 包子 + Most Chinese love to eat baozi.
1099 儿子 喜欢 沙子 + My son loves playing in the sand.
1133 喜欢 文学 名著 + I love reading literary classics.
1215 母女俩 喜欢 养花 + The mother and her daughter both love growing flowers.
1248 夫妇 恩爱 + The old couple love each other very much.
1341 小朋友 喜欢 马戏 表演 + All children love watching a circus performance.
1433 喜欢 拳击 打斗 + He loves boxing and fighting.
1441 她们 喜欢 海岛 旅游 + They love island vacations.
1521 喜欢 骨头 + The little dog loves bones.
1548 喜欢 吃素 + She loves eating vegetarian food.
1563 手套 + She's wearing a pair of gloves.
1574 他们 喜欢 探险 + They love exploring.
1578 儿子 喜欢 打鼓 + My son loves playing drums.
1599 喜欢 冰淇淋 + She really loves ice cream.
1603 喜欢 炸鸡 + I love eating fried chicken.
1659 喜欢 日本菜 尤其 寿司 + I love Japanese food, especially sushi.
1690 他们 恩爱 + They love each other very much.
1738 杏仁 + I love almonds
1739 仁慈 表现 + Mercy is the expression of love.
1865 喜欢 南瓜汤 + I love pumpkin soup.
1896 我们 彼此 相爱 + We're in love with each other.
1939 喜欢 徒步 旅行 + He loves traveling on foot.
1975 喜欢 冒险 + He loves going on adventures.
2054 美好 爱情 珍惜 + A beautiful love is worth treasuring.
2084 女儿 最爱 糖果 + My daughter loves candies the most.
2264 喜欢 温泉 + I love going to hot spring baths.
2350 孩子们 西瓜 + Children love watermelon.
2365 喜欢 潜水 + She loves diving.
2395 孩子 魔术 + All children love watching magic tricks.
2482 父母 疼爱 自己 孩子 + All parents love their children.
2525 蔬菜 + She loves vegetables.
2535 儿子 喜欢 小鸡仔 + My son loves little chicks.
2719 他们 恋爱 + They're in love.
3089 孩子们 喜欢 游泳 + Children love to swim.
3104 + I love shrimp.
3151 喜欢 蛋糕 + I love cake.
3258 有情人 眷属 + The lovers finally got married.
3335 这里 橡胶 手套 + There's a pair of rubber gloves here.
3382 喜欢 咖啡 + She loves coffee.
3412 生命 蕴含 母爱 + In every single life there lies maternal love.
3424 中国菜 譬如 北京 烤鸭 + I love eating Chinese dishes, like Beijing roast duck, for instance.
3427 啤酒 + He's a beer lover.
3474 喜欢 + He loves smoked meat.
3482 可爱 小妞 + She's a lovely little girl.
3531 螃蟹 + I love eating crab.
3632 这个 卡通 形象 可爱 + This cartoon is very (super) lovely.

我爱你. wǒ ài nǐ. I love you. Ich liebe dich.
他们的女儿很可爱。 Tāmen de nǚ'ér hěn kě'ài. Their daughter is lovely. Ihre Tochter ist reizend.
我爱游泳。 Wǒ ài yóuyǒng. I love swimming. Ich liebe Schwimmen.
你爱我吗? nǐ ài wǒ ma? Do you love me? Liebst du mich?
我爱我的母亲。 Wǒ ài wǒ de mǔqin. I love my mother. Ich liebe meine Mutter.
妈妈很疼爱我。 Māma hěn téng'ài wǒ. Mom loves me very much. Mom liebt mich sehr.
她喜欢小狗。 Tā xǐhuan xiǎo gǒu. She loves little dogs. Sie liebt kleine Hunde.
我们要爱护地球。 Wǒmen yào àihù dìqiú. We should love and protect our planet. Wir sollten unseren Planeten lieben und beschützen.
我喜欢吃饺子。 Wǒ xǐhuan chī jiǎozi. I love jiaozi (filled dumplings). Ich liebe Jiaozi (gefüllte Teigtaschen).
我们都爱吃冰淇淋。 Wǒmen dōu ài chī bīngqilín. We all love ice cream. Wir alle lieben Eis.
我喜欢买衣服。 Wǒ xǐhuan mǎi yīfu. I love buying clothes. Ich liebe es, Kleider zu kaufen.
我会爱你一生一世。 Wǒ huì ài nǐ yīshēng-yīshì. I will love you my whole life. Ich werde dich mein ganzes Leben lang lieben.
我许诺会爱你一生一世。 wǒ xǔnuò huì ài nǐ yīshēng-yīshì. I promise to love you all the days of my life. Ich verspreche, dass ich dich mein Leben lang lieben werde.
她爱听音乐。 Tā ài tīngyīn lè. She loves listening to music. Sie liebt es, Musik zu hören.
我喜欢吃米饭。 Wǒ xǐhuan chī mǐfàn. I love rice. Ich liebe Reis.
我喜欢吃肉。 Wǒ xǐhuan chī ròu. I love meat. Ich liebe Fleisch.
玫瑰让人联想到爱情。 Méigui ràng rén liánxiǎng dào àiqíng. Roses remind people of love. Rosen erinnern an Liebe.
我们要爱护生命。 Wǒmen yào àihù shēngmìng. We should love and protect all lives. Wir sollten alle Leben lieben und beschützen.
他爱踢足球。 Tā ài tī zúqiú. He loves playing soccer. Er liebt Fußball spielen.
她跳舞时的姿态很美。 Tā tiàowǔ shí de zītài hěn měi. Her motions when dancing are lovely. Ihre Bewegungen beim Tanzen sind reizend.
请爱护大自然。 Qǐng àihù dàzìrán. Please love and protect the natural environment. Bitte lieben und schützen Sie die natürliche Umwelt.
我们很喜欢海洋。 Wǒmen hěn xǐhuan hǎiyáng. We love the sea. Wir lieben das Meer.
钻石代表着永恒的爱。 Zuànshí dàibiǎo zhe yǒnghéng de ài. Diamonds represents eternal love. Diamanten repräsentieren die ewige Liebe.
我喜欢看文学名着。 Wǒ xǐhuan kàn wénxué míngzhe. I love reading literary classics. Ich liebe es, Literaturklassiker zu lesen.
中国人普遍都爱吃包子。 Zhōngguórén pǔbiàn dōu ài chī bāozi. Most Chinese love to eat baozi. Die meisten Chinesen essen gerne Baozi.
儿子喜欢玩沙子。 Érzi xǐhuan wán shāzi. My son loves playing in the sand. Mein Sohn liebt es, im Sand zu spielen.
母女俩都很喜欢养花。 Mǔ-nǚ liǎ dōu hěn xǐhuan yǎng huā. The mother and her daughter both love growing flowers. Die Mutter und ihre Tochter lieben es, Blumen zu züchten.
这对老夫妇很恩爱。 Zhè duì lǎofū fù hěn ēn'ài. The old couple love each other very much. Das alte Paar liebt sich sehr.
小朋友都很喜欢看马戏表演。 Xiǎopéngyǒu dōu hěn xǐhuan kàn mǎxì biǎoyǎn. All children love watching a circus performance. Alle Kinder lieben es, einer Zirkusvorstellung zuzusehen.
他喜欢拳击打斗。 Tā xǐhuan quánjī dǎdòu. He loves boxing and fighting. Er liebt Boxen und Kämpfen.
她们喜欢去海岛旅游。 Tāmen xǐhuan qù hǎidǎo lǚyóu. They love island vacations. Sie lieben Inselferien.
小狗喜欢吃骨头。 Xiǎo gǒu xǐhuan chī gǔtou. The little dog loves bones. Der kleine Hund liebt Knochen.
她喜欢吃素。 Tā xǐhuan chīsù. She loves eating vegetarian food. Sie isst gerne vegetarisches Essen.
她戴着一副手套。 Tā dàizhe yī fùshǒu tào. She's wearing a pair of gloves. Sie trägt Handschuhe.
他们喜欢探险。 Tāmen xǐhuan tànxiǎn. They love exploring. Sie lieben es zu erforschen.
儿子很喜欢打鼓。 Érzi hěn xǐhuan dǎgǔ. My son loves playing drums. Mein Sohn spielt gerne Schlagzeug.
她很喜欢吃冰淇淋。 Tā hěn xǐhuan chī bīngqilín. She really loves ice cream. Sie liebt Eis wirklich.
我喜欢吃炸鸡。 Wǒ xǐhuan chī 【◎Fix:◎zhà;◎zhá】 jī. I love eating fried chicken. Ich esse gern Brathähnchen.
我喜欢吃日本菜,尤其是寿司。 Wǒ xǐhuan chī Rìběn cài,yóuqíshì shòusī. I love Japanese food, especially sushi. Ich liebe japanisches Essen, besonders Sushi.
他们很恩爱。 Tāmen hěn ēn'ài. They love each other very much. Sie lieben sich sehr.
我爱吃杏仁。 Wǒ ài chī xìngrén. I love almonds Ich liebe Mandeln
仁慈是爱的表现。 Réncí shì ài de biǎoxiàn. Mercy is the expression of love. Barmherzigkeit ist der Ausdruck der Liebe.
我喜欢喝南瓜汤。 Wǒ xǐhuan hē nánguā tāng. I love pumpkin soup. Ich liebe Kürbissuppe.
我们彼此相爱。 Wǒmen bǐcǐ xiāng'ài. We're in love with each other. Wir lieben uns.
他喜欢徒步旅行。 Tā xǐhuan túbù lǚxíng. He loves traveling on foot. Er liebt es zu Fuß zu reisen.
他喜欢冒险。 Tā xǐhuan màoxiǎn. He loves going on adventures. Er liebt Abenteuer.
美好的爱情是令人珍惜的。 Měihǎo de àiqíng shì lìngrén zhēnxī de. A beautiful love is worth treasuring. Eine schöne Liebe ist einen Schatz wert.
女儿最爱吃糖果。 Nǚ'ér zuì ài chī tángguǒ. My daughter loves candies the most. Meine Tochter liebt Süßigkeiten am meisten.
我很喜欢泡温泉。 Wǒ hěn xǐhuan 【◎Fix:◎pào;◎pāo】 wēnquán. I love going to hot spring baths. Ich liebe es, in heiße Quellen zu baden.
孩子们爱吃西瓜。 Háizi men ài chī xīguā. Children love watermelon. Kinder lieben Wassermelone.
她喜欢潜水。 Tā xǐhuan qiánshuǐ. She loves diving. Sie liebt Tauchen.
孩子都爱看魔术。 Háizi dōu ài kàn móshù. All children love watching magic tricks. Alle Kinder lieben es, sich Zaubertricks anzusehen.
父母都疼爱自己的孩子。 Fùmǔ dōu téng'ài zìjǐ de háizi. All parents love their children. Alle Eltern lieben ihre Kinder.
她爱吃蔬菜。 Tā ài chī shūcài. She loves vegetables. Sie liebt Gemüse.
儿子喜欢小鸡仔。 Érzi xǐhuan xiǎo jī 【◎Fix:◎zǐ;◎zǎi;◎zī】. My son loves little chicks. Mein Sohn liebt kleine Tussis.
他们恋爱了。 Tāmen liàn'ài le. They're in love. Sie sind verliebt.
我爱吃虾。 Wǒ ài chī xiā. I love shrimp. Ich liebe Garnelen.
孩子们都喜欢游泳。 Háizi men dōu xǐhuan yóuyǒng. Children love to swim. Kinder lieben es zu schwimmen.
我很喜欢吃蛋糕。 Wǒ hěn xǐhuan chī dàngāo. I love cake. Ich liebe Kuchen.
有情人终成眷属。 Yǒuqíngrén zhōng chéng juànshǔ. The lovers finally got married. Die Liebenden heirateten schließlich.
这里有一副橡胶手套。 Zhèlǐ yǒu yī fù xiàngjiāo shǒutào. There's a pair of rubber gloves here. Hier sind ein paar Gummihandschuhe.
她喜欢喝咖啡。 Tā xǐhuan hē kāfēi. She loves coffee. Sie liebt Kaffee.
每一个生命都蕴含着母爱。 Měi yīgè shēngmìng dōu yùn hánzhe mǔ'ài. In every single life there lies maternal love. In jedem Leben liegt mütterliche Liebe.
我爱吃中国菜,譬如北京烤鸭。 Wǒ ài chī Zhōngguó cài,pìrú Běijīng kǎoyā. I love eating Chinese dishes, like Beijing roast duck, for instance. Ich esse gerne chinesische Gerichte, wie z. B. gebratene Pekinger Ente.
他很爱喝啤酒。 Tā hěn ài hē píjiǔ. He's a beer lover. Er ist ein Bierliebhaber.
他喜欢吃熏肉。 Tā xǐhuan chī xūnròu. He loves smoked meat. Er liebt geräuchertes Fleisch.
她是可爱的小妞。 Tā shì kě'ài de xiǎo niū. She's a lovely little girl. Sie ist ein reizendes kleines Mädchen.
我爱吃螃蟹。 Wǒ ài chī pángxiè. I love eating crab. Ich liebe es, Krabben zu essen.
Lesson 008. Let’s talk about hobbies.
ai4 + to love
Lesson 008. Let’s talk about hobbies.
Wo3 ai4 ni3. + I love you.
Lesson 012. Home Sweet Home. (OPD)
shuang1ren2 sha1fa1 + love seat
Lesson 013. My Family.
ke3'ai4 + cute / lovely
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
ai4qing2 + love
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
ai4 + to love
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Wo3 ai4 ni3. + I love you.
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Ni3 ai4 wo3 ma? + Do you love me?
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
yi1jian4zhong1qing2 + love at first sight
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Ni3 xiang1xin4 yi1jian4zhong1qing2 ma? + Do you believe in love at first sight?
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
tan2 lian4'ai4 + to be in love
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Ta1men zai4 tan2 lian4'ai4. + They are in love.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 ai4 chi1 shui3guo3. + I love eating fruits.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
xiang1qin1xiang1'ai4 + to be close and love each other
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Wo3 zhu4 ni3men xiang1qin1xiang1'ai4! + I wish you to be close and love each other!
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
yong3yu4ai4he2# + swim in the river of love forever
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Wo3 te4bie2 xi3huan la1 xiao3ti2qin2. + I love to play violin.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Wo3 te4bie2 xi3huan shou3ji2 Zhong1guo2 ci2qi4. + I love collecting Chinese porcelain.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

vive la politique, vive l’amour + long live politics, long live love

j’étais fou amoureux. elle m’aimait bien + I was head-over-heels in love. she loved me a lot

je ne vous ai jamais mieux aimée + I have never loved you more

tu sais que je t’aime + you know I love you

j’étais amoureuse pendant une brève période de ma vie + I was in love for a brief period of my life

l’amour et ses conséquences sont au centre de ce roman + love and its consequences are the focus of this novel

elle est jolie, riche, mince ... et amoureuse de mon mari + she is cute, rich, thin ... and in love with my husband

rien ne pourrait détruire mon amour pour toi + nothing could destroy my love for you

tu es mon frère, et je t’aime + you’re my brother, and I love you

lire et faire l’amour sont ses occupations préférées + reading and making love are his favorite pastimes

les réformistes adoraient suivre l’évolution de la dette + the reformists love to follow the debt’s progress

l’amour se change en haine + love changes to hatred

j’adore créer les personnages féminins + I love creating female characters

nous nous sommes aimés autrefois + we loved each other once

je t’aime aussi papa + I love you too daddy

j’ai reçu le scénario, je l’ai lu et j’ai adoré + I received the screenplay, I read it, and I loved it

moi, j’ai toujours été amoureux de toi + I have always been in love with you

nous ne parlerons plus de nos amours respectives + we will no longer speak of our respective loves

je suis son amour exclusif + I’m his only love

j’ai eu des parents amateurs de théâtre + I have parents who love the theater

si tu m’aimes vraiment, pardonne-moi + if you really love me, forgive me

votre amoureux vous a donné un baiser d’adieu + your lover gave you a goodbye kiss

ils deviennent copains, amis, amoureux bientôt + they soon became buddies, friends, lovers

en amour, vous serez dépendant, heureux ou malheureux + in love you’ll be dependent, whether happy or unhappy

une paire de gants nous suffisait + a pair of gloves was sufficient for us

je ne t’aime plus. adieu + I don’t love you any more. farewell

j’ai découvert la secte lors d’un stage d’été en Slovénie + I found the sect during a summer internship in Slovenia

tu m’as aimé par ignorance! + you loved me out of ignorance!

se séparer explicitement de l’amour + to separate oneself explicitly from love

elle était folle de son amant + she was crazy about her lover

tu renies ton passé, notre amour, TA fille + you’re disowning your past, our love, YOUR daughter

j’aimais tant étudier que je trouvais passionnant d’enseigner + I loved studying so much that I found teaching exciting

je souffre ... du syndrome du manque d’amour + I suffer from lack-of-love syndrome

le mari était comte. l’amant était marquis + the husband was a count. the lover was a marquis
07543288-n love
13596569-n love
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 love +
+ + + + 103 love +
+ + + + 103 love +
+ + + + 103 love +
+ + + + 103 love +
+ + + + 103 love +
+ + + + 103 love +
+ + + + 103 love +
+ + + + 103 love +
+ + + + 103 love +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
love cưng, người yêu + +
love tình yêu, lãng mạn + +
love tình yêu + +
love không + +
love yêu + +
love yêu + +
love yêu + +
love yêu + +
tình yêu + + love