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from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

世風' + 世风* * + public morals/
世風日下' + 世风日下* * + public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)/
交通卡' + 交通卡* * + public transportation card/ prepaid transit card subway pas
公' + * * + public/ collectively owned common
公事' + 公事* * + public affairs/ official (matters, duties etc)
公交' + 公交* * + public transportation/ mass transit abbr. for
公交車' + 公交车* * + public transport vehicle/ town bus CL:輛|辆
公休' + 公休* * + public holiday/ official leave (e.g. sabbatical)
公休日' + 公休日* * + public holiday/
公債券' + 公债券* * + public bond/
公僕' + 公仆* * + public servant/ CL:個|个
公共' + 公共* * + public/ common communal
公共事業' + 公共事业* * + public utility/ state-run enterprise public fou
公共交換電話網路' + 公共交换电话网路* * + public switched telephone network/ PSTN
公共交通' + 公共交通* * + public transport/ mass transit
公共假期' + 公共假期* * + public holiday/
公共團體' + 公共团体* * + public organization/
公共秩序' + 公共秩序* * + public order/
公共行政' + 公共行政* * + public administration/
公共衛生' + 公共卫生* * + public health/
公共設施' + 公共设施* * + public facilities/ services
公共財產' + 公共财产* * + public property/
公共道德' + 公共道德* * + public morality/ social ethics
公共開支' + 公共开支* * + public expenditure/
公共關係' + 公共关系* * + public relations/
公判' + 公判* * + public opinion/ public announcement of verdict at a trial
公募' + 公募* * + public placement (investing)/
公地' + 公地* * + public land/ land in common use
公墓' + 公墓* * + public cemetery/
公安官員' + 公安官员* * + public safety officials/
公安局' + 公安局* * + public security bureau (government office similar in function to a police station)/
公安機關' + 公安机关* * + public security bureau/
公害' + 公害* * + public hazard, nuisance/
公幹' + 公干* * + public business/ official work
公廁' + 公厕* * + public toilet/
公德' + 公德* * + public ethics/ social morality
公憤' + 公愤* * + public anger/ popular indignation
公房' + 公房* * + public housing/ dormitory, esp. for unmarried people
公敵' + 公敌* * + public enemy/
公映' + 公映* * + public screening (of a movie)/
公有' + 公有* * + publicly owned/ communal held in co
公有制' + 公有制* * + public ownership/
公檢法' + 公检法* * + public security authorities, acronym from 公安局/
公決' + 公决* * + public decision (by ballot)/ majority decision a joint de
公法' + 公法* * + public law/
公營' + 公营* * + public/ publicly (owned, financed, operated etc) run by the
公營企業' + 公营企业* * + public enterprise, as opposed to private enterprise 私營企業|私营企业/
公物' + 公物* * + public property/
公用' + 公用* * + public/ for public use
公用交換電話網' + 公用交换电话网* * + public switched telephone network/ PSTN
公用電話' + 公用电话* * + public phone/ CL:部
公益' + 公益* * + public good/ public welfare
公益金' + 公益金* * + public welfare funds/ community chest
公眾' + 公众* * + public/
公眾人物' + 公众人物* * + public figure/ famous person
公眾意見' + 公众意见* * + public opinion/
公眾集會' + 公众集会* * + public meeting/
公眾電信網路' + 公众电信网路* * + public telephone network/
公祭' + 公祭* * + public memorial service/
公私' + 公私* * + public and private (interests, initiative etc)/
公租房' + 公租房* * + public housing/
公立' + 公立* * + public (e.g. school, hospital)/
公立學校' + 公立学校* * + public school/
公聽會' + 公听会* * + public hearing/
公舉' + 公举* * + public election/
公訴' + 公诉* * + public charges (law)/
公認' + 公认* * + publicly known (to be)/ accepted (as)
公論' + 公论* * + public opinion/
公議' + 公议* * + public discussion/
公開' + 公开* * + public/ to publish to make pu
公開鑰匙' + 公开钥匙* * + public key (in encryption)/
公關' + 公关* * + public relations/
出版物' + 出版物* * + publications/
刊物' + 刊物* * + publication/
口碑' + 口碑* * + public praise/ public reputation commonly h
國庫' + 国库* * + public purse/ state treasury national e
報告會' + 报告会* * + public lecture (with guest speakers etc)/
大庭廣眾' + 大庭广众* * + public place with numerous people/
大眾運輸' + 大众运输* * + public transport (Tw)/
宣認' + 宣认* * + public declaration/
對簿公堂' + 对簿公堂* * + public courtroom accusation (idiom)/ legal confrontation to take sb
巨蠹' + 巨蠹* * + public enemy number one/
廣場' + 广场* * + public square/ plaza
急公好義' + 急公好义* * + public-spirited/
成書' + 成书* * + publication/ a book's first appearance
棄市' + 弃市* * + public execution (old)/
民意' + 民意* * + public opinion/ popular will public wil
浴池' + 浴池* * + public bath/
湢' + * * + public bathhouse/
澡堂' + 澡堂* * + public baths/
環衛' + 环卫* * + public cleanliness/ (urban) sanitation environmen
知名人士' + 知名人士* * + public figure/ celebrity
社會公共利益' + 社会公共利益* * + public interest/
節假日' + 节假日* * + public holiday/
缺德鬼' + 缺德鬼* * + public nuisance/ a wicked, mean spirited individual
輿情' + 舆情* * + public sentiment/
輿論' + 舆论* * + public opinion/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[article] nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication
[attraction] entertainment offered to the public
[copyright] right of publication
[debate] disputation, public debate
[demonstration] public display
[edition] publication
[forum] public meeting
[magazine] periodic publication
[opinion] public opinion, popular opinion
[presentation] making publicly available or known
[president] chief executive of a republic
[promotion] publicity
[publicity] public scrutiny
[riot] public violence
[sensation] public excitement
[series] serial, serial publication
[show] public exhibition or entertainment
[square] public square, plaza, place
[talk] lecture, public lecture
[volume] publication
[world] populace, public
[debut] appear in public for the first time
[post] publicize with, or as if with, a poster

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

công + + public công cộng + + public

+ + + + + + + +