1 People  2 Family Members  3 Getting to know others  4 At school  5 Countries and Languages  6 Reading and writing  7 Numbers  8 The time  9 Days of the week 10 Yesterday – today – tomorrow 11 Months 12 Beverages 13 Activities 14 Colors 15 Fruits and food 16 Seasons and Weather 17 Around the house 18 House cleaning 19 In the kitchen 20 Small Talk 1 21 Small Talk 2 22 Small Talk 3 23 Learning foreign languages 24 Appointment 25 In the city 26 In nature 27 In the hotel – Arrival 28 In the hotel – Complaints 29 At the restaurant 1 30 At the restaurant 2 31 At the restaurant 3 32 At the restaurant 4 33 At the train station 34 On the train 35 At the airport 36 Public transportation 37 En route 38 In the taxi 39 Car breakdown 40 Asking for directions 41 Where is ... ? 42 City tour 43 At the zoo 44 Going out in the evening 45 At the cinema 46 In the discotheque 47 Preparing a trip 48 Vacation activities 49 Sports 50 In the swimming pool 51 Running errands 52 In the department store 53 Shops 54 Shopping 55 Working 56 Feelings 57 At the doctor 58 Parts of the body 59 At the post office 60 At the bank 61 Ordinal numbers 62 Asking questions 1 63 Asking questions 2 64 Negation 1 65 Negation 2 66 Possessive pronouns 1 67 Possessive pronouns 2 68 big – small 69 to need – to want to 70 to like something 71 to want something 72 to have to do something / must 73 to be allowed to 74 asking for something 75 giving reasons 1 76 giving reasons 2 77 giving reasons 3 78 Adjectives 1 79 Adjectives 2 80 Adjectives 3 81 Past tense 1 82 Past tense 2 83 Past tense 3 84 Past tense 4 85 Questions – Past tense 1 86 Questions – Past tense 2 87 Past tense of modal verbs 1 88 Past tense of modal verbs 2 89 Imperative 1 90 Imperative 2 91 Subordinate clauses: that 1 92 Subordinate clauses: that 2 93 Subordinate clauses: if 94 Conjunctions 1 95 Conjunctions 2 96 Conjunctions 3 97 Conjunctions 4 98 Double connectors 99 Genitive 100 Adverbs