New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):
OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von

Grade E word(s):

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

06613686-n eng:def: a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement
06613686-n eng:exe: they went to a movie every Saturday night
06613686-n eng:exe: the film was shot on location

06613686-n movie
06613686-n film
06613686-n picture
06613686-n moving picture
06613686-n moving-picture show
06613686-n motion picture
06613686-n motion-picture show
06613686-n picture show
06613686-n pic
06613686-n flick

06613686-n 影片
06613686-n 电影

Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

Semantische Felder: