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with + Used to express that people or things are together ?
within + Not beyond the limits of a particular space, time or range ?
without + Used to say you don't have something or it isn't in a place ?
switch + thing you move to turn electrical items on or off ?
witness + person who sees something happen ?
withdraw + Pull back; move away or backward from something ?

trad: 她用筷子吃壽司。 simpl. 她用筷子吃寿司。

Tā yòng kuàizi chī shòusī.

She is eating her sushi with chopsticks.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Cô đang ăn sushi cô bằng đũa. ?
Cô là ăn sushi của cô bằng đũa. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 要是你不來,我就跟你分手。 simpl. 要是你不来,我就跟你分手。

Yàoshi nǐ bù lái, wǒ jiù gēn nǐ fēnshǒu.

If you don not come, I am going to break up with you.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Nếu bạn không đến, tôi sẽ chia tay với bạn. ?
Nếu bạn không đến, tôi sẽ chia tay với bạn. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 他出門總帶一把傘。 simpl. 他出门总带一把伞。

Tā chūmén zǒng dài yī bǎ sǎn.

Whenever he leaves home, he always takes an umbrella with him.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Bất cứ khi nào anh ta rời khỏi nhà, ông luôn luôn có một chiếc ô với anh ta. ?
Bất cứ khi nào ông rời khỏi nhà, ông luôn luôn có một ô với anh ta. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 藥片都包著一層糖衣。 simpl. 药片都包着一层糖衣。

Yàopiàn dōu bāozhe yī céng tángyī.

All the pills are coated with sugar.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Tất cả các thuốc được bọc với đường. ?
Tất cả các thuốc được phủ một lớp đường. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 請跟我重做一遍。 simpl. 请跟我重做一遍。

Qǐng gēn wǒ chóng zuò yī biàn.

Please do it again along with me.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Hãy làm điều đó một lần nữa cùng với tôi. ?
Xin vui lòng làm điều đó một lần nữa cùng với tôi. ?
( Human Translation: )


Wǒ qù ATM qǔkuǎn.

I go to withdraw money from an ATM.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Tôi đi rút tiền từ máy ATM. ?
Em đi rút tiền từ máy ATM. ?
( Human Translation: )

the witness ? người chứng kiến ? WOLD
the sorcerer or witch ? phù thủy ? WOLD

He drinks milk with sugar. ? Anh ấy uống sữa với đường. ? Food
Around the square are the streets with many lights. ? ? Verbs 1
They walk with us. ? Họ đi bộ với chúng tôi. ? Verbs 1
The child wants to play with it. ? Đứa trẻ muốn chơi với nó. ? Verbs 1
She is very patient with us. ? Cô ấy rất kiên nhẫn với chúng tôi. ? Adjectives 1
He has a discussion with me. ? Anh ấy thảo luận với tôi. ? Verbs 2
You do not need to compare Vietnamese with English. ? Bạn không cần so sánh tiếng Việt với tiếng Anh. ? Comparison
When do you cook with your mother? ? Khi nào bạn nấu ăn cùng mẹ của bạn? ? Prepositions 1
Go with me! ? Hãy đi với tôi. ? Common Phrases 2
Do you want to live in Switzerland? ? Bạn có muốn sống ở Thuỵ Sĩ không? ? Countries 1
The scientists work with the mathematicians. ? Các nhà khoa học làm việc với các nhà toán học. ? Jobs 1
The cat does not want to cooperate with me. ? Con mèo không muốn hợp tác với tôi. ? Verbs 2.5
They do not agree to cooperate with us. ? Họ không đồng ý hợp tác với chúng tôi. ? Verbs 2.5
Please cooperate with us. ? Làm ơn hợp tác với chúng tôi. ? Verbs 2.5
I am not satisfied with this answer. ? ? Verbs 2.5
Do you dare to cooperate with me? ? Bạn có dám hợp tác với tôi không? ? Verbs 2.5
Are you familiar with her computer? ? Bạn có quen thuộc với cái máy tính của cô ấy không? ? Adjectives 1.5
We completely agree with this journalist. ? Chúng tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với nhà báo này. ? Adverbs
Anyway I am still here with you. ? Dù sao tôi vẫn ở đây với bạn. ? Adverbs
I do not even cooperate with them. ? Tôi thậm chí không hợp tác vớihọ. ? Adverbs
She agrees to return to Denmark with us. ? Cô ấy đồng ý trở về Đan Mạch với chúng tôi. ? Countries 2
I mix three eggs with this powder. ? Tôi trộn ba quả trứng với bột này. ? Verbs 3
Can I invite you to dance with me? ? Tôi có thể mời bạn múa với tôi không? ? Common Phrases 3
He does not agree with himself. ? Anh ấy không đồng ý với bản thân. ? Common Phrases 3
We do not agree with your actions. ? Chúng tôi không đồng ý với những hành động của bạn. ? Abstract Objects 1
My computer does not connect with the Internet. ? Máy tính của tôi không kết nối với Internet. ? Communication
This forum connects with that forum via Internet. ? Diễn đàn này kết nối với diễn đàn kia bằng Internet. ? Communication
The children play with the stones in the park. ? Những đứa trẻ chơi với các hòn đá trong công viên. ? Nature
He is always generous with other people. ? Anh ấy luôn hào phóng với những người khác. ? Adjectives 2
She lodges with me. ? Cô ấy ở trọ với tôi. ? Miscellaneous
That man lodges with us. ? Người đàn ông đó ở trọ với chúng tôi. ? Miscellaneous
The children play with the ball. ? Những đứa trẻ chơi với quả bóng. ? Sports
With music we are one. ? Với nhạc, chúng tôi là một. ? Arts
With his experience we will not fail. ? Với kinh nghiệm của anh ấy, chúng tô isẽ không thất bại. ? Abstract Objects 2
My grandmother has an appointment with the doctor to examine her back. ? Bà của tôi có cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ để khám lưng. ? Medical
I do not have any appointment with the doctor this week. ? Tôi không có cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ tuần này. ? Medical
The scientist experiments with a sample. ? Nhà khoa học thí nghiệm với một mẫu vật. ? Science
I do not agree with this conclusion. ? Tôi không đồng ý với kết luận này. ? Science
He runs away with her. ? Anh ấy chạy trốn với cô ấy. ? Verbs 5
The president disappeared with a cat. ? Tổng thống đã biến mất cùng với mộ tcon mèo. ? Verbs 5
They will be equipped for life with knowledge. ? Họ sẽ được trang bị cho cuộc sống với kiến thức. ? Verbs 5
You need to be equipped with knowledge and patience. ? Bạn cần được trang bị kiến thức và sự kiên nhẫn. ? Verbs 5
They are equipped with knives. ? Họ được trang bị dao. ? Verbs 5
However, many people criticize Confucianism because it is not suitable wit ? Tuy nhiên, nhiều người chỉ trích đạo Khổng vì nó không phù hợp với xã hội hiện đại. ? History
They threaten us with a knife. ? Họ đe doạ chúng tôi bằng một con dao. ? History
Be tender with the children. ? Hãy dịu dàng với những đứa trẻ. ? Reduplicative Words
No one can lure you, if you do not agree with them. ? Không ai có thể dụ dỗ bạn nếu bạnkhông đồng ý với họ. ? Reduplicative Words
She is unconcerned with my care. ? Cô ấy dửng dưng với sự quan tâm của tôi. ? Reduplicative Words
Do not be unconcerned with the pain of other people. ? Đừng dửng dưng với sự đau đớn của người khác. ? Reduplicative Words
We do not want to do business with you. ? Chúng tôi không muốn làm ăn với bạn. ? Informal Expressions
Who are you wandering with? ? Bạn đang lang thang với ai? ? Reduplicative Words 2

We want to speak with people. Chúng tôi muốn nói chuyện với những người khác. * 006
Do you drink tea with lemon? Bạn uống chè / trà với chanh không? * 014
Do you drink coffee with sugar? Bạn có uống cà phê với đường không? * 014
Do you drink water with ice? Bạn có uống nước với đá không? * 014
Do you drink Coke with rum? Bạn có uống cô la với rượu rum không? * 014
I am eating toast with butter. Tôi ăn một miếng bánh mì với bơ. * 017
I am eating toast with butter and jam. Tôi ăn một miếng bánh mì với bơ và mứt. * 017
I am eating a sandwich with margarine. Tôi ăn một miếng săng uých với bơ thực vật. * 017
I am eating a sandwich with margarine and tomatoes. Tôi ăn một miếng săng uých với bơ thực vật và cà chua. * 017
Basel is in Switzerland. Basel ở bên Thụy Sĩ. * 023
Don’t you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you? Bạn không mang theo điện thoại di động sao? * 026
Take an umbrella with you next time! Lần sau nhớ mang theo một cái ô / dù! * 026
I would like a room with a bathroom. Tôi muốn một phòng với buồng tắm. * 029
I would like a room with a shower. Tôi muốn một phòng với vòi tắm hoa sen. * 029
I’d like a coffee with milk. Tôi muốn một cốc / ly cà phê với sữa. * 031
I’d like a tea with lemon. Tôi muốn một ly trà với chanh. * 031
I’d like a tea with milk. Tôi muốn một ly trà với sữa. * 031
I’d like something without meat. Tôi muốn món gì không có thịt. * 032
Would you like that with rice? Bạn có muốn món đó với cơm không? * 032
Would you like that with pasta? Bạn có muốn món đó với mì không? * 032
Would you like that with potatoes? Bạn có muốn món đó với khoai tây không? * 032
I would like an ice cream with whipped cream. Tôi muốn một xuất kem với kem tươi. * 033
Rolls with jam and honey? Bánh mì tròn với mứt và mật ong à? * 033
Toast with sausage and cheese? Bánh mì gối nướng với xúc xích và phó mát à? * 033
I’d like chips / French fries (am.) with ketchup. Một xuất khoai tây chiên với xốt cà chua. * 034
And two with mayonnaise. Và hai xuất với xốt mayonne. * 034
And three sausages with mustard. Và ba xuất xúc xích với tương mù tạt. * 034
Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you? Bạn có mang theo điện thoại di động không? * 041
You can also follow me with your car. Bạn cũng có thể đi theo sau tôi. * 042
May I sit with you? Tôi có thể ngồi bên cạnh bạn không? * 048
Take some suntan lotion with you. Nhớ mang theo kem chống nắng. * 049
Take the sun-glasses with you. Nhớ mang theo kính râm. * 049
Take the sun hat with you. Nhớ mang theo mũ. * 049
There is also a swimming pool with a sauna. Cũng có bể bơi cùng với phòng tắm hơi. * 051
I want to withdraw money from my account. Tôi muốn rút tiền từ tài khoản của tôi. * 062
How much money can one withdraw? Có thể lấy bao nhiêu tiền. * 062
I had to switch off the radio. Tôi đã phải tắt đài. * 084
My son did not want to play with the doll. Con trai tôi đã không muốn chơi với búp bê. * 090
My wife did not want to play chess with me. Vợ tôi đã không muốn đánh cờ với tôi. * 090
He’s going to stay either with us or in the hotel. Anh ấy hoặc là ở chỗ chúng tôi hoặc là ở khách sạn. * 100
What is the name of the capital city of Switzerland? Thủ đô nước Thụy Sĩ tên là gì? * 101

viêm màng túi + broke (without money)

like: wit ? ?
China shares a border with 14 countries ? Trung Quốc chung biên cương với 14 quóc gia ?
(1) (exclamation of surprise, regret, etc.)
(2) sickle
(3) to rush, dash
(4) to gather
(5) to flatter, curry favor with, kiss up to
(6) area of 100 square meters
? a ?
(1) anyone, someone, who, whoever, everyone, anyone
(2) to pity, sympathize, empathize with
(3) dust, fine dirt
? ai ?
to be well versed, conversant with, knowledgeable in ? am thục ?
content with one’s poverty, satisfied with one’s (poor) fate ? an bần ?
to live in peace, happiness with one’s occupation ? an cư lạc nghiệp ?
content with one’s situation ? an phận thủ thường ?
the three “with’s” (live with, eat with and work with) ? ba cùng ?
agreeing with everyone, without any opinion of one’s own; yes-man ? ba phải ?
fever with eruption ? ban bạch ?
supply (with), provide (with), furnish (with) ? ban cấp ?
propaganda with troops ? binh vân ?
to know clearly, with certainty ? biết chắc ?
a table with two drawers ? bàn có hai ngăn kéo ?
to discuss without coming to any conclusion ? bàn quanh ?
sell with the right of redeeming pawn ? bán độ ?
to sell without the right of redeeming ? bán đứt ?
snow-flaked cake (sprinkled with powdered sugar) ? bánh in ?
cake made of sweet potato meal (mixed with rice flour) ? bánh khoai ?
bread spread with butter, bread and butter, ? bánh mì phết bơ ?
glutinous rice chupatty mixed with powdered shrimp ? bánh phồng tôm ?
a wheel entangled with straw ? bánh xe bện rơm ?
china bowl (with a certain design) ? bát mẫu ?
to desist from, withdraw, retract ? bãi nại ?
not powerful enough to make oneself heard, powerless, without authority ? bé miệng ?
(1) calf, baby cow
(2) to carry with both hands
(3) disorderly
? ?
outdoors, outside, outer, on the outside, exterior; without ? bên ngoài ?
in, inside, inner, within, on the inside, indoors, interior ? bên trong ?
(1) grapefruit
(2) to carry in one’s arms, with both hands
? bòng ?
(1) wallet, purse, handbag
(2) to squeeze, grab, press with the hand
(3) police station
? bóp ?
to hit with a hammer ? búa bổ ?
to carry with both hands ? bưng ?
to mistreat, scorn, treat with indifference, slight, ill-treat ? bạc đãi ?
make bold with one’s speech ? bạo miệng ?
to talk with, talk to ? bảo với ?
discord, disagreement, disharmony; in disagreement, at odds with each other ? bất hòa ?
sudden, act suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, without warning ? bất thình lình ?
to hold fast to with one’s fingers, pinch, scratch, claw ? bấu ?
pale with indignation ? bầm mặt ?
burn (with) ? bầng bầng ?
to be endowed with; gift, endowment, natural asset, disposition, innate character ? bẩm tính ?
to pluck; to snap, switch on, turn on, burst out, explode, jettison ? bật ?
to turn on, switch on a light ? bật đèn ?
to flirt with, woo, court ? bắt chim ?
find fault with, overcritical ? bắt khoan bắt nhặt ?
to catch up with, keep pace with ? bắt kịp ?
to make contact, get into touch (for the first time) with, make contact (with) ? bắt mối động từ ?
to find fault with sth ? bắt ne bắt nét ?
to begin with, start with ? bắt đầu bằng ?
(1) equal to, the same as, even, level, flat, calm, peaceful, safe
(2) to use, be made of; to travel by (means of), be transported by, run (using some fuel)
(3) friend, comrade
(4) diploma, certificate
(5) by means of, with, in (language)
(6) proof, evidence, sup
? bằng ?
evidence, proof, exhibit, witness ? bằng chứng ?
in a voice, with a tone of voice ? bằng một giọng ?
in one hand, with one hand ? bằng một tay ?
armed, with a weapon ? bằng vũ khí ?
to find fault with, carp at ? bẻ bai ?
to switch ? bẻ ghi ?
to split hairs, find fault with, be overcritical ? bẻ họe ?
plait or braid one’s hair, do up one’s hair in a plait; join, associate oneself (with) ? bện tóc ?
to have, be sick with the flu ? bị bệnh cúm ?
to be obsessed with an idea ? bị một tư tướng ám ảnh ?
to blush, flush, come down with a fever ? bị nóng hót ?
to be charged with (a crime) ? bị xử lý ?
to be nuked, attacked with an atomic bomb ? bị ăn bom nguyên tử ?
to bewitch, cast a spell on ? bỏ bùa ?
(1) to rise, emanate
(2) to draw (a card), take with one’s fingers
(3) boxing
(4) to discharge, unload
(5) divine
? bốc ?
(1) to build up with earth
(2) to strengthen, make strong, glue together
(3) houseboy, waiter
(4) to reimburse, compensate, restore, indemnify
? bồi ?
all of a sudden, without rhyme or reason ? bỗng dưng ?
to dig with fingers or paws, dig up, find ? bới ?
out of one’s wits, scared out of one’s wits ? bở vía ?
to have a belly swelling with pregnancy ? bụng chửa ềnh ra ?
satiated with food ? bứ cổ ?
a meal with poor foods, a meager meal ? bữa cơm dưa muối ?
to content oneself with, resign oneself ? cam lòng ?
to commit (a crime), be guilty of a crime, be charged with a crime, be accused of a crime ? can tội ?
to go shares (with somebody) (in something) ? canh ti ?
lemon with rosy pulp ? chanh đào ?
to appropriate, withhold ? chiếm giữ ?
to fight with, struggle with ? chiến đấu với ?
in accordance with, according to, as per ? chiếu theo ?
invest money with someone else ? chung chân ?
to join forces (with somebody), combine or unite ? chung lưng ?
to have in common (with each other) ? chung nhau ?
to live with each other ? chung sống cùng nhau ?
to clash, share with other people ? chung đụng ?
to take, transfer, move, transmit, convert, change, pass, shift, switch (over) ? chuyển ?
packet switching ? chuyển gói ?
to commute; commute, switchover, exchange, conversion ? chuyển hoán ?
to have one’s feet sticky with mud ? chân dính bùn nhem nhép ?
to have one’s hands and feel all mucky with mud ? chân tay nhơ nhớp những bùn ?
kind of dessert made with sugar and grilled rice ? chè cốm ?
concoction of green tea leaves, fresh tea, tea, made with fresh tea ? chè tươi ?
tea with sugar ? chè đường ?
to invite with insistence, solicit ? chèo kéo ?
to belittle, blame, find fault with, scorn, make little of ? chê ?
as to, with regard to ? chí ư ?
to listen with both ears ? chú ý nghe ?
formal eulogy with wishes (at a ceremony, banquet) ? chúc từ ?
to be attentive, concentrate; concentrating, with concentration ? chăm chú ?
to go out, be out, go for a walk, have a good time, play, amuse oneself (with); fun, amusement, play, game ? chơi ?
amuse oneself (without) doing anything), idle playing ? chơi nhởn ?
to keep company with older (wealthier) people ? chơi trèo ?
to treat with every possible means (a seriously ill person) ? chạy chữa ?
soiree with sing-song girls, soiree with geishas-round ? chầu ?
dead, withered, (of flowers) fade, wither, droop ? chết khô ?
to die with honor ? chết vinh ?
to be stupefied to insensibility (with pain) ? chết điếng ?
to be transfixed (with terror) ? chết đứng ?
lines of the hand; to point or show with one’s hand ? chỉ tay ?
to point (with the hand) at ? chỉ tay vào ?
to spend within limits ? chỉ tiêu có ngữ ?
to point (with the fingers) ? chỉ trỏ ?
to be influenced by; to sustain, bear, accept, be subject to, experience (something unpleasant, difficult), endure, stand, put up with; on credit ? chịu ?
to accept with resignation ? chịu trận ?
to bear, carry, withstand, endure, stand ? chịu đựng ?
lying with all fours in the air, lying by oneself ? chỏng gọng ?
to be struggling with adversity ? chống chọi với nghịch cảnh ?
to walk with or on crutches ? chống nạng ?
lean over with the rear end sticking up ? chổng mông ?
the market was densely crowded with people ? chợ đông nghịt những người ?
evidence, proof, witness ? chứng cớ ?
to witness ? chứng giám ?
to witness, testify, see ? chứng kiến ?
to witness an event ? chứng kiến sự việc ?
to be pregnant, be with child, be in the family way ? chửa ?
to be big with child, to be pregnant ? chửa ộ ệ ?
to scorch with insults ? chửi như vặt thịt ?
crest-fallen, with one’s tail between one’s legs ? co vòi ?
monkey; “my ass”, “my foot” (expressing disagreement with a statement) ? con khỉ ?
children with one foreign parent ? con lai ?
the cat ate a mouse with a crunch ? con mèo nhai con chuột ngau ngáu ?
monkey; “my ass”, “my foot” (expressing disagreement with a statement) ? con tiều ?
(1) to supply
(2) bow (used with arrows)
? cung ?
a conflict with Russia ? cuộc chiến chống Nga ?
coffee with milk, white coffee, café au lait ? cà phê sữa ?
branches leaden with fruits ? cành nặng trĩu quả ?
a bottle with a slender and elongated neck ? cái lọ ngẳng cổ ?
a jacket with patches sewn on patches ? cái áo đụp ?
a witty joke ? câu pha trò dí dỏm ?
to walk with one’s head sunk between one’s shoulders ? cò rò ?
to be big with child, be with young ? có chửa ?
to be involved with, concern ? có dính dáng ?
what does that have to do with me? ? có dính dáng gì tới tôi ?
to be connected with, have connections ? có gốc rễ với ?
to be connected with, related to, have to do with ? có liên quan tới ?
to be familiar with, acquainted with, used to ? có quen với ?
to be pregnant, be with child ? có thai ?
equipped with, outfitted with ? có trang bị ?
be indignant (at something, with something) ? công phẫn ?
same, together; to act together (with), and; to follow ? cùng ?
accompanied with, together with, along with ? cùng với ?
with or without ? cùng với hoặc không cùng với ?
(1) sentence
(2) owl
(3) blow, shot, hit (with the knuckles)
? ?
meal taken at an inn (usually with cheap price) ? cơm bụi ?
plain cooked rice, rice with nothing to go with it ? cơm không ?
rice mixed with various cereals ? cơm độn ?
doubled up with laughter ? cười bò ?
laugh (loud or boisterously), shout with laughter ? cười ha hả ?
split one’s side with laughter ? cười lăn ?
rock with laughter ? cười ngất ?
to be doubled up with laughter, split ? cười ngặt nghẽo ?
roar with laughter ? cười như pháo ran ?
to split one’s sides with laughter ? cười vỡ bụng ?
split one’s sides with laughter ? cười đứt ruột ?
to compete with each other ? cạnh tranh nhau ?
laugh (loud or boisterously), shout with laughter ? cả cười ?
admire and esteem, be filled with admiration and esteem for ? cảm mến ?
to sympathize with, feel sympathy for ? cảm thấy thông cảm với ?
to be struck dumb with emotion ? cảm động nghẹn lời ?
to hold with both hands ? cầm cả hai tay ?
knife-switch ? cầu dao ?
to interrogate, grill (with questions), cross-examine ? cật vấn ?
penciled with betel juice ? cắn chỉ ?
bite without barking (said of a dog) ? cắn trộm ?
seal with lead, lead ? cặp chì ?
to be linked with, connected with ? cặp kè ?
to be linked with, connected with ? cặp kè với ?
(1) glass, cup, glassful
(2) to hit on the head with one’s finger
(3) cormorant
(4) ravine, valley
(5) cereal, grain
? cốc ?
to cooperate with the government ? cộng tác với chính quyền ?
together with, in combination with, in addition, plus ? cộng với ?
to cut with a blunt knife ? cứa ?
to be on intimate terms with sb, be in love with someone ? dan díu ?
knife; switch ? dao ?
small knife with sharp-pointed handle ? dao chìa vôi ?
to move to leave behind, crush with feet by rubbing ? di ?
have a personal interview with somebody ? diện kiến ?
catch (fish) with some toxic substance ? duốc ?
moist, damp (usually with sweat) ? dâm dấp ?
propaganda with the population ? dân vận ?
sit with stretched legs ? dãi thẻ ?
he-goat with big goatee, old goat, lecher ? dê xồm ?
humorous, witty ? dí dỏm ?
to be covered with blood, have blood sticking to ? dính máu ?
(1) to gather with one’s fingers; pinch, handful
(2) wrinkled
? dúm ?
to render or return insult for insult, answer evil with evil ? dĩ oán báo oán ?
supported by, with the support of ? dưới sự yểm trợ ?
to be madly in love with a girl and give way to her ? dại gái ?
madly in love with a boy and give way to him ? dại trai ?
speak in a superior tone, speak with a superior air, talk ? dạy đời ?
ignorant, unlettered, dull-witted ? dốt ?
to soothe (someone) with sweet words ? dỗ ngon dỗ ngọt ?
compete with a bad intention ? ganh gổ ?
be bursting with envy, jealous, jealous gossip ? ghen ăn tức ở ?
shudder with horror ? ghê rợn ?
(1) chair, post, bench seat (in a meeting, body)
(2) to stir with big chopsticks
? ghế ?
the family was not happy with that place ? gia đình không bằng lòng về hế hoạch đó ?
relationship, contact; to have relations with, be in contact ? giao thiệp ?
to do business with, trade with ? giao thương ?
throw oneself (with direction), hurl oneself (to) ? gieo mình ?
shoes with a flat toecap ? giày mũi bẹt ?
to help with work ? giúp công ?
to look at with wide open-eyes ? giương mắt ?
bed inlaid all over with seven precious ? giường thất bảo ?
to be angry with oneself ? giận mình ?
jerk move with frequent jolts ? giật cục ?
to twitch ? giật giật ?
catch shrimps with a stack-net, stack-net (for shrimps) ? giủi ?
half-witted, crazy ? gàn bát sách ?
to howl, yell, roar with rage, scream in anger ? gào thét ?
bucket with a long handle ? gàu ròng ?
to strike up a friendship with (someone), make friends ? gá nghĩa ?
be quarrelsome, pick a quarrel (with somebody) ? gây chuyện ?
to pick a fight with someone ? gây gỗ với ai ?
shade with parallel lines ? gạch gạch ?
to interrogate, inquire in detail, press with questions ? gạn ?
to press with questions ? gạn hỏi ?
near the border with Laos ? gần biên giới Lào ?
keep in close touch with the masses ? gần gụi ?
to be fitted with, equipped with ? gắn ?
to connect closely, go with, be related to, join ? gắn liền ?
to pick up with chopsticks ? gắp ?
to meet with the Pope himself ? gặp chính Đức Giáo Hoàng ?
to meet with opposition ? gặp các chống đối ?
meet with a favorable opportunity ? gặp dịp ?
to meet (with), encounter ? gặp gỡ ?
to meet with difficulties, have problems ? gặp khó khăn ?
to be in danger, meet with danger, harm ? gặp nguy hại ?
to meet with, encounter many difficulties ? gặp nhiều khó khăn ?
to meet with disaster, have an accident ? gặp nạn ?
to meet with complications ? gặp rắc rối ?
to meet with resistance ? gặp sự chống cự ?
to meet with opposition ? gặp sự chống đối ?
to meet with failure ? gặp thất bại ?
to meet with good fortune ? gặp thời ?
to meet (with) obstacles ? gặp trở ngại ?
to meet with difficulties ? gặp trục trặc ?
Vietnamese salad with fresh vegetables ? gỏi ?
to carry with a shoulder pole ? gồng ?
carry (on one’s shoulder) with a pole and two hangers ? gồng gánh ?
gesticulate, wave with the hands and ? hoa chân múa tay ?
remember (recollect) with emotion ? hoài cảm ?
horizontal lacquered board (engraved with Chinese characters) ? hoành phi ?
to exchange, switch; to convert ? hoán chuyển ?
blow with a wide-open mouth-give the kiss of life to, resuscitate ? hà hơi ?
to assault, act with violence ? hành hung ?
to wilt, dry up, wither, fade ? héo ?
to fade, wither ? héo hắt ?
to be busy with, absorbed in ? hí hoáy ?
be busy with (at), busy oneself with (at) ? hí húi ?
to leap with joy ? hí hởn ?
to leap with joy, be glad, be happy, be excited ? hí hửng ?
to blend (into), mix (with) ? hòa mình ?
to get in line with, go together with, keep pace with ? hòa nhịp ?
listen with a gaping mouth ? hóng chuyện ?
to twitter ? hót líu lo ?
in order to, with a view to ? hầ ?
boil over with suppressed anger, burst with suppressed anger ? hậm hực ?
entertain lavishly, treat with consideration ? hậu đãi ?
to clear one’s throat with a cough ? hắng giọng ?
to have an appointment with, promise, agree ? hẹn ?
to stop putting up with, endure no longer ? hết chịu nổi ?
to stop being friends (with each other) ? hết thân nhau ?
to meet with each other ? họp với nhau ?
attack with fire, use fire as an offensive weapon ? hỏa công ?
assail (ply) (somebody) with questions ? hỏi dồn ?
panic-stricken, frightened out of one’s wits, scared to death ? hốt hoảng ?
to flutter, tremble with excitement ? hồi hộp ?
out of one’s wits, panic-stricken ? hồn bay phách lạc ?
fight (with) ? hỗn ẩu ?
to meet with someone ? hội kiến với ai ?
confer (with), take counsel (with), conference ? hội thương ?
to work closely together, cooperate closely with each other ? hợp tác chặt chẽ với nhau ?
cooperation with the United States ? hợp tác với Hoa Kỳ ?
to cooperate with one another ? hợp tác với nhau ?
to match, fit with, suit ? hợp với ?
(of flower) beautiful but without ? hữu sắc vô hương ?
give a feast as reward, reward with a feast ? khao thưởng ?
to circle, mark with a circle ? khoanh tròn ?
to carry (heavy things, usually with other people) ? khuân ?
to stand with arms akimbo ? khuỳnh ?
different in, with respect to ? khác trong ?
different in, with respect to ? khác về ?
be skilful with one’s hands, be light-fingered, be dexterous ? khéo tay ?
to breathe with difficulty ? khò khè ?
to fade, wilt, wither ? khô héo ?
very dry, parched, withered ? khô khốc ?
incomparable, without a match, incomparable ? không ai bì kịp ?
to vanish without trace ? không cánh mà bay ?
to be ineffectual, without results ? không còn hiệu quả ?
otherwise, or, before; there is not; without (having) ? không có ?
no effect without cause ? không có nhân sao có quả ?
no offence (meant), without malice ? không có ác ý gì đâu ?
unsigned, without a signature ? không ký tên ?
uncovered, without a roof (of a vehicle) ? không mui ?
to not be without reason ? không phải là không có lý do ?
less than 1 cm off, with an error of less than 1 cm ? không sai quá 1 cm ?
not possible with the technology at that time ? không thể làm nổi đối với kỹ thuật thời bấy giờ ?
unrivaled, unopposed, without equal ? không đối thủ ?
to not agree with each other on many issues ? không đồng ý với nhau trên nhiều vấn đề ?
large handkerchief (to make a bundle of clothes, etc. with) ? khăn gói ?
lumber (under the weight of a heavy load), struggle with a heavy thing ? khệ nệ ?
for free, without paying ? khỏi trả tiền ?
to jibe, agree with each other ? khớp ?
live by one’s wits, make small profits by dishonest tricks ? kiếm chác ?
knowledge with many gaps in it ? kiến thức có nhiều lổ hổng ?
survey land (with a view to a new land policy) ? kiến điền ?
to go along with, guide; to include, add, enclose ? kèm ?
along with, together with; to include, enclose, attach, accompany ? kèm theo ?
hey (getting someone’s attention); before the day before yesterday, before the year before last year; over there, within sight ? kìa ?
squeeze with pliers ? kìm cặp ?
give priority with respect ? kính nhường ?
to present with respect ? kính tặng ?
to sign a treaty, pact with each other ? ký với nhau một hiệp ước ?
to charge (with a crime) ? kếp tội ?
to form a league with somebody, gang up ? kết bè kết đảng ?
to end with, conclude with ? kết luận bằng ?
to join with, become friends with ? kết thân với ?
alert, agile, vivacious, quick-witted ? lanh lợi ?
to communicate with each other ? liên lạc với nhau ?
to be connected with, related to ? liên quan tới ?
a large sickle with long handle ? liềm vạt ?
impotent, with out sexual power ? liệt dương ?
to live within one’s means ? liệu cơm gắp mắm ?
to run with short steps, trot ? lon ton ?
(of eyes) flashing with rage ? long sòng sọc ?
very busy with something, knee-deep in something, up to one’s ? lu bù ?
to make friends with, befriend ? làm bạn ?
to witness, be a witness ? làm nhân chứng ?
to become familiar with, get acquainted with ? làm quen với ?
to work hard and without rest, toil ? làm việc quần quật ?
to work the whole day without knocking off ? làm việc suốt cả ngày không ngừng tay ?
be engaged with something, in case of need, should the ? lâm sự ?
to be cold with someone ? lãnh đạm với người nào ?
disburse, part with one’s money ? lòi tiền ?
dumb, slow-witted ? lù đù ?
speak with a slight accent ? lơ lớ ?
eyes moistened with tears ? lưng tròng ?
be cold with fear ? lạnh gáy ?
to repay evil with good ? lấy thiện trả ác ?
silently, without breathing a word ? lầm lũi ?
to listen attentively, listen with all one’s ? lắng tai nghe ?
silently, quietly, without (any) fuss, without a song ? lẳng lặng ?
to scarify, extract with a thorn ? lể ?
(carry something) with difficulty (because it is heavy) ? lễ mễ ?
a few and out of order, lying around without any pattern ? lỏng chỏng ?
swarm (with), teem (with), great number and in disorder ? lố nhố ?
swarm (with), teem (with) ? lốc nhốc ?
pock-marked, pitted with smallpox scars, full of holes ? lỗ chỗ ?
slow, sluggish, dull-witted ? lờ khờ ?
sluggish, slow, slow (witted) ? lờ ngờ ?
to walk slowly, walk with deliberate steps, stroll, amble ? lững thững ?
howitzer, short-barrel mortar ? lựu pháo ?
magic, wizardry, witchcraft ? ma thuật ?
mung bean noodle soup with chicken ? miến gà ?
gnaw, chew with incisors ? mum ?
blood, bloody, covered with blood ? máu me ?
conflict within the Communist block ? mâu thuẫn trong khối cộng ?
to contradict, disagree with statistics ? mâu thuẫn với thống kê ?
satisfied (with), content (with) ? mãn ý ?
dull-witted, stupid; stupidity ? mê muội ?
be bewitched, charmed ? mê mẩn ?
be unconscious; go mad (on something), be infatuated (with something) ? mê mệt ?
to touch, interfere with something ? ?
to touch, twiddle with, toy with, touch, feel, palpate ? mó máy ?
link; to establish contacts, get in touch with somebody ? móc nối ?
cap (with a visor), visored hat ? mũ lưỡi trai ?
smooth with one’s fingers ? mơm ?
to smooth with one’s fingers ? mơn ?
to smooth one’s hair with one’s fingers ? mơn tóc ?
be without off spring, heirless ? mất giống ?
to be seized with panic or terror, be overcome by fear ? mất vía ?
you (used with an inferior) ? mầy ?
diligent, quick-witted, smart, sharp ? mẫn tiệp ?
intelligent and quick-witted ? mẫn tuệ ?
eyelid with two folds (considered attractive) ? mắt hao mí ?
eyelid with a single fold (considered less attractive) ? mắt một mí ?
whatever you like, at one’s wish, in accordance with one’s desire ? mặc lòng ?
succulent; swollen, bursting (with a liquid) ? mọng ?
soaked with perspiration ? mồ hôi như tắm ?
type very slowly with two fingers ? mổ cò ?
kill two birds with one stone ? một công đôi việc ?
a person without a care (in the world) ? một người vô sự ?
a tactical withdrawal ? một vụ rút lui chiến thuật ?
be side oneself with joy ? mở cờ ?
to eye, witness ? mục kích ?
to be overjoyed, bubble over with joy, rejoice ? mừng quýnh ?
to bubble up with joy ? mừng quýnh lên ?
to keep pace with the age ? ngang tầm thời đại ?
at shoulder height, across one’s chest, person of the same age or generation, peer; on a par with, on an equal footing ? ngang vai ?
even within, right inside of ? ngay trong ?
to listen to, comply with (advice), obey ? nghe lời ?
(1) unruffled, imperturbable
(2) without much fuss, without ado
(3) suddenly, all of a sudden
? nghiễm nhiên ?
to think up something else, come up with another idea ? nghĩ ra một chuyện khác ?
to think of a plan, come up with a plan ? nghĩ ra một kế hoạch ?
to think of a plan, come up with a plan ? nghĩ đến một cái kế ?
be struck dumb (with emotion) ? nghẹn lời ?
(1) boisterous, hostile, rebellious, contrary, opposite, reverse
(2) to play with, tamper with, mess with
? nghịch ?
besides, outside, aside from, in addition; without, exterior, external; up north (referring to the northern part of VN) ? ngoài ?
to yawn with the mouth wide open ? ngoác miệng ra ngáp ?
(of government employees) with special-status ? ngoại ngạch ?
outside collaboration (with subversion, etc) ? ngoại ứng ?
dull-witted, naively silly ? ngu ngơ ?
stupid, dumb, slow-witted, foolish ? ngu xuẩn ?
dim-witted, empty-headed, brainless, unintelligent, dull-witted ? ngu đần ?
dull-witted ? ngu độn ?
tired of, disgusted with, sick of, be tired of, discouraged, dejected ? ngán ?
to yawn with drowsiness, yawn drowsily ? ngáp ngủ ?
aglaia (kind of tree with fragrant little flowers); seventh lunar month ? ngâu ?
to be stupefied with grief ? ngây người ra vì buồn ?
to fall ill, become sick, be struck with a disease ? ngã bệnh ?
kind of fish (with wide mouth) ? ngão ?
slow-witted, doltish, ignorant, benighted ? ngú ngớ ?
a person with a breadth of knowledge, board views ? người có nhãn quan rộng ?
to choke, suffocate, feel oppressed, breath with difficulty ? ngạt ?
look with covetous eyes, aim, have designs on ? ngấp nghé ?
shiver with cold, feel feverish ? ngấy sốt ?
full of, profusely covered with, dirty ? ngập ngụa ?
to flop about, move with clumsy actions ? ngật ngưỡng ?
to split one’s sides (with laughter) ? ngặt nghẽo ?
basket with a beak (Cao Dai) ? ngọc cơ ?
meet with misfortune ? ngộ biến ?
to sleep in the same bed with, share the bed with ? ngủ chung giường với ?
to choke with anger ? ngứa gan ?
quick with one’s hands, swift-handed, alert, nimble ? nhanh tay ?
quick-witted ? nhanh trí ?
to look with one eye, close one eye slightly ? nheo ?
humiliate (someone) with remarks on his defects ? nhiếc móc ?
be dead tired, be faint with exhaustion ? nhoài ?
be covered with mucus ? nhoèn ?
grass hut with mud walls ? nhà tranh vách đất ?
house with no upstairs ? nhà trệt ?
family busy with a burial, bereaved family ? nhà đám ?
stab with knife ? nhát dao ?
key witness ? nhân chứng nòng cốt ?
examine with benevolence ? nhã giám ?
to gaze without blinking ? nhìn không chớp ?
to see with one’s own eyes ? nhìn thấy tận mắt ?
(1) spring
(2) tweezers; to extract with tweezers
? nhíp ?
to be very close to somebody, be very intimate with somebody ? như chân với tay ?
to be at daggers drawn with somebody ? như chông như mác ?
always on bad terms with somebody ? như chị dâu em chồng ?
without meeting any obstacle, without a hitch, smoothly ? như diều gặp gió ?
in accordance with one’s wishes ? như nguyện ?
fiercely, violently, with a vengeance ? như nước vỡ bờ ?
laboriously, with great difficulty ? như vạc ăn đêm ?
like crazy or mad or the devil, with a vengeance, madly ? như điên như dại ?
to jump for joy, jump with joy, leap high ? nhảy cỡn ?
to dance with someone ? nhảy với người nào ?
to kill two birds with one stone ? nhất cử lưỡng tiện tục ngữ ?
one and all, all, everything, everything without exception, each and every one ? nhất nhất ?
leisurely, deliberately, without haste, at leisure ? nhẩn nha ?
shiny as with grease ? nhẫy ?
complete identification with one’s role ? nhập thân ?
to become trite with repetition ? nhắc lại mãi hóa nhàm ?
eat with one’s front teeth ? nhằn ?
to eat watermelon seeds with one’s front teeth ? nhằn hạt dưa ?
handle with care, handle with kid gloves ? nhẹ tay ?
to endure, go without, suppress, abstain, refrain (from doing something) ? nhịn ?
to go without tobacco ? nhịn thuốc lá ?
to fast, not eat, go without food ? nhịn ăn ?
to stuff (someone with something) ? nhồi sọ ?
think with deep regret of ? nhớ tiếc ?
to think with deep of a talented person ? nhớ tiếc con người tài hoa ?
half-dead within an inch of one’s life ? nhừ tử ?
to swallow whole, without chewing ? nuốt trọng ?
force with entreaties ? nài ép ?
to fire at with guns ? nã đại bác ?
wedge; to season, flavor (with) ? nêm ?
pin-prick (with words) ? nói kháy ?
to talk without ceasing ? nói luyên thuyên ?
to put in a good word (with influential people, for someone) ? nói lót ?
to speak with a halt ? nói ngập ngừng ?
to speak with a lisp, lisp ? nói ngọng ?
to speak with modesty ? nói nhún ?
speak (with somebody) in private, have a word in sb’s ear; in particular ? nói riêng ?
to be honest with, tell sb the truth ? nói thật với ?
to speak English with difficulty ? nói tiếng Mỹ một cách khó khăn ?
to speak Vietnamese with ease ? nói tiếng Việt một cách thoải mái ?
speak without addressing the person spoken to ? nói trống ?
speak to empty benches, speak without using a proper from of ? nói trống không ?
regarding, with regards to; to refer to ? nói về ?
to speak with, talk to ? nói với ?
flat palm hat with fringes ? nón quai thao ?
bamboo hat worn by Buddhist monks (with a long ribbon and a small knob on top) ? nón tu lờ ?
stiflingly hot, very hot with fever, burning with fever ? nóng hầm hập ?
burn with anger ? nóng mắt ?
to burn with anger and desire to beat (someone) ? nóng mắt muốn đánh ?
burn with impatience ? nóng ruột ?
superficial; to act lightly, without much thought ? nông nổi ?
kouniak (kind of araceous plant with edible tuber), big python ? nưa ?
(1) to handle with care
(2) field, terrace
(3) to rely on
(4) girl, young woman
(5) to lean on, depend on
? nương ?
to treat with care, treat tactfully ? nương nhẹ ?
to be careful, use a light touch, handle with care ? nương tay ?
call upon (witness) ? nại chứng ?
to shield oneself with the influence of important people ? nấp bóng kẻ quyền thế ?
lie-bed, lazy bones, lie without getting up ? nằm lì ?
to lie within one’s territorial waters ? nằm trong hải phận ?
to lie within the range of this rocket ? nằm trong tầm bắn của hỏa hiện này ?
to be in one’s grasp, lie within one’s reach ? nằm trong tầm tay ?
to lie within the realm of ? nằm trong địa hạt ?
ask with annoying insistence ? nằng nặc ?
overloaded, overburdened, laden with, very heavy ? nặng trĩu ?
to respect, have consideration for, view with respect ? nể ?
to consider with respect, have respect for ? nể nang ?
to consider with respect, have respect for ? nể vì ?
concern oneself with trifles; to persist ? nệ ?
to strike the anvil with the hammer ? nện búa lên đe ?
to explode with a pop, pop ? nổ bụp ?
explode in salvoes, burst out with much noise ? nổ ran ?
internal, within ? nội bộ ?
be beaming (swollen) with pride ? nở mũi ?
enthusiastic, zealous, with fire ? nức lòng ?
mixed with anger ? pha lẫn cáu kỉnh ?
to hit hard with a long stick ? phang ?
beautiful-looking, endowed with beautiful landscapes ? phong quang ?
magic, sorcery, witchcraft ? pháp thuật ?
get tired (of), be fed up (with) ? phát chán ?
to use one’s influence with someone ? phát huy ảnh hưởng (của mình) đối với ai ?
be terrified, be frightened or startled (with) ? phát khiếp ?
come down with beriberi, develop disease ? phát phù ?
faculty, college, school (within university) ? phân khoa ?
to condole with (someone) ? phân ưu ?
(1) buxom
(2) carefree, without a care
? phây phây ?
magic, sorcery, witchcraft ? phép thuật ?
to wilt, wither, fade ? phôi pha ?
swell like with edema, be edematous ? phù ?
exorcise with incantations and a charm ? phù chú ?
to agree with, be in accordance with ? phù hợp với ?
take sides with (support) the influential people ? phù thịnh ?
have a belly swollen (with food) ? phĩnh bụng ?
correspond (to with), conform (to), put together; to distribute; to mate, marry ? phối ?
Vietnamese noodle soup served with beef or chicken ? phở ?
noodle soup with beef wine sauce ? phở xốt vang ?
service with the troops ? phục dịch với bộ đội ?
be transported with admiration, take one’s hat off (to somebody) ? phục lăn ?
to comply with orders from above ? phụng mệnh ?
to be covered with dust ? phủ đầy bụi ?
by, during, within the year 1996 ? qua năm 1996 ?
knowledge, acquaintance; to know, be acquainted with (a person) ? quen biết ?
familiar, acquainted (with) ? quen thuộc ?
to be acquainted with, familiar with ? quen thuộc với ?
to be acquainted with, know ? quen với ?
to know him, be acquainted with him ? quen với ông ấy ?
attribute a service (to somebody), credit (somebody) with a service ? quy công ?
appraise (assess) with certainty ? quyết đoán ?
nightclub with female entertainers ? quán bia ôm ?
to carry with a shoulder pole, carry on the end of a stick ? quảy ?
hard and without rest; to slave away ? quần quật ?
clothes gray with mold ? quần áo mốc thếch ?
muddled, with no clear plan ? quẩn quanh ?
to carry with a shoulder pole ? quẩy ?
roll one’s eyes (with anger), glare ? quắc mắt ?
awkward, clumsy with one’s limbs ? quều quào ?
secretary of state, minister without portfolio ? quốc vụ khanh ?
reproach somebody with something reproach bitterly ? quở phạt ?
incessantly, without interruption, non-stop ? ra rả ?
to shout, yell with joy ? reo vui ?
(1) whip, switch, rod, cane
(2) (hill) apple
? roi ?
to tremble with fear ? run lên bần bật ?
to shake with fright, tremble with fear ? run sợ ?
to be moving, throb with emotion ? rung cảm ?
to be very careful with one’s words ? rào trước đón sau ?
coach, tutor, bring up with care ? rèn cặp ?
be very sleepy (with eyelids being too heavy) ? ríu mắt ?
to chatter, chirp, warble, twitter, prattle ? ríu rít ?
uninterrupted, without a break, on end ? ròng rã ?
to stand on one’s tiptoes, walk with stealthy steps ? rón ?
to shiver, tremble (with fear) ? rùng mình ?
walk with a springy gait (step) ? rún rẩy ?
to draw (gun), pull out, recede (crowd), withdraw ? rút ?
to withdraw from, unsubscribe ? rút khỏi ?
to pull out, step back, withdraw, stand down; withdrawal ? rút lui ?
to pull out, withdraw ? rút lui khỏi ?
to withdraw ? rút lại ?
to withdraw one’s opposition ? rút lại sự chống đối ?
to withdraw troops ? rút quân ?
to fall with a flop ? rơi đánh bẹt một cái ?
wet with tears ? rơm rớm ?
eyes wet with tears ? rơm rớm nước mắt ?
camphorated oil, rubbing with alcohol ? rượu chổi ?
with animation, with excitement ? rậm rịch ?
harass with scolding, harass with humiliating remarks ? rỉa ráy ?
to leave school, finish with school ? rời ghế nhà trường ?
to let go of (somebody, something), part with; to rest ? rời tay ?
shiver with fear, have one’s flesh creeping ? rởn ?
cover a large extent of earth (with flags) ? rợp đất ?
to withdraw, take back ? rụt ?
to become limp with fear ? rủn tỷ ?
after withdrawing troops from Cambodia ? sau dịp rút quân từ cam bốt ?
have one’s heart wrung with pain ? se lòng ?
to be madly in love with someone ? si tình ?
in comparison with, (as) compared with or to, against; to compare with ? so với ?
compared with last year ? so với cùng thời kỳ năm ngoái ?
compared with last year; to compare to last year ? so với năm ngoái ?
compared with before ? so với trước đó ?
be too familiar, take liberties (with woman) ? sàm sỡ ?
quick-witted, intelligent ? sáng láng ?
quick-minded, quick-witted ? sáng trí ?
quick-witted ? sáng ý ?
to walk abreast, stroll abreast to catch up with, to ? sánh bước ?
to stand with the people of Russia ? sánh vai cùng nhân dân Nga ?
(1) magpie
(2) bamboo blinds
(3) stock phrase, cliché
(4) flute
(5) cook meet with bamboo shoots and spices
? sáo ?
to smear one’s mouth with blood (as part of an oath) ? sáp huyết ?
castanets with coins stringed ? sênh tiền ?
present the fiancée’s family with gifts on festivities ? sêu ?
waves white with foam, whitecaps, white horses ? sóng bạc đầu ?
foam with rage ? sôi gan ?
boil with anger ? sôi ruột ?
be in the height of passion, boil over with rage ? sôi tiết ?
to hunt, go hunting (with firearms) ? săn bắn ?
dry one’s hair (with a hair-drier) ? sấy tóc ?
sharp-witted, fine, sharp ? sắc sảo ?
to live with each other, together ? sống cạnh nhau ?
use too familiar a language (with a woman) ? sờm sỡ ?
tired by walking, bent (with age) ? sụn gối ?
bent with age, skin under the burden ? sụn lưng ?
the truth is within us ? sự thật lưu lại trong ta ?
to hear with one’s ears; headphones ? tai nghe ?
to hear something with one’s own ears ? tai nghe mắt thấy ?
to receive someone with open arms ? tay bắt mặt mững ?
insider, assistant from within ? tay trong ?
to carry, bring, take with; to set free, release, forgive, pardon ? tha ?
pregnant, with child, expectant ? thai dựng ?
to consult with the government ? tham khảo với chính phủ ?
according to witnesses ? theo các nhân chứng ?
according to a witness ? theo một nhân chứng ?
to elope with a man ? theo trai ?
partial, biased, unfair, partially, with partiality ? thiên lệch ?
freely, without restrain, boldly ? thiện tiện ?
to retreat, withdraw, step back, back out ? thoái lui ?
fast, quickly, rapidly, with speed ? thoắng ?
to recover, recall (a defective product), withdraw, retrieve ? thu hồi ?
grow familiar (with, experienced, skillful, be well up to) ? thành thục ?
to withdraw, retreat ? tháo lui ?
to reach with one’s hand, stretch out one’s hand, hold out one’s hand ? thò tay ?
to reach out with one’s hand ? thò tay ra ?
plot, enter into collusion (with) ? thông mưu ?
trade, commerce; to trade with, do business with ? thông thương ?
to be in league with, working with ? thông đồng với ?
narrow well with pure water ? thơi ?
to love, be in love with, be fond of ? thương yêu ?
regularly, usually, unceasingly, incessant, without a break, non-stop ? thường xuyên ?
freely, at will, without restrain ? thả cửa ?
to meet with misfortune ? thất cơ lỡ vận ?
be a displaced person, be without a home ? thất sở ?
to punish severely, without mercy ? thẳng tay ?
blunt, without mercy, without restraint ? thẳng thừng ?
swear with the mountains and seas as witnesses ? thề non hẹn biển ?
(1) easy-going, lacksidasical
(2) to speak with a weak voice (as one close to death)
? thều thào ?
precipitate, hurl, dash, with vehemence ? thốc ?
to withdraw, give change ? thối ?
in accordance with circumstances ? thời nghi ?
to breathe heavily, with difficulty ? thở khò khè ?
be content with one’s lot ? thủ phận ?
employee with the mandarin ? thừa phái ?
agile, nimble, have a ready wit, be ready witted ? tinh nhanh ?
sharp-witted, ready-witted, quick-witted, shrewd, sharp ? tinh ý ?
stationery with designs ? tiên hoa ?
testify, bear witness (to) ? tiêu xưng ?
to keep company with, keep someone company ? tiếp chuyện với ?
liquidate, abolish, do away (with) ? tiễu ?
swollen, pregnant with child ? to bụng ?
with all one’s heart, with one’s whole heart ? toàn tâm ?
to be armed with spears and swords ? trang bị bằng giáo mác ?
to contend with somebody for merits ? tranh công ?
to fight with somebody over power ? tranh quyền ?
know how to be satisfied with what one has ? tri túc ?
have an audience with the king ? triều bái ?
to remove, suppress, exterminate, withdraw ? triệt ?
to withdraw, pull out ? triệt thoái ?
to withdraw troops ? triệt thoái quân đội ?
in accordance with standards, complying with, within the bounds of ? trong khuôn khổ ?
absently, dreamingly, without thinking ? trong mơ màng ?
in an interview with the news agency Reuters ? trong một cuộc phỏng vấn dành cho thông tấn xã Reuters ?
in, within a short time ? trong thời gian ngắn ?
kind of fish with head similar to that of a snake ? tràu ?
(1) false, fake, hidden
(2) to gild, cover with a precious metal
? trá ?
dull-witted, doltish ? trì dộn ?
to converse with, talk to ? trò chuyện với ?
bind or tie up with string ? trói tròn ?
before, in front, previously; faced with, in the face of, ahead of ? trước ?
first of all, first and foremost, begin with, above all else, most of all ? trước hết ?
to recover (one's wits, composure) ? trấn tỉnh ?
betel used together with tobacco (for water pipe) ? trầu thuốc ?
to meet with difficulties, have great difficulty ? trầy trật ?
cleared out, without a penny, penniless ? trắng tay ?
pregnancy with low carriage ? trệ thai ?
drum with handle ? trống khẩu ?
small drum with a handle ? trống lệnh ?
to retire, withdraw, retreat ? trở lui ?
to slip (with one’s foot) ? trợt chân ?
bristly, rough, shaggy, covered with, full of, studied with ? tua tủa ?
to break off all relations with somebody, sever ? tuyệt giao ?
to comply with, obey ? tuân lệnh ?
bury together with a dead person (a living human being ? tuẫn táng ?
to wither ? tàn lụi ?
to go to seed, wither up (away) ? tàn tạ ?
to flirt with women ? tán gái ?
to twiddle with, toy with, thieve, steal trivial things ? táy máy ?
to admire wholeheartedly, admire with all one’s heart ? tâm phục ?
sit on the floor with one’s legs apart ? tè he ?
to fall with a thud ? té nghe cái phịch ?
to come up with a solution ? tìm ra một giải pháp ?
blue with anger ? tím gan ?
blue with anger ? tím rượt ?
to calculate a check, come up with a bill ? tính tiền ?
to shrink, contract, wither, lose flesh, grow thin ? tóp ?
to mix (with) ? tùng đảng ?
according to, in accordance with, depending on ? tùy theo ?
compatible (with) ? tương thích ?
pork with skin and rice ? tấm bì ?
randomly, at random, without pattern or principle ? tầm bậy tầm bạ ?
practice doing sth (without experience) ? tập tọng ?
(1) to be shortened, abbreviated
(2) to turn off, extinguish, switch off, turn off
(3) to die out, be extinct
? tắt ?
solitary confinement with hard labor ? tội đồ ?
stationary with flower design ? tờ hoa ?
to be angry with oneself ? tự giận mình ?
uninvited, without permission ? tự tiện ?
to struggle with one’s own self ? tự đấu tranh với bản thân ?
to meet with difficulty ? va vấp ?
to flirt (with a female) ? vet gái ?
to begin with, beginning ? vi thủy ?
be pleased, delighted, be satisfied with one’s lot ? vui thú ?
to greet with clasped hands ? vái ?
with the aim of, with the goal of ? vì mục đích ?
if, in the event, in case, with regard to ? ví như ?
a circle with a 30 km radius ? vòng tròn 30 km bán kính ?
quite, exceedingly, extremely, very; without end ? vô cùng ?
ineffective, ineffectual, without effect ? vô hiệu ?
heirless, without posterity, without future descendants ? vô hậu ?
desperate, without means ? vô phương ?
unharmed, unhurt, unoccupied, at leisure, uneventful, without a care ? vô sự ?
be without evidence ? vô tang ?
indifferent, apathetic, unintentional, unknowing, unwitting ? vô tình ?
desperate, hopeless, without hope ? vô vọng ?
eternal, perpetual, without end, endless, everlasting ? vĩnh viễn ?
to be caught or entangled, meet with difficulties ? vướng mắc ?
a garden pervaded with the fragrance of flowers ? vườn nức mùi hoa ?
material with a flower pattern or print, flowered material ? vải in hoa ?
to throw oneself on the ground, writhe in bed (with pain, sorrow) ? vật vã ?
to be gone, absent, without (someone) ? vắng bóng ?
be absent (without having any news) ? vắng bặt ?
to screw, turn (on), twist, wind, switch on ? vặn ?
paint a snake with feet, unnecessary embellishment ? vẽ rắn thêm chân ?
to make common cause with somebody, side with somebody, to ? về hùa ?
in the area of, with regards to, as for ? về mặt ?
as for Vietnam, with regards to Vietnam, for Vietnam’s part ? về phía Việt Nam ?
regarding, with regards to ? về việc ?
spotted, striped, speckled marked with spots ? vện ?
(1) rod, switch
(2) to gush forth, squirt out, soar, leap forward, spurt out
? vọt ?
in cooperation with, with the cooperation of ? với sự cộng tác ?
in the hopes of, with the goal of ? với tham vọng ?
to leap; to play with; to set off; to bring out ? vờn ?
(1) switch, rod, cane
(2) to gush, pour, leap (out); to pick up to save to pass
? vợt ?
scoop something, up with an instrument ? vục ?
to be within firing range ? vừa tầm bắn ?
to be pleased with ~ ? vừa ý về ?
to wed, marry, contract marriage with somebody, to ? xe duyên ?
to interfere with, meddle with, intervene in ? xen vào ?
to lift up with a crowbar, lever something up ? xeo ?
as God is my witness, honest to God ? xin trời đất tha thứ cho tôi ?
to demand money with menaces ? xin đểu ?
fishing fork, fishing gear; to fish with a three-pronged spear ? xom ?
serve with servility ? xu phụng ?
dull-witted, stupid ? xuẩn ?
simply, without ceremony, dressed in clothes used in the house ? xuềnh xoàng ?
stir-fry with little or no water ? xào lăn ?
to get in touch (with, poor peasants in agrarian reform) ? xâu chuỗi ?
fight (with) ? xô xát ?
steamed glutinous rice mixed with French beans ? xôi hoa cau ?
glutinous rice cooked with split peas ? xôi vò ?
to dispose, treat, settle; to charge (with a crime) ? xử lý ?
burned out, withered ? áy ?
feel ashamed, feel awkward with shame ? ê mặt ?
ploddingly, with difficulty ? ì ạch ?
to hold one’s sides (with laughter) ? ôm bụng ?
to eat with one’s fingers ? ăn bốc ?
to be in cahoots (with someone) ? ăn cách ?
to eat with a good appetite ? ăn ngon miệng ?
to gain advantage over others by one’s wits, get the better ? ăn người ?
to concern, relate to something, have to do with, be relevant ? ăn nhập ?
to speak with simplicity ? ăn nói mộc mạc ?
to eat without paying ? ăn quịt ?
to make mincemeat of somebody, wipe the floor with somebody ? ăn tươi nuốt sống ?
to eat without manners ? ăn tục ?
to eat (meat, etc) without rice ? ăn vã ?
to be in harmony, sympathize with one another ? ăn ý ?
to eat rice mixed with other cereals ? ăn độn ?
colic accompanied with lumbar pains ? đau bão ?
to writhe in pain, be doubled up with pain, sting ? đau quặn ?
overcome, weighed down, with grief, sorrow ? đeo sầu ?
to walk with crutches ? đi bằng nạng ?
to accompany, go with, follow ? đi theo ?
boil over with anger, foam with rage, fly into a passion ? điên tiết ?
come to words (with) ? điều qua tiếng lại ?
warmly, with alacrity ? đon đả ?
to break with the past ? đoạn tuyệt với quá khứ ?
to part company with somebody, finish with somebody ? đoạn tình ?
to vie with somebody in skill, try to outdo somebody in ? đua tài ?
to catch up with, reach ? đuổi kịp ?
resign oneself to one’s fate, be content with one’s lot ? đành phận ?
shiver from cold with teeth clattering ? đánh bò cạp ?
to make friends with someone ? đánh bạn với ai ?
fish with a bamboo pot ? đánh giậm ?
color one’s lips (with lipstick) ? đánh môi ?
to flog someone within an inch of his life ? đánh nhừ tử ?
hoop, bind with hoops ? đánh đai ?
to prick, stick with a needle ? đâm kim ?
there’s nothing wrong with that ? đâu có gì là trái ?
receive with consideration, welcome with high regards ? đón rước ?
to be very careful with one’s words, to ? đón trước rào sau ?
to lock (with a key) ? đóng khóa ?
power on, switch on ? đóng điện ?
have friendly talk with each other ? đôi hồi ?
crowded (with people), populous, densely populated ? đông dân ?
crowded (with people) ? đông người ?
jammed with people, overcrowded ? đông như trẩy hội ?
(1) rough, vulgar, coarse; insult
(2) slow, stupid, dumb
(3) to have sex with, screw, fuck
? đù ?
to play with fire ? đùa với lửa ?
(1) correct, exact, sharp (of time), accurate, correct
(2) to bind (book); to close, shut; to pay; to build, (3) to fit with, go with, agree with, be in accord with
(4) to play (a role), act
? đúng ?
in accordance with, according to ? đúng với ?
to agree with the Bible ? đúng với Kinh Thánh ?
be content with what you have ? được sao hay vậy ?
appetite comes with eating, the ? được voi đòi tiên ?
to close (with a lid) ? đạy ?
to demolish, knock down; down with ~! ? đả đảo ?
Down with corruption! ? đả đảo tham nhũng ?
(1) to punch, strike with the hand
(2) lake
? đấm ?
to fence, duel (with swords) ? đấu kiếm ?
to duel with somebody, exchange shots with somebody; gunfight, duel ? đấu súng ?
ideological struggle; to struggle with one’s conscience, wrestle with one’s conscience ? đấu tranh tư tưởng ?
measure wits (with someone, with one another) ? đấu trí ?
singsong girl with only a wine-serving job ? đầu rượu ?
his head was always filled with dreams ? đầu óc ông ấy lúc nào cũng đầy mộng tưởng ?
full of, loaded with, plentiful ? đầy ắp ?
to fill or block with; to overflow ? đầy ứ ?
to cover, shut (with a lid) ? đậy ?
to cover with a lid ? đậy nắp ?
to deal with, touch upon, mention, bring up, speak about ? đề cập ?
to deal with a question ? đề cập một vấn đề ?
to walk with regular steps ? đều bước ?
be glowing with health ? đỏ da thắm thịt ?
to be purple with rage ? đỏ mặt tía tai ?
faced with, confronting ? đối diện với ?
to be contradictory, be in opposition, conflict with each other ? đối nghịch với nhau ?
to face, deal with, cope, react ? đối phó ?
to deal with an issue ? đối phó với một vấn đề ?
to deal, cope with a situation ? đối phó với tình hình ?
to deal, cope with a situation ? đối phó với tình trạng ?
to deal with a problem ? đối phó với vấn đề ?
with, to, (as) for, towards, with regard to, with respect to, regarding, with regards to ? đối với ?
cohabit (with), keep house together ? đồng cư ?
to accompany, go together with; parallelism ? đồng hành ?
to be placed equal with somebody, tie with somebody ? đồng hạng ?
to agree with a plan ? đồng ý về kế hoạch ?
to agree with each other ? đồng ý với nhau ?
to agree with each other on many points ? đồng ý với nhau trên nhiều điểm ?
it is pouring down with rain ? đổ mưa ?
to fill up with gas ? đổ xăng ?
grow stupid, be stunned (struck with surprise) ? đờ mặt ?
stunned (with shame), dumb (with shame, amazement) ? đờ người ?
break love relations (with) ? đứt gánh tương tư ?
dumbfounded, with a dazzed expression on one’s face ? đực mặt ?
wet with blood ? ướt máu ?
soaked with sweat ? ướt đẫm mồ hôi ?
come along! off with you! ? ề đi đi chứ! ?
tell tales, flatter (with soft words) ? ỏn thót ?
(1) snail, mollusk, shellfish, animal with a shell
(2) house
(3) screw
? ốc ?
noisy, loud; with much noise, fanfare ? ồn ào ?
to open with much fanfare ? ồn ào khánh thành ?
settled, smooth, without a hitch, stable, peaceful ? ổn ?
be big with child ? ộ ệ ?
hot red pepper (with small seed pointing upward) ? ớt chỉ thiên ?
to stay with a friend, at a friend’s house ? ở đậu ?
to punch, hit with the fist ? ục ?
to cope with, deal with ? ứng phó ?
redden, tinge with red, grow red color, blush ? ửng ?
to toil, labor with difficulty ? ỳ ạch ?
reproach someone with something ? ỷ eo ?
to go without saying ? khỏi cần phải nói thêm ?
from inside, from within ? từ trong ?
to wave off, dismiss with a wave of the hand ? xua tay ?