8 New HSK word(s): 3 自己 self/ (reflexive pronoun)/ own 4 软 soft/ flexible 4 死 to die/ impassable/ uncrossable/ inflexible/ rigid/ extremely 5 灵活 flexible/ nimble/ agile 6 塑造 to model/ to mould/ plastic (arts)/ flexible/ to portray (in sculpture or in words) 6 机动 locomotive/ motorized/ power-driven/ adaptable/ flexible (use; treatment; timing etc) 6 弹性 flexibility/ elasticity (physics) 6 反射 to reflect/ reflection (from a mirror etc)/ reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)
4 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *VS * *VS * *VS
4 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. sterben 2. tot 3. bis zum Tod 4. äußerst 5. unversöhnlich 6. starr, steif, fest 7. undurchlässig, abgesperrt gelenkig, flexibel lebend, lebendig 1.steif, starr 2. sich festfahren, an einem toten Punkt ankommen
136 synsets(s): retroflex + reflexive + retroflex + retroflexed + flexible + flexible + flexile + inflexible + flexible + inflexible + inflexible + flexible + flexible + inflexible + reflexed + flexuous + reflex + reflexive + reflexly + flexibly + inflexibly + move reflexively + act reflexively + retroflex + flex + flex + flex + retroflex + flex + flex + accommodation reflex + Babinski reflex + retroflexion + deflexion + flexion + flexure + flex + dorsiflexion + flexible sigmoidoscopy + reflexology + defecation reflex + rectal reflex + reflex + reflex response + reflex action + instinctive reflex + innate reflex + inborn reflex + unconditioned reflex + conditional reflex + conditioned reflex + acquired reflex + knee-jerk reflex + patellar reflex + startle reflex + Moro reflex + light reflex + pupillary reflex + micturition reflex + pharyngeal reflex + gag reflex + pilomotor reflex + plantar reflex + rooting reflex + stretch reflex + myotactic reflex + suckling reflex + Keflex + Flexeril + flexible joint + Norflex + reflexion + reflex camera + flexible sigmoidoscope + flexibility + flexibleness + inflexibility + reflexion + flexibility + reflexion + deflexion + flexibility + flexibleness + inflexibility + inflexibleness + flexor muscle + flexor + circumflex artery + circumflex artery of the thigh + arteria circumflexa femoris + circumflex humeral artery + arteria circumflexa humeri + circumflex iliac artery + arteria circumflexa ilium + circumflex scapular artery + arteria circumflexa scapulae + circumflex vein + vena circumflexa + circumflex iliac vein + vena circumflexa ilium + circumflex femoral vein + vena circumflexus femoris + reflex arc + sigmoid flexure + reflexion + reflexology + reflexive pronoun + reflexive + reflexive verb + reflexion + circumflex + reflexion + Latino sine flexione + retroflexion + genuflexion + deflexion + flexion + deflexion + reflexion + Pinus flexilis + Juncus inflexus + Trifolium reflexum + Capparis flexuosa + Salvia reflexa + reflexivity + reflexiveness + reflexivity + reflexiveness + inflexion + reflex angle + flexure + flexure + flexion + reflex epilepsy + areflexia + retroflexion +
4 OLD_HSK English word(s): die/ pass away/ dead/ inflexible flexible/ agile lifelike/ living/ alive/ vivid/ lively/ movable/ flexible stiff/ rigid/ inflexible/ numb/ deadlocked
4 OLD_HSK French word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** JIANG1

สาย (ลักษณะนามของแม่น้ำ) (measure word for long, narrow, flexible objects like pants, skirts and snakes)
(measure word for long, thin, inflexible objects like pens, rifles, etc.)
มีความยืดหยุ่น; เปรียว 灵活 flexible; agile
lifelike; living; alive; vivid; lively; movable; flexible
แข็ง stiff; rigid; inflexible; numb; deadlocked
cirkumflekso เครื่องหมายบนตัวอักษรโรมัน 抑扬 circumflex Zirkumflex circonflexe circunflejo circonflesso

Grade E word(s):

462 ātmābōdhaka आत्माबोधक reflexive [linguistics] adj.
Plants: Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) Buriti-Palme

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [flexible] bendable
(v.) [flex] bend

01280014-v flex +
01280488-v flex +
02035919-v flex +
02036977-v flex +
02142280-v flex +
00405628-n flex +

flex + +

flex flex



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

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