ability + The power, money, or skill to do something
able + Having the ability to do something
about + of (a subject); concerning
above + In a higher place than something else
absolute + Complete and total
absolutely + completely; totally; very
accept + to agree to receive or take something offered
acceptable + Satisfactory; good enough
account + arrangement with a bank to keep your money for you
across + From one side to the other of something
act + To behave in a certain way
action + Something that a person or thing does
actual + Real or existing in fact, not imagined; real
actually + used to add new (often different) information
add + To put two things or numbers together, e.g. 2+2
addition + Fact of adding something; thing that is added
additional + Further or added
address + exact street location of a place
admit + To agree that you did something bad, or that something bad is true
advertise + to show how good a product is, to make people buy
advertisement + poster, TV, film showing advantages of new product
afford + to have enough money to pay for something
afraid + Worried that something bad will happen; scared
after + Later than another time, or behind something
afternoon + time after 12:00 and before the evening meal
again + One more time, once more
against + in opposition to; disagreeing with
age + number of years a person has lived (also of things)
ago + At a specified length of time in the past
agree + to have the same opinion as someone else
agreement + when you share the same opinion or reach a decision
ahead + In or toward the front
air + mixture of gases around the earth that we breathe
all + completely; totally
allow + To let or permit someone do something
almost + Only a little less than, nearly, not quite
alone + Without anyone or anything else
along + At a point on a line
already + Having happened or been done before this time
alright + OK; fine; good
also + In addition; too; in a similar way
although + Despite the fact that; however
always + at all times; in every situation
amaze + To cause wonder; to surprise completely
among + In the center of some things; in relation to several things
amount + quantity of something
and + used to refer to two or more things
angry + Having a strong feeling of being upset
animal + A living creature that is not a plant or person
another + one more (thing); additional (thing)
answer + solution to a problem or test question
any + one (thing) of many; some (thing)
anybody + Any person; anyone
anymore + No longer; no more
anyone + Any person
anything + thing of any kind; used to refer to a thing in questions
anyway + A word people use to change the topic of a conversation
anywhere + in, at or to any place; used in questions, with 'not'
apart + Separated by an amount of time or space
apparent + Easy to see or clearly understand
apparently + according to what you heard; from what can be seen
appear + to be seen, become visible; come into sight
appearance + The way that something looks
area + A specific section or space; part of a region
arm + part of your body from your shoulder to your hand
around + Located on every side, or along something
arrival + when someone or something gets to at a place
arrive + to reach the place you are travelling to
art + A creative skill using the imagination, e.g. painting
artist + A person who is skilled and creative in art, such as a painter
as + word that is used to compare two equal things
ashamed + Feeling shame or guilt because you did something wrong
ask + To say to someone that you want something
at + in the place where something is
autumn + The season when the weather is getting colder, after summer
aware + Knowing or feeling that something exists
awareness + Having knowledge of something
away + Not here; far from here; in a different direction
awful + Very bad; horrible; terrible
baby + very young child, who cannot yet speak
back + have returned to a place you were before
bad + Not good; wrong
badly + Not in a good way; not as wanted or liked
bag + soft container to put things in and carry with you
ball + small round object often used in a game or sport
bank + A financial institution that keeps or lends money
bar + To prevent entry, exit or an action
basic + at the most important or easiest (beginner) level
basically + Used before you explain something simply
bath + long container you fill with hot water to wash in
beach + large area of sand, next to an area of water
bear + large brown animal with fur that lives in forests
beat + To win against another person or team; defeat
beautiful + Having very attractive or appealing physical qualities
beauty + The quality of being physically or visually attractive
because + For a reason
beneath + Under; In or to a lower position; below
black + color of the sky on a dark night
boat + small form of transport for traveling on water
bread + Baked food made from flour, used in sandwiches, etc.
break + to separate into pieces by force, or by dropping
breakfast + first meal of the day
breath + air you take in and out of your body
cake + A sweet baked food made from flour, eggs, fat and sugar
camp + place where people live for a short time in tents
can + To be able to; have the skill to; have the time to
car + A vehicle with four wheels and engine that can carry things
card + small piece of paper or plastic used as I.D.
care + to look after someone or something
careful + Thinking about what you are doing in order to avoid a mistake
carefully + In a manner that involves focus and care
carry + To hold something and move it to another place
case + example or instance of something
cat + animal of the lion, tiger and leopard family
catch + use your hands to stop and hold something flying
cause + To make something happen; create effect or result
central + Being in the middle
certain + Being sure about something; without doubt
certainly + (said when something is definitely true or is sure to happen)
chair + A piece of furniture you sit on when sitting at a table or desk
chance + The possibility that something will happen
change + To make or become different, or into something else
charge + To ask for money as a price for a service or goods
cheap + Not costing a lot of money
class + rank or level in society, ranked from high (rich professional people) to low (ordinary people)
clean + Being free from dirt or marks because it was washed
clear + Easy to understand; well-explained; obvious
clearly + In a way that is easy to understand; obviously
coat + clothing worn outside over your normal clothes
comfortable + not being worried about something; at ease
company + A business that sells things or provides services
consideration + careful thought; thinking about something
conversation + when you talk with other people; discussion or chat
coverage + type of programs a radio or TV station broadcasts
crazy + Not being sensible or practical
daily + Happening every day
dance + To move your body rhythmically to music
danger + The possibility of getting hurt, damaged, or killed
dangerous + involving the chance of hurt or damage; risky
dark + Having little or no light; not light in color
darkness + The state or quality of being dark in color
date + A day in the calendar such as January 3rd
daughter + A female child of someone
day + Each of the 24 hours beginning at midnight
dead + Not alive
deal + to give out (cards, etc) to; distribute
dealer + Someone who buys things to sell to others
dear + Loved or valued very much
death + when someone dies; the end of life
draw + To create an image using pen or pencil and paper
dream + images, thoughts, and feelings that are experienced during sleep
each + Every one of two or more things
ear + Thing on either side of your head that you hear with
early + Happening sooner than expected
earth + the planet we live on
easily + without difficulty
east + The direction where the sun rises
easy + Not hard to do; not difficult
eat + to put food in your mouth
educate + to teach someone in a school or college
educational + Intended to teach or inform
especially + More than usual; extremely
everyday + Used or seen daily; suitable for daily use; ordinary
exact + Completely correct; accurate; specific
exactly + No more and no less than; precisely
expectation + belief or hope that something is going to happen
explain + To make clear or easy to understand by describing
explanation + details or reasons given to make something clear
extra + More than necessary; additional
face + front part of the head where eyes, nose, and mouth are
fact + something that is known or proved to be true
fair + Treating all people the same way
fairly + quite; pretty; between very and a little
family + a group of people who are related through blood
far + a long way away
farm + Land used for growing crops or raising animals
farmer + person who operates a farm
fast + Moving or able to move quickly
fat + oily part of meat
father + A male parent
favorite + Most liked; best loved
fear + unpleasant feeling caused by being aware of danger
final + Being the last thing in a series
finally + After a long time or some difficulty
flat + level; even; without curves or bumps
football + sport where 2 teams try to kick a ball in a goal; soccer
fortunate + Having good luck
forward + Toward what is ahead or in front
friday + firth day of the week; the day after Thursday
game + Activity with rules that people play to have fun
garden + yard; ground outside your house to grow plants
gas + the elements in our air, like oxygen or nitrogen
general + Widespread, normal or usual
generally + Usually; as a rule; by, to or for most people
glad + happy that something happened; pleased
glance + quick or temporary look
glass + hard transparent material used for making windows
grass + Plants with narrow green leaves, grown on lawns
greatly + an extraordinary extent or degree
hair + long thin strands on your head or body
hall + area inside the entrance of a house
hand + body part at the end of a person's arm
handle + To have the ability to cope with or take responsibility for
hang + To attach a picture, photograph etc onto a wall
happen + To take place or occur
happiness + state of feeling pleased; feeling of satisfaction
happy + Feeling pleasure or joy; glad
hard + difficult to bend, break or cut; solid
hardly + Clearly or undoubtedly not; very little
hat + item of clothing worn on your head
hate + to have a very strong feeling of dislike for
have + To own, possess, or hold something
head + top part of your body with eyes and a mouth
health + (person, company) being in a good condition; being well
healthy + in good condition physically (or financially); not ill or bad
hear + To be aware of sound; to perceive with the ear
heart + the part of the body that pumps blood
heat + To make hot or hotter
heavily + a lot or to a great degree
heavy + Having a lot of weight
historian + Someone who studies or writes about the course of history
historical + Connected with the past
holiday + day when people don't go to work or school
hospital + building for sick people, with doctors and nurses
human + a person; a man, woman or child
husband + married man
idea + belief, thought, suggestion, opinion or plan
imagination + ability to think of new ideas; creation of mental images
imagine + to think creatively about; form mental picture of
important + having a big effect on (person, the future)
information + collection of facts and details about something
instead + When one thing is replaced by another
insurance + Payments to cover potential loss/damage/injury/death
island + area of land that is surrounded by water
lady + another way of saying ‘woman’
lake + large area of water surrounded by land
land + the earth; the ground
large + Big; of great size; broad, tall, wide, long, or fat
largely + In large part; mainly or chiefly
last + the one before
late + Happening near the end of a given time
laugh + To make a happy sound when something is funny
law + system or rules made by the government
lay + To put or set something down in a flat position
lazy + not liking to work or make an effort; idle
lead + to show the way or guide others
leader + person who is in charge of a group or task
leadership + quality of being able to guide or influence others
learn + to get knowledge or skills by study or experience
least + In the smallest or lowest way
leave + to go away from; depart
load + large, often heavy, amount of something to be moved
local + Relating or restricted to a particular area, city, or town
look at + to use your eyes to focus on something
machine + piece of equipment used to do work
mad + Very angry
main + Most important; most often used
mainly + mostly; usually; being the largest part
major + Important, serious, or large in scope
make + to create something by putting things together
maker + person, company, or object that creates things
man + An adult male human being
manage + To run or operate a business by directing others
management + people who are in control of a business or group
manager + person who controls and runs a business or group
many + Used to refer a large number of things
mark + To make or leave a visible sign on something; a writing symbol
market + public event where people sell goods on tables
marriage + formal relationship between a husband and a wife
marry + To become the husband or wife of someone
master + being very skilled at doing something
matter + problem or reason for concern
maybe + Possibly but not certainly; perhaps
meal + food for eating at a particular time, e.g. dinner
mistake + something done wrong, calculated wrong, etc; error
mountain + very high piece of land, higher than a hill
musical + play or movie set to music
musician + person who writes, sings, or plays music, as a job
name + What something or someone is called
nation + area or region controlled by a government and army
national + Concerning a nation as a whole
natural + Not made by humans; without human intervention
naturally + Without the aid of someone or something
nature + physical world, including plants, animals, rocks
near + With a small distance between things
nearby + Close to where you are
nearly + not completely; almost
necessarily + In a way that is needed or required, or is unavoidable
necessary + Needed or required; unavoidable
normal + standard or regular way of doing something
normally + In the manner that is usual or ordinary
okay + Yes; alright
orange + being a color that is a mixture of red and yellow
pack + To put things in a suitcase to go on a trip
package + box or container items are placed in for mailing
page + One side of a sheet of paper
pain + strong feeling of hurt or discomfort
paint + to apply something; coat
pair + two of the same thing, e.g. socks
paper + pages of a book are made from this
parent + person's/animal's mother or father
particular + one specific (one)
particularly + specially; more than others
partly + In part; not completely
party + social event often with food, drinks and dancing
pass + To travel through or near a place
past + time that existed before now, e.g. long ago
pay + To give money for goods or work done
payment + amount of money that is paid for something
perhaps + Possibly, but not certainly; maybe
personal + done by or to a particular person; individual
personally + by a specific person, and not by anyone else
photograph + To take a picture with a camera
place + To put something in a certain location or position
plan + detailed proposal/set of actions to do something
plant + living thing with leaves and roots growing in soil
player + person who plays sports
please + You say this when you politely ask people for things
preparation + act of making ready for a purpose or activity
prepare + To make something ready for use
presentation + act of giving a formal talk about something
probability + what the chances are that something will happen
probably + (+adj or v) that is likely to happen or be true
program + planned set of actions; a schematic system
quarter + One of four equal parts of something
race + contest between either people, animals or vehicles, to determine which is the fastest
radio + system for sending and receiving signals through the air
rain + Drops of water that fall out of clouds in the sky
raise + To increase a quantity, size, intensity or price
rate + speed or frequency of events over time
rather + Somewhat; fairly; not that much
reach + To come to or arrive at a goal or destination
reader + person who reads written or printed materials
ready + Prepared
real + Actually existing or happening, not imagined
reality + What is true, as opposed to what is imagined
realize + To become aware of or understand mentally
really + Very
reason + explanation for why something occurred or was done
reasonable + Fair and sensible; appropriate
reasonably + In a fair and just manner
relate + To understand or sympathize with someone or something
relation + manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
relationship + manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
road + long piece of hard land for cars to travel on
sad + feeling unhappy; wishing something hadn't happened
safe + being out of danger
safety + state of being free from harm or danger
sail + To travel on water in a ship or boat
same + Identical; not different
saturday + sixth day of the week; the day after Friday
save + To rescue someone or something from a bad situation
say + To use words to tell your message
scare + to make someone feel frightened or worried
sea + place with a large amount of salt water
seat + To show someone to a place that can sit down
secondary + Being of less importance than something else
servant + person who works in another person's house and usually is responsible for cooking, cleaning and other tasks
several + More than two but not many
sexual + Concerning or connected with the physical activity that can produce babies
shake + to move something violently back and forth or up and down
shall + Expressing the future tense, to expect to happen
shape + the outer form of something, what it looks like
share + part of a company you own, shown by a certificate
situate + To place someone or something in a particular place or position
situation + condition, location or position
small + Little in size; not big
space + empty area with nothing in it
speak + To use words to tell information, express thoughts
speaker + person who makes a speech before a group
special + Different from what is usual; better or greater than normal
specialist + person who works in one specific area of a field or profession
specialize + To focus on one area of a field or profession
square + shape with 4 equal length sides and 4 equal angles
stage + place where actors or musician perform for others
stand + to be upright; not be sitting or lying down
star + A bright planet of gas in the night sky
stare + To look at someone or something for a long time
start + first time or place that a thing exists; beginning
state + region within a country, with its own government
statement + act or process of saying something formally
station + place where you can catch a train or a bus
stay + To spend time visiting a place or someone’s home
steal + To secretly take something that belongs to another
storage + act of storing something; a depository for goods
straight + Not having curves, bends, or angles
strange + Unusual or odd; surprising because unexpected
stranger + Someone you do not know
suitable + right for a particular purpose or occasion
sunday + seventh day of the week, the day after Saturday
table + raised flat surface
tail + part of an animal's body that extends from it's back end
take + To pick up something and go away with it
talk + To say things or ideas to someone with words
tall + High in height
tape + To stick things together using an adhesive strip
taste + the flavor in your mouth from food or drink
tax + Money taken by a government from its people
teach + To help someone learn or do something
teacher + person who teaches others, especially in a school
team + group of people working on a task together
tear + drop of salty water from the eye
than + Used to compare two things that are not equal
thank + to tell someone you are grateful to them
that + used to show which person or thing we are talking about
thousand + number 1,000
throat + inside of the neck that swallows
thursday + fourth day of the week; the day after Wednesday
today + on this day; at the time that is happening now
total + whole number or amount of something
totally + In a complete way; completely; absolutely
toward + Facing or moving in the direction of something
track + To follow behind someone to see what they are doing
train + vehicle that carries people and runs on rails
travel + to go to a place that is far away
treat + To act in a certain way toward someone
treatment + way someone acts toward another
tuesday + second day of the wee; the day after Monday
unable + Not being able to do something
uncertainty + The feeling that you don't really know what will happen
unclear + Not easy to understand; not obvious
understand + to know the meaning of language, what someone says
unfortunately + in a way that is to be regretted; unluckily
unusual + Being rare or uncommon; not ordinary; strange
usual + being the way things occur most of the time
usually + Normally; regularly
van + truck with an enclosed cargo space
wait + to spend time until an expected thing happens
wake + To stop something or someone sleeping
walk + to move with your legs at a slowish pace
wall + high, flat side of a room or building
want + To desire or wish for something; hope for a thing
war + situation where armies fight each other
wash + To clean someone or something with soap and water
waste + To use valuable things ineffectively
watch + to look at carefully to work out what is happening
water + clear liquid that forms the seas, rivers and rain
wave + to move your hand or arm to say hello or goodbye
wear + To have clothes, glasses, shoes etc on your body
weather + whether it is raining, sunny, cold etc outside
wednesday + third day of the week; the day after Tuesday
whatever + Anything or everything needed; no matter what
woman + adult female human being
yard + outdoor area or garden next to a house
year + unit of time equal to 12 months or 365 (or 366) days
yesterday + day before today
access + way to enter a place, e.g. a station or stadium
accident + sudden unplanned event causing damage, injury etc
accuse + To claim that someone has done something wrong
active + Moving around a lot or doing many things
activity + An action or task, e.g. sports, washing your clothes
adapt + To change something to fit or suit a new purpose
admire + To feel respect or wonder toward someone
adult + person or animal that is fully grown
advance + To move forward in a certain direction
advantage + thing making the chance of success higher
adventure + An exciting and often dangerous experience
advice + suggestion about what someone should do
advise + To suggest what should be done
adviser + Someone giving advice in business, law etc
affair + event or a set of events, often unpleasant ones
affect + To do something that changes something else
agent + person who can represent and decide for others
aid + To provide things useful or needed by others
alarm + sound or light used for a warning or alert
alcohol + Drinks such as wine, whiskey, beer
alive + Living; not dead
alter + To change a part of something e.g. clothing
altogether + Completely and fully
anger + To make someone mad, upset, or annoyed
announce + To make a public statement about a plan, decision
announcement + act of informing people about something publicly
anxious + Afraid of what may happen; worried and nervous
apartment + set of rooms to live in on one floor of a building
appeal + To request a judge or others change a decision
application + formal request for job, building permission etc
apply + to ask formally for (job, building permission etc)
appoint + To officially choose a person for a job, position
appointment + time you arranged to meet someone or do something
appreciate + to be thankful for; to value or admire
approach + To get close to reaching something or somewhere
april + 4th month of the year
argue + To give reasons for or against an idea or point of view
argument + A discussion in which you disagree with another’s opinion
army + large group of soldiers organized to fight in wars
arrange + To organize things into an order for them to happen
arrangement + organized plan, event for a time and place
arrest + To use the law to catch and keep people who committed crimes
article + piece of writing about a particular subject
aside + to the side; out of the way; for later use
assist + to help
assistance + act of helping someone
assistant + person who helps another, usually as a job
associate + partner in professional work, e.g. in law
association + organization of people with the same interest
assume + to believe, based on the evidence; suppose
assure + To make sure that something happens
atmosphere + the air around us
attachment + strong affection for someone
attack + to try to destroy, beat, or injure
attempt + To try to do something challenging or difficult
attend + To be present at an event
attendance + state of being present at a place or event
attention + focus of your thoughts on something
attitude + way you act, think and feel about something
attract + To make someone notice and become interested in
attraction + interesting place people want to visit e.g. museum
attractive + making you like them, as by being good-looking
august + 8th month of the year
automatically + in a way not requiring control by a person
available + present and able to be used
average + typical or normal; usual; ordinary
avoid + To prevent from happening, or stay away from
background + images, color, or information behind the main one
balance + To make two or more things equal
barely + In a way that is difficult but still possible; almost not
basis + starting situation, fact, idea to develop from
battle + military fight between armies
blame + To say someone is responsible for something bad
brain + The part of the head that thinks and controls your body
branch + part of a tree growing outward from the trunk
brand + name given to a product or service e.g. Rolex, Ferrari
breast + two soft round parts on a woman’s chest.
breathe + To move air into and out of your lungs
brilliant + Having a great amount of intelligence or talent
broad + wide; from the shorter two sides to the other
cable + wire carrying electricity, TV signals, internet etc
calculate + To find an answer using mathematics
calm + "Relaxed and not worried or angry
camera + object that takes pictures digitally, or on film
cap + small, soft hat often with a front visor or shade
capability + means, ability, or potential to do something
capable + Having the ability to do something; can do
capital + Main, or major
career + particular occupation in professional life
carpet + colored floor covering made of wool, etc
cash + physical money (not credit card or digital)
cast + people who appear in a play or movie
castle + large defensive building in historical times
chain + series of (metal) connected links or rings
challenge + an activity you wish to try that may be hard to do
champion + person who fights for or supports strongly
championship + sports competition to find the best player or team
channel + long hole dug in the ground
chapter + One of the main sections of a book
character + Your personality or nature
characterize + To describe the qualities of person, place, thing
charm + quality of making people like you; attractiveness
chase + To go after someone or something with the intent to catch
chat + To talk in a friendly and relaxed manner
chocolate + A hard brown candy made from cocoa beans
cigarette + white stick filled with tobacco and covered in paper
circumstance + condition or fact that affects a situation
claim + To say something is true when others may not agree
classic + Something popular or famous for a long time
classical + Concerning ideas considered to be traditional
coach + person who teaches others how to do (sport, job)
coal + dark hard substance from the earth burnt as a fuel
coast + land near the sea or ocean
combination + act or result of mixing things together
command + To give an order; have control over others
commercial + radio or television advertisement
compare + To consider how similar and different things are
comparison + Looking for differences and similarities in two or more things
complain + To say something is wrong and should be changed
complicate + To make more difficult to do, understand or use
concentrate + to pay great attention to a task; focus
concentration + paying ( a lot of) attention to a task
constant + Happening frequently or without pause
constantly + frequently or without pause
contact + To get in touch with someone
contain + To hold something inside something else
contract + legal agreement, e.g. for doing work for money
crack + To almost break something
crash + to damage an object by causing it to hit something
cream + thick liquid rubbed into the skin
create + to make, cause, or bring into existence
creation + act of making something
creative + Having the ability to make something new
creature + animal of any type
criminal + Involving illegal activity ; relating to crime
cultural + of a particular society’s customs and beliefs
damage + Physical harm that is done to something
dare + To have enough courage to do something
department + division of a larger part or organization
detail + small part of something; tiny fact
determination + will to achieve a goal despite difficulties
disappear + To no longer see because it’s not there any more
disappoint + To not meet the expectations of others or yourself
disease + illness that affects a person, animal, or plant
distance + amount of space between two places or things
dollar + A basic unit of money equal to 100 cent
drag + To pull something that difficult to move
drama + play that is performed on stage, theater, or TV
dramatic + (of an event) sudden and extreme
dramatically + In a sudden or extreme manner
earn + to get money for work
ease + state of being comfortable or relaxed
embarrass + to cause someone to feel uncomfortable about something
emotional + causing, feeling, or appealing to the emotions
encourage + To make someone more determined or confident
engage + To carry out, participate in; be involved in
entertain + To take care of guests by offering them food or drink often at your home or in a restaurant
entertainment + activity make people have a good time by singing, telling jokes, etc
environmental + Of the natural world in which plants and animals live
equal + same in shape, size, or number
equally + In an equal, even, or identical manner
escape + To get away from a place where you are being kept
establish + To set or create something to last for a long time
establishment + organization, institution or place to do business
estate + Land that a person owns
eventually + Finally
exam + test of your knowledge of, or ability in something
examination + test of your knowledge of, or ability in something
examine + to test your knowledge or ability
example + thing/person which represents a category
exchange + To give things of similar value to each other
exhaust + Be very very tired
fail + To not achieve a goal, or to go wrong
faith + belief that that something is true without proof
faithfully + in a trustworthy manner
familiar + Well-known or easily recognized
famous + widely known; recognized by many people
fan + thing you wave in front of your face to stay cool
fancy + To want to have or do something; feel like
fantastic + Very fanciful in design, construction, or appearance
fascinate + Attract or interest greatly
fashion + style of dress or activity popular at some time
fault + a failure or negative aspect of
favor + helpful act of kindness
feature + distinctive or important point of something
february + 2nd month of the year
female + person of the sex that gives birth to babies
finance + control of money a person/business has access to
financial + Involving money
flag + piece of cloth, frequently marked with a colorful symbol or sign
flash + sudden bright light
float + To rest on top of a surface of water or another liquid
frame + Border of wood, metal, etc. in which a picture, door, pane of glass, etc. is enclosed or set
gain + To get something wanted, needed or valued
gate + place in a fence which can be opened or closed
gather + To bring people/animals together into a group
gay + person attracted to someone of the same sex
gear + the transmission configuration in a vehicle
generation + People born and living at about the same time
gentleman + man who has good manners and is considerate
goal + Something you try to do or achieve; an aim
grab + To quickly reach out and take something in your hand.
grade + level of study that is completed by a student
grand + Including many things ; very large
grant + To give or let someone do what they want
guarantee + To make a formal promise that something will happen or be done.
guard + to keep watch over something to protect it e.g. a bank
habit + usual way of behaving ; something often repeated
harm + To injure, damage, or cause problems due to something you do
hesitate + To stop before doing something because you are unsure what to do
illegal + Not allowed by the laws or rules
illustrate + To explain with examples to make easier to understand
illustration + picture that helps explain something
image + picture, sculpture or painting of something
immediate + done without delay; straight away
immediately + without any delay; straight away; right (after or before)
increase + to make or become something larger in size or amount
increasingly + more and more; in greater degree or amount
indicate + To show something, direct attention to or point out
indication + Something that signals that something else exists or will happen
individual + single person, looked at separately from others
industrial + Concerning industry or people involved in industry
instance + an example of something; case
investigate + To try to find out facts; to carry out research
investigation + search for information about something
invitation + when someone asks another to attend an event, etc
jacket + light, thin coat worn on the upper body over another shirt or piece of clothing for protection or warmth
labor + To work hard (often physically) for many hours
laboratory + workplace for the conduct of scientific research
lack + to not have, or not have enough, of something
language + words or signs used to communicate messages
lawyer + professional who helps people with the law
league + association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members
leap + To move forwards often in big steps
legal + Concerning the law; allowed by law
library + place where books and other media are kept
limitation + act of controlling or reducing the size of something
loan + To borrow money that must be paid back
locate + To find a certain place, location, or destination
location + particular position or area
magazine + weekly or monthly publication with pictures and stories
magic + Any art that invokes supernatural powers
mail + a letter, package or email
maintain + To keep, exist or continue without changing
maintenance + keeping (a machine) working by checking and fixing it
male + Characteristic of boys or men
manner + That way that something happens or is done
map + picture showing the geography of an area
mass + Having to do with a large amount of people
massive + Very big large too big
match + "a sports competition between two people or teams
mate + Someone who you work, live, or go to school with
material + substance from which a thing is made of
mathematics + study or science of numbers and shapes
maximum + largest or greatest
measure + To calculate size, weight or temperature of
measurement + size or amount of something or someone
meat + flesh of a dead animal that you eat
medical + of or relating to physical health or medicine
mental + Concerning the mind
message + piece of information that is told/given to someone
metal + Usually hard shiny material mined from rock
military + Concerning soldiers or the armed forces
narrow + Not wide ; short from one side to the other
native + person speaking a language from birth
newspaper + Sheets of paper (or online) containing news stories
observation + remark or comment on something you noticed
occasion + time when something happens or takes place
occasionally + not very often; sometimes; seldom
official + of or done by someone in authority; formal
operate + To be working or being used
operation + Functioning; use
operator + person whose job it is to connect phone calls
ordinary + Normal or usual
organization + formal group of people with a particular purpose
organize + To arrange and plan things, e.g. a party
original + being first made, thought or performed; fresh
originally + At first; in the beginning
panic + overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
partner + someone you have a business or personal relationship with
partnership + working with others for some purpose
path + track made with stones/by walking over the ground
patient + not getting annoyed when things take a long time
pattern + regular repeated behavior
pause + To stop doing for a while before continuing
peace + time when there is no war or fighting
percentage + part of a whole divided into hundredths
performance + activity done to entertain an audience
physical + Concerning the body of a person
piano + keyboard instrument used for playing music
plain + very simple/ordinary; not decorated; not striped
plane + an airplane
planet + One of the bodies that orbit the sun
plastic + stiff but usually come; what flexible man-made material, usually made using a hydrocarbon-based polymer
plate + flat dish used for eating or serving food
pleasant + Causing a good feeling
pleasure + feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction
political + Concerning government or public affairs
politician + someone who is active in politics
popular + liked or enjoyed by many people
population + number of people who live in a country, area etc
potato + edible tuber vegetable
practical + relating to what is sensible, real or useful
practice + To do something many times to improve a skill
pray + To wish or hope for something to happen or be true
pregnancy + state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
pregnant + When women carry a child inside them that is not yet born
presidential + Concerning the president
presumably + Concerning a true or likely nature
private + (information) personal; not to be seen by everyone
professional + About a job such as doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc
proposal + offer or plan to people who can decide about it
purchase + To buy something; to get by paying money for it
qualification + official record proving a certain standard or level
qualify + to earn a qualification through exam/studying
quality + high level of worth or excellence
range + limits within which something extends or varies
rapid + Happening very quickly
rapidly + With great speed
rare + Not common or usual
rarely + In an infrequent manner
rat + Any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
react + To behave or make a change in a particular way
reaction + feeling or action in response to something
recall + To remember events or details of the past
recommendation + official suggestion about a course of action or a choice of person; the act of suggesting someone or something as a good choice
regard + To pay attention to someone or something
regardless + Without being affected or concerned by something difficult or troubling
regional + Concerning a particular area
registration + act of recording information on an official list
regular + Occurring or being done frequently
regularly + At the usual time each day, week, or month
relax + To become or free from tense, tight, or stiff
release + To allow to leave a jail, cage, prison, etc
reliable + Deserving of your trust, dependable
remain + To be left behind, to continue to exist
remark + To notice or make a comment about something
remarkable + Interesting and unexpected, worthy of notice
repair + To put what is broken back into good condition ; fix
repeat + To say something again
replace + To use instead of something else
representation + act or action of representing something
representative + Typical of a particular group or thing
research + To carefully study to find and report new knowledge
researcher + Someone who does research work
resistance + Refusal to accept something new or different
restaurant + place where you can order, buy and eat a meal
royal + Concerning a king or queen
sake + interest or benefit of someone or something
salary + money an employee is paid each year
sale + Giving something for money; the amount sold
salt + Natural white crystal used to flavor or preserve food
sand + Grains of rock that make beaches and deserts
satisfy + To be happy because you met your expectation
scale + a device that is used to weigh a person or thing
scream + To make a sudden loud cry
seal + To make something so that it does not leak air or water
search + To carefully look for something
season + One of the four parts of the year determined mainly by the weather during that time
separate + to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts
shade + area of darkness when something blocks the light
shadow + dark shape that appears when something is against the; of light
sharp + Having a thin edge or point that is able to cut
signal + move a hand, or other thing to tell people to do something.
similar + Nearly the same
similarly + In away that is almost the same as something or someone else
slave + Someone who is legally owned by another person
smart + Being wise, intelligent or clever
snap + To break something long and thin e.g. a branch
social + Involving activities among people especially free time activities
somewhat + little, not very
spare + Being extra; available to be used or borrowed
specifically + In a well defined or clear manner; in particular
spread + To place something over or cover a large area
stability + quality or state of not being easily moved or changed
stable + In a good situation or condition not likely changed
staff + employees of a company
stair + Steps that go from one level to another
stamp + small piece of paper you buy to put on a letter that you mail
standard + accepted level of quality; an official measurement
steady + Firmly fixed, supported or balanced; not shaking, rocking or likely to fall over
stomach + place in the body where food is digested
stream + small river
sugar + white sweet substance used to make foods sweeter
survival + act of continuing to exist when facing difficulty
swear + To make a serious promise to do something
tale + story about colorful and imaginary events
tank + container for holding liquid or gas
tap + to hit something lightly
taxi + car that transports people for money
teenager + person between the ages of 13 and 19
theater + place where shows are performed on a stage
threat + Warning of probable trouble
threaten + To say you will harm or hurt someone
trace + To find, describe or discover by investigation
trade + To buy, sell and exchange goods in business
tradition + way of thinking, behaving that used for a long time
traditional + Involved in a tradition
traffic + amount of activity over a communication system
transfer + To move something from one place to another
trap + device used for catching animals
trial + Concerning or used in a TRIAL
typical + normal; usual; expected
typically + in a normal or usual way
valley + long, low area between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it
valuable + Being worth a lot of money
value + To say how much money something is worth
variable + Having the ability to change or vary
variation + Something almost the same as another but different
various + several; consisting of different things or types
vary + To be changeable, both up and down
vegetable + plant that is raised and eaten as food
village + small town in the country
wage + money paid to a worker for the hours they worked
wander + To move around without purpose
warn + To tell someone about possible danger
weak (power) + Having little power; not strong; easy to break
weakness + state, condition of not being powerful or strong
weapon + Something that is used for fighting
whereas + taking into consideration the fact that
wrap + To cover something by winding a piece of material around it
abandon + to leave someone you should stay to take care of
abortion + A medical operation to end a pregnancy
abroad + In or to a foreign country
absence + fact of not being present, or not existing
abstract + Concerning something that doesn't exist physically
abuse + To use in an inappropriate or excessive way
academic + educator who works at a college or university
accommodation + place to stay, often a hotel
accompany + To do (e.g. travel, play music) with someone
accomplish + to succeed in doing; complete successfully
accurate + With no mistake or error; Correct
achieve + To succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard
achievement + Something good that you have successfully done
acknowledge + To say you accept the truth or value of something
acquire + to get or earn something by thinking or working
acquisition + Process of acquiring; thing that is acquired
adequate + enough; good enough for what is needed
adjust + To change so as to fit in with new conditions
adjustment + A small change to make something function better
administration + The work of running something, e.g. a business
adopt + to take on responsibility for something
advocate + To publicly support a belief, or to request change
agency + business that provides some service for others
agenda + plan or policy to achieve your goal or intentions
aggressive + behaving in a hostile and threatening way
agricultural + Concerning farming
aim + act of pointing something at a target
aircraft + vehicle that can fly
airline + company that flies passengers in its planes
album + book with a collection of photographs or pictures
allege + to State without proof
ally + Someone who supports, helps, or defends you
alongside + Side by side with something
alternative + Other choices
amendment + a change, addition, or improvement to something
analysis + careful study to better understand something
analyst + Someone who is skilled at studying details of data
analyze + To study carefully to find out the meaning of
ancient + Very old ; having lived a very long time ago
angle + place where two lines or surfaces meet
annual + happening once a year, or every year
anticipate + To expect or look ahead to something positively
anxiety + Fear about what might happen; worry
apologize + To say sorry because of a mistake or injury
appropriate + Right or suitable for some situation or purpose
approval + positive opinion of something or someone
approve + To have a positive opinion of someone or something
approximately + around; nearly; almost; about (a number)
architecture + the design and construction of buildings
arise + To result or happen due to a particular event
assess + To judge something's value or suitability
assessment + conclusion/opinion formed after due consideration
asset + thing that has value to you
assign + To give someone a particular job or something to do
assumption + something you believe to be so, but aren't sure of
athlete + person trained to compete in sports
attribute + quality or characteristic that someone or something has, e.g. size or color
audience + group of people listening, watch a play, movie etc
author + person who writes books, plays, poems etc
award + To give a prize for doing something well
ban + To make something illegal or not allowed
barrier + structure or object that stops free movement
behave + to act in a particular way; to act correctly
behavior + the way a person or thing acts; manner
bias + preference to believe things even if incorrect
biological + Something related to life and living things
boundary + Where one area ends and another begins
broadcast + To send out signals by radio or television
campaign + To work in an organized and active way towards a goal
cancel + To stop a planned event from happening
cancer + Any growth caused by abnormal cell division
capacity + Ability to hold, involve or contain people or things
capture + To catch and prevent person/animal from being free
carbon + chemical element with an atomic number of 6
catalog + list of items that are available for purchase, usually in the form of a book
category + groups of things that are similar in some way
celebrate + To observe an event or occasion, e.g. a birthday
celebration + party/event where people rejoice over something
chairman + A man in charge of a meeting
chamber + enclosed space that holds something e.g. bullets in a gun
characteristic + Typical or distinctive
charity + institution providing help to the needy, the sick
chart + drawing showing information in a clear way
chemical + basic substance produced by mixing elements
civilian + ordinary person who is not in the army
clause + specific term or demand in a legal agreement
climate + typical weather conditions in a particular place
clinical + Concerning the treatment or observing patients
collapse + To suddenly fall down or break apart into pieces
colleague + person you work together or cooperate with
communicate + To give and exchange information
communication + talking to people; giving information to people
compensation + (money) given or received as payment for loss
complaint + Saying something is wrong and should be changed
conservative + Resistant to change
considerable + large in size, amount, or effect
constraint + Thing that prevents you moving or acting; restriction
consultant + expert who gives (paid) advice
contemporary + Being of the time being discussed
contrast + to compare; to show clear, obvious differences
controversial + Causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict
conventional + Following the common attitudes and practices
cooperation + instance when someone agrees to work with at least one other person, to get something done
corporate + Concerning (usually large) companies
corporation + big company or a combination of several companies
craft + To make by hand and with much skill
critical + being important or serious; vital; dangerous
crucial + Extremely important
curtain + piece of cloth used to cover a window
damn + Used as expletives
data + Facts or information used to calculate or analyze
database + data stored in logical order to aid retrieval
debate + general public discussion of a topic
decade + period of 10 years
declare + To say something in an official or sure way
decrease + To reduce the size, amount or number of something
dedicate + To give your energy, time, etc. completely to someone
defeat + To be victorious over an enemy/team/disease; beat
delay + To do something later than is planned or expected
democracy + system of government in which everyone is equal
democratic + of democracy; entitling the people to power
demonstrate + To show how something works (e.g. product)
demonstration + Explanation of how something works (e.g. product)
dialog + conversation between two or more individuals
digital + using electronic signals or computers
disagree + To have a different opinion ; to fail to agree
disaster + state of extreme ruin and misfortune
display + to put so they can be seen or be bought
distant + Existing or happening far away in space
dominate + To control; rule; enjoy a commanding position in
draft + first attempt at a piece of writing
eastern + being in the area to the east
eliminate + To completely remove; to get rid of
embrace + act of holding someone closely
emphasis + special attention, importance, or force
emphasize + To stress the items that are important
enable + To make it possible to do something
enhance + Make effect to increase or improve
entrance + way into a place
equation + mathematical statement showing things to be equal
equivalent + Having equality in value, use or meaning
era + period of time that is characterized by particular events, qualities, conditions, or individuals
essay + short written work that displays someone's opinions or beliefs regarding a particular subject
essential + Extremely important and necessary
estimate + guess or calculation of cost, size or value
evaluate + To form an idea to judge something carefully
evaluation + judgment about the value or condition of something
expand + To become bigger or larger in size and amount
expansion + act of EXPANDING or becoming bigger
experimental + using techniques that are different or untried before
external + Outside of something
extract + Take something out of something else
extraordinary + Beyond what is ordinary; very unusual; remarkable
facility + piece of equipment or buildings with a special use
factor + Something that influences a result
factory + building where things are made
fade + To lose strength or freshness
failure + act or result of not achieving your goals
false + Not real or genuine
federal + system of government
festival + cultural event with a program of events
forecast + prediction of some future thing, e.g. the weather
formal + behaving well/politely; wearing your best clothes
format + form, design, or arrangement of something
formation + process of creating, or making into a particular shape
formula + plan, rule or method for doing or making something
foundation + underground base on which building is constructed
fragment + part that is broken off of something
framework + basic structure of something
functional + useful; not just for decoration
fundamental + Forming a necessary part, base, or core
gallery + place to look at various types of art
gap + distance between two objects
gaze + direction you are looking
generate + To create or be produced or bring into existence
global + Concerning, affecting, or involving the entire world
gradually + Occurring in a slow manner over a period of time
graduate + Concerning university courses taken after receiving a four-year degree
grain + seeds of plants used for food
grateful + Feeling or showing thanks; thankful
guitar + stringed musical instrument played with the fingers
harbor + area of water protected by land and used by ships
immigrant + person moving to another country to live there
implementation + act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect
implication + possible effects or results from an action or event
importance + being important; having a big effect on
incorporate + To include or involve as part of something else
infant + child in the beginning stage of life; a baby
inflation + continual rise in the prices of products
initial + Existing or occurring at the beginning
initially + At first; originally
initiative + ability to decide or act upon things yourself without depending on someone else
innovation + new invention or idea that is created
install + To set up a piece of EQUIPMENT so that it is ready to use
institutional + Being related or similar to an institution
integrate + to combine together; make into one thing
intellectual + person who uses the mind intelligently
interaction + process of two or more people or things affecting each other; the process of INTERACTING
internal + Within or inside
international + done or relating to several countries, not just your own
interpretation + explanation of the meaning of something
isolate + To keep in a place or situation apart from others
jail + place to hold criminals being punished for a crime
journal + book in which brief daily accounts of events are written
journalist + person who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio
label + a piece of paper or material to identify something
landscape + natural scenery of a place
latter + the second or last mentioned thing
laughter + action or sound of laughing
launch + to put a rocket into the air; put a ship into the water
layer + one of several sheets of a material or object
leather + chemically tanned animal skin, e.g. for shoes
legislation + act or process of writing and passing laws
liability + something that is owed to someone else, e.g. a debt
liberal + Believing government should actively support social needs
literally + In a way that expresses the exact or LITERAL meaning of something
literary + Concerning or concerned with literature
literature + Writings that are valued as works of art, esp. fiction, drama and poetry
majority + amount that is more than half of a group
manufacture + to produce large numbers of products in a factory
manufacturer + group or company that makes a certain product
margin + edge or border of a page on above, below
mature + Being an adult, being fully developed physically
mayor + head of city government
meanwhile + At or during the same time ; in the meantime
mechanism + piece of machinery
moderate + Average in size or amount
moral + in a way considered proper and good by most people
mortgage + long-term loan from a bank for buying property
motivate + to make someone enthusiastic about doing something
motivation + mental drive in a person that makes him or her do something
mutual + Shared between two or more people
narrative + the telling of a story
negative + Being harmful, unwanted or unhelpful
negotiate + To have a formal discussion to reach an agreement
negotiation + a formal discussion to reach an agreement
nuclear + Concerning or involving the center of an ATOM
obligation + duty that must be performed because of a law, rule, agreement, or promise
ocean + large body of salt water that covers most of the surface of the earth
opera + play with music in which all the words are sung
organic + Concerning food made with few or no chemicals
overall + Viewed as a whole; in general, not as details
overseas + In or to a foreign country that is across a sea
pace + rate of speed at which someone or something moves or happens
pale + Light in color
panel + group of people who answer questions or give opinions
paragraph + section of writing that usually deals with one subject
parallel + Very similar and often occurring at the same time
participant + person who is actively involved and included in something
participate + To take part with others in doing something
participation + act of being involved in something
passage + narrow path or space through which people or objects can go through
passenger + person who is travelling in a vehicle
passion + powerful, positive feeling about something
peak + Being at the highest or best level of something
penalty + Punishment for committing a crime or offense
permanent + Lasting forever ; not temporary or changing
personality + person_s unique character; the way that a person usually acts
persuade + to get you to do/believe something, by giving reasons
phase + distinct part or step in a process
phrase + group of words that forms a unit and expresses a single meaning
platform + flat, raised structure that people stand on
portrait + painting, drawing or photograph of a person's head and shoulders
potential + capable of happening or becoming reality
potentially + that could happen or become reality
praise + To express approval of something or someone
primarily + in the most basic or important way
primary + most important, most basic or essential
principal + Being of the most importance
psychological + Having to do with the mind
publication + process of producing a book, magazine
quantity + amount or number of something
racial + Concerning or according to race
radical + very new and different from what is traditional
rail + long, thin piece of metal
random + Chosen, done without a particular plan or pattern
rank + To rate people in higher or lower position relative to others
ratio + quantitative relationship in size, etc
raw + Being uncooked
rear + To bring up animals e.g. horses as a farmer
regulate + To set or adjust the amount, restrict something
regulation + official rule that controls how something is done
relative + Measured or considered in comparison to something else
relatively + In a manner that measures or compares something to something else
relevant + Concerning a subject in an considerable way
reputation + common opinion that people have about someone
retail + Concerning the business of selling products to the public for personal use
retain + To continue to have or use, keep the quality
reveal + To make known, to show or prove
reward + To give something to someone because of their good work
rival + be in opposition to someone often as competitors
romantic + Involving, causing, or relating to strong feelings of love between two people
rural + Concerning the country as opposed to the city
sample + To try something to see if you like it (e.g. food)
sanction + action taken to force a country to obey laws
satisfaction + happy feeling because of something that you did
scan + To look for details in something by examining it carefully
scholar + educated person who attends or attended school
secretary + Employee in an office, usually working for another person, dealing with letters, typing, filing, etc. and making appointments and arrangements
significance + importance of something; the potential for something to have a big effect
significant + Large enough to be noticed or have an effect; important
significantly + In a way that is important or noticeable
stain + To mark or change the color of something so it looks dirty
stake + To bet or wager on an outcome
statistic + number that represents a piece of information
status + position or rank relative to others in a society
stimulate + Excite to action
strain + To use too much energy that you hurt yourself
strategy + careful plan or method for achieving a goal
structural + Concerning or caused by structure
substance + particular type of material
substantial + Being large in degree, quantity, or size
summarize + To state the main or most important ideas of something
summary + brief statement that gives the most important info
sustain + To maintain, lengthen or continue to do something
tackle + attempt to force a person to the ground; often in sports such as RUGBY or American football
talent + natural ability of a person to do something well
target + a goal or amount you are trying to achieve
task + big or small piece of work someone has to do
technical + of practical use of machines or science in industry
temperature + how hot or cold something is, e.g. the weather
temporary + Continuing for a limited time, not permanent
theoretical + Involved the uncertain or yet to be proved aspects of a certain subject
therapy + Treatment intended to help fix your problem or medical illness
trail + path, usually through a field or a forest
transform + To change the shape completely in a good way
transition + change from one state, movement, place, or subject to another
translate + To change words from one language into another
transport + To carry things from one place to another
transportation + act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another
ultimately + Done or considered as the final and most important
undertake + To begin or attempt, commit oneself to and begin
universal + Done or experienced by everyone
urban + Concerning a city; located in a city
variety + particular type of thing or person
vast + Being very large in size or amount
veteran + Experienced through long service or practice
via + By going through, by way of
virtually + In an almost complete or entire manner
visual + Something to look at with the eyes
vital + Being of extreme importance for the success of something
voluntary + Done or given by their own will and not forced to do
wealth + large amount of money and possessions
wealthy + Having a great quantity of money or property
welfare + program for poor or unemployed people help living
withdraw + Pull back; move away or backward from something
accord + agreement or harmony
grammar + rules explaining how words are used in a language
nowadays + At the present time; now
attach + To be associated or connected with
quadrillion + number that is represented as a one followed by 24 zeros
a + One (of something)
ad + public notice or advertisement
band + group of people who work together e.g. play music
shareholder + Someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation
education + process of giving or receiving teaching
giant + Extremely big, or much bigger than other things
gray + Color between black and white (also spelled grey)
great + Very good; fantastic; wonderful
half + the part you get when one is divided into two; ½
january + 1st month of the year
lean + To balance against or on something for support
may + expresses permission, possibility or probability
monday + second day of the week; the day after Sunday
park + to put your car or bike in a certain place for a time
read + To look at and comprehend the meaning some writing
software + market for software is expected to expand
tea + drink made when you put dried leaves in hot water
update + To bring something up to date (usually by adding something)
warm + slightly hot; not very hot
way + how something is done
base + origin or start from which something came
call + To phone someone
demand + To strongly request someone to do something; insist
part + Some, but not all of a specific thing
play + To do or perform a game or sport
board + surface for posting or showing information
actor + Person who acts in the theater, movies, or TV
Ideal + which is thought of as being perfect
Mean + To have a particular meaning or value
Surface + of the top layer; superficial
fall + Dropping from a standing position to the ground
e-mail + communicate electronically on the computer