B + * * chai1 unweave 1.aufmachen, auftrennen,auseinandernehmen 2.abreißen,abbrechen + +

abketten (V) [chai1 qu4 lian4 zi3] 拆去链子
Abriss [chai1 qian1] 拆迁
Abziehkraft, Ausbaukraft (S, Phys) [chai1 xie4 li4] 拆卸力
Abbau, Ausbau (S)abbauen, demontieren (V) [chai1 xia4] 拆下
abbruchreif (Adj) [ke3 yi3 chai1 chu2] 可以拆除
ablegen (Bleisatz) (S)Ausschüttung (S) [chai1 ban3] 拆版
abmontieren (V)entschärfen (Sprengsatz) (V) [chai1 chu2] 拆除
abnehmbar (Adj) [ke3 chai1 kai1] 可拆开
abnehmbar, demontierbar (Adj) [ke3 chai1] 可拆
abreißen, abbrechen, abbauen, demontieren (V)aufmachen, auftrennen, auseinandernehmen (V) [chai1]
Absonderung (S)zerlegen (V) [fen4 chai1] 分拆
Abstreifer (S) [chai1 xie4 qi4] 拆卸器
Abwracken (Wirtsch) [chai1 che1 hui2 shou1 fei4 wu4] 拆车回收废物
Abwracktechnik (S) [chai1 che1 hui2 shou1 ji4 shu4] 拆车回收技术
abziehbar (Adj) [ke3 chai1 xie4] 可拆卸
abziehen (V) [chai1 qu4] 拆去
Abziehvorrichtung (S) [chai1 xie4 gong1 ju4] 拆卸工具
Aktienaufteilung (S) [chai1 gu3] 拆股
alle Brücken hinter sich abbrechen (S, Sprichw)seine Freunde vergessen, wenn man ihre Hilfe nicht mehr braucht (S) [guo4 he2 chai1 qiao2] 过河拆桥
Anbaumöbel (S, EDV) [ke3 chai1 zhuang1 de5 jia1 ju4] 可拆装的家具
ausbaubar (Adj) [ke3 chai1 xie4 de5] 可拆卸的
Ausführung (S) [jie2 gou4 wei2 ke3 chai1 xie4 shi4] 结构为可拆卸式
auspacken (V) [chai1 bao1] 拆包
China (Geo) [chai1 na4] 拆纳
Demontagevorgang (S) [chai1 xie4 guo4 cheng2] 拆卸过程
Demontagevorrichtung (S, Tech) [chai1 xie4 zhuang1 zhi4] 拆卸装置
demontieren (V) [chai1 san4] 拆散
demontieren, abbauen, abnehmen, abmontieren (V) [chai1 xie4] 拆卸
Druckmaschinendemontage [yin4 shua1 ji1 chai1 xie4] 印刷机拆卸
Druckplatte ausspannen [yin4 ban3 chai1 xie4] 印版拆卸
Ein- und Ausbau (Drucktechnik, z. B. Walzen) (S) [an1 zhuang1 he2 chai1 xie4] 安装和拆卸
etw. demontieren (V)abreißen [chai1 diao4] 拆掉
Geldverleih unter Banken (S) [tong2 ye4 chai1 jie4] 同业拆借
Montagebock (S) [chai1 zhuang1 jia4] 拆装架
Montagebock (S, EDV) [chai1 zhuang1 tai2] 拆装台
Schneeballsystem, Kreditbetrügerei ein Loch aufreißen, um ein anderes zu stopfen [chai1 dong1 qiang2 bu3 xi1 qiang2] 拆东墙补西墙
Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate (Wirtsch) [shang4 hai3 yin2 hang2 jian1 tong2 ye4 chai1 fang4 li4 lü4] 上海银行间同业拆放利率
sich der Umsiedlung widersetzen [ju4 jue2 bei4 chai1 qian1] 拒绝被拆迁
Tagesgeld (S) [duan3 qi1 chai1 fang4] 短期拆放
voneinander getrennt [chai1 fen1] 拆分
zerlegbar (Adj) [rong2 yi4 chai1 xia4] 容易拆下
zerlegbar (Adj) [rong2 yi4 chai1 xie4] 容易拆卸
zerlegen (V) [chai1 jie3] 拆解

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

拆' + * * + to tear open/ to tear down to tear ap
拆下' + 拆下* * + to dismantle/ to take apart
拆借' + 拆借* * + short term loan/
拆分' + 拆分* * + separate/ broken up into separate items
拆卸' + 拆卸* * + to unload/ to dismantle
拆字' + 拆字* * + fortune telling by unpicking Chinese characters/
拆息' + 拆息* * + daily interest on a loan/
拆放款' + 拆放款* * + funds on call/ invested sum that can be cashed
拆散' + 拆散* * + to break up (a marriage, family etc)/
拆東牆補西牆' + 拆东墙补西墙* * + lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west wall (idiom); fig. temporary exped/ Rob Peter to pay Paul
拆東補西' + 拆东补西* * + lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west (idiom); fig. temporary expedient/ Rob Peter to pay Paul
拆機' + 拆机* * + to dismantle a machine/ to terminate a telephone service
拆毀' + 拆毁* * + to dismantle/ to demolish
拆洗' + 拆洗* * + to unpick and wash (e.g. padded garment)/
拆用' + 拆用* * + to tear down and reuse/ to cannibalize
拆穿' + 拆穿* * + to expose/ to unmask to see thr
拆線' + 拆线* * + to remove stitches (from a wound)/
拆臺' + 拆台* * + to undermine/ destructive spoiling
拆解' + 拆解* * + to disassemble/
拆賬' + 拆账* * + to work in an enterprise for a share of the profits/
拆遷' + 拆迁* * + to demolish a building and relocate the inhabitants/
拆開' + 拆开* * + to dismantle/ to disassemble to open up
拆除' + 拆除* * + to tear down/ to demolish to dismant

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2498 他们 +
3380 拆卸 手錶 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +