17 New HSK word(s): 3 近 near/ close to/ approximately 3 冰箱 icebox/ freezer cabinet/ refrigerator/ CL:臺|台[tai2];個|个[ge4] 4 大概 roughly/ probably/ rough/ approximate/ about 4 大约 approximately/ about 5 丑 clown/ surname Chou/ 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m.; 12th solar month (6th January to 3rd February); year of the Ox 5 醉 intoxicated 5 歪 askew/ at a crooked angle/ devious/ noxious 5 盆 basin/ flower pot/ unit of volume equal to 12 斗 and 8 升; approx 128 liters/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 太极拳 shadowboxing or Taiji; T'aichi or T'aichichuan/ traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation/ a martial art 5 确定 definite/ certain/ fixed/ to fix (on sth)/ to determine/ to be sure/ to ensure/ to make certain/ to ascertain/ to clinch/ to recognize/ to confirm/ OK (on computer dialog box) 6 模样 look/ style/ appearance/ approximation/ about/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 氧气 oxygen 6 左右 about/ approximately/ left and right/ around/ attendant 6 生锈 to rust/ to grow rusty/ to corrode/ oxidization 6 大致 more or less/ roughly/ approximately 6 代理 to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position/ to act as an agent or proxy/ surrogate 6 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide CO2
17 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *N * *part;v * *n;m * *Adv * *VA * *N * *n;v * *N * *N * *M * *VS * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N
17 OLD_HSK German word(s): Rind Koffer, Kiste ungefähr, etwa, annähernd, links und rechts Zählwort Schachtel, Kästchen, Büchse, Dose annähernd, etwa oxydieren, Oxydation Sauerstoff, Oxygen Akupunktur und Moxenbehandlung 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos Kiste, Kasten, Koffer,kastenartiger Gegenstand durchtrieben, gerissen, gewieft, schlau Toxizität, Giftigkeit ähneln, annähernd, sehr ähnlich Kohlendioxid Fuchs Sauerstoff
1054 synsets(s): oxidative + foxy + boxed + oxford-grey + oxford-gray + approximate + proximate + approximate + unorthodox + boxlike + boxy + box-shaped + proximal + intoxicated + unintoxicated + nontoxic + approximate + approximative + intoxicated + intoxicating + paradoxical + ox-eyed + intoxicant + intoxicating + proximate + noxious + innoxious + obnoxious + boxed + boxed-in + boxed in + orthodox + unorthodox + heterodox + proximo + prox + oxidizable + toxic + hepatotoxic + nephrotoxic + ototoxic + toxicant + nontoxic + atoxic + antitoxic + unoxygenated + anoxemic + anoxic + carboxyl + carboxylic + cytotoxic + dicarboxylic + hydroxy + monocarboxylic + paroxysmal + neurotoxic + toxicological + toxicologic + Orthodox + Jewish-Orthodox + Orthodox + Eastern Orthodox + Russian Orthodox + Greek Orthodox + thyrotoxic + Oxonian + Oxonian + trihydroxy + oxidized + oxidised + approximately + paradoxically + foxily + obnoxiously + noxiously + detox + detoxify + intoxicate + oxygenate + oxygenize + oxygenise + deoxidize + deoxidise + oxidize + oxidise + oxidate + oxidise + oxidize + oxidate + peroxide + oxygenize + oxygenise + oxygenize + oxygenise + decarboxylate + decarboxylate + detoxify + detoxicate + fox + carboxylate + fox + flummox + approximate + outfox + outfox + foxhunt + intoxicate + epoxy + box + shadowbox + box + box + unbox + xerox + intoxicate + foxtrot + deoxygenate + cox + fox + approximate + box in + box up + box + approximation + proxy fight + boxing + boxing + professional boxing + fox hunting + foxhunt + fox-trot + foxtrot + detoxification + detoxification + shadowboxing + blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging + adoxography + poxvirus + smallpox virus + coxsackievirus + Coxsackie virus + Volvox + genus Volvox + Phoxinus + genus Phoxinus + Phoxinus phoxinus + Amphioxidae + family Amphioxidae + genus Amphioxus + amphioxus + Isurus oxyrhincus + fox shark + Loxia + genus Loxia + Loxia curvirostra + genus Pyrrhuloxia + pyrrhuloxia + Pyrrhuloxia sinuata + Toxostoma + genus Toxostoma + Toxostoma rufums + box turtle + box tortoise + Western box turtle + Cnemidophorus velox + Chronoperates paradoxus + Thamnophis proximus + Oxybelis + genus Oxybelis + Oxyuranus + genus Oxyuranus + Oxyuranus scutellatus + Crotalus atrox + toxicognath + coxcomb + Syrrhaptes paradoxus + Oxyura + genus Oxyura + Oxyura jamaicensis + Potamogale velox + Oxyuridae + family Oxyuridae + foxhound + American foxhound + Walker foxhound + English foxhound + fox terrier + smooth-haired fox terrier + wire-haired fox terrier + boxer + crab-eating fox + fox + red fox + black fox + silver fox + red fox + kit fox + prairie fox + Vulpes velox + kit fox + Arctic fox + white fox + blue fox + grey fox + gray fox + Cryptoprocta ferox + Paradoxurus + genus Paradoxurus + flying fox + oxtail + Phylloxeridae + family Phylloxeridae + Phylloxera + genus Phylloxera + grape phylloxera + Phylloxera vitifoleae + Loxostege + genus Loxostege + Loxostege similalis + Loxostege similalis + fox squirrel + eastern fox squirrel + Gallant Fox + ox + wild ox + oxen + ox + water ox + Asian wild ox + musk ox + Loxodonta + genus Loxodonta + Loxodonta africana + raccoon fox + Scomberesox + genus Scomberesox + Scombresox + genus Scombresox + Scomberesox saurus + Esox + genus Esox + Esox lucius + Esox masquinongy + Esox niger + Esox americanus + Pomoxis + genus Pomoxis + Pomoxis nigromaculatus + Pomoxis annularis + Toxotidae + family Toxotidae + Toxotes + genus Toxotes + Toxotes jaculatrix + Gobiesox + genus Gobiesox + Gobiesox strumosus + Oxylebius + genus Oxylebius + Oxylebius pictus + boxfish + squeeze box + amoxicillin + Amoxil + Polymox + Trimox + ballot box + bandbox + batter's box + black box + box + box + box + box + box seat + box + box beam + box girder + box camera + box Kodak + boxcar + box coat + boxing equipment + boxing glove + boxing ring + box kite + box office + box pleat + box seat + box spring + box wrench + box end wrench + breadbox + cashbox + money box + cat box + cefadroxil + cefuroxime + celecoxib + Mefoxin + cereal box + chlordiazepoxide + cigar box + ciprofloxacin + coxcomb + coin box + Cox-2 inhibitor + cytotoxic drug + soapbox + detox + dialog box + diazoxide + dideoxycytosine + dideoxyinosine + dice box + dicloxacillin + digitoxin + digoxin + Lanoxin + dispatch box + doxazosin + doxepin + doxepin hydrochloride + doxorubicin + doxycycline + boxers + boxershorts + tamoxifen + ethoxyethane + firebox + floxuridine + fluoxetine + fluoxetine hydrocholoride + foxhole + fox hole + gamma hydroxybutyrate + gearbox + gear box + boom box + hatbox + horsebox + hotbox + hydroxychloroquine + hydroxyzine hydrochloride + hydroxyzine + intoxicant + iodochlorhydroxyquin + isocarboxazid + Sporanox + jack-in-the-box + journal box + jukebox + jury box + loxapine + Loxitane + mailbox + letter box + matchbox + deoxyephedrine + methylenedioxymethamphetamine + minoxidil + miter box + mitre box + monoamine oxidase inhibitor + music box + musical box + naloxone + naproxen + naproxen sodium + Anaprox + nitrous oxide + outlet box + oxacillin + oxaprozin + oxazepam + oxbow + Oxbridge + oxcart + oxeye + oxford + Oxford University + Oxford + oximeter + oxyacetylene torch + oxygen mask + oxyphenbutazone + oxyphencyclimine + oxytetracycline + hydroxytetracycline + oxytetracycline hydrochloride + oxytocic + oxytocic drug + packing box + paddle box + paddle-box + paintbox + Pandora's box + paroxetime + penalty box + pencil box + phenoxymethyl penicillin + pentoxifylline + pepper box + phenyltoloxamine + pillar box + pillbox + pillbox + pillbox + piroxicam + playbox + play-box + poor box + alms box + mite box + postbox + mailbox + letter box + Post-Office box + PO Box + call box + letter box + press box + prompt box + prompter's box + propoxyphene + propoxyphene hydrochloride + reboxetine + icebox + rofecoxib + Vioxx + saddle oxford + safe-deposit box + safety deposit box + deposit box + lockbox + saltbox + sandbox + sandbox + money box + sentry box + shadow box + shoebox + shoebox + shooting box + signal box + skybox + snuffbox + soapbox + soundbox + squawk box + strongbox + deedbox + stuffing box + packing box + sulfamethoxazole + sulfisoxazole + sweatbox + sweatbox + call box + telephone box + idiot box + goggle box + tinderbox + toe box + toolbox + toy box + tuck box + valdecoxib + vox angelica + vox humana + window box + witness box + workbox + Xerox + Xerox machine + xerox + xerox copy + approximation + obnoxiousness + noxiousness + toxicity + unorthodoxy + heterodoxy + orthodoxy + oxford grey + oxford gray + oxblood red + moxie + proximity + oxygen deficit + approximate range + oxytocin + thyroxine + thyroxin + homeobox + homeobox gene + cytotoxic T cell + voice box + coxa + articulatio coxae + foxiness + oxyopia + out-of-the-box thinking + approximation + vox populi + unorthodoxy + toxicology + proxemics + doxastic logic + orthodoxy + unorthodoxy + heterodoxy + Orthodox Judaism + proximity + law of proximity + oxytone + paroxytone + proparoxytone + Oxford English Dictionary + proxy + paradox + approximation + Biloxi + Fox + Oxford English + doxology + oxymoron + vox + boxing match + intoxication + oxtail soup + icebox cake + Cox's Orange Pippin + boxberry + oxheart + oxheart cherry + fox grape + lox + Scandinavian lox + Nova Scotia lox + Nova lox + intoxicant + Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church + Orthodox Church + Orthodox Catholic Church + Eastern Orthodox Church + Eastern Orthodox + Greek Orthodox Church + Russian Orthodox Church + Orthodox Judaism + Jewish Orthodoxy + Oxford movement + box number + post-office box number + PO box number + PO Box No + box number + equinox + vernal equinox + autumnal equinox + toxic waste dump + toxic waste site + toxic dumpsite + loxodrome + proximity + toxic site + toxic waste area + Oxford + Oxford + Biloxi + Knoxville + Fox River + oxbow + oxbow + oxbow lake + Proxima + Proxima Centauri + Nox + Biloxi + Fox + Oxonian + bobbysoxer + boxer + Boxer + chatterbox + doxy + coxcomb + coxswain + cox + fox + fox hunter + lummox + Orthodox Jew + boxer + peroxide blond + peroxide blonde + proxy + toxicologist + Ford Madox Ford + Fox + George Fox + Fox + Charles James Fox + Knox + John Knox + James Knox Polk + Lennox Robinson + Esme Stuart Lennox Robinson + Desert Fox + Fox Talbot + William Henry Fox Talbot + Oxandra + genus Oxandra + Oxandra lanceolata + Chimonanthus praecox + Acacia melanoxylon + Alternanthera philoxeroides + red fox + Barbarea praecox + Argyroxiphium + genus Argyroxiphium + Argyroxiphium sandwicense + oxeye + woodland oxeye + oxeye + oxeye daisy + ox-eyed daisy + oxeye daisy + oxtongue + bristly oxtongue + stemless hymenoxys + Hymenoxys acaulis + Hymenoxys grandiflora + chatterbox + foxtail orchid + oxlip + meadow foxtail + foxtail + foxtail grass + foxtail barley + giant foxtail + yellow foxtail + green foxtail + foxtail millet + Triplochiton scleroxcylon + mountain box + moxie plum + box huckleberry + Oxydendrum + genus Oxydendrum + Oxydendrum arboreum + Vaccinium oxycoccus + foxberry + box white oak + Hamamelidoxylon + genus Hamamelidoxylon + Hypoxidaceae + family Hypoxidaceae + Hypoxis + genus Hypoxis + Hypoxis hirsuta + Allium paradoxum + Aloe ferox + Kniphofia praecox + Amianthum muscaetoxicum + Amianthum muscitoxicum + Cassia roxburghii + Haematoxylum + genus Haematoxylum + Haematoxylon + genus Haematoxylon + Haematoxylum campechianum + rattlebox + American rattlebox + Indian rattlebox + Myroxylon + genus Myroxylon + Myroxylon balsamum + Myroxylon toluiferum + Myroxylon pereirae + Myroxylon balsamum pereirae + Oxytropis + genus Oxytropis + Oxytropis lambertii + Ceroxylon + genus Ceroxylon + Ceroxylon andicola + Ceroxylon alpinum + Metroxylon + genus Metroxylon + Metroxylon sagu + Crataegus oxycantha + Crataegus oxyacantha + oxheart + oxheart cherry + marmalade box + boxberry + Erythroxylaceae + family Erythroxylaceae + Erythroxylon + genus Erythroxylon + Erythroxylum + genus Erythroxylum + Erythroxylon coca + Erythroxylon truxiuense + Chloroxylon + genus Chloroxylon + Chloroxylon swietenia + cigar-box cedar + Oxalidaceae + family Oxalidaceae + genus Oxalis + oxalis + Oxalis acetosella + Oxalis pes-caprae + Oxalis cernua + creeping oxalis + Oxalis corniculata + Oxalis caprina + Oxalis violacea + Oxalis tuberosa + Oxalis crenata + Zanthoxylum + genus Zanthoxylum + Zanthoxylum americanum + Zanthoxylum fraxineum + Zanthoxylum clava-herculis + Zanthoxylum flavum + box family + box + boxwood + common box + European box + boxwood + Turkish boxwood + box elder + California box elder + Toxicodendron + genus Toxicodendron + Toxicodendron vernix + Toxicodendron radicans + Toxicodendron diversilobum + Toxicodendron quercifolium + Rhus toxicodenedron + Toxicodendron vernicifluum + phlox family + genus Phlox + phlox + chickweed phlox + sand phlox + Phlox bifida + Phlox stellaria + mountain phlox + moss phlox + dwarf phlox + Phlox subulata + genus Gloxinia + gloxinia + Gloxinia perennis + florist's gloxinia + Gloxinia spesiosa + foxglove family + false foxglove + false foxglove + foxglove + common foxglove + yellow foxglove + straw foxglove + boxthorn + Boletus roxanae + fox grape + Loxomataceae + family Loxomataceae + Loxoma + genus Loxoma + foxtail grass + snuffbox fern + Vincetoxicum + genus Vincetoxicum + Vincetoxicum hirsutum + Vincetoxicum negrum + box office + Christmas box + decarboxylation + tricarboxylic acid cycle + oxidation + oxidization + oxidisation + oxidation-reduction + oxidoreduction + redox + oxidative phosphorylation + oxygenation + precession of the equinoxes + toxicity + cytotoxicity + oxidation number + oxidation state + oxtant + boxcars + box + boxful + box + tinderbox + proxy war + intoxication + carbon dioxide acidosis + orthodox sleep + paradoxical sleep + hypoxia + anemic hypoxia + hypoxic hypoxia + ischemic hypoxia + stagnant hypoxia + oxygen debt + anoxia + anemic anoxia + anoxic anoxia + ischemic anoxia + stagnant anoxia + colpoxerosis + paroxysm + thyrotoxicosis + pox + smallpox + pseudosmallpox + milk pox + white pox + West Indian smallpox + Kaffir pox + chickenpox + pox + rickettsialpox + oxycephaly + toxoplasmosis + toxemia + toxaemia + toxemia of pregnancy + toxaemia of pregnancy + toxemia + toxaemia + camelpox + cowpox + enterotoxemia + dementia praecox + box + toxic shock + toxic shock syndrome + anoxemia + toxic condition + intoxication + caffeine intoxication + carbon monoxide poisoning + paroxysmal trepidant abasia + botulinum toxin + botulinum toxin A + Botox + dihydroxyphenylalanine + glutathione peroxidase + hydroxyproline + 5-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase + horseradish peroxidase + hydroxy acid + hydroxybenzoic acid + titanium dioxide + titanium oxide + titanic oxide + barium hydroxide + barium monoxide + barium oxide + barium protoxide + barium dioxide + barium peroxide + oxygen + liquid oxygen + LOX + manganese tetroxide + pentoxide + magnesium oxide + pyroxene + ricin toxin + epsilon toxin + Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin + aflatoxin + antioxidant + deuterium oxide + cyclooxygenase + Cox + cyclooxygenase-1 + Cox-1 + cyclooxygenase-2 + Cox-2 + carboxylic acid + ammonium hydroxide + medroxyprogesterone + fox + nitrogen oxide + nitrogen dioxide + nitric oxide + arsenic trioxide + arsenous oxide + benzoyl peroxide + Maalox + oxidant + oxidizer + oxidiser + oxidizing agent + hydrogen peroxide + peroxide + box calf + calcium oxide + carboxyl + carboxyl group + carboxymethyl cellulose + pyroxylin + pyroxyline + hydroxybenzene + oxybenzene + carbon dioxide + carbon monoxide + carbon monoxide gas + cocarboxylase + 5-hydroxytryptamine + chlorine dioxide + Clorox + copper oxide + aluminum oxide + aluminium oxide + aluminum hydroxide + aluminium hydroxide + hydrated aluminum oxide + hydrated aluminium oxide + decarboxylase + deoxyadenosine monophosphate + deoxycytidine monophosphate + deoxyguanosine monophosphate + deoxythymidine monophosphate + deoxyribonucleic acid + desoxyribonucleic acid + recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid + deoxyribose + dimethylglyoxime + dioxide + dioxin + toxic waste + toxic industrial waste + ferric oxide + glutamic oxalacetic transaminase + glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase + hydroxyacetic acid + epoxy + epoxy resin + epoxy glue + hydroxide + hydroxyl + hydroxyl group + hydroxyl radical + hydroxide ion + hydroxyl ion + hydroxymethyl + glyoxaline + beta-hydroxybutyric acid + hydroxybutyric acid + oxybutyric acid + hydroxide + hydrated oxide + calcium hydroxide + magnesium hydroxide + monoamine oxidase + monoxide + oxalacetate + oxaloacetate + oxalacetic acid + oxaloacetic acid + oxalate + oxalic acid + oxidase + oxidation-reduction indicator + oxide + oxidoreductase + oxime + oxyacetylene + oxyacid + oxygen acid + oxygenase + peroxidase + peroxide + potassium hydroxide + 2-hydroxybenzoic acid + sodium hydroxide + obidoxime chloride + saxitoxin + oxyhemoglobin + oxyhaemoglobin + antitoxin + tetanus antitoxin + toxin antitoxin + toxicant + toxin + anatoxin + toxoid + animal toxin + zootoxin + bacterial toxin + botulinus toxin + botulismotoxin + cytotoxin + endotoxin + enterotoxin + exotoxin + hepatotoxin + nephrotoxin + neurotoxin + mycotoxin + plant toxin + phytotoxin + siloxane + silicon oxide + silicon dioxide + sodium carboxymethyl cellulose + staphylococcal enterotoxin + staphylococcal enterotoxin B + oxidized LDL cholesterol + sulfur oxide + sulphur oxide + sulfur dioxide + sulphur dioxide + superoxide + superoxide anion + superoxide + superoxide dismutase + tetrodotoxin + tetroxide + deoxyadenosine + deoxycytidine + deoxyguanosine + deoxythymidine + trioxide + uranyl oxalate + vanadium pentoxide + pyridoxine + pyridoxal + pyridoxamine + zinc oxide + zirconium oxide + zirconium dioxide + Boxing Day + equinox + vernal equinox + March equinox + spring equinox + autumnal equinox + September equinox + fall equinox +
17 OLD_HSK English word(s): ox/ cow/ bull box/ case/ chest about/ approximate/ influence/ control box approximate/ about oxygen-change/ oxygenate/ oxidize oxygen-gas/ oxygen acupuncture-moxibustion/ acupuncture poison/ toxin/ narcotics poison/ toxin/ narcotics measure word for boxes; cases; chests; trunks; etc. sly/ cunning/ tricky/ foxy/ crafty toxicity approximate carbon dioxide fox oxygen
17 OLD_HSK French word(s):
17 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
17 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
17 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
17 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** YANG3

การชกมวย 拳击 boxing
รำมวยจีน, ไท้เก๊ก 太极拳 Chinese boxing dance, Tai put on airs
กระเป๋าเดินทาง; กล่อง 箱子 suitcase; box
กระเป๋าเดินทาง 箱子 suitcase, chest, box, case, trunk
ราศ๊พฤษภ ox, cow
กล่อง 箱子 box; case; trunk
วัว 黄牛 ox; cow
เกี่ยวกับ; รอบ (ระบุจำนวนโดยประมาณ) 左右 about; around (indicating an approximate number)
ประมาณ; เกี่ยวกับ 大约 approximately; about
การนัดหมาย, ข้อตกลง, ประมาณ appointment, agreement, to arrange, to restrict, approximately
กล่องจดหมาย 信箱 post-office box (P.O.B), letter box, mail box
วัวและม้า 牛马 oxen and horses, beasts of burden
การฝังเข็ม 针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion, to give or have acupuncture and moxibustion
ประมาณ, อาจ, หยาบ, ตัวอย่าง, เกี่ยวกับ 大概 roughly, probably, rough, approximate, about
ตัวอย่าง; เกี่ยวกับ 大约 approximate; about
กล่อง box
กล่อง; กรณี; หน้าอก 箱子 box; case; chest
ยาพิษ poisonous; toxic; malicious; cruel; poison
ยาพิษ poison; toxin; narcotics
เขี้ยวลากดิน 狡猾 sly; cunning; tricky; foxy; crafty
กล่อง measure word for boxes, cases, chests, trunks, etc.
ออกซิเดชัน 氧化 oxygen-change; oxygenate; oxidize
อ๊อกซิเจน 氧气 oxygen-gas; oxygen
การฝังเข็ม 针灸 acupuncture-moxibustion; acupuncture
ความเป็นพิษ 毒性 toxicity
ก๊าซคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide
จิ้งจอก 狐狸 fox
ใกล้เคียง 近似 approximate
ออกซิเจน oxygen
สุนัขจิ้งจอก 狐狸 fox der Fuchs, "e le renard el zorro
มวย 拳击 boxing der Boxsport la boxe el boxeo
ถุงมือมวย 拳击手套 boxing glove der Boxhandschuh, e le gant de boxe el guante de boxeo
กล่อง 盒子 box die Schachtel, n la boîte la caja
กล่องช็อคโกแลต 一盒巧克力 box of chocolates die Pralinenschachtel, n la boîte de chocolats la caja de bombones
กล่องโลหะ 金属盒 metal box die Metallkiste, n la boîte en métal la caja metálica
กล่องไม้ 木箱 wooden box die Holzkiste, n la boîte en bois la caja de madera
กล่องเครื่องมือ 工具箱 toolbox der Werkzeugkasten, " la boîte à outils la caja de herramientas
กล่องไปรษณีย์ 邮政信箱 post office box das Postfach, "er la boîte postale el apartado postal
กล่องจดหมาย 邮箱 mailbox der Postkasten, " la boîte aux lettres el buzón
นักมวย 拳击手 boxer der Boxer, - le boxeur el boxeador
กล่องปฐมพยาบาล 急救箱 first-aid box der Verbandskasten, " la trousse de secours el botiquín de emergencia
กล่องจดหมาย 邮箱 mailbox der Briefkasten, " la boîte aux lettres el buzón de correo
boksi กล่อง box Box boîte caja scatola
bovo วัว ox Ochse bœuf buey bue
loĝio กล่อง box Box boîte caja scatola
oksido ออกไซด์ 氧化 oxide Oxid oxyde óxido ossido
oksigeno ออกซิเจน oxygen Sauerstoff oxygène oxígeno ossigeno
ortodoksa ดั้งเดิม 正统 orthodox orthodox orthodoxe ortodoxo ortodosso
paradokso บุคคลที่ผิดธรรมดา 悖论 paradox Paradox paradoxe paradoja paradosso
paroksismo การปะทุ 发作 paroxysm Anfall paroxysme paroxismo parossismo
rusto ออกไซด์ 氧化 oxide Oxid oxyde óxido ossido
skatolo กล่อง box Box boîte caja scatola
variolo ไข้ทรพิษ 天花 smallpox Pocken variole viruela vaiolo
vulpo จิ้งจอก 狐狸 fox Fuchs renard zorro volpe

Grade E word(s):

43 aksijana अक्सिजन oxygen n.
850 kaṭṭara कट्टर diehard, orthodox adj.
891 karība करीब almost, aproximately adv.
1318 gōru गोरु ox [castrated] n.
2485 pēṭī पेटी belt, casket, small box, small chest, girdle n.
2646 phyā'urō फ्याउरो fox n.
2734 bākasa बाकस box n.
3052 masta मस्त drunk, intoxicated adj.
3185 mōṭāmōṭhī मोटामोठी near about, approximately adj.
3350 lagabhaga लगभग about, nearly, approximately, almost adv.
3379 lāgu लागु intoxicating, exciting adj.
3537 viṣākta विषाक्त toxic, poisonous, venomous, vituperative adj.
3538 viṣālu विषालु toxic, poisonous, venomous, vituperative adj.
3542 visphōṭa विस्फोट outburst, explosion, eruption, smallpox n.
3814 salā'ī baṭṭā सलाई बट्टा match-box n.
Plants: Amomum subulatum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) Black Cardamom; Nepal-Kardamom; Bengal-Kardamom; Large Cardamon; Falscher Kardamom
Plants: Averrhoa bilimbi L. (Oxalidaceae) Bilimbi; Vinagrillo; Pepino culí
Plants: Averrhoa carambola L. (Oxalidaceae) Karambolabaum; Starfruit; Tamarindo Chino; Culí
Plants: Ceroxylon alpinum Bonpl. ex DC (Arecaceae) Wachspalme; Wax Palm
Plants: Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. (Fabaceae) Indian Rosewood; Blackwood, Indian; Palisander; Ostindische Jacaranda
Plants: Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. (Fabaceae) Sisso; Rosewood; Rosenholz; Palisander; Shisham
Plants: Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees. (Poaceae) Bambus; Calcutta-Bamboo
Plants: Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. (Ebenaceae) Tendu; Ebony; Ebenholz; Coromandel Ebony Persimmon
Plants: Erythroxylum coca Lam. (Erythroxylaceae) Kokastrauch; Coca Tree
Plants: Ficus elastica Roxb. (Moraceae) Gummibaum; Rubber Plant; Feigenbaum, Kautschuk-; Indian Rubber Tree
Plants: Gmelina arborea Roxb. (Lamiacee; Verbenaceae) Grey Teak
Plants: Haematoxylum campechianum (Caesalpiniaceae) Blauholz; Logwood; Campeachy Wood
Plants: Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae) Ridged Gourd; Schwammgurke; Vegetable Sponge; Loofah
Plants: Metroxylon sagu Rottb. (Arecaceae) Sagopalme
Plants: Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms (Fabaceae) Perubalsam-Baum; Tolubalsam-Baum
Plants: Oxalis tuberosa Molina (Oxalidaceae) Knollen-Sauerklee; Oka; Apilla
Plants: Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill. (Polygonaceae) Mountain Sorrel
Plants: Sambucus nigra L. (Adoxaceae; Caprifoliaceae) Gewöhnlicher Holunder; Gemeiner Holunder; Schwarzer Holunder; Elder; Elderberry; Deutscher Flieder; Fliederbusch; Holderbusch; Hollerbusch
Plants: Sapium sebiferum Roxb. (Euphorbiaceae) Talgbaum; Chinese Tallow Tree; Vegatable Tallow; Chinesischer Talgbaum; 'Popcorn-Tree'; 'Jumping Beans'
Plants: Sterculia urens Roxb. (Sterculiaceae) Karayagummi; Karaya Gum;
Plants: Terminalia bialata (Roxb.) Steudel (Combretaceae) Chuglam Wood;
Plants: Toxicodendron vernicifluum (DC.) E. D. et F. A. Barkl. (Anacardiaceae) Lacksumach; Japanese Lacquer Tree
Plants: Vitellaria paradoxa Gärtn. f. (Sapotaceae) Sheabutterbaum; Schibutterbaum; Karité

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [orthodox] adhering to what is commonly accepted
(a.) [toxic]
(n.) [box] container
(n.) [fox] animal
(n.) [oxygen]
(n.) [paradox] self-contradiction

02402175-n ox +
02403003-n ox +

ox + +




1 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1047 最近的邮箱在哪儿? ตู้ไปรษณีย์ที่ใกล้ที่สุดอยู่ที่ไหน? Missä on lähin postilaatikko?

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

451 礼盒 蝴蝶结
953 箱子
1128 纸箱
1130 拳击 剧烈 运动
1433 喜欢 拳击 打斗
1969 这些 箱子
1991 珍惜 盒子
2402 打开 盒子
2456 大概 13
2793 表格 打勾
3067 工具箱 装满 钉子
3269 潜水 需要 氧气罐

Semantische Felder:

11.55 Dumm