1 认识 ren4 shi5 to know/ to recognize/ to be familiar with/ acquainted with sth/ knowledge/ understanding/ awareness/ cognition
3 阿姨 a1 yi2 maternal aunt/ step-mother/ childcare worker/ nursemaid/ woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 透明 tou4 ming2 transparent/ open (non-secretive)
5 似乎 si4 hu1 apparently/ to seem/ to appear/ as if/ seemingly
5 人事 ren2 shi4 human affairs/ ways of the world/ consciousness of the world/ what is humanly possible/ personnel matters/ sexual awareness/ sexual passion/ facts of life
6 公婆 gong1 po2 husband's parents/ parents-in-law
6 觉悟 jue2 wu4 consciousness/ awareness/ Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda)
6 同胞 tong2 bao1 born of the same parents/ fellow citizen or countryman
6 看来 kan4 lai2 apparently/ it seems that/ it appears/ it seems
6 孝顺 xiao4 shun5 filial piety/ to be obedient to one's parents
6 意识 yi4 shi2 consciousness/ awareness/ consciously (i.e. deliberately)/ to be aware

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Eltern parents cha mẹ
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
058 1117
Aren’t you hungry?
069 1333
The children cannot find their parents.
069 1334
Here come their parents!
077 1483
Why aren’t you coming?
077 1489
Why aren’t you coming?
079 1523
Why aren’t you eating the cake?
079 1526
Why aren’t you drinking the beer?
079 1529
Why aren’t you drinking the coffee?
079 1532
Why aren’t you drinking the tea?
079 1535
Why aren’t you eating the soup?
101 1972
Who are the girl’s parents?
101 1973
How do I get to her parents’ house?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A06 40 290
我 和 岳父 岳母 处得 不好 。 + ฉันไม่ได้อยู่กับพ่อแม่ของฉันในกฎหมาย + Tôi không thích hợp với bố mẹ chồng. + I'm not getting along with my parents-in-law. + Ich komme mit meinen Schwiegereltern nicht klar. + Non sto andando d' accordo con i miei genitori-in-law. + Je ne m'entends pas avec mes beaux-parents. + No me estoy llevando bien con mis suegros. + Ik schiet niet op met mijn schoonouders. + ( wǒ hé yuèfù yuèmǔ chǔde· bùhǎo.)
B02 7 1057
她的 父母 出生 在 里约热内卢 。 + พ่อแม่ของเธอเกิดที่เมืองริโอเดจาเนโร + Bố mẹ cô ấy sinh ra ở Rio de Janeiro. + Her parents were born in Rio de Janeiro. + Ihre Eltern wurden in Rio de Janeiro geboren. + I suoi genitori sono nati a Rio de Janeiro. + Ses parents sont nés à Rio de Janeiro. + Sus padres nacieron en Río de Janeiro. + Haar ouders zijn geboren in Rio de Janeiro. + (tāde· fùmǔ chūshēng zài lǐyuērènèilú.)
B03 4 1104
这几间 办公室 不是 每天 打扫 。 + สำนักงานเหล่านี้ไม่ได้รับการทำความสะอาดทุกวัน + Mấy văn phòng này không được dọn dẹp hàng ngày. + These offices aren't cleaned every day. + Diese Büros werden nicht jeden Tag gereinigt. + Questi uffici non vengono puliti ogni giorno. + Ces bureaux ne sont pas nettoyés tous les jours. + Estas oficinas no se limpian todos los días. + Deze kantoren worden niet dagelijks gereinigd. + (zhèjǐjiān bàngōngshì búshì měitiān dásǎo.)
B03 32 1132
我爸妈 通常 待在 家 , 他们 不常 出去 。 + พ่อแม่ของฉันมักอยู่ที่บ้าน พวกเขาไม่ได้ออกไปข้างนอกบ่อยนัก + Bố mẹ tôi thường ở nhà. Họ không ra ngoài thường xuyên lắm. + My parents are usually at home. They don't go out very often. + Meine Eltern sind normalerweise zu Hause. Sie gehen nicht sehr oft aus. + I miei genitori sono di solito a casa. Non vanno fuori molto spesso. + Mes parents sont habituellement à la maison. Ils ne sortent pas souvent. + Mis padres suelen estar en casa. No salen muy a menudo. + Mijn ouders zijn meestal thuis. Ze gaan niet vaak uit. + (wǒbàmā tōngcháng dàizài jiā, tāmen· bùcháng chūqù.)
B05 26 1226
我爸妈 下个 礼拜 要去 渡假 。 听起来 很不错, 他们 要去 哪儿 ? + พ่อแม่ของฉันกำลังจะไปเที่ยวพักผ่อนในสัปดาห์หน้า - ฟังดูดีพวกเขาไปที่ไหน? + Bố mẹ tôi tuần sau sẽ đi nghỉ. Hay thế, họ đi đâu thế? + My parents are going on vacation next week. — Sounds good, where are they going? + Meine Eltern fahren nächste Woche in Urlaub. Klingt gut, wohin gehen sie? + I miei genitori stanno andando in vacanza la prossima settimana. Suona bene, dove vanno? + Mes parents partent en vacances la semaine prochaine. Ça sonne bien, où vont-ils? + Mis padres se irán de vacaciones la próxima semana. Suena bien, ¿adónde van? + Mijn ouders gaan volgende week op vakantie. Klinkt goed, waar gaan ze heen? + (wǒbàmā xiàge· lǐbài yàoqù dùjià. tīngqǐlái hěnbúcuò, tāmen· yàoqù nǎr?)
B09 31 1431
我的 钥匙 不在 客厅 , 所以 肯定在 厨房 。 + คีย์ของฉันไม่ได้อยู่ในห้องนั่งเล่นดังนั้นพวกเขาจึงต้องอยู่ในห้องครัว + Chùm chìa khoá của tôi không có trong phòng duy nhất nên hẳn là nó trong bếp. + My keys aren't in the living room, so they must be in the kitchen. + Meine Schlüssel sind nicht im Wohnzimmer, also müssen sie in der Küche sein. + Le mie chiavi non sono nel soggiorno, quindi devono essere in cucina. + Mes clés ne sont pas dans le salon, elles doivent être dans la cuisine. + Mis llaves no están en el salón, así que deben estar en la cocina. + Mijn sleutels zitten niet in de woonkamer, dus moeten ze in de keuken staan. + (wǒde· yàoshi· búzài kètīng, suóyí kěndìngzài chúfáng.)
B14 11 1661
这 附近 有什么 餐厅 吗 ? — 有的 。 — 没有。 + มีร้านอาหารอยู่ใกล้ ๆ หรือไม่? - ใช่แล้วล่ะ. - ไม่มีไม่ได้ + Có nhà hàng nào gần giá không? - Có. Không. + Are there any restaurants near here? — Yes, there are. — No, there aren't. + Gibt es hier in der Nähe irgendwelche Restaurants? Ja, die gibt es. Nein, gibt es nicht. + Ci sono ristoranti nelle vicinanze? Sì, ci sono. No, non ci sono. + Il y a des restaurants près d'ici? Oui, il y en a. Non, il n' y en a pas. + ¿Hay algún restaurante cerca de aquí? Sí, las hay. No, no los hay. + Zijn er restaurants in de buurt? Ja, dat zijn er. Nee, dat is niet het geval. + ( zhè fùjìn yǒushéme cāntīng mā? — yǒude·. — méiyǒu.)
B14 12 1662
这间 餐厅 非常 安静 , 里面 人 不多 。 + ร้านนี้เงียบมาก มีคนไม่มากที่นี่ + Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here. + Dieses Restaurant ist sehr ruhig. Es sind nicht viele Leute hier. + Questo ristorante è molto tranquillo. Non ci sono molte persone qui. + Ce restaurant est très calme. Il n' y a pas beaucoup de monde ici. + Este restaurante es muy tranquilo. No hay mucha gente aquí. + Dit restaurant is zeer rustig gelegen. Er zijn hier niet veel mensen. + (zhèjiān cāntīng fēicháng ānjìng, lǐmiàn rén bùduō.)
B14 19 1669
贝德福德 不是个 古老的 城市 , 那里 没有 古老的 建筑 。 + เบดฟอร์ดไม่ได้เป็นเมืองเก่า ไม่มีอาคารเก่าใด ๆ + Bedford không phải một thị trấn cũ. Không có toà nhà nào kiến trúc cả. + Bedford isn't an old town. There aren't any old buildings. + Bedford ist keine alte Stadt. Es gibt keine alten Gebäude. + Bedford non è una città vecchia. Non ci sono vecchi edifici. + Bedford n'est pas une vieille ville. Il n' y a pas de vieux bâtiments. + Bedford no es una ciudad vieja. No hay edificios antiguos. + Bedford is geen oude stad. Er zijn geen oude gebouwen. + ( bèidéfúdé búshìge· gúlǎode· chéngshì, nàli· méiyóu gúlǎode· jiànzhú.)
B14 22 1672
我家 有 五个 人 : 我的 爸爸妈妈 , 两个 妹妹 和 我 。 + ในครอบครัวมีครอบครัว (5): พ่อกับแม่, พี่สาวสองคนของฉันและฉัน + Có năm ngươi trọng người trong gia đình tôi: bối mẹ tôi hải em gái tôi và tôi. + There are five (5) people in my family: my parents, my two (2) sisters, and me. + Es gibt fünf (5) Personen in meiner Familie: meine Eltern, meine zwei (2) Schwestern und mich. + Ci sono cinque (5) persone nella mia famiglia: i miei genitori, le mie due (2) sorelle e me. + Il y a cinq (5) personnes dans ma famille: mes parents, mes deux (2) sœurs et moi. + Hay cinco (5) personas en mi familia: mis padres, mis dos (2) hermanas y yo. + Er zijn vijf (5) mensen in mijn familie: mijn ouders, mijn twee (2) zusters en ik. + (wǒjiā yóu wǔge· rén : wǒde· bàba·māma·, liǎngge· mèimei· hé wǒ.)
B14 27 1677
这里 没有 地方 坐 。 这里 没有 椅子 。 + ไม่มีที่ไหนเลยที่จะนั่งลง ไม่มีเก้าอี้ใด ๆ + Không có chỗ để ngồi. Không có cái ghế nào. + There's nowhere to sit down. There aren't any chairs. + Wir können uns nirgendwo hinsetzen. Es gibt keine Stühle. + Non c' è da nessuna parte dove sedersi. Non ci sono sedie. + Il n' y a nulle part où s'asseoir. Il n' y a pas de chaises. + No hay lugar donde sentarse. No hay sillas. + Er is nergens om te gaan zitten. Er zijn geen stoelen. + ( zhèli· méiyǒu dìfāng zuò. zhèli· méiyóu yǐzi·.)
B16 43 1793
汉娜 住在 瑞士 , 但 她 父母 不住在 瑞士 。 + ฮันนาห์อาศัยอยู่ในสวิตเซอร์แลนด์ แต่พ่อแม่ไม่ได้ + Hannah sống ở Thuỵ Sĩ nhưng bố mẹ cô ấy thì không. + Hannah lives in Switzerland, but her parents don't. + Hannah lebt in der Schweiz, aber ihre Eltern nicht. + Hannah vive in Svizzera, ma i suoi genitori non lo fanno. + Hannah vit en Suisse, mais pas ses parents. + Hannah vive en Suiza, pero sus padres no. + Hannah woont in Zwitserland, maar haar ouders niet. + (hànnà zhùzài ruìshì, dàn tā fùmǔ búzhùzài ruìshì.)
B17 2 1802
商店 还没 开 , 但 博物馆 开了 。 + ร้านยังไม่เปิด แต่พิพิธภัณฑ์คือ + Cửa hàng chưa mở cửa nhưng bảo tăng mở rồi. + The stores aren't open yet, but the museum is. + Die Läden sind noch nicht geöffnet, aber das Museum schon. + I negozi non sono ancora aperti, ma il museo. + Les magasins ne sont pas encore ouverts, mais le musée l'est. + Las tiendas aún no están abiertas, pero el museo sí. + De winkels zijn nog niet open, maar het museum wel. + (shāngdiàn háiméi kāi, dàn bówùguǎn kāile·.)
B17 37 1837
这双 鞋 真 不错 , 是不是 ? — 嗯 , 很好看。 + รองเท้าเหล่านี้ดูดีไม่ใช่เหรอ? - ใช่ดีมาก + Đôi giày kia đẹp đúng không? - Đúng, rất đẹp. + Those shoes are nice, aren't they? — Yes, very nice. + Diese Schuhe sind schön, nicht wahr? Ja, sehr schön. + Quelle scarpe sono belle, non sono? Sì, molto bello. + Ces chaussures sont belles, n'est-ce pas? Oui, très bien. + Esos zapatos son bonitos, ¿no? Sí, muy agradable. + Die schoenen zijn leuk, toch? Ja, heel mooi. + ( zhèshuāng xié zhēn búcuò, shìbúshì? — ń, hénhǎokàn.)
B18 11 1861
这些 花儿 真 好看 , 你 觉得 呢 ? — 是 啊, 这 是 什么 花儿 ? + ดอกไม้เหล่านี้ดีใช่มั้ย? - ใช่พวกเขาเป็นแบบไหน? + Những bông hoa này đẹp phải không? - Phải, hòa gì vậy? + These flowers are nice, aren't they? — Yes, what kind are they? + Diese Blumen sind schön, nicht wahr? Ja, was sind das für welche? + Questi fiori sono bei, non sono? Sì, che tipo sono? + Ces fleurs sont belles, n'est-ce pas? Oui, de quelle sorte sont-ils? + Estas flores son bonitas, ¿no? Sí, ¿de qué tipo son? + Deze bloemen zijn mooi, toch? Ja, wat voor soort zijn ze? + ( zhèxiē huār zhēn hǎokàn, nǐ juéde· nē? — shì a, zhè shì shéme huār?)
B18 18 1868
你 不累 , 是 吧 ? — 嗯 , 我 还好 。 + คุณไม่เบื่อคุณเป็น? - ไม่ฉันรู้สึกดี + Cậu không mệt à? - Không, tôi khoẻ. + You aren't tired, are you? — No, I feel fine. + Du bist nicht müde, oder? Nein, mir geht es gut. + Non sei stanco, sei tu? No, mi sento bene. + Tu n'es pas fatigué, hein? Non, je me sens bien. + No estás cansado, ¿verdad? No, me siento bien. + Je bent niet moe, toch? Nee, ik voel me prima. + ( nǐ búlèi, shì ba·? — ń, wǒ háihǎo.)
C01 9 2009
这栋 大楼前 不允许 停车 。 + ไม่อนุญาตให้จอดรถหน้าอาคาร - คุณไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้จอดรถไว้ด้านหน้าอาคาร + Việc đỗ xe trước mặt toà nhà không được cho phép. > Cậu không được phép đỗ xe trước mặt toà nhà. + Parking isn't allowed in front of the building. — You aren't allowed to park in front of the building. + Parken ist vor dem Gebäude nicht erlaubt. Es ist nicht erlaubt, vor dem Gebäude zu parken. + Il parcheggio non è consentito davanti all' edificio. Non è permesso parcheggiare davanti all' edificio. + Il est interdit de stationner devant le bâtiment. Vous n'avez pas le droit de vous garer devant le bâtiment. + El estacionamiento no está permitido delante del edificio. No se le permite estacionar delante del edificio. + Parkeren is niet toegestaan voor het gebouw. U mag niet voor het gebouw parkeren. + (zhèdòng dàlóuqián bùyúnxǔ tíngchē.)
C01 12 2012
她的 父母 不让 她 单独 出门 。 + พ่อแม่ของเธอไม่ยอมให้เธอออกไปคนเดียว + Bố mẹ cô ấy không để cho cô ấy ra ngoài một mình. + Her parents wouldn't let her go out alone. + Ihre Eltern wollten sie nicht allein rausgehen lassen. + I suoi genitori non l' avrebbero lasciata uscire da sola. + Ses parents ne la laissaient pas sortir seule. + Sus padres no la dejaban salir sola. + Haar ouders zouden haar niet alleen laten gaan. + (tāde· fùmǔ búràng tā dāndú chūmén.)
C04 21 2171
阿列克谢 不敢告诉 他的 父母 发生了 什么 事。 + อเล็กเซย์กลัวที่จะบอกพ่อแม่ว่าเกิดอะไรขึ้น + Xem sợ màn ăn khi nói với bố mẹ anh ấy về chuyện đã xảy ra. + Aleksey was afraid to tell his parents what happened. + Aleksey hatte Angst, seinen Eltern zu erzählen, was passiert ist. + Aleksey aveva paura di raccontare ai suoi genitori cosa è successo. + Aleksey avait peur de dire à ses parents ce qui s'est passé. + Aleksey tenía miedo de contarle a sus padres lo que había pasado. + Aleksey was bang om zijn ouders te vertellen wat er gebeurde. + ( ālièkèxiè bùgǎngàosù tāde· fùmǔ fāshēngle· shéme shì.)
C09 14 2414
这里的 游客 不是 很多 。 + มีนักท่องเที่ยวไม่มากนักที่นี่ - มีนักท่องเที่ยวไม่มากนัก + Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây. > Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây. + There aren't many tourists here. — There aren't a lot of tourists here. + Es gibt nicht viele Touristen hier. Es gibt nicht viele Touristen hier. + Non ci sono molti turisti qui. Qui non ci sono molti turisti. + Il n' y a pas beaucoup de touristes ici. Il n' y a pas beaucoup de touristes ici. + No hay muchos turistas aquí. No hay muchos turistas aquí. + Er zijn hier niet veel toeristen. Er zijn hier niet veel toeristen. + (zhèlǐde· yóukè búshì hěnduō.)
C12 47 2597
这些 苹果 还没 熟 , 不能吃 。 + แอปเปิ้ลเหล่านี้ไม่สุกพอที่จะกินได้ + Những quả táo này chưa đủ chín để ăn. + These apples aren't ripe enough to eat. + Diese Äpfel sind nicht reif genug, um zu essen. + Queste mele non sono abbastanza mature da mangiare. + Ces pommes ne sont pas assez mûres pour manger. + Estas manzanas no están lo suficientemente maduras para comer. + Deze appels zijn niet rijp genoeg om te eten. + (zhèxiē píngguǒ háiméi shú, bùnéngchī.)
C13 38 2638
我们 以前 是 好朋友 , 但是 现在 不是了 。 — 我们 再也 不是 朋友 了 。 + เราเคยเป็นเพื่อนที่ดี แต่เราไม่ได้เป็นอย่างนั้นอีกต่อไป - เราไม่ใช่เพื่อนกันแล้ว + Chúng tôi từng là bạn tốt nhưng giờ không còn nữa. > Chúng tôi không còn là bạn nữa. + We used to be good friends, but we aren't anymore. — We're no longer friends. + Wir waren mal gute Freunde, aber jetzt sind wir es nicht mehr. Wir sind keine Freunde mehr. + Eravamo buoni amici, ma non lo siamo più. Non siamo più amici. + Nous étions de bons amis, mais nous ne le sommes plus. On n'est plus amis. + Solíamos ser buenos amigos, pero ya no lo somos. Ya no somos amigos. + Vroeger waren we goede vrienden, maar we zijn niet meer. We zijn geen vrienden meer. + (wǒmen· yǐqián shì hǎopéngyǒu, dànshì xiànzài búshìle·. — wǒmen· zàiyě búshì péngyǒu le·.)
C15 39 2739
我父母 在 动物园 。 我姨 现在 要去 动物园跟 他们 会面 。 + พ่อแม่ของฉันอยู่ที่สวนสัตว์ ป้าของฉันกำลังไปที่สวนสัตว์เพื่อไปพบพวกเขาที่นั่น + Bố mẹ tôi đang ở vườn thú. Cô của tôi đang đến vườn thú để gặp họ. + My parents are at the zoo. My aunt is going to the zoo to meet them there. + Meine Eltern sind im Zoo. Meine Tante geht in den Zoo, um sie dort zu treffen. + I miei genitori sono allo zoo. Mia zia sta andando allo zoo per incontrarli lì. + Mes parents sont au zoo. Ma tante va au zoo pour les retrouver là-bas. + Mis padres están en el zoológico. Mi tía va al zoológico a reunirse con ellos allí. + Mijn ouders zijn in de dierentuin. Mijn tante gaat naar de dierentuin om ze daar te ontmoeten. + (wǒfùmǔ zài dòngwùyuán. wǒyí xiànzài yàoqù dòngwùyuán gēn tāmen· huìmiàn.)
C16 39 2789
你 跟 父母的 关系 好 吗 ? + คุณมีความสัมพันธ์ที่ดีกับพ่อแม่หรือไม่? + Cậu có quan hệ tốt với bố mẹ cậu không? + Do you have a good relationship with your parents? + Haben Sie ein gutes Verhältnis zu Ihren Eltern? + Avete un buon rapporto con i vostri genitori? + Avez-vous de bonnes relations avec vos parents? + ¿Tienes una buena relación con tus padres? + Heeft u een goede relatie met uw ouders? + ( nǐ gēn fùmǔde· guānxī hǎo mā?)
C16 47 2797
他 对 弟弟 要把 父母 送到 养老院的 想法 感到 很不开心 。 + เขาอารมณ์เสียกับเขาเพราะเขาต้องการที่จะนำพ่อแม่ของพวกเขาไปที่บ้านพักคนชรา + Anh ấy buồn với em trãi vì em trãi muốn đưa bố mẹ họ vào viện dưỡng lão. + He's upset with him because he wants to put their parents in a nursing home. + Er ist sauer auf ihn, weil er ihre Eltern in ein Pflegeheim stecken will. + E' sconvolto da lui perché vuole mettere i loro genitori in una casa di cura. + Il est fâché parce qu'il veut mettre leurs parents dans une maison de retraite. + Está molesto con él porque quiere poner a sus padres en un asilo de ancianos. + Hij is boos met hem omdat hij hun ouders in een verpleeghuis wil plaatsen. + (tā duì dìdì yàobǎ fùmǔ sòngdào yánglǎoyuànde· xiángfá gǎndào hěnbùkāixīn.)
C17 14 2814
有些 小孩儿 为 自己的 父母 感到 骄傲 , 而另 一些 则 觉得 丢脸。 + เด็กบางคนรู้สึกภาคภูมิใจกับพ่อแม่ของพวกเขาขณะที่บางคนรู้สึกอับอายกับพวกเขา + Một số đứa trẻ tự hào về bố mẹ chúng trong khi một số khác lại xấu hổ vì họ. + Some children feel proud of their parents, while others are ashamed of them. + Manche Kinder sind stolz auf ihre Eltern, andere schämen sich für sie. + Alcuni bambini si sentono orgogliosi dei loro genitori, mentre altri si vergognano di loro. + Certains enfants sont fiers de leurs parents, d'autres en ont honte. + Algunos niños se sienten orgullosos de sus padres, mientras que otros se avergüenzan de ellos. + Sommige kinderen voelen zich trots op hun ouders, anderen schamen zich voor hen. + ( yǒuxiē xiǎoháir wèi zìjǐde· fùmú gǎndào jiāoào, ér lìng yìxiē zé juéde· diūliǎn.)
C17 15 2815
有些 小孩儿 让 父母 感到 骄傲 , 而 另 一些则 让 父母 觉得 丢脸。 + เด็กหลายคนทำให้พ่อแม่ของพวกเขาภูมิใจในขณะที่บางคนทำให้พ่อแม่ของพวกเขารู้สึกอับอาย + Nhiều đứa trẻ làm bố mẹ chúng tự hào trong khi một số khác làm bố mẹ chúng xấu hổ. + Many children make their parents proud, while some make their parents ashamed. + Viele Kinder machen ihre Eltern stolz, während andere ihre Eltern beschämen. + Molti bambini fanno dei loro genitori orgogliosi, mentre alcuni si vergognano dei loro genitori. + Beaucoup d'enfants font la fierté de leurs parents, tandis que d'autres font honte à leurs parents. + Muchos niños hacen que sus padres se sientan orgullosos, mientras que otros hacen que sus padres se sientan avergonzados. + Veel kinderen maken hun ouders trots, terwijl sommigen hun ouders schamen. + ( yǒuxiē xiǎoháir ràng fùmú gǎndào jiāoào, ér lìng yìxiē zé ràng fùmǔ juéde· diūliǎn.)
C17 30 2830
如果 你 还 依赖 你的 父母 , 那 代表 你 还需要 他们的 钱 。 如果 不用 依赖 父母 , 那 说明 你 经济 独立 了 。 + หากคุณพึ่งพาพ่อแม่ของคุณหมายความว่าคุณยังต้องการเงิน ถ้าไม่ใช่คุณก็เป็นอิสระทางการเงิน + Nếu cậu phụ thuộc vào bố mẹ tức là cậu vẫn cần tiền từ họ. Nếu không thì cậu độc lập tài chính. + If you're dependent on your parents, it means you still need them for money. If not, then you're financially independent. + Wenn du von deinen Eltern abhängig bist, heißt das, dass du sie immer noch für Geld brauchst. Wenn nicht, dann sind Sie finanziell unabhängig. + Se sei dipendente dai tuoi genitori, significa che hai ancora bisogno di loro per i soldi. In caso contrario, allora sei finanziariamente indipendente. + Si vous dépendez de vos parents, cela signifie que vous en avez toujours besoin pour de l'argent. Sinon, vous êtes financièrement indépendant. + Si dependes de tus padres, significa que todavía los necesitas por dinero. Si no, entonces usted es financieramente independiente. + Als je afhankelijk bent van je ouders, betekent dit dat je ze nog steeds nodig hebt voor geld. Zo niet, dan bent u financieel onafhankelijk. + ( rúguó nǐ hái yīlài nǐde· fùmǔ, nà dàibiáo nǐ hái xūyào tāmen·de· qián. rúguǒ búyòng yīlài fùmǔ, nà shuōmíng nǐ jīngjì dúlì le·.)
C18 1 2851
维克拉姆 和 拉克希米 轮流 照顾 他们 年迈的父母 。 + Vikram และ Lakshmi ทั้งสองหันไปดูแลบิดามารดาผู้สูงอายุ + Vikram và Lakshmi đều thay phiên nhau chăm sóc bố mẹ già của họ. + Vikram and Lakshmi both take turns taking care of their elderly parents. + Vikram und Lakshmi kümmern sich abwechselnd um ihre älteren Eltern. + Vikram e Lakshmi si prendono cura a turno dei genitori anziani. + Vikram et Lakshmi s'occupent tour à tour de leurs parents âgés. + Vikram y Lakshmi se turnan para cuidar de sus padres ancianos. + Vikram en Lakshmi zorgen om de beurt voor hun bejaarde ouders. + (wéikèlāmǔ hé lākèxīmǐ lúnliú zhàogù tāmen· niánmàide· fùmǔ.)
C18 17 2867
他父母 不认同 他 所做的 , 可是 没有 办法阻止 他 。 + พ่อแม่ไม่เห็นด้วยกับสิ่งที่เขาทำ แต่ก็ไม่สามารถหยุดยั้งเขาได้ + Bố mẹ anh ấy không đồng ý với những gì anh ấy làm nhưng họ không thể ngăn anh ta được. + His parents don't approve of what he does, but they can't stop him. + Seine Eltern sind nicht einverstanden mit dem, was er tut, aber sie können ihn nicht aufhalten. + I suoi genitori non approvano quello che fa, ma non possono fermarlo. + Ses parents n'approuvent pas ce qu'il fait, mais ils ne peuvent pas l'arrêter. + Sus padres no aprueban lo que hace, pero no pueden detenerlo. + Zijn ouders zijn het niet eens met wat hij doet, maar ze kunnen hem niet tegenhouden. + (tāfùmǔ búrèntóng tā suǒzuòde·, kěshì méiyǒu bànfá zǔzhǐ tā.)
C18 50 2900
因为 她 没有 工作 , 所以 她 靠 父母的 钱生活 。 + เนื่องจากเธอไม่ได้งานเธอจึงขึ้นอยู่กับพ่อแม่ของเธอเพื่อเงิน + Vì cô ấy không có việc làm, cô ấy phụ thuộc vào bố mẹ về tiền bạc. + Since she doesn't have a job, she depends on her parents for money. + Da sie keinen Job hat, ist sie auf ihre Eltern angewiesen, um Geld zu verdienen. + Dal momento che non ha un lavoro, dipende dai suoi genitori per i soldi. + Comme elle n' a pas de travail, elle dépend de ses parents pour son argent. + Como no tiene trabajo, depende de sus padres por dinero. + Omdat ze geen baan heeft, is ze voor geld afhankelijk van haar ouders. + (yīnwèi tā méiyǒu gōngzuò, suóyǐ tā kào fùmǔde· qián shēnghuó.)
C19 13 2913
我们的 父母 为 我们 提供 食物 、 衣物 、 教育 、 医疗 和 爱 。 + พ่อแม่ของเราให้อาหารเสื้อผ้าการศึกษาการดูแลสุขภาพและความรัก + Bố mẹ chúng ta, cho chúng ta thức ăn, quần áo, giáo dục, y tế và tình yêu. + Our parents provide us with food, clothing, education, healthcare and love. + Unsere Eltern versorgen uns mit Nahrung, Kleidung, Bildung, Gesundheitsfürsorge und Liebe. + I nostri genitori ci forniscono cibo, abbigliamento, istruzione, assistenza sanitaria e amore. + Nos parents nous fournissent nourriture, vêtements, éducation, soins de santé et amour. + Nuestros padres nos proporcionan comida, ropa, educación, cuidado de la salud y amor. + Onze ouders voorzien ons van voedsel, kleding, onderwijs, gezondheidszorg en liefde. + (wǒmen·de· fùmǔ wèi wǒmen· tígōng shíwù, yīwù, jiàoyù, yīliáo hé ài.)
C19 40 2940
我的 父母 和 朋友 在 机场 为 我 送别 , 然后 我 踏上了 环游世界的 冒险 之 旅 。 + พ่อแม่และเพื่อนของฉันได้เห็นฉันที่สนามบินก่อนที่ฉันจะลงมือผจญภัยไปทั่วโลก + Bố mẹ và bạn bè của tôi đã tiễn tôi ở vịnh trước khi tôi dẫn thân vào cuộc phiêu lưu vòng quanh thế giới. + My parents and friends saw me off at the airport before I embarked on my adventure around the world. + Meine Eltern und Freunde haben mich am Flughafen abgeholt, bevor ich mich auf mein Abenteuer rund um die Welt begab. + I miei genitori e amici mi hanno visto all' aeroporto prima di intraprendere la mia avventura in giro per il mondo. + Mes parents et amis m'ont raccompagnée à l'aéroport avant que je ne me lance dans mon aventure autour du monde. + Mis padres y amigos me vieron en el aeropuerto antes de que me embarcara en mi aventura alrededor del mundo. + Mijn ouders en vrienden hebben me op de luchthaven gezien voordat ik mijn avontuur over de hele wereld begon. + ( wǒde· fùmǔ hé péngyǒu zài jīchǎng wèi wǒ sòngbié, ránhòu wǒ tàshàngle· huányóushìjiède· màoxiǎn zhī lǚ.)
C19 48 2948
然而 消防队员 在 试图 安慰 一位 女士 冷静下来 时 遇到了 困难 , 显而易见 , 她的 猫 在 火灾中 丧生了 。 + อย่างไรก็ตามเจ้าหน้าที่ดับเพลิงมีช่วงเวลาที่ลำบากพยายามที่จะทำให้ผู้หญิงสงบลง เห็นได้ชัดว่าแมวของเธอเสียชีวิตในกองไฟ + Tuy nhiên lính cứu hoả đã gặp khó khăn khi cố gắng giữ bình tĩnh cho một phụ nữ. Có vẻ đẹp hoang dã như con mèo của cô ấy bị chết trong đám cháy. + However, the firefighters had a hard time trying to calm a woman down. Apparently, her cat perished in the fire. + Die Feuerwehrleute hatten es jedoch schwer, eine Frau zu beruhigen. Anscheinend ist ihre Katze im Feuer umgekommen. + Tuttavia, i vigili del fuoco hanno avuto un momento difficile cercando di calmare una donna giù. A quanto pare, il suo gatto morì nel fuoco. + Cependant, les pompiers ont eu du mal à calmer une femme. Apparemment, son chat a péri dans l'incendie. + Sin embargo, a los bomberos les costó mucho trabajo tratar de calmar a una mujer. Aparentemente, su gato pereció en el fuego. + De brandweerlieden hadden het echter moeilijk om een vrouw te kalmeren. Blijkbaar is haar kat omgekomen in het vuur. + (ránér xiāofángduìyuán zài shìtú ānwèi yíwèi nǚshì lěngjìngxiàlái shí yùdàole· kùnnán, xiǎnéryìjiàn, tāde· māo zài huǒzāizhōng sàngshēngle·.)
C20 12 2962
我 小 的时候 , 因为 我父母 长年 在 外地 出差 , 所以 是 爷爷奶奶 把 我 抚养 长大 。 — 我 爷爷奶奶 把 我 养大 。 + พ่อแม่ของฉันอยู่ห่างจากการทำธุรกิจเมื่อฉันยังเด็กดังนั้นปู่ย่าตายายจึงพาฉันขึ้น - ปู่ย่าตายายของฉันเลี้ยงดูฉัน + Bố mẹ tôi đi làm xa khi tôi còn bé nên ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn. > Ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn. + My parents were away on business when I was a child, so my grandparents brought me up. — My grandparents raised me. + Meine Eltern waren geschäftlich unterwegs, als ich noch ein Kind war, also haben mich meine Großeltern großgezogen. Meine Großeltern haben mich großgezogen. + I miei genitori erano assenti quando ero bambino, così i miei nonni mi hanno fatto crescere. I miei nonni mi hanno sollevato. + Mes parents étaient en voyage d'affaires quand j'étais enfant, alors mes grands-parents m'ont élevé. Mes grands-parents m'ont élevé. + Mis padres estaban de viaje de negocios cuando yo era niño, así que mis abuelos me criaron. Mis abuelos me criaron. + Mijn ouders waren weg op zaken als ik kind was, dus mijn grootouders hebben me opgevoed. Mijn grootouders hebben mij opgevoed. + (wó xiǎo de·shíhou·, yīnwèi wǒfùmǔ chángnián zài wàidì chūchāi, suóyǐ shì yéyénǎināi bá wó fúyǎng zhǎngdà. — wǒ yéyénǎināi bá wó yǎngdà.)
C20 18 2968
我 父母 在 飞机 起飞前 两个 小时 把 我 送到了 机场 。 + พ่อแม่ของฉันพาฉันไปที่สนามบินสอง (2) ชั่วโมงก่อนที่เที่ยวบินของฉันจะออกเดินทาง + Bố mẹ tôi thả tôi ở vịnh hải tiếng trước giờ chuyến bay của tôi dự các cất cánh. + My parents dropped me off at the airport two (2) hours before my flight was scheduled to take off. + Meine Eltern haben mich zwei (2) Stunden vor dem geplanten Abflug am Flughafen abgesetzt. + I miei genitori mi hanno fatto scendere all' aeroporto due (2) ore prima del decollo previsto. + Mes parents m'ont déposé à l'aéroport deux (2) heures avant le décollage prévu de mon vol. + Mis padres me dejaron en el aeropuerto dos (2) horas antes de que mi vuelo despegara. + Mijn ouders hebben me twee (2) uur voor mijn vlucht op de luchthaven afgezet. + ( wǒ fùmǔ zài fēijī qǐfēiqián liǎngge· xiǎoshí bá wǒ sòngdàole· jīchǎng.)
C20 19 2969
当 我 坐 飞机 回家时 , 我爸妈 也 去 机场接了 我 。 + พ่อแม่ของฉันอยู่ที่นั่นอีกครั้งเพื่อรับฉันเมื่อฉันบินกลับบ้าน + Bố mẹ tôi lại ở đó đón toi khi tôi bay về nhà. + My parents were there again to pick me up when I flew back home. + Meine Eltern waren wieder da, um mich abzuholen, als ich nach Hause flog. + I miei genitori erano di nuovo lì per prendermi quando sono tornato a casa. + Mes parents étaient encore là pour venir me chercher quand je suis rentré chez moi. + Mis padres estaban allí de nuevo para recogerme cuando volé a casa. + Mijn ouders waren er weer om me op te halen toen ik terug naar huis vloog. + ( dāng wǒ zuò fēijī huíjiāshí, wǒbàmā yě qù jīchǎng jiēle· wǒ.)
Mấy cái ghế này không đẹp, nhưng nó tiện. + These chairs aren't beautiful, but they're comfortable.
Bố mẹ cậu có nhà không? + Are your parents at home?
Bố mẹ cậu khoẻ không? + How are your parents?
Bố mẹ cậu khoẻ không? + How are your parents?
Tay cậu có lạnh không? - Không. + Are your hands cold? — No, they aren't.
Bố mẹ cậu đang xem vô tuyến à? + Are your parents watching TV?
Bố mẹ cô ấy sống ở Chicago. + Her parents live in Chicago.
Bố mẹ cậu sống ở đâu? + Where do your parents live?
Bố mẹ cậu có nói tiếng Anh không? + Do your parents speak English?
Bố mẹ cậu sống ở đâu? + Where do your parents live?
Chuyến đi của bố mẹ cậu có tốt không? - Có. + Did your parents have a good trip? — Yes, they did.
Bố mẹ cô ấy sinh ra ở Rio de Janeiro. + Her parents were born in Rio de Janeiro.
Mấy văn phòng này không được dọn dẹp hàng ngày. + These offices aren't cleaned every day.
Bố mẹ tôi thường ở nhà. Họ không ra ngoài thường xuyên lắm. + My parents are usually at home. They don't go out very often.
Bố mẹ tôi tuần sau sẽ đi nghỉ. Hay thế, họ đi đâu thế? + My parents are going on vacation next week. — Sounds good, where are they going?
Chùm chìa khoá của tôi không có trong phòng duy nhất nên hẳn là nó trong bếp. + My keys aren't in the living room, so they must be in the kitchen.
Có nhà hàng nào gần giá không? - Có. Không. + Are there any restaurants near here? — Yes, there are. — No, there aren't.
Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here.
Bedford không phải một thị trấn cũ. Không có toà nhà nào kiến trúc cả. + Bedford isn't an old town. There aren't any old buildings.
Có năm ngươi trọng người trong gia đình tôi: bối mẹ tôi hải em gái tôi và tôi. + There are five (5) people in my family: my parents, my two (2) sisters, and me.
Không có chỗ để ngồi. Không có cái ghế nào. + There's nowhere to sit down. There aren't any chairs.
Hannah sống ở Thuỵ Sĩ nhưng bố mẹ cô ấy thì không. + Hannah lives in Switzerland, but her parents don't.
Cửa hàng chưa mở cửa nhưng bảo tăng mở rồi. + The stores aren't open yet, but the museum is.
Đôi giày kia đẹp đúng không? - Đúng, rất đẹp. + Those shoes are nice, aren't they? — Yes, very nice.
Những bông hoa này đẹp phải không? - Phải, hòa gì vậy? + These flowers are nice, aren't they? — Yes, what kind are they?
Cậu không mệt à? - Không, tôi khoẻ. + You aren't tired, are you? — No, I feel fine.
Việc đỗ xe trước mặt toà nhà không được cho phép. > Cậu không được phép đỗ xe trước mặt toà nhà. + Parking isn't allowed in front of the building. — You aren't allowed to park in front of the building.
Bố mẹ cô ấy không để cho cô ấy ra ngoài một mình. + Her parents wouldn't let her go out alone.
Xem sợ màn ăn khi nói với bố mẹ anh ấy về chuyện đã xảy ra. + Aleksey was afraid to tell his parents what happened.
Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây. > Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây. + There aren't many tourists here. — There aren't a lot of tourists here.
Những quả táo này chưa đủ chín để ăn. + These apples aren't ripe enough to eat.
Chúng tôi từng là bạn tốt nhưng giờ không còn nữa. > Chúng tôi không còn là bạn nữa. + We used to be good friends, but we aren't anymore. — We're no longer friends.
Bố mẹ tôi đang ở vườn thú. Cô của tôi đang đến vườn thú để gặp họ. + My parents are at the zoo. My aunt is going to the zoo to meet them there.
Cậu có quan hệ tốt với bố mẹ cậu không? + Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Anh ấy buồn với em trãi vì em trãi muốn đưa bố mẹ họ vào viện dưỡng lão. + He's upset with him because he wants to put their parents in a nursing home.
Một số đứa trẻ tự hào về bố mẹ chúng trong khi một số khác lại xấu hổ vì họ. + Some children feel proud of their parents, while others are ashamed of them.
Nhiều đứa trẻ làm bố mẹ chúng tự hào trong khi một số khác làm bố mẹ chúng xấu hổ. + Many children make their parents proud, while some make their parents ashamed.
Nếu cậu phụ thuộc vào bố mẹ tức là cậu vẫn cần tiền từ họ. Nếu không thì cậu độc lập tài chính. + If you're dependent on your parents, it means you still need them for money. If not, then you're financially independent.
Vikram và Lakshmi đều thay phiên nhau chăm sóc bố mẹ già của họ. + Vikram and Lakshmi both take turns taking care of their elderly parents.
Bố mẹ anh ấy không đồng ý với những gì anh ấy làm nhưng họ không thể ngăn anh ta được. + His parents don't approve of what he does, but they can't stop him.
Vì cô ấy không có việc làm, cô ấy phụ thuộc vào bố mẹ về tiền bạc. + Since she doesn't have a job, she depends on her parents for money.
Bố mẹ chúng ta, cho chúng ta thức ăn, quần áo, giáo dục, y tế và tình yêu. + Our parents provide us with food, clothing, education, healthcare and love.
Bố mẹ và bạn bè của tôi đã tiễn tôi ở vịnh trước khi tôi dẫn thân vào cuộc phiêu lưu vòng quanh thế giới. + My parents and friends saw me off at the airport before I embarked on my adventure around the world.
Tuy nhiên lính cứu hoả đã gặp khó khăn khi cố gắng giữ bình tĩnh cho một phụ nữ. Có vẻ đẹp hoang dã như con mèo của cô ấy bị chết trong đám cháy. + However, the firefighters had a hard time trying to calm a woman down. Apparently, her cat perished in the fire.
Bố mẹ tôi đi làm xa khi tôi còn bé nên ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn. > Ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn. + My parents were away on business when I was a child, so my grandparents brought me up. — My grandparents raised me.
Bố mẹ tôi thả tôi ở vịnh hải tiếng trước giờ chuyến bay của tôi dự các cất cánh. + My parents dropped me off at the airport two (2) hours before my flight was scheduled to take off.
Bố mẹ tôi lại ở đó đón toi khi tôi bay về nhà. + My parents were there again to pick me up when I flew back home.

ba mẹ + parents

+ Are your parents serious?

Ba mẹ tôi sống ở Tây Ban Nha. + My parents live in Spain.

Chúng tôi tôn trọng bố mẹ của chúng tôi. + We respect our parents.

Bố mẹ tôi trừng phạt tôi vì tôi không làm việc. + My parents punish me because I do not work.

Bố mẹ của tôi đang du lịch ở châu Phi. + My parents are travelling in Africa.

Bố mẹ của tôi muốn tôi dành thời gian học tiếng Anh. + My parents want me to spend time studying English.

Anh ấy giới thiệu bố mẹ của mình. + He introduces his parents.

Tôi có ba tin nhắn từ bố mẹ của tôi. + I have three messages from my parents.

Bác sĩ thông báo với bố mẹ về bệnh của tôi. + The doctor notifies my parents about my illness.

Ông bà của tôi luôn bị đau lưng vào mùa đông. + My grandparents have always back pain in winter.

Bố mẹ của bạn ở gần hay xa? + Your parents are near or far?

Ngày mai tôi phải đưa ba mẹ tôi ra sân ba + I have to take my parents to the airport tomorrow.

Ông bà tôi vẫn còn sống. + My grandparents are still alive.
SNOT Personal identification • family parents/father and mother +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-1 Eltern + parents +
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-2 Großeltern + grandparents +
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-5 Schwiegereltern + parents-in-law +
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-3 anscheinend + apparent +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-3 Viele Studierende hängen finanziell von ihren Eltern ab.  + abhängen* Many students depend on their parents for financial support.  Nhiều sinh viên phụ thuộc vào cha mẹ của họ để hỗ trợ tài chính. +
Exercise 1-4 Wohnst du noch bei deinen Eltern?  + wohnen Do you still live with your parents?  Bạn vẫn sống với cha mẹ của bạn? +
Exercise 1-8 Wir fahren im Sommer zu meinen Eltern.  + zu We're going to my parents' house in the summer.  Chúng tôi sẽ đến nhà bố mẹ tôi vào mùa hè. +
Exercise 1-9 Die Tomaten sind im Moment nicht so teuer.  + so The tomatoes aren't that expensive right now.  Cà chua không phải là đắt tiền ngay bây giờ. +
Exercise 2-3 Am Donnerstag ist in der Schule meiner Tochter Elternabend.  + Schule My daughter's school on Thursday is my daughter's parents' night.  Trường học của con gái tôi hôm thứ Năm là đêm cha mẹ của con gái tôi. +
Exercise 2-3 Du kommst doch mit uns, oder?  + oder You're coming with us, aren't you?  Bạn đang đến với chúng tôi, phải không? +
Exercise 2-5 Am Donnerstag ist in der Schule meiner Tochter Elternabend.  + Donnerstag My daughter's school on Thursday is my daughter's parents' night.  Trường học của con gái tôi hôm thứ Năm là đêm cha mẹ của con gái tôi. +
Exercise 3-2 Meine Eltern wollten nicht mitfahren.  + wollen* My parents didn't want to go.  Bố mẹ tôi không muốn đi. +
Exercise 3-2 Meine Eltern sind zu Besuch gekommen. Morgen fahren sie wiederzurück.  + wieder My parents came to visit. They're going back tomorrow.  Bố mẹ tôi đã đến thăm. Họ sẽ trở lại vào ngày mai. +
Exercise 3-3 Leben Ihre Großeltern noch?  + leben Are your grandparents still alive?  Ông bà của bạn vẫn còn sống? +
Exercise 3-3 Ich lebe noch bei meinen Eltern.  + leben I still live with my parents.  Tôi vẫn sống với bố mẹ tôi. +
Exercise 4-1 Ich wohne noch bei meinen Eltern.  + Eltern I still live with my parents.  Tôi vẫn sống với bố mẹ tôi. +
Exercise 4-1 Meine Eltern sind zur Zeit im Urlaub.  + Eltern My parents are on vacation right now.  Bố mẹ tôi đang đi nghỉ hè. +
Exercise 4-1 Da muss ich erst meine Eltern um Erlaubnis fragen. + Eltern I have to ask my parents for permission first. Tôi phải xin phép bố mẹ tôi trước tiên. +
Exercise 4-2 Ich wohne bei meinen Eltern.  + bei I live with my parents.  Tôi sống với bố mẹ. +
Exercise 4-3 Die Großeltern wohnen in Hamburg + Großeltern The grandparents live in Hamburg Ông bà sống ở Hamburg +
Exercise 4-4 Wir besuchen morgen meine Schwiegereltern. + Schwiegereltern We're visiting my parents-in-law tomorrow. Chúng tôi sẽ thăm bố mẹ chồng tôi vào ngày mai. +
Exercise 4-7 Meine Großeltern sind schon lange tot.  + tot My grandparents died a long time ago.  Ông bà tôi qua đời cách đây rất lâu. +
Exercise 4-7 Meine Eltern sind seit 30 Jahren verheiratet.  + verheiratet My parents have been married for 30 years.  Cha mẹ tôi đã kết hôn trong 30 năm. +
Exercise 5-2 Beide Eltern sind berufstätig.  + beide Both parents are working.  Cả hai cha mẹ đang làm việc. +
Exercise 5-4 Meine Eltern haben uns zum Essen eingeladen. Ich habe zugesagt.  + zusagen My parents invited us to dinner. I made a commitment.  Bố mẹ tôi mời chúng tôi ăn tối. Tôi đã cam kết. +
Exercise 5-8 Ich fahre über Weihnachten zu meinen Eltern.  + Weihnachten I'm going to my parents' for Christmas.  Tôi sẽ đến bên bố mẹ tôi trong dịp Giáng sinh. +
Exercise 6-5 Ich habe die besten Eltern der Welt.  + Welt I have the best parents in the world.  Tôi có bố mẹ tốt nhất trên thế giới. +
Exercise 7-7 In der Schule ist heute Elternabend.  + Abend School's parents' night tonight.  Đêm tối nay của bố mẹ học. +
Exercise 8-9 Die Eltern schrieben dem Sohn eine Entschuldigung für die Schule.  + Entschuldigung The parents wrote the son an apology for school.  Cha mẹ đã viết cho con trai một lời xin lỗi cho trường học. +
Exercise 10-4 Er ist seinen Eltern über den Kopf gewachsen.  + Kopf He grew over his parents' head.  Anh lớn lên trên đầu của bố mẹ. +
Exercise 11-7 Die Eltern haben ihren Sohn zur Selbständigkeit erzogen. + erziehen The parents raised their son to be self-employed. Cha mẹ nuôi con trai làm nghề tự doanh. +
Exercise 12-6 Meine Eltern sind geschieden.  + geschieden My parents are divorced.  Cha mẹ tôi đã ly dị. +
Exercise 16-1 Meine Eltern leben auf dem Land.  + auf My parents live in the country.  Bố mẹ tôi sống ở trong nước. +
Exercise 16-2 Ihr kommt doch heute Abend?  + doch You're coming tonight, aren't you?  Bạn sẽ đến tối nay, phải không? +
Exercise 16-6 Fährst du in den Ferien zu deinen Eltern? – Ich weiß noch nicht. Wahrscheinlich schon.  + wahrscheinlich Are you going to your parents' on holiday? I don't know yet. Probably is.  Bạn sẽ đến thăm cha mẹ bạn trong kỳ nghỉ? Tôi không biết. Có thể là. +
Exercise 18-3 In meiner Kindheit war ich oft auf dem Land bei meinen Großeltern.  + Kindheit In my childhood I was often in the country with my grandparents.  Trong thời thơ ấu của tôi, tôi thường ở trong nước với ông bà tôi. +
Exercise 19-3 Habt ihr keinen Hunger?  + Hunger Aren't you hungry?  Bạn không đói? +
Exercise 20-4 Meine Eltern müssen beide arbeiten, um die Familie zu ernähren. + ernähren My parents both have to work to support the family. Cha mẹ tôi đều phải làm việc để hỗ trợ gia đình. +
Exercise 22-8 Auf der Rückfahrt besuche ich meine Eltern.  + Rückfahrt On the way back, I'm visiting my parents.  Trên đường về, tôi đang thăm cha mẹ tôi. +
Exercise 22-9 Meine Schwiegereltern haben mich ganz herzlich empfangen.  + empfangen* My parents-in-law and daughter-in-law welcomed me very warmly.  Cha mẹ chồng tôi và con dâu của tôi chào đón tôi rất nồng nhiệt. +
Exercise 25-9 Meine Großeltern hatten einen Bauernhof.  + Bauernhof My grandparents had a farm.  Ông bà tôi có một trang trại. +
Exercise 27-5 Meine Eltern wollten uns mit dieser Reise eine ganz besondere Freude machen.  + besondere My parents wanted to make us a very special pleasure with this trip.  Cha mẹ tôi muốn làm cho chúng tôi một niềm vui rất đặc biệt với chuyến đi này. +
Exercise 28-5 Ich habe ein gutes Verhältnis zu meinen Eltern.  + Verhältnis I have a good relationship with my parents.  Tôi có một mối quan hệ tốt với bố mẹ tôi. +
Exercise 29-1 Grüß deine Eltern von uns!  + grüßen Say hello to your parents for us!  Chào bạn đến với bố mẹ! +
Exercise 29-2 Die Elternvertreter treffen sich morgen Abend in der Schule.  + Vertreter Parents' representatives are meeting tomorrow night at school.  Các đại diện của cha mẹ đang họp mặt vào tối mai tại trường. +
Exercise 29-3 Die Eltern haben ihm zum bestandenen Abitur eine Reise geschenkt.  + schenken His parents gave him a trip to the school leaving examination.  Cha mẹ anh ta đã cho anh ta một chuyến đi đến trường để lại kiểm tra. +
Exercise 29-7 Gleich nach der Ankunft habe ich meine Eltern angerufen.  + Ankunft I called my parents right after the arrival.  Tôi gọi bố mẹ tôi ngay sau khi đến. +
Exercise 32-6 Wir wohnen im 3. Stock, meine Eltern unten im 1. Stock.  + unten We live on the third floor, my parents downstairs on the first floor.  Chúng tôi sống trên tầng ba, bố mẹ tôi ở tầng trên tầng một. +
Exercise 35-9 Die Kartoffeln sind noch nicht gar.  + gar The potatoes aren't cooked yet.  Khoai tây không được nấu chín. +
Exercise 38-8 Wir brauchen vor der Klassenfahrt die Zustimmung der Eltern.  + Zustimmung We need the parents' permission before the class trip.  Chúng tôi cần sự cho phép của cha mẹ trước khi đi học. +
Exercise 39-9 Die Großeltern unserer Nachbarn sind im Altersheim. + Altersheim The grandparents of our neighbours are in the old people's home. Ông bà của những người hàng xóm của chúng tôi ở trong nhà của người già. +
Exercise 40-8 Er hat strenge Eltern.  + streng He has strict parents.  Anh ta có cha mẹ nghiêm ngặt. +
Exercise 42-1 Meine Eltern unterstützen mich finanziell.  + unterstützen My parents support me financially.  Bố mẹ tôi ủng hộ tôi về mặt tài chính. +
Exercise 42-1 Anscheinend ist sie schon mit dem Fahrrad weggefahren.  + anscheinend Apparently, she's already gone by bike.  Rõ ràng, cô ấy đã đi bằng xe đạp. +
Exercise 42-1 Anscheinend ist er krank.  + anscheinend Apparently he's sick.  Rõ ràng anh ấy đang bị ốm. +
Exercise 42-1 Anscheinend hat er meinen Brief noch nicht bekommen. + anscheinend Apparently, he hasn't gotten my letter yet. Rõ ràng, anh ta vẫn chưa nhận được lá thư của tôi. +
Exercise 43-1 Die Eltern lehnen den Freund ihrer Tochter ab.  + ablehnen Parents reject her daughter's boyfriend.  Cha mẹ từ chối bạn trai của con gái mình. +
Exercise 44-2 Andreas ist finanziell von seinen Eltern abhängig.  + abhängig Andreas is financially dependent on his parents.  Andreas phụ thuộc tài chính vào bố mẹ mình. +
Exercise 44-2 Er ist finanziell abhängig von seinen Eltern.  + finanziell He's financially dependent on his parents.  Anh ấy phụ thuộc vào tài chính vào bố mẹ mình. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Lasurfarbe + transparent colour + Painting and sculpture C
+ + + + 103 Reading and writing runde Klammer + parenthesis, (round) bracket + Punctuation C
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Eltern + parents + The family A
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Elternteil + parent + The family B
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Schwiegereltern + parents-in-law + The family B
+ + + + 103 Education Folie + transparency + Educational materials C
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Muttergesellschaft + parent company + The firm B
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Markenbewusstsein + brand awareness + Production and consumption B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 覺悟 + * * jue2wu4 consciousness/ awareness Bewußtsein +
B + * * tou4 penetrate/ transparent/ thorough 1. durchdringen, durch etw dringen, durchsickern 2. etw durchsickern lassen, ausplaudern 3. durchdringend, erschöpfend, durch und durch +
B 明顯 + * * ming2xian3 clear/ obvious/ apparent offensichtlich +
C 透明 + * * tou4ming2 penetrating-brightness/transparent/ lucid durchsichtig, transparent, lichtdurchlässig +
C 祖父 + * * zu3fu4 grandparent-father/ (paternal) grandfather Großvater (väterlicherseits) +
C 祖母 + * * zu3mu3 grandparent-mother/ (paternal) grandmother Großmutter (väterlicherseits) +
C 老人家 + * * lao3renjia elderly/ old person/ old parent sehr höfliche Anrede für ältere Respektsperson +
C 提醒 + * * ti2xing3 prompt-awareness/ remind/ call attention to jn an etwas erinnern, jn mahnen +
C 舞臺 + * * wu3tai2 dance-platform/ stage/ arena Bühne, Arena +
D 家長 + * * jia1zhang3 the parent of guardian of a child Familienoberhaupt,Hausherr, Elternteil +
D 親生 + * * qin1sheng1 one's own (parents; children) eigen, leiblich +
D 透明度 + * * tou4ming2du4 openness/ transparency/ diaphaneity Transparenz +
D 似是而非 + * * si4 shi4 er2 fei1 specious/ apparently right but actually wrong es scheint so ist aber nicht so +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
active + The parents were active in campaigning against cuts to the education budget. Die Eltern setzten sich aktiv gegen Kuerzungen im Bildungsetat ein.
adjust + It can be difficult to adjust to being a parent. Es kann schwierig sein, sich an das Elternsein zu gewöhnen.
admit + admit to sb that...: I couldn't admit to my parents that I was finding the course difficult. bei jdm. einräumen...: Ich konnte meinen Eltern nicht eingestehen, dass ich den Kurs schwierig fand.
afraid + afraid of doing sth: She was afraid of upsetting her parents. Angst davor, etw. zu tun: Sie hatte Angst davor, ihre Eltern zu verärgern.
agreement + You'll have to get your parents' agreement if you want to go on the trip. Du brauchst die Zustimmung deiner Eltern, wenn du mitfahren willst.
allow + allow sb to do sth: His parents won't allow him to stay out late. jdm. erlauben, etw. zu tun: Seine Eltern lassen ihn nicht lange wegbleiben.
ally + His sister was his ally against their grandparents. Seine Schwester war seine Verbündete gegen ihre Großeltern.
anxious + anxious (for sb): Parents are naturally anxious for their children. ängstlich (für jdn.): Die Eltern sind natürlich besorgt um ihre Kinder.
apparent + Their devotion was apparent. Ihre Hingabe war offensichtlich.
apparent + Then, for no apparent reason, the train suddenly stopped. Dann hielt der Zug plötzlich ohne ersichtlichen Grund an.
apparent + apparent (from sth) (that...): It was apparent from her face that she was really upset. augenscheinlich (von etw.[Dat] herrühren (dass...): Aus ihrem Gesicht war ersichtlich, dass sie wirklich bestürzt war.
apparent + apparent (to sb) (that...): It soon became apparent to everyone that he couldn't sing. anscheinend (für jdn.) (das...): Es wurde bald allen klar, dass er nicht singen konnte.
apparent + My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school. Meine Eltern waren besorgt über meinen offensichtlichen Mangel an Schulbegeisterung.
apparent + Their affluence is more apparent than real (= they are not as rich as they seem to be). Ihr Wohlstand ist offensichtlicher als real (= sie sind nicht so reich, wie sie zu sein scheinen).
apparently + Apparently they are getting divorced soon. Anscheinend werden sie bald geschieden.
apparently + I thought she had retired, but apparently she hasn't. Ich dachte, sie sei im Ruhestand, aber anscheinend nicht.
apparently + He paused, apparently lost in thought. Er hielt inne, anscheinend in Gedanken versunken.
arrangement + arrangement between A and B: an arrangement between the school and the parents Vereinbarung zwischen A und B: eine Vereinbarung zwischen der Schule und den Eltern
arrangement + arrangement that...: They had an arrangement that the children would spend two weeks with each parent. Arrangement, dass...: Sie hatten eine Vereinbarung, dass die Kinder zwei Wochen mit jedem Elternteil verbringen würden.
attitude + the government's attitude towards single parents Haltung der Regierung gegenüber Alleinerziehenden
attitude + You're taking a pretty selfish attitude over this, aren't you? Du verhältst dich ziemlich egoistisch dabei, oder?
average + Parents spend an average of $220 a year on toys. Eltern verbringen durchschnittlich $220 pro Jahr für Spielzeug.
back + Back at home, her parents were worried. Zu Hause waren ihre Eltern besorgt.
back + Her parents backed her in her choice of career. Ihre Eltern unterstützten sie bei ihrer Berufswahl.
backwards + I felt that going to live with my parents would be a step backwards. Ich fühlte, dass das Leben bei meinen Eltern einen Rückschritt bedeuten würde.
be + Karen wasn't beaten in any of her games, but all the others were. Karen wurde in keinem ihrer Spiele geschlagen, aber alle anderen.
bear + Do parents have to bear the whole cost of tuition fees? Müssen Eltern die gesamten Kosten der Studiengebühren tragen?
become + It soon became apparent that no one was going to come. Es wurde schnell klar, dass niemand kommen würde.
believe in sb + I never thought I could make it as an actor, but my parents always believed in me. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich es als Schauspieler schaffen könnte, aber meine Eltern haben immer an mich geglaubt.
better + It would be better for him to talk to his parents about his problems. Es wäre besser für ihn, mit seinen Eltern über seine Probleme zu sprechen.
blind + One of her parents is blind. Einer ihrer Eltern ist blind.
born + born of/to sb: He was born of/to German parents. geboren an/geboren an jdm.: Er wurde an/geboren an deutsche Eltern.
borrow + She borrowed £2 000 from her parents. Sie hat sich £2.000 von ihren Eltern geliehen.
burst out + burst doing sth: Karen burst out laughing. platzen, um etw. zu tun: Karen brach lachend aus.
care for sb + She moved back home to care for her elderly parents. Sie zog nach Hause zurück, um sich um ihre alten Eltern zu kümmern.
chance + chance for sb to do sth: There will be a chance for parents to look around the school. Chance für jdn., etw. zu tun: Es wird eine Chance für Eltern geben, sich in der Schule umzusehen.
check out (of...) + I'm sorry, they aren't here. They checked out this morning. Tut mir leid, sie sind nicht hier. Sie haben heute Morgen ausgecheckt.
check up on sb + My parents are always checking up on me. Meine Eltern überprüfen mich ständig.
choice + This government is committed to extending parental choice in education. Diese Regierung setzt sich dafür ein, die elterliche Wahl in der Bildung zu erweitern.
concern + parents' concern for their children Sorge der Eltern um ihre Kinder
concerned + Concerned parents held a meeting. Betroffene Eltern trafen sich.
conflict + She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career. Sie fand sich in Konflikt mit ihren Eltern über ihre zukünftige Karriere.
conscious + conscious of doing sth: He became acutely conscious of having failed his parents. sich bewusst, etw. getan zu haben: Er wurde sich akut bewusst, seine Eltern enttäuscht zu haben.
conservative + the conservative views of his parents die konservativen Ansichten seiner Eltern,
control + control what/how, etc...: Parents should control what their kids watch on television. Steuerung was/wie, etc...: Eltern sollten steuern, was ihre Kinder im Fernsehen sehen.
cover + Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees. Deine Eltern müssen deine Schulgebühren bezahlen.
crash + We're going to crash, aren't we? Wir stürzen ab, oder?
critical + critical of sb/sth: Tom's parents were highly critical of the school. kritisch gegenüber jdm. /etw.[Dat]: Toms Eltern waren sehr kritisch gegenüber der Schule.
crucial + Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. Eltern spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Vorbereitung ihres Kindes auf die Schule.
dare + They daren't ask for any more money. Sie wagen es nicht mehr Geld zu verlangen.
go/run deep + Feelings about the death of a parent are bound to go deep. Gefühle über den Tod eines Elternteils werden tief gehen.
degree + To what degree can parents be held responsible for a child's behaviour? Inwieweit können Eltern für das Verhalten eines Kindes verantwortlich gemacht werden?
depend on/upon sb/sth (for sth) + I don't want to depend too much on my parents. Ich will mich nicht zu sehr auf meine Eltern verlassen.
disagree + disagree (with sb) (about/on/over sth): He disagreed with his parents on most things. anderer Meinung (mit jdm.) (über/über etw.): Er war mit seinen Eltern in den meisten Dingen nicht einverstanden.
disapprove + She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove. Sie will Schauspielerin werden, aber ihre Eltern sind dagegen.
distance + Our parents live some distance away (= quite far away). Unsere Eltern leben in einiger Entfernung (= ziemlich weit weg).
divorced + My parents are divorced. Meine Eltern sind geschieden.
duty + your duties as a parent deine Pflichten als Elternteil
each + There aren't enough books for everyone to have one each. Es gibt nicht genug Bücher für alle, um jedes einzelne zu haben.
encourage + encourage sb in sth: My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career. jdn. in etw. bestärken: Meine Eltern haben mich in meiner Berufswahl immer bestärkt.
encouragement + With a little encouragement from his parents he should do well. Mit ein wenig Ermutigung von seinen Eltern sollte er gut zurechtkommen.
essentially + The article was essentially concerned with her relationship with her parents (= it dealt with other things, but this was the most important). Der Artikel befasste sich hauptsächlich mit ihrer Beziehung zu ihren Eltern (= es ging um andere Dinge, aber das war das Wichtigste)
expect + expect sth (from sb): Her parents expected high standards from her. etw.[Akk] von jdm. erwarten: Ihre Eltern erwarteten von ihr hohe Standards.
expectation + Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children. Einige Eltern haben unrealistische Erwartungen an ihre Kinder.
extra + extra help for single parents extra Hilfe für Alleinerziehende
extreme + Children will be removed from their parents only in extreme circumstances. Kinder werden nur unter extremen Umständen von ihren Eltern entfernt.
face + face sth: the problems faced by one-parent families etw.[Akk] angehen: die Probleme der Alleinerziehenden
family + one-parent/single-parent families Alleinerziehende/Einer-Eltern-Familien
family + He's a friend of the family (= he is known and liked by the parents and the children). Er ist ein Freund der Familie (= er ist bekannt und beliebt bei den Eltern und den Kindern).
far + His parents supported him as far as they could. Seine Eltern unterstützten ihn soweit sie konnten.
few + I try to visit my parents every few weeks. Ich versuche alle paar Wochen meine Eltern zu besuchen.
find out (about sth/sb), find out sth (about sth/sb) + She'd been seeing the boy for a while, but didn't want her parents to find out. Sie wollte nicht, dass ihre Eltern es herausfinden.
fixed + My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become. Meine Eltern hatten feste Vorstellungen darüber, was ich werden sollte.
forget + Aren't you forgetting something? (= I think you have forgotten to do sth) Hast du nicht etwas vergessen? (= Ich glaube, du hast vergessen, etw. zu tun)
get on + Parents are always anxious for their children to get on. Eltern sind immer bestrebt, dass ihre Kinder weitermachen.
go around/round + There aren't enough chairs to go around. Es gibt nicht genug Stühle für alle.
grandparent + The children are staying with their grandparents. Die Kinder wohnen bei ihren Großeltern.
grateful + grateful (that...): He was grateful that she didn't tell his parents about the incident. dankbar (das...): Er war dankbar, dass sie es seinen Eltern nicht erzählt hat.
group + The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups. Der Anteil der Alleinerziehendenfamilien variiert je nach Einkommensgruppe.
guess + 'They aren't coming, then?' 'I guess not.' Sie kommen also nicht? "Ich schätze nicht."
guilty + I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. Ich fühlte mich schuldig, weil ich meine Eltern nicht öfter besucht habe.
hard + You are hard to please, aren't you? Du bist schwer zufrieden zu stellen, nicht wahr?
heavily + He relies heavily on his parents. Er ist schwer auf seine Eltern angewiesen.
hell + Her parents made her life hell. Ihre Eltern machten ihr das Leben zur Hölle.
helpful + helpful to sb: The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children. hilfreich für jdm.: Das Büchlein sollte den Eltern behinderter Kinder sehr hilfreich sein.
hit + hit sb/sth: My parents never used to hit me. jdn. /etw.[Akk] geschlagen: Meine Eltern haben mich nie geschlagen.
home + He left home (= left his parents and began an independent life) at sixteen. Mit sechzehn Jahren verließ er das Haus (= verließ seine Eltern und begann ein selbständiges Leben).
at home + He lived at home (= with his parents) until he was thirty. Er lebte zu Hause (= bei seinen Eltern), bis er dreißig Jahre alt war.
household + low-income/one-parent, etc. households Haushalte mit niedrigem Einkommen/Ein-Elternteil usw.
I + I'm taller than her, aren't I? Ich bin größer als sie, oder?
immediately + The point of my question may not be immediately apparent. Der Sinn meiner Frage ist vielleicht nicht sofort ersichtlich.
independent + It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents. Es war mir wichtig, finanziell unabhängig von meinen Eltern zu sein.
influence + influence (over sb/sth): Her parents no longer have any real influence over her. Einfluss (über jdn. /etw.[Akk]: Ihre Eltern haben keinen wirklichen Einfluss mehr auf sie.
interest + Do your parents take an interest in your friends? Interessieren sich deine Eltern für deine Freunde?
involve + involve yourself (in sth): Parents should involve themselves in their child's education. sich (in etw.[Dat] engagieren: Eltern sollten sich in die Erziehung ihres Kindes einbringen.
lack (for) nothing + As the only child of wealthy parents, he lacked for nothing. Als einziges Kind wohlhabender Eltern fehlte ihm nichts.
like + like doing sth: He doesn't like asking his parents for help. Er mag es nicht, wenn seine Eltern um Hilfe bitten.
live + a live recording made at Wembley Arena eine Live-Aufnahme aus der Wembley Arena
lot + He has invited nearly a hundred people but a lot aren't able to come. Er hat fast hundert Leute eingeladen, aber viele können nicht kommen.
marriage + an arranged marriage (= one in which the parents choose a husband or wife for their child) eine arrangierte Ehe (= eine, in der die Eltern für ihr Kind einen Ehemann oder eine Ehefrau wählen)
marriage + My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage. Meine Eltern feiern 30 Jahre Ehe.
matter + And then, to make matters worse, his parents turned up. Und dann tauchten seine Eltern auf, um es noch schlimmer zu machen.
mean + I'm feeling very guilty—I've been meaning to call my parents for days, but still haven't got around to it. Ich fühle mich sehr schuldig, ich wollte schon seit Tagen meine Eltern anrufen, aber ich bin immer noch nicht dazu gekommen.
memory + I have vivid memories of my grandparents. Ich habe lebhafte Erinnerungen an meine Großeltern.
mind + mind sb/sth doing sth: Do your parents mind you leaving home? sich jdm. /etw. etw.[Akk] anvertrauen: Stört es deine Eltern, wenn du die Wohnung verlässt?
mind + Do your parents mind your leaving home? Stört es deine Eltern, wenn du von zu Hause gehst?
new + You're new here, aren't you? Du bist neu hier, oder?
night + Bill's parents came for dinner last night. Bills Eltern sind gestern Abend zum Essen gekommen.
normal + People who commit such crimes aren't normal. Leute, die solche Verbrechen begehen, sind nicht normal.
not + It's not easy being a parent (= it's difficult). Es ist nicht einfach, ein Elternteil zu sein (= es ist schwierig).
obey + He had always obeyed his parents without question. Er hatte seinen Eltern immer ohne Frage gehorcht.
offend + She managed to offend her boyfriend's parents as soon as she opened her mouth. Sie schaffte es, die Eltern ihres Freundes zu beleidigen, sobald sie den Mund aufmachte.
old-fashioned + My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage. Meine Eltern sind altmodisch, was Beziehungen und Heirat angeht.
once + She only sees her parents once every six months. Sie sieht ihre Eltern nur einmal alle sechs Monate.
open + She was always open with her parents. Sie war immer offen mit ihren Eltern.
openly + Can you talk openly about sex with your parents? Kannst du offen über Sex mit deinen Eltern reden?
other + You must ask one or other of your parents. Du musst das eine oder andere deiner Eltern fragen.
otherwise + My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn't have afforded the trip. Meine Eltern haben mir das Geld geliehen. Sonst hätte ich mir die Reise nicht leisten können.
overcome + Her parents were overcome with grief at the funeral. Ihre Eltern waren bei der Beerdigung von Trauer überwältigt.
parent + He's still living with his parents. Er lebt immer noch bei seinen Eltern.
parent + her adoptive parents ihre Adoptiveltern
parent + Sue and Ben have recently become parents. Sue und Ben sind kürzlich Eltern geworden.
parent + It can be difficult to be a good parent. Es kann schwierig sein, ein guter Elternteil zu sein.
partnership + partnership with sb/sth: the school's partnership with parents Partnerschaft mit jdm. /etw.[Dat]: Partnerschaft der Schule mit den Eltern
pay + pay for sb to do sth: Her parents paid for her to go to Canada. jdm. etw.[Akk] bezahlen: Ihre Eltern bezahlten sie dafür, dass sie nach Kanada ging.
place + I'm fed up with living with my parents, so I'm looking for a place of my own. Ich habe es satt, bei meinen Eltern zu leben, also suche ich mir eine eigene Wohnung.
please + I did it to please my parents. Ich tat es, um meinen Eltern zu gefallen.
pleased + Aren't you pleased to see me? Freust du dich nicht, mich zu sehen?
pleasure + She took pleasure in shocking her parents. Sie hat es genossen, ihre Eltern zu schockieren.
popular + I'm not very popular with my parents (= they are annoyed with me) at the moment. Bei meinen Eltern bin ich im Moment nicht sehr beliebt (= sie sind sauer auf mich).
position + My parents always took the position that early nights meant healthy children. Meine Eltern waren immer der Meinung, dass frühe Nächte gesunde Kinder bedeuten.
power + parent power Elternmacht
promote + a campaign to promote awareness of environmental issues eine Kampagne zur Förderung des Umweltbewusstseins
proud + proud parents stolze Eltern
public + The campaign is designed to increase public awareness of the issues. Die Kampagne soll das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit für diese Themen schärfen.
punish + My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV. Meine Eltern haben mich bestraft, weil ich nicht fernsehen durfte.
raise + We need to raise public awareness of the issue. Wir müssen die Öffentlichkeit für dieses Thema sensibilisieren.
reach + His parents have not yet reached retirement age. Seine Eltern haben das Rentenalter noch nicht erreicht.
ready + I'm not sure if Karen is ready for marriage yet. Ich bin mir noch nicht sicher, ob Karen für die Ehe bereit ist.
reason + reason (that...): We aren't going for the simple reason that we can't afford it. reason (that...): Wir gehen nicht aus dem einfachen Grund, dass wir es uns nicht leisten können.
reason + The man attacked me for no apparent reason. Der Mann griff mich grundlos an.
regard + Children no longer have proper regard for their parents and teachers. Die Kinder haben keine Rücksicht mehr auf ihre Eltern und Lehrer.
responsibility + parental rights and responsibilities elterliche Rechte und Pflichten
responsible + responsible (for sb/sth): Even where parents no longer live together, they each continue to be responsible for their children. verantwortungsvoll (für jdn. /etw.[Akk]: Auch wenn die Eltern nicht mehr zusammenleben, sind sie weiterhin für ihre Kinder verantwor
reverse + It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child. Es fühlte sich an, als hätten wir unsere Rollen von Eltern und Kind vertauscht.
right + Things aren't right between her parents. Zwischen ihren Eltern stimmt was nicht.
satisfaction + He was enjoying all the satisfactions of being a parent. Er genoss die Befriedigung, ein Elternteil zu sein.
say + He knew that if he wasn't back by midnight, his parents would have something to say about it (= be angry). Er wusste, wenn er nicht um Mitternacht zurück war, würden seine Eltern etwas dazu sagen (= wütend sein).
seem + People aren't always what they seem to be. Menschen sind nicht immer das, was sie zu sein scheinen.
send + send sth: My parents send their love. etw.[Akk] senden: Meine Eltern grüßen Sie herzlich.
separated + Her parents are separated but not divorced. Ihre Eltern sind getrennt, aber nicht geschieden.
share + share sth with sb: People often share their political views with their parents. etw.[Akk] mit jdm. teilen: Menschen teilen ihre politischen Ansichten oft mit ihren Eltern.
show + show sth (for/to sb): They showed no respect for their parents. etw.[Akk] (für/an jdn.) zeigen: Sie haben keine Achtung vor ihren Eltern gezeigt.
show + show sb sth: They showed their parents no respect. jdm. etw.[Akk] zeigen, dass sie ihren Eltern keinen Respekt erwiesen haben.
small + As a small boy he had spent most of his time with his grandparents. Als kleiner Junge hatte er die meiste Zeit mit seinen Großeltern verbracht.
split up (with sb) + My parents split up last year. Meine Eltern haben sich letztes Jahr getrennt.
stage + His parents didn't want him to go on the stage (= to be an actor). Seine Eltern wollten nicht, dass er auf die Bühne geht (= Schauspieler wird).
standard + Standards aren't what they used to be. Standards sind nicht mehr das, was sie mal waren.
strict + a strict teacher/parent/disciplinarian ein strenger Lehrer/Elternteil/Disziplinarist
take + My parents always took an interest in my hobbies. Meine Eltern haben sich immer für meine Hobbys interessiert.
take + take sb to do sth: The boys were taken to see their grandparents most weekends. mit jdm. etw. machen: Die Jungen wurden an den meisten Wochenenden zu ihren Großeltern gebracht.
talk + Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now (= they refuse to speak to each other because they have argued). Ann und Joe unterhalten sich gerade nicht miteinander (= sie weigern sich, miteinander zu reden, weil sie sich gestritten haben).
teach + teach (sb) that...: My parents taught me that honesty was always the best policy. lehre (sb) das...: Meine Eltern lehrten mich, dass Ehrlichkeit immer die beste Politik war.
on (the) television + I recognize you. Aren't you on television? Ich erkenne dich wieder. Bist du nicht im Fernsehen?
terribly + It's terribly important for parents to be consistent. Es ist für Eltern furchtbar wichtig, konsequent zu sein.
that + I was living with my parents at that time. Ich lebte damals bei meinen Eltern.
in theory + 'Aren't you supposed to be retired?' 'Yes, in theory.' Solltest du nicht in Rente gehen? "Ja, theoretisch."
time + Her parents died a long time ago. Ihre Eltern starben vor langer Zeit.
to + I am deeply grateful to my parents. Ich bin meinen Eltern zutiefst dankbar.
ultimate + The ultimate decision lies with the parents. Die endgültige Entscheidung liegt bei den Eltern.
while + Her parents died while she was still at school. Ihre Eltern starben, als sie noch in der Schule war.
wish + She married against her parents' wishes. Sie heiratete gegen die Wünsche ihrer Eltern.
with + She lives with her parents. Sie lebt bei ihren Eltern.
work + The pills the doctor gave me aren't working. Die Pillen, die mir der Arzt gegeben hat, wirken nicht.
work + Both my parents work. Meine Eltern arbeiten beide.
world + Parents are the most important people in a child's world. Eltern sind die wichtigsten Menschen in der Welt des Kindes.
would + When my parents were away, my grandmother would take care of me. Als meine Eltern weg waren, kümmerte sich meine Großmutter um mich.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
246 孩子 信任 父母 + Children trust their parents very much.
1188 儿女 责任 赡养 父母 + It's the duty of children to care for their parents.
1532 父母 给予 支持 + My parents have given me enormous support.
1768 孩子 毕业 父母 感到 欣喜 + The child has graduated, and his parents are pleased.
1885 父母 允诺 我们 野餐 + My parents have promised to take us on a picnic.
2248 孩子 依赖 父母 + Children are very dependent on their parents.
2482 父母 疼爱 自己 孩子 + All parents love their children.
2622 父母 成功 感到 骄傲 + His parents are proud of his success.
2798 儿女 应该 孝敬 父母 + Children should due their duty to their parents.
2989 抚养 子女 父母 职责 + Raising children is the responsibility of parents.
3163 孩子 受到 父母 庇护 + Children are protected by their parents.
3210 新郎 新娘 岳父母 合影 + The bride and groom are having a picture taken with the parents of the bride.
3267 父母 孩子 怀里 + The parents are holding their children in their arms.
3514 赡养 父母 + She supports her parents [financially].

孩子都很信任父母。 Háizi dōu hěn xìnrèn fùmǔ. Children trust their parents very much. Kinder vertrauen ihren Eltern sehr.
儿女有责任赡养父母。 Ér-nǚ yǒu zérèn shànyǎng fùmǔ. It's the duty of children to care for their parents. Es ist die Pflicht der Kinder, sich um ihre Eltern zu kümmern.
父母给予我极大的支持。 Fùmǔ 【◎Fix:◎jǐyǔ;◎gěiyǔ】 wǒ jídà de zhīchí. My parents have given me enormous support. Meine Eltern haben mich enorm unterstützt.
孩子毕业了,父母感到很欣喜。 Háizi bìyè le,fùmǔ gǎndào hěn xīnxǐ. The child has graduated, and his parents are pleased. Das Kind hat seinen Abschluss gemacht und seine Eltern sind zufrieden.
父母允诺带我们去野餐。 Fùmǔ yǔnnuò dài wǒmen qù yěcān. My parents have promised to take us on a picnic. Meine Eltern haben versprochen, mit uns ein Picknick zu machen.
孩子很依赖父母。 Háizi hěn yīlài fùmǔ. Children are very dependent on their parents. Kinder sind sehr auf ihre Eltern angewiesen.
父母都疼爱自己的孩子。 Fùmǔ dōu téng'ài zìjǐ de háizi. All parents love their children. Alle Eltern lieben ihre Kinder.
父母为他的成功感到骄傲。 Fùmǔ wèi tā de chénggōng gǎndào jiāo'ào. His parents are proud of his success. Seine Eltern sind stolz auf seinen Erfolg.
儿女应该孝敬父母。 Ér-nǚ yīnggāi xiàojìng fùmǔ. Children should due their duty to their parents. Kinder sollten ihre Pflicht ihren Eltern gegenüber tun.
抚养子女是父母的职责。 Fǔyǎng zǐnǚ shì fùmǔ de zhízé. Raising children is the responsibility of parents. Die Erziehung von Kindern liegt in der Verantwortung der Eltern.
孩子受到父母的庇护。 háizi shòudào fùmǔ de bìhù. Children are protected by their parents. Kinder werden von ihren Eltern beschützt.
父母把孩子揽在怀里。 Fùmǔ bǎ háizi lǎn zài huái lǐ. The parents are holding their children in their arms. Die Eltern halten ihre Kinder in den Armen.
新郎新娘和岳父母合影。 Xīnláng xīnniáng hé yuèfù-mǔ héyǐng. The bride and groom are having a picture taken with the parents of the bride. Die Braut und der Bräutigam machen ein Foto mit den Eltern der Braut.
她赡养父母。 Tā shànyǎng fùmǔ. She supports her parents [financially]. Sie unterstützt ihre Eltern[finanziell].
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
kan4lai + apparently / it's seems that
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

on ne dit pas où il vit + they aren’t saying where he lives

un jour, je retrouverais mes vrais parents + one day, I would find my real parents

cela n’aurait évidemment rien empêché + apparently that wouldn’t have prevented anything

ils ne changent pas de position à ce sujet + they aren’t changing positions on this subject

il faudrait que je te présente mes parents + I will have to introduce you to my parents

ce ne sont pas là de fausses accusations + these aren’t false accusations

nous ne sommes pas contre le commerce équitable + we aren’t against equitable commerce

les parents doivent parfois se montrer fermes + parents should sometimes stand firm

l’arrêt cardiaque est un état de mort apparente + a heart attack is a state of apparent death

évidemment, cela accroît le climat de tension + apparently, this increased the tension

cette motivation n’est toutefois pas suffisante + still, these motives aren’t enough

apparemment, ces moulins tournent encore + apparently, these mills are still turning

les pays que nous appelons socialistes aujourd’hui ne le sont pas du tout + countries that we call socialist today really aren’t at all

les deux ne sont pas forcément liées + the two aren’t necessarily connected

j’ai eu des parents amateurs de théâtre + I have parents who love the theater

nous ne sommes pas strictement obligés + we aren’t strictly obligated

ne nous faisons pas d’illusions + we aren’t deceiving ourselves

nous préférons le dirigisme à la transparence + we prefer active leadership to transparency

il faut que les choses soient transparentes + things must be transparent

une vingtaine de personnes auraient été interpellées + about 20 persons were apparently summoned

les prix ne sont pas abaissés proportionnellement aux coûts + the prices aren’t reduced proportionately to costs

on n’est pas une entreprise multinationale + we aren’t a multinational corporation

apparemment, cette voix t’est familière + apparently this voice is familiar to you

je me surprenais à pleurer sans cause apparente + I surprised myself by weeping without any apparent cause

ses parents vivaient comme des bourgeois + her parents lived like middle-class people

apparemment, je lui suis complètement indifférente + apparently, I’m completely unimportant to him

je dirais en parenthèses que l’histoire présente est opaque + I would add parenthetically that this story is opaque

mes grands-parents ont immigré au Canada + my grandparents immigrated to Canada
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