Häufigkeit: 0.1

D 澄清 + * * cheng2qing1 clear/ clarify klar, transparent, klären + +

澄清* 6 cheng2 qing1 clear (of liquid)/ limpid/ to clarify/ to make sth clear/ to be clear (about the facts)

abgesetzt (S) [cheng2 qing1 de5] 澄清的
Abklärungsmethode (S) [cheng2 qing1 fang1 fa3] 澄清方法
Abklärungsmittel (S)Aufhellungsmittel (S) [cheng2 qing1 ji4] 澄清剂
Abläuterung (S)Abscheiden (S)Absetzung (S)Bereinigung, Erklärung, Erläuterung, Klarstellung, Klärung, Abklärung (S)abschwächen (V)absetzen (V)entwarnen, aufklären (V)klären, verdeutlichen, abläuten (V) [cheng2 qing1] 澄清
Abläuterungsvorrichtung (S) [cheng2 qing1 qi4 xie4] 澄清器械
Abläuterungsvorrichtung (S) [cheng2 qing1 she4 bei4] 澄清设备
Absatzbassin (S) [cheng2 qing1 tong3] 澄清桶
Absetzbehälter [cheng2 qing1 qi4] 澄清器
Absetzbottich [cheng2 qing1 pen2] 澄清盆
Absitzbehälter [cheng2 qing1 chi2] 澄清池
Ashikaga Yoshizumi (Eig, Pers, 1481 - 1511) [zu2 li4 yi4 cheng2] 足利义澄
Chen ChengpoChen Cheng-po (Eig, Pers, 1895 - 1947) [chen2 cheng2 bo1] 陈澄波
Chengcheng [cheng2 cheng2 xian4] 澄城县
Chengcheng (Ort in Shaanxi) (Eig, Geo) [cheng2 cheng2] 澄城
Chengjiang (Ort in Yunnan) (Eig, Geo) [cheng2 jiang1] 澄江
Chengmai (Ort in Hainan) (Eig, Geo) [cheng2 mai4] 澄迈
durchsichtig (Adj) [qing1 cheng2] 清澄
funkelnd gelb [huang2 deng4 deng4] 黄澄澄
klären, aufklären (V)klar, durchsichtig (Adj) [cheng2 qing1] 澄清
Klärflüssigkeit (S) [cheng2 qing1 ye4] 澄清液
Klärung (S) [ye4 ti3 huo4 kong1 qi4 cheng2 qing1] 液体或空气澄清
Kreis Chengmai (Provinz Hainan, China) (Eig, Geo) [cheng2 mai4 xian4] 澄迈县
Saicho (Eig, Pers, 767 - 822) [zui4 cheng2] 最澄
Sumio Iijima (Eig, Pers, 1939 - ) [fan4 dao3 cheng2 nan2] 饭岛澄男
Yang Chengfu (Eig, Pers, 1883 - 1936) [yang2 cheng2 fu3] 杨澄甫

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

purify water by allowing sediment to settle / clear, pure
clear, pure, clean / peaceful

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

澂' + * * + variant /
澄' + * * + surname Cheng/
澄' + * * + clear/ limpid to clarify
澄' + * * + (of liquid) to settle/ to become clear
澄城' + 澄城* * + Chengcheng County in Weinan 渭南/
澄城縣' + 澄城县* * + Chengch /
澄徹' + 澄彻* * + variant /
澄江' + 澄江* * + Chengji /
澄江縣' + 澄江县* * + Chengji /
澄海' + 澄海* * + Sea of Chenghai district of Shantou city 汕头市, Guangdong/
澄海區' + 澄海区* * + Chenghai district of Shantou city 汕头市, Guangdong/
澄淵' + 澄渊* * + clear, deep water/
澄清' + 澄清* * + clear (of liquid)/ limpid to clarify
澄清' + 澄清* * + to settle (of liquid)/ to become clear (by precipitation of impurities) precipitat
澄澈' + 澄澈* * + limpid/ crystal clear
澄邁' + 澄迈* * + Chengmai County, Hainan/
澄邁縣' + 澄迈县* * + Chengmai County, Hainan/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

澄清 (인식·문제 등을) 분명히 하다. 분명하게 밝히다. + +

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